Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 271 Reform requires someone to sacrifice!

Zhu Daidong wanted to find the organizer and leader of the workers' assembly, but as soon as his idea arose, it went out immediately. The current situation is like a pile of dry firewood exposed to the scorching sun, and the dry wood is covered with gasoline. As long as there is a little spark, it will immediately ignite a huge fire.

Even if you just catch a worker, it will ignite Mars. "What's more, catching their leader? It's like holding a fire-breathing gun" and spraying at this pile of dry wood sprinkled with gasoline. Now Zhu Daidong is not the boss here. He is only a shrimp at most. Everything depends on the organization, believes in the organization, and obeys the organization.

And where is the organization? For the current Zhu Daidong, the organization is in the municipal government compound dozens of meters away from him. Zhu Daidong and Cao Changkuan arrived at the city government safely under the escort of the Danming armed police. In the conference room of the municipal government, in addition to the main leaders of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, the leaders of all counties and cities are present.

When Zhu Daidong arrived, someone immediately sent him a copy of the relevant materials. It was not until then that Zhu Daidong understood the whole story.

Since the beginning of the 90s, the municipal party committee and the municipal government at that time announced that they would make strategic adjustments to the Shachang industrial economy and revitalize the economy in accordance with the central policy. The municipal government has also introduced a series of measures to vigorously support the private economy, and give preferential policies to foreign investors from coastal areas to invest in Shachang. Since the beginning of the 90s, private enterprises in Shachang have sprung up one after another. The municipal government has come forward to vigorously support private entrepreneurs and encourage them to let go.

These policies have indeed achieved good benefits, but because private enterprises were just developing at that time, they did not have the advantage of competition with state-owned enterprises in many aspects, and state-owned enterprises did not feel any pressure. On the contrary, the newly emerging private factories are due to the small number of workers in the labor market, because at that time, state-owned workers still had a lifelong guarantee of "iron rice bowls". Private enterprise owners have been complaining that enterprises cannot expand their production scale.

In order to improve efficiency and promote grass reform, the Shachang Municipal Government announced the abolition of the work distribution policy for the children of workers, implement the two-way choice between enterprises and workers, and deepen the construction of the labor market.

At that time, the economic policy of the municipal government was mainly to pave the way for further reform of state-owned enterprises in the future. Since last year, Shachang City has officially formulated a reform plan, which was approved by the provincial government. At that time, Yuhuā County also began to restructure the county's state-owned enterprises, and Zhu Daidong was transferred to the county at that time.

The restructuring of state-owned enterprises is officially implemented in the whole city!

The government has also vigorously promoted the benefits of "laid-off diversion" [from the economy". At that time, in the TV, newspapers and broadcasts in the city, the most reported criticism of the shortcomings of the state-owned economy, such as: "The state-owned economy has no competitive advantage!", "The workers of state-owned enterprises are passive in their work because they have long-term contracts!", "State-owned enterprises drag the state..." "The efficiency of Heavy debt.

Replace planning with market economy, economy, and public ownership with private ownership, these are the processes that must be taken. In these processes, as the owner of these state-owned enterprises, the original owner: the working class, feels the most obvious pain. The temporary pain of childbirth in this transition period of state-owned enterprises is inevitable, which is also the price that must be paid for the birth of a new life!

And this year, the tentacles of the change of grass extend to the military enterprises, and today's workers are mainly from the laid-off workers of these military enterprises. There are many large-scale military enterprises in Shachang City, just like the original 3, 4, 6 and 7 9 Arsenal, which mainly produce anti-aircraft guns and naval guns on ships, and began to produce civilian motorcycles in the Tian era. However, due to sales and some quality problems, the sales of motorcycles of civilian products are not large, almost losing money from the beginning of production until now.

The restructuring is mainly aimed at civilian products, announcing the separation of civilian products from military industry, the bankruptcy of civilian products, and the workers in the single-room of civilian products in the factory were laid off.

There is also a military enterprise in Shachang Machinery and Machinery Plant, which is mainly engaged in the production of military logistics equipment! More than 8,000 workers have been bought out by these two military enterprises alone. In addition to the laid-off workers of other state-owned enterprises in the city, the number of laid-off workers in Shachang City has exceeded 100,000. This is only less than two years. It can be said that the city has taken out great courage to push 100,000 people to the market at once. Of course, they will feel pain.

The original way to change the grass is to break the existing framework. As the change goes deeper, most people will definitely start to feel pain and have a resentment against changing the grass. If a few people pay the price, most people will benefit. Due to the total limit of class differentiation and the private economy, the social division of labor is still hindered, economic growth is still impossible to gain the necessary momentum, and society can only operate on the original track. What's the point of such a grass-repover? How can such a grass-repover be changed [China] the fate of the country?

Therefore, the economic transition is a hurdle that today's [China] country can't but overcome. Only by enduring the pain can we give birth to the hope and future of the whole society.

Although it is clear that it is imperative for the city to reform state-owned enterprises, in the face of the resentment of these workers, the use of coercive methods will only intensify contradictions. These workers will feel that they have been abandoned, feel that they have enjoyed unfair treatment, and even wonder why the city wants to sell state-owned assets cheaply, because in that way, it will smash their jobs and make them no longer people in the unit or public.

Once they are pushed into society, of course, they will be at a loss, and the resentment in their hearts will become deeper and deeper. Of course, they will attack the government or even go to extremes!

Changing the grass will make people feel painful, but the pain is only after the temporary transition is completed, and the focus of social attention will return to "fairness". In the process of transition, on the one hand, we must ensure that the transformation will not be reversed; on the other hand, we must consider the tolerance and feelings of the victims, and reduce the intensity of labor pain as much as possible to prevent differentiation and go to extremes.

Zhu Daidong understands the feelings of the workers, but he also knows that this is the inevitable result of reform. Sometimes, in order to prevent this from happening and prevent the intensification of contradictions, the best way is to suspend or suspend the pace of grass reform, or even take a step back first. If Zhu Daidong was sitting in the middle of the [main] table now, he would solve this matter according to his own ideas. But today, the department is responsible for the Municipal Party Committee [Book] Cai Wenmin and Mayor Huang Ziliang. I'm just a little shrimp. In the municipal government, it's not the time to be put on the table.

Looking at the sea of people outside the window. Listening to their scolding and accusations, Zhu Daidong thought that the reform of the country would be difficult and long. And this is just an economic reform. What if there is a political reform in the future? I can't imagine that the economic reform has not achieved certain achievements, and it is impossible for the political reform to be put on the agenda. Otherwise, even the economic reform will fail!

If the political transformation is initiated at this time, it is impossible for this transition to a private economy and a class society in the institutional environment of the [people] master. There are so many people! The family is so thin! Even if it is evenly distributed to individuals, how much can each person get? No matter how big the country's affairs are, on average to everyone's head, it has become a small matter. But if everyone's little things come together, it will become a big thing!

When the people understand what they are going to get, will they still vote for this reform of the partition of the public ownership system, not to mention the lessons of Russia? Unless deception and irresponsible promises are adopted, if the people are allowed to make their own choices, most people may prefer to return to the era of big pot rice without the gap between the rich and the poor and the pressure of competition. Who cares how long the big pot of rice can be eaten!

Zhu Daidong is in favor of the restructuring of state-owned enterprises in the city, but he is a little disapproval of the speed of this restructuring. There is an old saying in Sha, "It's almost a three-minute holiday. How can you run if you don't learn to walk? All of a sudden, a vigorous restructuring of state-owned enterprises has been set off in the city, and 100,000 laid-off workers have been pushed to the society, which will also suddenly increase all kinds of contradictions! For example, today's work is wrong, but the municipal government may not be at fault.

It's a pity that Zhu Daidong's ideas can only be thought about by himself. Not to mention implementation, it is impossible to talk to others. Zhu Daidong is slowly practicing his own theory in Yuhuā County. Now the county has only restructured a few state-owned enterprises that are on the verge of bankruptcy. However, there is not much restructuring for other state-owned enterprises that are struggling and barely supported. It just introduces some advanced management experience and competition mechanisms along the coast.

The biggest problem in the restructuring of state-owned enterprises is the placement of workers. Before the development of private enterprises and foreign-funded and joint ventures in Yuhuā County, it is not necessarily a good thing to carry out drastic reform of state-owned enterprises. Now those state-owned enterprises, like a kind of social welfare institution, are replacing the government to place those workers who will be laid off in the future.

Zhu Daidong is a human being, not a god. He can't let every enterprise become a hen that can lay golden eggs as soon as it comes into his own hands. Without certain conditions and advantages, it will not be so simple for enterprises to reverse losses and increase profits.

Zhu Daidong pretended to be listening to Cai [Book] and Mayor Huang's speech. In fact, he has been wandering around the world for a long time. He is here. He only has the right to listen and think, and has no right to speak and do.

The Municipal Party Committee decided that Mayor Huang Ziliang would come forward to meet the workers' representatives first to appease the masses and listen to the workers' opinions. Soon after the news came, and the workers' representatives put forward requirements: I. Compensation for the lack of length of service buyout money: II. Solve the medical insurance problem of laid-off workers: III. Unemployment benefits with inadequate compensation; IV. Requirements for the same treatment as the current unlaid-off workers; V. Reasonable solution to the endowment insurance problem ; 6. Investigate the reasons why the three-four-six-six-nine factory and the Shachang electromechanical plant have come to this day, and severely punish the corrupt elements" to give an explanation to the majority of employees.

When Zhu Daidong heard the conditions, he smiled in his heart and proposed that people under such conditions must be idealists.