Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 574 Plant a radish

Chapter 574 Plant a radish

The program choreographed by Wang Fang won the second prize in the July 1st literary and art performance of Furong County's education system. This time, a total of 26 schools in the county participated in the literary and art performance, with a total of one first prize, two second prizes and three third prizes. As a complete primary school in the county, it is a great achievement to win a second prize. When Gao Lingfeng learned the news, he closed his mouth happily. He didn't care about the few prizes. As long as he could win the recognition of the leader, all the efforts would really be rewarded.

Wang Fang really put a lot of effort into choreography, but this is not the real reason why Wang Fang can win this second prize. At least Gao Lingfeng knows that it has something to do with Wan Jianhua of the Education Bureau to win this award.

There is no particularly strict evaluation standard for such awards, and the judges are not very professional. The range can be relatively loose, and the room for operation is relatively large. Originally, the Education Bureau meant to give the second prize to the first prize, but Wan Jianhua firmly disagreed. I heard that he angrily criticized the result of the first prize at the meeting, and almost finished the novel.

Wan Jianhua's tough attitude surprised the leaders of the Education Bureau. In the end, Wan Jianhua personally found Wu Rongzai and argued in front of the director. In the end, the second prize was the second prize. This is also the reason why Gao Lingfeng, the principal of Erwan Primary School, is happy. He can let the leader take the initiative to come up for you, which can only make a good impression on the leader.

Although Wan Jianhua is only an ordinary deputy director now, he has an advantage that no one dares to ignore. Zhu Daidong, the county party committee, used to be his student. Zhu Daidong is from Furong County. From primary school to high school, he has always studied in Furong County. He has taught him, and there are some people who have been his head teacher, but Wan Jianhua definitely has a better relationship with Zhu Daidong than ordinary people. After this was confirmed, Wan Jianhua's voice in the County Education Bureau became more and more important. He argued directly with the head of the Education Bureau. In the past eight years since Wan Jianhua served as the deputy director of the Education Bureau, it has never happened before.

And it is precisely because of this that Wu Rongzai will give Wan Jianhua this face. Most people will only think that the relationship between Wan Jianhua and Gao Lingfeng may be very good, but Gao Lingfeng is clear that his relationship with Director Wan can only be said to be ordinary, just ordinary. According to Gao Lingfeng's analysis, the reason why Wan Jianhua suddenly won such a great honor for Er Wanxiao is that he came for Wang Fang as well as himself.

It's just that he is covered by clouds and mountains, but Wan Jianhua may know the reason for this. Gao Lingfeng also carefully studied Wang Fang's files. She did take classes in Dasha Village for a period of time, but Zhu Daidong was not in Furong County at all at that time. Even if Zhu Daidong came back, it was still the days before and after the Spring Festival, and at that time, Wang Fang had already gone home on holiday. After thinking about it, Gao Lingfeng couldn't find the intersection between her and Zhu Daidong.

He also asked Wang Fang about her relationship with Zhu Daidong from the side, but Wang Fang just smiled without saying anything, neither answering nor denying, which was difficult to think about. Lying is not Wang Fang's character, but she can't tell the truth.

On Tuesday morning, Wan Jianhua arrived at the end of the second primary school very early. He came to the second end of the primary school. On the surface, the thing was to inform the second round of the program that was awarded the second prize, but in fact, he still wanted to ask Wang Fang about the situation. Otherwise, just make a phone call for such a thing. After that, you don't run to the Education Bureau and get the trophy and certificate back?

"Mr. Wan, Mr. Wang Fang is an excellent young teacher in our school. He has a high professional level and outstanding teaching performance. Although he is young, he has been working for more than eight years. During this period, he also took the college diploma by himself. The classes she teaches are among the best in the town unified examination and the county unified examination. When Gao Lingfeng heard Wan Jianhua ask about Wang Fang, he immediately surrounded Wang Fang with some praises. Some of the information he introduced were Wang Fang's own, and some were from other teachers in the school, but Gao Lingfeng now used Wang Fang.

"High school president, such a good teacher, why hasn't he become a regular teacher yet?" Wan Jianhua said lightly that the biggest difference between private teachers and public teachers is that one is a farmer, the other has crowded into the working class and intellectuals. The content of the work is much the same, but the treatment is very different. How many people can be jealous of a farmer's identity?

Of course, it is no longer a problem for Wang Fang to transfer farmers. With her marriage to Wu Boming, her household registration will also be transferred to the man. I believe that all the formalities can be completed in one year at most. With such an identity, it will be much easier to become a public teacher. Because the Education Bureau has an index for the transfer of people to public every year, but the personnel bureau is responsible for the index of the transition from agriculture to non-public. If you can't get this supporting index, it will also be impossible.

" Director Wan, this plan to Africa is not so easy to get." Gao Lingfeng sighed and said that every year, there are certain indicators for recruiting public teachers from private teachers, but there are more monks and less porridge. It doesn't matter if Wang Fang wants to have a relationship. If she hadn't invested, she hadn't found a boyfriend in the county, I'm afraid she would still a substitute teacher now.

"I already know this matter, and I will report to the bureau again. Your school should also take action, sort out Wang Fang's relevant information and send it to the bureau." Wan Jianhua nodded and muttered.

" Director Wan, please rest assured that Comrade Wang Fang is a teacher in our school. In order for her to become a regular, she will spare no effort." Gao Lingfeng said that he finally understood Wan Jianhua's intention. For the sake of Wang Fang's affairs, Wan Jianhua was more careful than his own affairs. If this matter had not been handled well, Wan Jianhua would probably be more urgent than himself.

Wang Fang's relevant information was quickly sent to the Education Bureau. At the office meeting of the Bureau on Thursday, Wan Jianhua put forward this agenda on solving the problem of some excellent private teachers becoming regular. Before the meeting, Wan Jianhua communicated with the head of the personnel section and the director of the county, Wu Rongzai, but the head of the personnel section did not make a statement at that time. When he reported to Wu Rongzai, Wu Rongzai murmured and only said that he still needed to study. While the meeting was in session, Wan Jianhua raised this issue and studied it together.

" Director Wu, comrades, recently, I have investigated below and heard the deeds of many excellent private teachers. They have been conscientious and diligent in ordinary teaching positions, and have trained batches of excellent students. What they have done is touching, but it's a pity that they can't be more motivated because of their status as private teachers. Wan Jianhua said that in order to plant a radish, he had to dig a batch of pits.

In addition to covering people's eyes and ears, this is actually one of the unspoken rules of officialdom. No one can swallow all the benefits alone. Of course, the leader can be excluded. But it's easy for a leader to do something like this. Just like the share of stolen, the first-in-command account for 50%, the second-in-command accounts for 30%, and the remaining two is divided by the members who actually attend the meeting. If you can't divide it, if you get a profit this time, let it go next time. In a word, the benefits are all related to a harmonious society.

"Comrades, what Comrade Wan Jianhua said is very reasonable. Our private teachers and substitute teachers have played an important role in their ordinary positions. Many people once moved me and even cried for them. However, the transfer of private teachers to public teachers is not something that can be counted by one of our Education Bureau. The County Planning Commission, the Personnel Bureau and the Finance Bureau should go hand in hand. Our Education Bureau can let them transfer from private to public teachers, but if there is no overall arrangement, I'm afraid the final result will make them more disappointed. Wu Rongzai said.

What he said is also true. Except for the Education Bureau, the County Planning Commission, the Personnel Bureau and the Finance Bureau are all indispensable. How can they get the salary if they don't transfer the organizational relationship? How to evaluate the title? The biggest difference between private teachers and public teachers is that in addition to household registration, it is the problem of pension after retirement. These problems cannot be solved by the Education Bureau.

But if it is true that Wu Rongzai can't coordinate such a thing, it may not be. The reason why he doesn't want to agree is that Wan Jianhua has done a little too much this time. If he doesn't wake him up, what will he do in the future? The relationship between Wan Jianhua and Zhu is well known, but even so, you can't ride on my head to poop and pee, can you? Especially when it comes to personnel and finance, that is, the reverse scale of the leader. Wan Jianhua put forward it at the office meeting without his consent, which is completely a risk of the world. If it hadn't been for his relationship with Zhu, Wan Jianhua would have been refrigerated after this meeting.

Wu Rongzai's words have made his attitude clear, and Wan Jianhua's proposal is of course impossible to pass. At the beginning, Wu Rongzai clearly objected. Who would touch this mold like Wan Jianhua, knowing that it was impossible to pass, like a moth to the fire?

In the afternoon of the same day, Wu Rongzai received a phone call from Chen Zhiwen, director of the County Planning Commission, "Director Wu, I heard that there are private teachers in your bureau who are going to transfer to public teachers recently?"

"Yes, but this kind of thing is not so easy. How many teachers are waiting, Director Chen, do you give us some indicators?" Wu Rongzai said with a smile that although private teachers are mainly public teachers, it is based on the Education Bureau, but in fact, it should be said that it is the County Planning Commission that takes the lead and really implements this matter. If the county planning committee does not have a plan target, it will be useless for you to hold more meetings below.

"I can really give you an indicator this time. I have coordinated with the Personnel Bureau and the Finance Bureau. As long as your Education Bureau reports it, it will be passed immediately." Chen Zhiwen said with a smile.

: When I get home, there should be another chapter of RO in the evening