Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 28 Welcome

Chapter 28 is always welcome


Maybe some people think that the previous chapter is too clean~

But you have to write a play without a forbidden word~

It's really a matter of consideration!

At least, I did it~

Clear water, just clear water!

Anyway, clear water is my style!

Hee hee!


Brother Win thought for a moment and finally handed Wu Linger a turtleneck sleeveless T-shirt and a pair of pure cotton sweatpants.

After putting on her clothes and coming out, Wu Linger pulled the hairpin of the plate head, and a green silk naturally flowed down, and successfully covered a few small strawberry prints on her shoulder.

After doing these, Wu Linger looked at Brother Win: "How about it? Can you still see it?"

For Wu Linger's desireful behavior, Brother Ying shook his head with a smile and pressed her in front of the dressing mirror: "Let me do it!"

It seemed to casually take a hairstyle for Wu Linger, and the drooping hair just blocked the small strawberries on Wu Linger's shoulder.

Although Brother Win has finished it, Wu Linger is still a little dissatisfied: "I've never seen you like this. How can you even nibble on other people's shoulders?"

"That's only your fault for being so delicious!" Brother Win licked Wu Linger's small earlobe behind Wu Linger, which made Wu Linger jump up like an injured rabbit and ran away from the door.

Although he ran out and saw the people in the living room, Wu Linger stopped in horror: "That... Good morning, everyone!"

Although there were a room of people, no one answered Wu Linger. Suddenly, Wu Linger was depressed: "That..."

Just when Brother Win didn't know what to say, Brother Win came out and solved Wu Linger's siege in time: "Why are you all here? Where's Linger's breakfast?

Xiaohua pointed to the dining car: "There!" Although his voice sounded a little unhappy, he finally spoke.

Wu Linger slipped to the dining car like a thief to bring breakfast to the table.

Seeing Wu Linger's appearance, Mung Bean sighed and stood up: "I'll do it!" Just go and sit down!"

As if he didn't see everyone's dissatisfied eyes, Brother Ying sat on the sofa: "Have Mr. Li and Nalan been here this morning?"

"Old Li came here once, and so did Sister Nalan, but they found that... Ling Er was still resting and left!" Xiaohua hesitated to tell the situation.

Brother Win nodded, stretched out his hand, and a boundary enveloped everyone: "I talked to Li Tianyou last night."

As Brother Win expected, everyone's eyes turned to him, and even Wu Linger looked at him: "What did Dad say?"

Brother Ying shook his head with a wry smile: "It's similar to what you feel. He has no intention of living! Not to mention the idea of waking up. But..." After seeing the disappointed look in Wu Linger's eyes, Brother Win turned his words around: "After he knew that I was your fiance, he asked me a question. He asked me if I really love Linger and could sacrifice my life for her!"

After seeing Wu Linger's surprised expression, Brother Ying smiled: "Yes, he doesn't care about you, he doesn't care about you! Maybe there is something else that makes him have to make such a decision! You'd better have a good exchange with him today!"

"Then you can't do such a thing to prove that you are Ling'er's fiance!" The coffee muttered in a low voice, but in exchange for Ji Zai's punch: "Dead cat, shut up!"

In fact, everyone knows that if Wu Linger hadn't had such an idea, no matter how much Brother Win thought about it, he would not have forced Wu Linger. The reason why they would be like this should be...

Discovering the silence in the room, Wu Linger sighed and put down the bread in her hand: "Don't blame Brother Win. I'm too cowardly!"


"Brother Win, you are always misunderstood by everyone to protect me and support me. At least this time, I don't want everyone to think of you like this in their hearts!" Wu Linger stopped Brother Ying's words and said to everyone, "Actually... I have never been a bold person."

Hearing Wu Linger's words, Xiao Lv couldn't help laughing and said, "If you are not bold, there are really few bold people in the world!"

"Little Green, in fact, you all know, don't you? The reason why I acted so bold is that I don't want to give myself an excuse for cowardice. Wu Linger sighed: "Because I'm afraid of losing, I'm so strong. I'm doing this just to prevent myself from losing anyone, one thing. Because I'm afraid that once I lose it, I will turn back to the original self who only dares to shrink in the corner and cry and dares not communicate with anyone. I don't want to live in such a hell anymore, and I don't want to live in a place that makes me feel desperate, so I force myself to be strong all the time.

"Only this time, I lost my direction. Although there is everyone around me, I am always afraid. Even in the witches, they were not as scared as this time. In the face of those superficial struggles of the witch clan, with everyone by my side, I'm sure I can deal with it, but this time, I don't know what Li Tianzuo is going to do. I'm afraid that I can't protect everyone.

"Brother Ying... In fact, I know that I don't want to combine with him wholeheartedly this time. I just want to make myself stronger and stronger my determination not to give up. Because there is no regret in my heart, and because there is a greater concern in my heart, I will become stronger and will not become confused in the face of what will happen next. So he forgave my waywardness and fulfilled my request.

After Wu Linger's words, the people in the room were silent. Brother Ying sighed gently, walked over and stood behind the chair and gently hugged Wu Linger: "Don't think too much! Everything will be fine! At least, there will be no regret like Ye Tian and Nalan between us, will we?"

"Ling Er, if you want to strengthen your firm belief, coffee is always welcome!" Coffee suddenly smiled and opened his hands to Wu Linger. It was Ji Zai's fist that greeted him. He punched him to the wall and almost became a wall hanging: "Ji Zai!"

"Idiot woman, as expected, you are all idiots!" Ji Zai stared at Wu Linger angrily, but it made Wu Linger lower her head: "Ji Zai, I'm sorry!"

"What's wrong with you?" After saying that, Ji Zai felt as if what he said was too obvious. He quickly replied, "I mean, there is nothing to be sorry about. As a witch pet, it is right to help the owner of the contract, even if you come to us... Bah! Dead cat, it's all your fault! So that I was all circled in!" Ji Zai found that his words were getting more and more wrong, and he couldn't help staring at the coffee fiercely. He was so scared that he quickly hid behind Xiaohua.

Seeing Ji Zai's appearance, Wu Linger couldn't help laughing: "Ji Zai, why didn't I find that you had such funny potential before?"

"What a laugh! Anyway, you remember that you are not alone, you still have us! No matter what your choice is, what you want to do or what you have done, we will stand by your side and always be with you!" It's rare that Ji Zai said so seriously last time, which made the people in the room calm down.

After a while, Wu Linger sighed: "Ji Zai, now I really believe that even if you are so evil, you will really pay so much for coffee. You are really a person who will give everything for your friends!!"

"Woman, the next time you praise me, remember to remove the word evil!" Jizi reached out and stayed in the sea and sat back on the sofa in a perfect posture. Wu Linger couldn't help laughing again.

Xiaohua thought for a moment, pulled out the corner of her clothes from the coffee hand and walked to Wu Linger: "Since the past, I have made up my mind that no matter who Linger chooses, I will always be by your side. Now it seems that my determination is not firm enough, so I am unhappy. However, as long as it is Ling Er's decision, I will try my best to adapt to it!"

"Little flower!!" Wu Linger hugged Xiaohua: "I'm sorry!!"

"Fool, what's wrong with you?" Xiaohua hugged Wu Linger and smiled gently: "You, take care of yourself! Don't force yourself too much! Well, as coffee says, if you don't think someone is strong enough to help you, I don't think everyone here will mind helping you!" After saying that, Xiaohua glanced at Brother Win like a demonstration.