Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 369 Leadership is more important than anything else

Zhu Daidong accompanied Sun Jiangong into the hotel. He had a panoramic view of the surprise of the county cadres. Show goodwill to Sun Jiangong. This is Zhu Daidong's established policy. People like Sun Jiangong are not attached to power. He needs a sense of identity and respect. Zhu Daidong paid only words, and what he gained was likely to be the network he had established in Furong County.

Sun Jiangong has always regarded himself as a localist, and Zhu Daidong happens to be from Huangtuling. Although he has never worked in Furong County before, his background gives Sun Jiangong a natural good impression. For people like Sun Jiangong, if they can't be recognized, they can only be completely suppressed. The County Party Committee [Book] Remembers that if it is like a driving car, then it is bad with Sun Jiangong, and the car will face the danger of flying over the rocks or the road being suddenly broken at any time.

Either way, it is very dangerous for a car that is driving. Qu Youcen and Wang Qiming, the original county party committee [book] and the county magistrate, did not do a good job in the economic work in Furong County, and Sun Jiangong also had a certain influence. However, Zhu Daidong believes that Sun Jiangong's influence is limited. If Qu You Cen could unite the cadres of Furong County around him as soon as possible, I'm afraid the situation in Furong County will be different.

Although Sun Jiangong has been in the CPPCC for nearly four years, because he has been a county magistrate and county party committee for ten years, among the current Furong County cadres, his prestige is very high, and his arrival even has a faint tendency to steal the east wind of Zhu Dai. But Zhu Daiyi didn't mind. His prestige and prestige could not be reflected only by his position. Sun Jiangong had worked in Furong County all his life, and he had basically worked in any position. He had been the county magistrate and the county party committee for ten years. If he didn't have this popularity, his leader would be unqualified.

Fortunately, Sun Jiangong is really confused. Zhu Daidong gave him enough face to carry the sedan chair. Zhu Daidong also visited the house and asked for instructions for a report. Did he specially invite himself to be the county party committee again? After the banquet began, Sun Jiangong led Zhu Daidong with a smile and introduced the main leaders of Furong County to him again. This introduction is different from Hu Zhenhai's introduction in the morning. Hu Zhenhai's introduction is a normal introduction and a work need. However, Sun Jiangong's introduction again is definitely not superfluous to show Sun Jiangong's attitude. Zhu Daidong has been recognized by him.

"It's over. Did the old man have Alzheimer's disease in advance?" The Political and Legal Affairs Commission of Furong County [Book] Yuan Qingmin muttered.

"Yuan [Book] seems to be a little lost." Next to the Commission for Discipline Inspection [Book] Meng Xintian smiled gently and said.

"I just feel that I can't figure it out" Meng [Shu] Did you say that Zhu [Shu] Ji originally knew Sun [Master] Xi? Yuan Qingmin ignored Meng Xintian's mockery," he said softly.

"It's very possible. Why don't you go up and ask later?" Meng Xintian said.

Yuan Qingmin snorted and ignored him.

Even Chu Chaohui, the propaganda minister next door, didn't hear the conversation between them, but Zhu Daidong, who was talking with Sun Jiangong everywhere, heard it. He smiled in his heart. Yuan Qingmin, who was also a cadre promoted by Sun An B, turned out to be the director of the county public security bureau, and Meng Xintian was appointed by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. The two were originally comrades in a trench, and the political and legal department and the Commission for Discipline Inspection were half of the same. However, as far as Zhu Daidong knows, the relationship between Meng Xintian and Yuan Qingmin is actually very poor, which is an open secret in the county. However, Yuan Qingmin was originally valued by Sun Jiangong, and Xiao Guan, the deputy of the county party committee, was once a cadre mentioned by Sun Jiangong. The strength of the local cadres in Furong County was very strong, and Meng Xintian, an outsider, was not so easy to take advantage of.

After introducing the main leaders, Sun Jiangong returned to [Master] Xi Zhu Daidong, accompanied by Hu Zhenhai, director of the County Party Committee Office, and began to toast at each table. Today, Zhu Daidong has just taken office. He should not only get to know the cadres below, but also let the plane cadres know him. There are 286 cadres above the deputy department in the county. Thirty-six tables are set up according to eight people at one table, and Zhu Daidong has to walk to each table.

Although Zhu Daidong has to toast at every table, Hu Zhenhai will also introduce the cadres at the table to him. When he can't call his name, the other party will quickly report to his home and let the county party committee [book] remember his name. Such an opportunity is not always available.

Such a toast is more symbolic than practical. A glass of wine was held in his hand and walked more than a dozen tables. Zhu Daidong hadn't finished drinking it yet. He just gently touched the glass with his lips, and no one else would say anything. Zhu [Shu] Remember that if you can take a sip, it is already a great job of face. In fact, this is also necessary. Zhu Daidong is now the county party committee [book]. If you drink a cup at each table and drink more than 30 cups, Zhu Daidong can stand it, but the identity of the county party committee [book] is a little lost. And it has always been such a practice for all the leaders to drink. Zhu Daidong doesn't want to break it in his own hands. But when he walked to the table of the Education Bureau, Zhu Daidong asked people to fill the glass. "Secretary Zhu, this is Comrade Wu Rongzai, Director of the County Education Bureau, and this is Comrade Wan Jianhua, Deputy Director." "Hon, everyone, I graduated from Normal University." I was also a teacher at the beginning, and this glass of wine must be Zhu Daidong laughed and said, "Not only that, but he also had a toast with everyone. When it came to Wan Jianhua, the first deputy director of the Education Bureau, Zhu Daidong also blinked. This was his middle school principal. This is also the reason why the glass of wine was full and drunk.

"Lao Wan, what's wrong with you?" When Zhu Daidong went far away, Wu Rongzai found that Wan Jianhua was still standing stupidly. He looked at Zhu Daidong's back in a stupid, gently touched him and asked.

"Nothing, nothing." Wan Jianhua quickly sat down and looked at Zhu Daidong's back. He was full of emotion.

When Zhu Daidong was in middle school, he was his student. At that time, Zhu Daidong was excellent in both character and learning, which was highly valued by him. This is a college student. The school will pay special attention to the fact that "Wan Jianhua's vision is right." Zhu Daidong was really admitted to the university, and it was also

I remember that in the 90s, there was an essay solicitation activity in the city. Zhu Daidong's article represented Yuhuā County. At that time, Zhu Daidong was only an ordinary teacher. At that time, I had been transferred to the Education Bureau as the deputy director. In the past seven years, I have only changed from the lowest-ranked deputy director to the first deputy director, but Zhu Daidong, step by step, has grown from an ordinary teacher to a leading cadre. And he is also his own leader, a brand leader.

When he learned that Zhu Daidong was going back to Furong County to serve as the county party committee, Wan Jianhua didn't sleep all night. No matter what Zhu Daidong became now, he used to be his own student. This can't be changed. It's a good thing for him. Just now, when he saw Zhu Daidong's meaningful blink, Wan Jianhua knew that Zhu Daidong had not changed, and he was still the Zhu Daidong he knew before.

Walking down this circle, Zhu Daidong only drank two glasses of wine, but he entertained all the thirty-six table guests well. This is because his current identity is different. At the beginning, when he was the deputy county magistrate, he drank more than ten catties of wine at a time. Anyone who saw him would No way. But now, it's up to you to decide whether to drink or not, and the cadres below dare not persuade at all.

Thirty-six table guests, 286 cadres above the deputy department in the county, Hu Zhenhai, the director of the county party committee office who has worked in Furong County for more than ten years, can't recognize all of them, but after this time, Zhu Daidong has remembered the names of these 286 people, their appearance, and their voices.

As long as they give up their mouths, or even just their breathing, Zhu Daidong can tell who they are.

In the afternoon, Zhu Daidong summoned Feng Xianping, the director of the Confidentiality Bureau again, and summoned the county party committee [Book] separately. Feng Xianping was very nervous. The Confidentiality Bureau was like a cold palace. And he also made a plan to retire in the position of the head of the cold palace. Feng Xianping has no idea about the arrival of the new county party committee [book]. Anyway, no matter who comes, it will not change his situation. He is already 48 years old. If he changes to another position, he is the age of wealth and strength, but in the secret bureau, he is waiting to die.

"Comrade Xianping, sit down." Zhu Daidong led Feng Xianping to the meeting area of the office and picked up the Chinese cigarette on the coffee table and handed one to Feng Xianping.

Although the economic development of Furong County is at the end of the city, which is far worse than that of Yuhuā County, the office of the county party committee [book] is not inferior to other places. In terms of the luxury of the office, this suite office can definitely be ranked in the top three of the city.

After Feng Xianping took the cigarette, he held it in his hand. Zhu Daidong smiled and also took out one. After lighting it, he pushed the fire in front of him. Feng Xianping lit his cigarette. Zhu Daidong knew that Feng Xianping was the deputy director in charge of criminal investigation of the County Public Security Bureau. Generally speaking, he is the backbone of the Public Security Bureau. If he wants to be promoted, he has to go to the Judicial Bureau or the current president of the court. How can he come to the Confidentiality Bureau? Looking at his performance just now, the leader's smoking was just a small move, but Feng Xianping was like a junior brother in officialdom. Maybe he didn't light it first because he was concerned about his identity. There was no idea in his mind to light a cigarette for the leader first. It was not surprising for him to serve as the director of the secret bureau.

"Comrade Xianping, is the Confidentiality Bureau confident to complete the task assigned by the county party committee?" Zhu Daidong leaned on the back chair of the sofa and asked.

"The Secret Service resolutely implements the instructions of the county party committee." Feng Xianping put the cigarette on the ashtray and said firmly.

"The task of the Secrecy Bureau is very heavy" because it involves a wide range of areas. There are 20 townships in the county, all the traditional Chinese medicine planting bases and the processing points to be established, and a large number of personnel." This matter is related to whether the county's economy can develop. The task of the Secrecy Bureau Do your best, there must be no loopholes. Zhu Daidong said seriously.

"Yes, Zhu [Shu], the Secret Service promises to complete the task!" Feng Xianping said loudly that he seemed to have found the feeling of being in the Public Security Bureau. "There, he is in charge of criminal investigation. Every time he encounters a major case, the superior leaders will put pressure on the Public Security Bureau, and he, the deputy director in charge of criminal investigation, is the first to bear the brunt.

"I am confident that it is well done. I also know that there are not many people in the Secret Service. Do you have any requirements?" Zhu Daidong asked.

Feng Xianping's eyes lit up, "This is a good opportunity.