Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 197 The Essence of Reform

The fertilizer factory does not raise idle people, which is the focus emphasized by Zhu Daidong at the meeting. It is inevitable for the fertilizer factory to re-produce, deepen the grass reform, and adjust the structure. Although this may be very painful, just like the pain before the break, the pain is too much, but the pain is the coming of happiness.

For the reform of the country, Zhu Daidong was also confused at the beginning. 〖 What kind of historical period is China in now? What is the essence of the national reform? This problem was clear in the early days of the revision. However, with the deepening of the reform, more and more people are involved in it. With the wheels of history rolling together, there are no more bystanders in the event, and they know the imprint of emotions, interests, situations and positions.

As a result, the clear picture is no longer clear and begins to become blurred. In this process, most intellectuals consciously and unconsciously act as the spokespersons of various interests, unable or unwilling to jump out. This is also the reason why fake experts, or experts, lie. For their own benefit, they consciously or unconsciously act as the vanguard of others. From the beginning of the grass reform to the present, the variety of ideas has been born from this. I don't know the true face of Lushan Mountain, but only because I am in this mountain.

The reform of the country really began with the end of the Taizu Dynasty. Just like all highly centralized state machines, after a short period of rapid economic growth in the 1950s with a strong resource mobilization capacity, the disadvantages of this highly centralized planned economy model gradually came out. On the one hand, the efficiency of the highly concentrated resource mobilization ability depends on the cohesion of the people and the dedication of the people, but this state of intoxication of the people is unsustainable and can only be effective for a while.

With the centralized use of power comes the corruption of power itself and the gradual cooling and laxity of the people's hearts. The economic operation has fallen into an incurable inefficiency, such as nearly 2,000 people in the fertilizer factory. The actual number of actual workers is less than 600, and the dirty, bitter and tiring work are still completed by temporary It is not surprising to be born from this.

On the other hand, this highly centralized mode of egalitarian operation, due to the lack of class differentiation, blocks the social division of labor (the division of labor is not only in production technology, but also in social roles. Only when the division of labor is in place, the social efficiency can be brought into full play). The value-added efficiency of its economic activities is so low that when the power of resource mobilization is applied to a limit, economic growth will be weak. The engine of economic development is turned off, and no new impetus can be found. As a result, the country is poor and the people are poor, and the gap with the world's advanced level is getting wider and wider.

This is also why the fertilizer factory was so prosperous in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China. At that time, the enthusiasm of the working class was really from the heart, but with the passage of time, cohesion and dedication were slowly replaced by self-interest. People were not for themselves, people were destroyed, people were floating in trouble, the It is not uncommon for night workers to doze off and drive empty cars. Resources are wasted a lot, and personnel efficiency is extremely low. All enterprises are dependent on the country, which makes the pace of the giant of [China] more and more slow. Compared with the development of other countries, it is not surprising that China is lagging behind.

It was in this kind of mountain and water that the chief designer began to change his grass. Zhu Daidong, the chief designer, is very admired. He has made great efforts to study the theory of general design. As a realist politician, the old man is not a historical teletheist. He does not believe in any historical necessity or universal path. He just started from the lessons that mankind had and chose a realistic and feasible way for the [China] country at that time, a development model that could get out of the predicament.

This is the beginning of the national reform and social transformation!

The old man's transformation strategy was tenacious at the beginning of the reform in 1979, and it gradually matured and clear in practice. By the time of the speech of the southern tour the year before last, the country was finally completed. Since then, the way the country will go in the future has been very clear, so clear that it is impossible to misunderstand.

It is also difficult for latecomers to reverse this process, and they can only make limited adjustments and corrections on this basis.

This transformation strategy can be summarized as: economic first, political slowing down. That's why Zhu Daidong is focused on economic work, and everything is centered on economic construction, which is not for fun. The essence of economic reform is: in terms of resource allocation, it replaces the planned economy with a market economy; in the form of property rights, it replaces the public economy with a private economy; in terms of wealth distribution, it replaces egalitarianism with class differentiation; in terms of the political system, it is dominated by the people. Replace the current one. The dictatorship.

Zhu Daidong believes that this is the only feasible way for the country to find out again in the baptism of blood and tears after decades of madness, confusion and the pain of hitting a wall. Among them, in addition to the first meaning of economic reform, the other three layers are only suitable today.

But as long as every point is taken, the last three points are logical necessity. These four are four in one and inseparable. It is impossible to imagine a market economy that can operate public ownership or an egalitarian market economy in reality.

Since the private ownership economy is to be born from the public ownership, the tilt and concentration of wealth distribution is inevitable; since it is necessary to change egalitarianism into a class society, the differentiation between the rich and the poor is also inevitable. In a country with a low level of overall economic development, this kind of transformation and differentiation is bound to have some people to bear the sacrifices and straighten out the structure and bear the pain of advancing lightly for the whole society.

If you still tie everyone together as before, you can only repeat the old path of egalitarianism. This may be in line with many people's current wishes, but for the whole society, it is just a chronic suicide to quench thirst. Therefore, the temporary pain of childbirth in the transition period is inevitable, which is the price that must be paid for the birth of a new life.

For the current fertilizer plant, Zhu Daidong's reform is not the most painful. After all, he has not introduced a private economy in the public economy. Although Zhu Daidong has seen that it is a historical tagonism for private ownership to replace public ownership, at this stage, it is too shocking to propose to let private enterprises enter state-owned enterprises. Don't say that the people in the fertilizer factory will not support themselves, I'm afraid that even the county party committee and county government will not support themselves. Maybe, the deputy county magistrate said goodbye to everyone.

Zhu Daidong doesn't think that everyone is drunk and wakes up alone. [Zhong] There has never been a shortage of capable people in the country. Even Guo Lin'an and Wang Lijun know these things, but there are some things that can't be done now, let alone.

That's why as the grass goes deeper, most people will begin to feel pain and resent the continuation of the grass. If a few people pay the price, most people will benefit. Due to the total limit, class differentiation and the private economy are still impossible to breed, the social division of labor is still hindered, economic growth is still impossible to get the necessary momentum, and society can only operate on the original track. Therefore, the economic transition is a hurdle that today's [China] country can't but overcome. Only by enduring the pain can we give birth to the hope and future of the whole society.

What makes Zhu Daidong a little frustrated is that his own approach is too ideal now. On the farm in Shushuling, he tied all the farmers in the township in order to make a profit for the whole township. There is also Lion Mountain Furniture Factory, which also allowed the whole township farmers to invest. At that time, it was just his own subconscious behavior. In the municipal party school, he systematically studied the theory of the general design, and Zhu Daidong could even recite all the essays.

Now Zhu Daidong seems to be able to see the trend of reforming, but it has changed the current situation of not changing the grass. Rationally, he knows that he should believe in the truth, but emotionally, he hopes that state-owned enterprises can revive their strength. It's not the time to break yet. He hopes that he can try more. When he was in the agricultural machinery factory, the county finance paid for it, and it was not easy for him to change the system. However, for the machinery factory, he adopted the development zone and the machinery factory to form a machinery company. Although the nature of the machinery company has not changed, with more control of the development zone, the machinery company will be more transparent in management, and will also introduce the management system of modern enterprises.

For the fertilizer factory, Zhu Daidong would like to adopt the practice of the machinery factory, introduce other funds, and even control the fertilizer factory by other enterprises. But before that, the fertilizer factory needs to practice "internal skills". Now Zhu Daidong has settled in the fertilizer plant, which is to prepare for the operation of the fertilizer plant.

Huang Hao is only the first step. His evidence of guilt is easy to obtain. With Chang Huaiqing coming forward, Zhu Daidong believes that if he does not take action, it is impossible for Huang Hao to return to the fertilizer factory. However, for other leaders in the factory, corruption, suspension inspection is inevitable, and those who are not suitable for the current position will also be transferred to the position that suits them best.

"The survival of the fittest, competition for the post", this is Zhu Daidong's first reform of the new fertilizer factory. In accordance with the industry standards, combined with the production of the fertilizer factory, 400 specific positions have been set, the conditions and responsibilities of the post have been clarified, all of them are announced, and the self-recommend Implement two-way selection and compete for the post.

In just 5 days, the whole factory received a total of 1031 self-recommendation forms. The competition leading group composed of Zhu Daidong and the fertilizer factory selected 24 heads of workshops and departments according to the comprehensive evaluation, and then authorized them to recruit 376 employees according to the position setting plan. Ten days later, the list of 400 employed employees was officially announced, and they will re-sign employment contracts with fertilizer one by one.

The contract also stipulates that the lessee has the right to dismiss employees who seriously violate discipline or disobedience to management and still fail to correct after education and return them to the main factory. The fertilizer factory has also adopted a new distribution method for the labor remuneration of the hired personnel. All wage standards are recorded in the files, and the income is linked to the performance of the post skills, output, consumption, etc., which is assessed day by day and distributed on a monthly basis. For the hard, dirty and tiring work originally performed by temporary workers, the labor remuneration quota shall be adopted, and the team and the process shall independently determine the employment and distribution method.