Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 562 Exceptions

Chapter 532 Exception (Please for the monthly ticket!)

In Furong County, after seeing the underground drainage system model of Furong County in the conference room of the county party committee, he immediately decided to live in Furong County in the evening. This underground drainage system is made in proportion and is very exquisite. After installing lights in it, it is like a work of art.

"Comrade Daidong, your idea is very good." After dinner, Wang Dake returned to the general office of the county party committee with Zhu Daidong.

Wang Dike runs around every county. In addition to getting to know the cadres below, the most important thing is to let the people below know him. At the same time, you should also be familiar with the situation in various places. Although it is difficult to see the real situation like this, it is also good to have an intuitive impression of each county and city.

In the afternoon, he visited Tiangan Township and Tiangong Town. These two towns are not the best or worst townships in Furong County, but because of the disaster, the tornado hit the two towns suffered heavy losses. When I came back, I saw Honglan Township. Because of the Chang Sanhu disaster in the countryside for more than ten years, the atmosphere of the whole Honglan Township has been ruined by him. Naturally, the economic strength is also getting lower and lower in the county. If it hadn't been for Honglan Township's traditional Chinese medicine base, with the help of the god of wealth as an unknown company, the per capita income data of the whole township would have been better.

Zhu Daidong introduced to Wang Dake that the economic layout of Furong County is based on the whole county, and there are no good towns and no bad towns. Even in Honglan Township, it is not far from the township in front of it. Zhu Daidong assured Wang Da that the future townships in Furong County will be the best townships.

"Thank you, Wang, for your praise." Zhu Daidong said modestly that when he saw Wang Dake touching the cigarette in his pocket, he quickly took out a hurry and handed over one.

Wang Dake is quite drunk and addicted to smoking. According to his own words, he has all five poisons. He came down to investigate, and every day, a county and city would have a good drink, putting down one or two of the local party committee and government. At the cadre meeting, Wang Dake can only touch the wine glass with his lips as drinking wine, but when it comes to the bottom, if he can't get along with his subordinates at the wine table, there will be estrangement, and both sides will have a sense of strangeness, which is not good for his future work.

But after arriving at Furong County, Wang Dake applied. A few days ago, he drank too much wine in other counties and cities. He had to wake up and only drank a round. He put down several county committees in other counties and cities, but he didn't expect to be put down by Zhu Daidong, the county party committee, after arriving at Furong County. Wang Dake has proved with his own experience that Zhu Daidong definitely has this strength.

"Daidong, when will the construction of your underground drainage system start?" Wang Daka asked, he investigated in several towns in the afternoon, and also inspected the highway reconstruction project in Furong County on the way. Although he was a layman in road construction, even if he was a layman, he could see that the highway in Furong County cost a lot of money.

"In July, Wang should be able to attend our opening ceremony, right?" Zhu Daidong said that although the construction will not officially start until July, preparations are already under way, and relevant equipment and construction units are bidding for the whole province.

"Of course, remember to inform me then." Wang Daka nodded. The underground drainage system in Furong County is not only an initiative in Furong County, but also an initiative in Shachang City. Even this underground drainage system may cause a national sensation. He must be present for such a thing.

Wang Da arrived in the morning. At that time, because he had to listen to Zhu Daidong's work report, he could only take care of this underground drainage system. But even so, it aroused Wang Daka's great interest. He used to be able to return to the city in the evening, but now he has decided to stay in Furong County for one night, which is the first time in his research activity.

As soon as Wang Dke got out of the car, he immediately went down to investigate, but he could not completely ignore the work in the city. He basically ran a county and city every day and was ready to finish it all in a week. I will leave in the morning and rush back to the city in the afternoon. If there is a meeting in the city during this period, it will usually be arranged in the evening.

But today, Wang Dage broke this rule because of the underground drainage system in Furong County. This is the honor of Furong County, and it is also the honor of Zhu Daidong.

Knowing that Wang Dake was interested in the underground drainage system in Furong County, Zhu Daidong gave him a detailed and complete introduction to the structure, operation and management of the entire underground drainage system, as well as the current preparations in Furong County. Britta has left Furong County for a long time. Zhu Daidong can recite the design book she gave to Furong County. And because he reads the German version, he can even explain in detail what special materials are needed in every place.

He accompanied Wang Dage to introduce, and it felt like he designed this underground drainage system. He could talk about every turn and every special material brick.

If you don't explain why it is designed like this and why the building materials are made of those special materials, it only takes an hour and a half to basically complete the introduction. But if you add the introduction of tourist attractions, it will take two hours. It is Zhu Daidong's idea to build the underground drainage system into a tourist attraction, which has also been strongly supported by Britta.

In the underground drainage system, there is a scenic spot, which is a top-down model of the whole Hibiscus County, including above-ground and underground, which will be one of the central attractions of the entire underground drainage system.

Zhu Daidong and Wang Dake walked around the underground drainage system model in circles. Zhu Daidong introduced from time to time. Wang Dake often said it carefully, and the other listened carefully. When Wang Dage learned that the underground drainage system in Furong County would be completed before the Lunar New Year, just like the highways in Furong County, he was very gratified.

In this underground drainage system, there are sewage and wastewater treatment plants with special maintenance personnel. Once built, people walk in underground pipes without any odor at all. Air quality will also meet the requirements of normal breathing without the use of any auxiliary equipment.

"Daidong, I found that as long as you do something, it is particularly easy to attract the attention of others. Let's not talk about your measures in Yuhua County. Let's just talk about the changes in Furong County since you came, unknown companies, highway reconstruction, the strictest confidentiality system, and the underground drainage system. Wang Dake slowly walked to the conference table next to him. After listening to Zhu Daidong's introduction, he felt that his legs hurt a little. Looking at the time, more than two hours had passed.

"Wang, can I understand this way? This is the city party committee's greatest recognition of the work in Furong County and the greatest praise to me?" Zhu Daidong said with a smile, handed Wang Dake another cigarette and lit it for him.

"You have made achievements, and of course you deserve praise." Wang Dike spit out a cigarette and said with a smile.

"I'm really not used to being praised by the leader face to face. I feel that the bones on my body have been lighter." Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

"You, Zhu Daidong, excessive modesty is pride. I think you look a little proud like this." Wang Dake shook his head gently and said with a smile.

Zhu Daidong personally sent Wang Dake back to the No. 6 courtyard behind Furong County. Since Wang Dake walked into the No. 6 courtyard, his work today was officially over, and Zhu Daidong could also go back to rest. Tomorrow morning, Wang Dake will go straight back to the city and send him to the county boundary at that time.

"Dai Dong, come in and sit down for a while." Wang Daker issued an invitation in a very casual tone, just like two friends.

At the invitation of the Municipal Party Committee, of course, Zhu Daidong will not refuse. When the waiter of Furong Hotel made them tea and quit, Wang Dak took the teacup in his hand, gently blew the floating tea on it, and said, "Daidong, Zhang Tianrui specially asked me to tell him his thanks. Although I don't know what's the reason, he asked me several times, and now the task is complete."

"Wang, there is nothing to thank or thank. If we really want to say it, we in Furong County, want to thank him. If it weren't for Mr. Zhang's foreign trade company, I still don't know which direction the equipment is in. And with professional foreign trade companies, the products of unknown companies can be exported faster and better. The cooperation between the two sides is mutually beneficial. Zhu Daidong said that in the agency foreign trade export contract signed by Hengtian Foreign Trade Company and an unknown company, the agency fee is finally 3% of the total customs declaration.

Although this 3%, accumulated every year, will also be an astronomical figure, but after professional analysis, Qiu Liangchao felt that the money was worth it. If Hengtian Foreign Trade Company can do customs declaration, export, tax rebate and exchange exchange as soon as they promised, the total profit of the unknown company will not decline, but will increase by 5%.

But with this conclusion, it is not easy for Zhu Daidong to report to Wang Dake. Wang Dake showed from the beginning that he did not know about this matter. If Zhu Daidong insisted on introducing the matter clearly, he would be ignorant. Perhaps in Wang Dake's opinion, Zhu Daidong was purely flattering him, which made concessions from the unknown company.

According to the price of zero order, Hengtian Foreign Trade Company is twice the price in the market this time. If high-quality customers like an unknown company take the initiative to contact the foreign trade company, there may be a little agency fee, and there are many foreign trade companies signing contracts. Zhang Tianrui also told Wang Daka that if he won the list of an unknown company, he could become a billionaire in two years.

When Wang Dak heard that there would be such a big profit, he was also surprised to close his mouth. It's only 3% of the agency fee. No, it should be said that it is 1.5% of the agency fee. Zhang Tianrui can become a billionaire in two years. What about an unknown company? When Wang Dake came up with that number, he couldn't believe it. Perhaps as Zhu Daidong said, Furong County only needs to rely on an unnamed company to lead 800,000 people in the county to the road of common prosperity. RO