Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 621 Court Resistance!

When Yu Taizhe came out of Xiao's office, although he tried his best to suppress his excitement, the expression of his mouth was upturned and he betrayed him deeply. Just now in the office, Xiao [Shu] said that in the organization, he is ready to let him work at the grass-roots level, which is an exercise for him in the organization. I hope he will live up to the years of education and Pei Yu in the organization, and can make better achievements and outstanding contributions at the grass-roots level.

These words completely ignited his **. After graduating from Taizhe University, he entered the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee as a propaganda officer. Until now, he has never left the Propaganda Department. But he is not completely unfamiliar with the work at the grass-roots level." When he was a propaganda officer, he often went to the grass-roots level, and there were many people, even the longest. He stayed in Dongping Township for more than three months and did not come back.

Yu Taizhe has always believed that no matter which excellent leader, he must have worked at the grassroots level, otherwise his resume will be incomplete, his official career cannot go too far, and it is impossible to go smoothly. Especially when there are some key positions in front of you, when you have to give up because you have no grassroots work experience, the pain will be fierce.

And going to the township, although he is only a section-level cadre, he is a real leader. Even in Tai Zhe's eyes, the current leader in the township below is more powerful than Chu Chaohui, a member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda. It is better to be a chicken head than a cow's tail, to be a leader in the township, and often to report to hundreds of people at the conference. This kind of experience is very instructive. There is also direct face to the masses and deal with the grassroots masses, which is a rare capital for him in the future. At his age, if he doesn't seize such an opportunity, it will be impossible for him to work directly at the grassroots level for the rest of his life.

Minister Chu is in the county. Although he is also a leader, he has the deputy [book] of the county party committee, the county head, and the county party committee. If there is anything, you can ask them for instructions at any time. As soon as there is a problem, we need to hold a meeting to study. The Propaganda Department mainly does what it does is to implement the instructions of the leader, and there are too few opportunities to make decisions. In a word, there are too many mothers-in-law, too little autonomy, and the propaganda work is most afraid of making mistakes. Even if it is just a little mistake, it cannot be allowed.

Why do government agencies like official words and clichés? In fact, there is also this reason, for fear of saying the wrong words. If you say something wrong, you have to be responsible for it. Although the listener feels a little uncomfortable, at least he can guarantee that his backyard will not catch fire. Talking less and doing more was once the best saying in ancient officialdom. In modern times, many words must be lost, which is also the rule of officialdom. Especially in the face of the media, the staff of the publicity department must be careful and considerate. If you can read it according to the manuscript, you will never play it.

If you work in a township, it is not the case. The leaders of the county can't go every day. Even if they go, they can't be the main leaders. The general deputy county magistrate may also be rebelled by the township. If he can't drink enough, he is likely to walk in and carry it back. And even if they speak, even if they jump up and scold their mother, no one will come to find fault, because this is the general sentence of their work. They have greater autonomy in the township, and they can better give full play to their talents. Over the years, he has been in the Propaganda Department, publicizing other people's achievements every day and reporting on the achievements of Furong County. He always fantasizes that one day he can create results in person and let the future propaganda department publicize it for himself. What a wonderful thing it would be.

After the case of Chang Sanhu was committed, the [book] of Honglan Township and the township head were caught in one net, which led to the Honglan Township nose case. The new [book] and the township head could no longer be produced from the local area. When Liu Wei was transferred to Honglan Township, he began to remember the leader of Honglan Township.

And Yu Taizhe's reasons are also very good. He has been in the publicity department for many years. What is the theoretical level? Needless to say, the head of the homework publicity section, his achievements in this regard are also obvious to all. Liu Wei has worked at the grassroots level for many years and has rich experience. The two can just connect theory with practice, which is simply the best partner. He had reported this idea to Chu Chaohui before and wanted to work at the grassroots level. Chu Chaohui also promised him that he would recommend him to the county party committee to work, but soon there was no word.

No message is the least need to explain. Originally, Yu Taizhe thought that I'm afraid he didn't have a chance this time. When he had no hope, Xiao Guan gave him great hope. Moreover, Xiao Guan also said that there is a standing committee in the afternoon, which may discuss the personnel issues of the main leaders of Honglan Township at the meeting. Xiao Guan asked him to report his thoughts to the supervisor and take the initiative to strive for progress. Xiao Guan said that he is very optimistic about Taizhe, but it is impossible to do this matter well with wishful thinking. The leader's recommendation is very important, but individuals should also be proactive.

After Yu Taizhe came out, he did not go to Chu Chaohui immediately. He went home first, went to the bank with his passbook, and then returned to the office. He just went to the bank to withdraw 10,000 yuan. Although he is an old subordinate of Chu Chaohui, there must be favors on such a key personnel issue, but the "principle" that should be adhered to should still be adhered, otherwise Chu Chaohui will definitely stand firm.

If he wants to be transferred from the propaganda department to the grassroots level, he first needs the consent of his unit, and the superior leaders can approve and recommend him before he can be transferred. Otherwise, even if he open all the joints, and there is nothing he can do here. Of course, it is basically impossible for Chu Chaohui to get stuck. But whether he can go to the grassroots to exercise this time, the key is that Chu Chaohui is true.

"Minister Chu, I want to report to you on my recent work." Yu Taizhe went to Chu Chaohui's office, and the envelope containing the money was put on his desk, he said.

"Good." Chu Chaohui sat upright, didn't even look at the envelope on the table, and said.

Chu Chaohui got a message early in the morning about the crackdown on pornography and illegal acts in Chengguan [Pai] last night. As soon as he heard that Xiao Linglong was arrested, he understood what was going on. And so many people were arrested last night, and many people have not been released yet. In addition to paying the fine, the unit also needs to collect people.

When he heard Yuan Qingmin tell him the news, Chu Chaohui was restless all morning. Don't say that this matter will be punished if it is known by the county party committee. Even if it is known, it is not a good thing. If you send it back to the unit, your reputation will be damaged and your prestige will be swept away. It's even worse when it's sent home. I'm afraid there will be no peace at home.

The main leader of the county party committee must have known about this matter now. Zhu Daidong should have made it clear last night, but he didn't have it.

If Yu Taizhe came an hour earlier, I'm afraid he would be kicked out by Chu Chaohui. At that time, Chu Chaohui was under extreme irritability. No matter who came, he would not give a good look, not to mention Taizhe or his men, and he had something to ask him?

But now Chu Chaohui has fully recovered under the persuasion of Yuan Qingmin. With Zhu Daidong's character, after he heard the news last night, he would not be angry and scolded him? In fact, it is true. Last night, two deputy directors were called by Zhu Daidong and scolded severely. These people were arrested on the spot during the operation, because they were not caught, but just arrested back to criticize and educate them. Zhu Daidong knew it, called them to the office and scolded them.

But why did Zhu Daidong turn a deaf ear to Chu Chaohui? According to Yuan Qingmin's analysis, Zhu Daidong is a taboo, this is the power of unity, and this is the advantage of cooperation. Now Zhu Daidong will not touch him for the time being, which does not mean that he will not touch him in the future. Before he recovered, he decided to win or lose in one fell swoop. As long as Zhu Daidong can't cover the sky with one hand at the Standing Committee, will anyone still investigate Chu Chaohui's matter? No, not absolutely.

Chu Chaohui, who was originally a little wavering, was even more swayed, but he still made it clear that he just asked Yuan Qingmin to help Tai Zhe. He also needs to test Zhu Daidong's attitude. It is really appropriate to borrow from Taizhe.

"Minister Chu, I want to work in Honglan Township. I believe that I am qualified for this job, ensure that I can complete all the tasks assigned by the county party committee and county government, and arrest all the work in Honglan Township," Yu Taizhe said.

"Sugar Yu, it's good that you can have such an idea. Some of our cadres don't have your hard-working spirit. This matter will be considered organizationally. You can go back to work at ease first." Chu Chaohui nodded and said.

After coming out of Chu Chaohui's office, Yu Taizhe's face was filled with a confident smile. Chu Chaohui not only completely agreed with his idea, but also accepted his "principles". Chu Chaohui just told him that the organization will consider it. The translation means that as long as the Standing Committee discusses the main leaders of Honglan Township, he will definitely recommend him.

If it is replaced by someone else's county party committee in Furong County, Xiao Guan, Yuan Qingmin and Liu Min's small actions are really likely to succeed. Imagine that the five members of the Standing Committee joined forces to make small moves, which is more sinister than a poisonous snake hiding in the dark and spitting letters. Their strength is enough to compete with Zhu Daidong. Moreover, the county party committee [book] is still so young, the leadership art is not mature enough, and it is easy to be recruited.

But Zhu Daidong would never. Just as Chu Chaohui was thinking about what he should say to the Standing Committee in the afternoon, he suddenly received a direct phone call from Zhu Daidong: "Comrade Chu Chaohui, please come to my office now."

Chu Chaohui's heart suddenly rose to his throat again...