Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 360 County Party Secretary Zhu Daidong!

When Li Moxuan rushed to the Shachang Hotel, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee had not yet held a meeting, but it was also coming to an end. While there was still time, Zhu Daidong told Li Moxuan a few words. Zhu Daidong knew that Li Moxuan must also know the news that he was about to be transferred to Furong County. Do you have any ideas for the future work?

"I follow the county magistrate's arrangement." Li Moxuan hesitated for a moment and said. He did hear the news a few hours ago. As Zhu Daidong's secretary, he also knew that he could not follow Zhu Daidong to Furong County. As for the arrangement of future work, Li Moxuan is clear that fighting is actually not fighting. Instead of proposing it himself, it is better to follow Zhu Daidong's arrangement.

Zhu Daidong has always loved his subordinates very much. Even if he only transferred himself to the same level, Li Moxuan would not complain. Before I met Zhu Daidong, what was I? Nothing! ! Every day, I am as tired as a dog, and I receive more white eyes and accusations than a book. Li Moxuan is very content to be content.

"I'm going to transfer you to the development zone to help He Xiaoyao start the work in the development zone," Zhu Daidong said slowly.

Li Moxuan's eyes lit up. The development zone is now a place for cadres. Wu Donghong and Jia Jianyong all came out of the development zone, and the development zone has become the economic leader of Yuhuā County. If you can work in the development zone, even if you don't do anything, you can get a good future.

"You can't go to the development zone with the tide. You should work hard. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. If you don't do things, you won't make mistakes. Only by making mistakes can you make progress." Zhu Daidong said slowly.

"Yes, I must remember the county magistrate's instructions and never forget each other." Li Moxuan's eyes were hot and he said firmly.

Zhu Daidong arrived at his house more than ten minutes earlier than the field. After ringing the doorbell, it was a middle-aged woman in an apron who came to open the door. When he saw Zhu Daidong, he asked warily, "Who are you looking for?" "Hello, I'm Zhu Daidong, the county magistrate of Yu He said, "He heard a woman's voice inside, and he looked at this man, not like the wife of the field, but like a nanny.

"It's the magistrate of Daidong County, right?" Hearing the sound of the door, Zhu Yue, the wife of the field, came out from inside, with a kind smile on her face and asked.

"Are you Aunt Zhu? I'm Zhu Daidong." Zhu Daidong said with a smile. He knew that Zhu Yue's father was in the same village as him, so he had the accent of Huangtuling in his language.

"Come in, come on, come on, why do you bring something?" Zhu Yue pretended to be angry.

"Aunt Zhu" is worthless. I can't know more about Tian [Shu]. Two bottles of Maotai, I'll have a drink with Tian [Shu] later. Well, hey, Aunt Zhu, let's talk inside." Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

After the nanny sent the tea and left, Zhu Daidong took out the "instruction manual" of the decoction and handed it to Zhu Yue. Seeing the above content, Zhu Yue looked at Zhu Yue suspiciously.

"Aunt Zhu" The medicine is given to Tian [book], and the effect is very good. Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

"Really?" Zhu Yue said in surprise.

"If it is changed," Zhu Daidong said wittyly.

"Daidong, thank you." Zhu Yue carefully put away the piece of paper," he said with a smile.

"Auntie, the above steps can't be wrong, otherwise the effect will be greatly reduced," Zhu Daidong reminded.

"Don't worry, it won't be wrong. Dai Dong, listen to your accent. Are you from Furong County?" Zhu Yue said.

"Yes, I'm from Dasha Village, Huangtuling, Furong County," Zhu Daidong said.

"Really? Strictly speaking, I am also from Dasha Village. My father is from Dasha Village, and I grew up in Dasha Village. Whose son are you? What generation? Zhu Yue said happily.

"My father is Zhu Sike, and I am a generation." Zhu Daidong said that his name is a generation name.

"It turned out to be Brother Ke's son. When I was a child, I followed your father to fish in the river. Your father was naughty at that time and played tricks on me." Zhu Yue said with a smile.

"Really? Then I have to call you aunt." Zhu Daidong said quickly.

"Yes, according to the generation, you really have to call me aunt, Dai Dong. I really didn't expect that we still have this relationship. When your uncle comes back, I will especially approve him to have a good drink with you." Zhu Yue laughed.

"Auntie, it's up to you at home." Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

"Of course, this family belongs to me!" Zhu Yue laughed.

The two have the same local accent, and they still come from the same village. The people in Dasha Village are surnamed Zhu, and only a few people with outdoor surnames, and all the families surnamed Zhu come from one ancestor and can get in the relationship. Therefore, the two quickly got closer. By the time the field came back, Zhu Yue had already regarded Zhu Daidong as a real relative. In fact, the relationship between the two is not out of five clothes, which can be regarded as a relative.

"Tian [Book] I'm back." When Zhu Daidong saw the field coming in, he quickly got up and said.

"It's also called Tian [Book]?! That's what he calls his uncle at home. Zhu Yue said.

"You...?" Tian Ye asked pretending not to know.

Zhu Yue quickly explained the relationship with Zhu Daidong. Tian Ye did know about the relationship between Zhu Yue and Zhu Daidong before, but he did not tell Zhu Yue about it. Now it is necessary to let Zhu Yue tell himself in turn, and the field can only be known for the first time.

"My uncle." Zhu Daidong said respectfully.

"Well, okay, Daidong, since you have recognized relatives with Zhu Yue, you should come and walk around often in the future." Tian Ye said with a smile.

"That's for sure." Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

Because of the relationship between Zhu Daidong and Zhu Yue, the dinner was very warm in the evening, and Zhu Yue also specially approved the field to have a few more drinks. Since Zhu Yue didn't let the field drink too much, Zhu Daidong naturally wouldn't be the villain. He drank 80% of the bottle of Maotai alone.

Although it is either a treat or a meal, when the family eats, [revolution] work is usually discussed after dinner. This time is no exception. After dinner, the field invited Zhu Daidong to the study. Zhu Yue looked at the time and began to make preparations. She was going to let Tian [book] take medicine tonight.

"Daidong, it will be a heavy burden for you to go to Furong County this time." After the nanny brought the tea, Tian Ye looked at Zhu Daidong and said slowly.

"Yes, I'm ready to think about it." Zhu Daidong said.

"Do you have any ideas about the work in Fuqi County?" The field said.

"One of the most important tasks in Furong County at present is to develop the economy. I'm going to start with their original Chinese medicine base." Zhu Daidong said that after finishing his work here, he was ready to go to Furong County for a field trip.

"Chinese medicinal materials base? It turned out that Furong County had done it, but it didn't work. The crowd complained. This is a hot potato. Are you really going to take it over?" Tian Ye was stunned for a moment and asked.

"Yes." Zhu Daidong nodded. He was going to play the role of the unnamed head in Furong County. Tonight, he just let the field see the effect of concentrated products.

"Your achievements in economic work are not only recognized by the city, but also the important leaders of the province know your reputation. It's amazing." Tian Ye didn't ask again. If it is party affairs, he can give instructions to Zhu Daidong, but for economic work, Zhu Daidong can be his teacher.

"It's my honor to get the affirmation of my superiors." Zhu Daidong said modestly.

"The Municipal Party Committee has officially adopted a resolution to transfer you to Furong County to serve as the Party Committee. Don't live up to the expectations of the Municipal Party Committee." Tian Ye said slowly that Zhu Daidong will know this news tomorrow morning at the latest. Instead of letting others tell him, it is better to inform him in advance.

"Really?!" Zhu Daidong was "surprised" and said that in fact, he had learned the result in the afternoon that the speed of learning the result was no slower than that of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.

"Yes, you don't know yet. The Provincial Party Committee called in person today, and your name was mentioned during this period." The field said.

"Should [book] remember?" Now Zhu Daidong is really surprised. He has been working in Yuhuā County for six years. In addition to seeing Ying [book] on TV, he has indeed never seen a real person.

"Your work achievements in Yuhuā County should be understood by [book], otherwise, the municipal party committee would not have made up its mind so quickly." Tian Ye laughed and said, this is Zhu Daidong's good luck. Originally, he swayed between the county magistrate and [Shu] Ji, but Ying Zegui made a phone call. Zhu Daidong served as the county party committee [Shu] It was settled. If it was someone else, would he have such good luck?

When he was at Tian Ye's house, Zhu Daidong's mobile phone was set to mute. Even so, whenever there was a phone call, the mobile phone would still respond, and Zhu Daidong could hear it clearly. After leaving Tian Ye's house, Zhu Daidong took out his mobile phone and took a look. He didn't answer more than 30 calls. There was nothing he could do. According to the level of the other party's position, let's go back one by one.

The phone has been on the phone for nearly two hours, and finally those who came to inform and those who came to be happy have called one by one. After arriving at Shachang Hotel, Zhu Daidong received a face-to-face notice from Cai Wenmin's secretary of the Municipal Party Committee. At eight o'clock tomorrow morning, the Municipal Party Committee will talk to him.

But as soon as he entered the room, the Yuhuā County Party Committee [Book] Wang Lijun came to visit: "Zhu [Book], congratulations."

"Wu Yi, you know how annoying the stall in Furong County is. In the future, you still need to ask more advice and support for more advice and support in Furong County." Zhu Daidong's tone is very low, and he is not because he is about to become a county party committee [book] that he is too excited to find the north. At the time of the committee, he was already alone in the room and almost cramped. Now he can look at this problem calmly.

"Yuhuā County is your strong backing at all times, and it will always be your mother's home. If you have any difficulties, feel free to mention it." Wang Lijun said with a smile that although there is a little regret, there is also some envy and jealousy, such a thing can only be jealous, and no one can really do anything about Zhu Daidong.