Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 52 The Strength of Witch Pets

Chapter 52 The Strength of Witch Pets


If the tiger is not powerful, do you really think my Linger is a kitten?

Let you stinky old man see the strength of my witch pets!

Small sample, after maimed you, let's see how arrogant you are!

Wow haha~

Ling Er has been holding back for so long that she can finally spit out the evil spirit in her chest!


Seeing Elder Mei hesitate, Li Tianzuo quickly said, " Elder Mei, Tianyou's heart is no longer in the Li family now. Even if he is left, it will not be good for the Li family! But the virtuous elders are different!"

Thinking about it, even if someone else can replace Li Tianyou to use psychic jade, Wu Linger must sacrifice. For the Li family, she sacrificed her wife and her daughter, Li Tianyou's heart will definitely not stay in the Li family again, so...

While Elder Mei was thinking about it, Wu Linger laughed. She stepped out of the little green yellow light protection and pointed to Li Tianzuo and cursed: "Li Tianzuo, a shameless old man, wants to have a blood relationship with my father. Why don't you use your own blood? Have you been trying to harm my father? It's not enough to kill my mother and still want to hurt me. You are jealous that my father is loved by my master, so you want to hurt him, don't you? Don't tell me your identity as a bullshit patriarch. If you die, my father will manage the Li family 100 times better than you. Obviously, you are timid and jealous, so you think of a way to harm our family! Fortunately, when you saw me, you said how much you loved your brother and how sorry you were as my niece. In fact, we are just your pawn in your eyes. Destroy our family and my father. There is no one in the Li family who can threaten you anymore. From then on, you can sit in the position of patriarch and serve the master who didn't want to see you wholeheartedly, right? Because you are the only one left for your master's two apprentices!!"

When Wu Linger said this, Li Tianzuo blushed with anger: "You are talking nonsense!!"

"Then why do you think about sacrificing others from beginning to end? My mother, my father, I, and even your adopted son can't stand it. I want to sacrifice for you in exchange blood with me, but you have never thought of anyone else!!" Wu Linger's words made Elder Mu and Elder Mei turn their heads and look at Li Tianzuo.

It's okay if Wu Linger doesn't say so. It seems that Li Tianzuo has never thought about doing something by himself. Does he really just want to cure the virtuous elders?

Seeing the eyes of Elder Mu and Elder Mei, Li Tianzuo took out a jade card: "Li Mu, Li Mei obeys the order! Hurry up and capture Li Tianyou!!"

Seeing Li Tianzuo's appearance, Wu Linger couldn't help laughing: "Look, are you ashamed and angry? Is the original shape exposed? Hypocritical old man! Even if you threaten the two elders, today, I will definitely not let you get what you want!!"

Seeing the eldest brother's appearance, Li Tianyou sighed gently in his heart and turned his head to look at Elder Mu and Elder Mei: "Well, two elders, let's go over there!" After saying that, his feet were gently raised and he had stepped hundreds of meters away, which was as relaxed as walking leisurely, which made Elder Mu and Elder Mei couldn't help but feel a chill.

Wu Linger glanced at the people around her and sneered: "No one is allowed to do anything except my witch pet and Xiaohua, right? Take everyone to protect my women. If they lose a hair, I will go back and ask the children in the hospital to make trouble with you!" After saying that, Wu Linger also looked at Michelle: "It's almost dawn. Tell your men to go to rest first!" Ahe, Gao, remember, these women are my people. If they have any accident, you know the consequences!!"

Looking at Wu Linger's smile, Wu He and Wu Gao couldn't help shivering: "Understand, understand, clear!! Don't worry!"

Looking at the Li family slowly leaning over, Wu Linger sneered: "Li Tianzuo, I hope you think carefully. Although the Li family is a Xiuzhen family, it is not easy to practice now. If you really think about the Li family, let these people retreat. Otherwise, I won't care about my witch pet this time!!"

Answer Wu Linger's answer was Li Tianzuo: "The first group of attacks, kill them!! " capture Wu Linger!"

Wu Linger had a calm face, with her hands behind her back, and took a steady step with the six handsome men behind her and began to walk forward. Her face was solemn, staring at the Li family in front of her, especially Li Tianzuo.

The witch pets behind Wu Linger also laughed at each other and said nothing. Just after Wu Linger stopped, the coffee Jizai behind Wu Linger, the little green bean moved.

The four people took a step forward. At this step, the concrete ground under their feet had burst into pieces. The sudden explosion of the high speed of the four people made some people have no time to react. The figure flashed directly and rushed to the front of the children of the Li family in front.

The children of the Li family felt a little numbness in some parts of their body without prevention. The next second, they had fallen to the ground.

With one blow, Coffee Jizai's little mung bean returned to Wu Linger's side.

At this time, the other party found that his companion had fallen to the ground. One was cut off his head by some sharp blade. One was burned to leave only one human form on the ground. One became a mummified corpse without any water, and the other turned into a mottled stone carving. At this time, a gust of wind blew, and the stone carving became a little The point cracked, shattered, and fell to the ground with a bang, becoming a pile of gravel. No one could recognize that a few seconds ago, he was still a living person.

"Wu Linger, do you really want to oppose me?" In an instant, four children of the Li family were lost, and even Li Tianzuo was a little angry.

Wu Linger just stood there unmoved. She had already said what she had to say. At this time, she had nothing to say with Li Tianzuo, and everything had to see the truth under her hands!

When Li Tianzuo saw that Wu Linger didn't say anything, he waved his hand again, and all the children of the Li family rushed to Wu Linger and others.

Wu Linger still stood in the same place with her hands behind her back, and four figures flew out beside her. Because the speed of the fight was too fast, Wu Linger could no longer capture everyone's figure with her eyes, and she did not intend to see the battle, so she just continued to look at Li Tianzuo faintly.

The sound of fierce fighting came from the air. From time to time, the children of the Li family were blown away, burned to death, and shredded... The protective weapon of the Li family they relied on could not resist the power of the four of them at all, and they could crack it with just a few punches...

The battle lasted for a short time and soon ended. The four coffee returned to Wu Linger's side, and there was still no living person on the ground as before. Only this time, Wu Linger could feel that Xiao Green and Mung Bean's breathing was a little short. It seems that this small battle has also consumed them a lot of strength.

How's it going? Have you thought about it?" Wu Linger finally opened her mouth, but her voice was lower, and the group of people behind Wu Linger could feel the anger rising in Wu Linger's heart.

Li Tianzuo shook his head: "I have planned for 30 years and paid so much for this matter. I can't let you go!"

"Yes, then continue!" Wu Linger seemed to answer Li Tianzuo casually. They moved their hands and feet and came forward again with a smile!

Unlike just now, there were more people rushing up this time. They tightly surrounded the four people of coffee. Occasionally, someone's body was thrown out of the crowd and turned into pieces in mid-air. However, Wu Linger also heard Xiaolu's muffled hum!

The hands on his back were clenched tightly, but the expression on Wu Linger's face did not change. Brother Win's hand suddenly held Wu Linger's hand gently: "Don't worry, Xiaolu will be fine!!" Because the strongest enemy has not yet appeared! These people in front of them are just some small characters of Gonjie Dan. Although they are beyond ordinary warriors and powers, they are not their opponents of coffee. The only trouble is that they are slightly larger.

"Little Green, get back and rest!" With a roar of coffee, he grabbed Little Green and threw him out of the battle circle. Then more than a dozen children of the Li family chased and killed them.

Xiaohua held Xiaolu. Brother Ying has rushed over. No one saw how he took action. More than a dozen children of the Li family have all fallen to the ground. As if he was not satisfied, he rushed to the war circle like a hungry tiger.

" Stop it!" Li Tianzuo finally opened his mouth again.

The son of the Li family immediately stopped attacking at Li Tianzuo's order, while Wu Linger sneered at Li Tianzuo and waved his hand, and then they returned to Wu Linger's side. Coffee looked at Little Green: "Little Green, you are a little too weak!"

"Shut up! Dead cat!" Ji Zai stared at the coffee. It was Xiao Lv who was injured just to protect Ji Zai, otherwise it would be Ji Zai who was injured just now.

Wu Linger ignored the noise of everyone behind her and just looked up at Li Tianzuo: "How's it going? Have you thought about it? If you want to continue, I don't mind!" After saying that, Wu Linger was ready to issue an attack order again.

"You should know that I will never give up. You know, even if you escape today, your friends can't escape! You can give up the secular life, can your friends? Can your friend's relatives do it?" Li Tianzuo paused for a moment and said, "As long as you promise to help me, I can guarantee that they will all be well taken care of!"

If it were the original, Wu Linger might succumb, but today Wu Linger sneered: "Who said I was going to escape? Threatening me? Just beat you so that you can never threaten anyone again!" After saying that, she waved her hand, and Brother Win and Coffee Ji went out: "Green beans, you stay to protect Ling Er and Xiaohua!"

After dealing with the little green injury, Xiaohua stretched out his hand and a peony appeared in his hand. He strode to follow Brother Win: "I'll follow you!" After saying that, he looked back at Wu Linger.

Wu Linger just nodded gently: "Be safe!" But there is no objection!

Seeing that Brother Win also took action, Li Tianzuo no longer hesitated. As soon as he reached out, 20 people appeared in front of Brother Win.

In the face of the enemy, Brother Win just smiled faintly: "If you destroy these 20 people, the Li family will basically be disabled by us! Do you want to see who destroys more!"