Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 913 Reform Plan

After Cheng Andong returned home, he quickly wrote down the content of the evening meeting, especially the reasons Mayor Zhu asked, which he remembered vividly. It was not until a long time later that Cheng Andong understood the problem raised by Zhu Daidong. In fact, it was to solve the problem and find the root cause.

That night, Cheng Andong was extremely excited. Since the factory stopped production, he had never been so excited. I remember the last time I was so excited, when I was supported by the whole factory staff and elected as the factory director. But this is another thing that makes him feel very guilty. Since he became the director of Kanghui Food Factory, the efficiency of the factory has been worse year by year. In the past few years, he began to lose money. At that time, there were a lot of loss-making enterprises in the city. As long as they could be produced, the city would give certain subsidies.

But in the first two years, the compensation in the city was also a drop in the bucket, and Cheng Andong had to make a painful decision to stop work. Although this decision was approved by the competent department, Cheng Andong had been not happy. He didn't understand why a good factory was suddenly not recognized by the market. As far as he knows, there are still many people who like to eat Kanghui soy sauce, and some people even buy soy sauce, deliberately specifying that they must buy Kanghui brand soy sauce.

This used to be the most proud thing for Cheng Andong, but now, as long as he recalls these things, his heart will be faintly painful. In recent years, state-owned enterprises have begun to decline, and the people of Kanghui Food Factory seem to have accepted their orders. State-owned enterprises can't compete with township enterprises and private enterprises. Anyway, the factory is national, as long as your salary can be paid according to it.

But this idea can only make the factory more and more difficult. When the salary can't be paid, there is no chance to reform it. Since the factory was shut down, Cheng Andong has thought a lot. One of questions that has been bothering him is, why did Kanghui Food Factory come to this point?

When it comes to the problem of state-owned enterprises, many people will say that this is a problem of the system. Everyone is used to eating a big pot of rice, and the corners of the country have been dug up, but few people will think of how big a problem there is in their own enterprise.

It was not until after three o'clock in the morning that Cheng Andong finished the reform plan of the factory, which was a problem he had been considering for a long time. At the same time, he has also discussed with some employees in the factory many times. If he wants to solve the problem of Kanghui Food Factory, the most important thing is to introduce funds and management systems.

When writing the plan, Cheng Andong felt that he might be more suitable for technology. He had a deep affection for the factory, which was unanimously recognized by the employees. But his management and marketing concepts are outdated. And in this regard, he has not been systematically studied, but only based on the experience of his predecessor and the documents of the competent department. Sales mainly rely on the supply and marketing department in the factory. I mainly focus on production, but the internal management is another deputy factory director. Such a management model seems to have no problem, but in fact it is easy to have problems.

The next day, Cheng Andong invited the original cadres in the factory to his home for a meeting, and everyone discussed the reform plan he formulated last night. After a simple modification, Cheng Andong impatiently found Tan Man Keng and submitted this plan to him.

"Cheng Andong, do you think Mayor Zhu will agree with this reform plan?" Tan Man-ceng also knows something about Zhu Daidong's character. It may be okay to fool others with this plan, but who is Zhu Daidong? His economic research, even entrepreneurs in Hong Kong and Guangdong are very impressed.

The main thing about this reform plan is to reach out and ask the city for money, land and people. There is no solution to the problem of Kanghui Food Factory itself. Such a plan can't be passed even with him. If he dares to give it to Mayor Zhu, not only will Cheng Andong be scolded, but even he will not give a good face.

"Director Tan, Mayor Zhu is very demanding, and my level is limited. Did you give us some advice?" Cheng Andong said with a smile.

"Your level is more than limited, I think... Why didn't you put forward a fundamental reform plan for Kanghui Food Factory's own problems? The new Kanghui Food Factory must not be completely state-owned. If the system is not reformed, do you think the fate of Kanghui Food Factory will change even if it is re-launched? It's impossible!" Tan Man Keng shook his head angrily. Cheng Andong was very suitable to serve as a factory director in the planned economy era, because he listened to the leader's greetings and spared no effort on the instructions of the complete leader. However, in the new economic situation, such people can't adapt well.

"Why don't we carry out joint-stock reform like other enterprises in our factory? Let employees buy shares. Director Tan, the employees have just received the resettlement compensation fee, and now let them buy shares. I'm afraid they can't think of it. Cheng Andong hesitated for a moment and said.

"If you want to get out of the predicament, you must cut off your own way and fight back. Otherwise, why do you work sincerely? Why improve production efficiency? In the future, the wages of all personnel should be linked to production efficiency and product quality. Only in this way can the efficiency of the factory be guaranteed. Tan Mankeng said that such reforms are being carried out all over the country. Except for some special enterprises, they have begun to break the big pot of rice. If they do not break the big pot of rice, it will be difficult for enterprises to gain vitality, and it is even more difficult to be invincible in the competitive market competition.

After all, Tan Man Keng has a lot of knowledge. After his suggestions, Cheng Andong was enlightened, and he immediately found cases of successful reform of other enterprises. After analysis and research, Cheng Andong looked ashamed. After he submitted the reform plan to Tan Mankeng for the second time, he also put forward a request that no matter how Kanghui Food Factory was restructured in the future, he would no longer serve as the management cadre of the factory. He is still willing to work in his old business and be a senior sauce maker.

After Zhu Daidong held Cheng Andong's plan, he was basically satisfied, but some places still needed to make detailed planning. At the same time, it expressed support for Kanghui Food Factory's preparation for joint-stock transformation. For the distribution of equity, the city will evaluate the equipment, inventory and raw materials of Kanghui Food Factory for equity analysis. According to the requirements of the original employees of Kanghui Food Factory, each person's shareholding shall not be less than 1,000 yuan, which is not capped.

After the restructuring of Kanghui Food Factory, it will be renamed Kanghui Food Co., Ltd., with 45% of state-owned holdings and 55% of employees. The social security and medical insurance of employees will continue to be carried out in accordance with the original resettlement plan. Cheng Andong was very worried about the employees to buy shares at the beginning. After all, the resettlement compensation fee everyone got has just arrived, and everyone knows the benefits of the factory. How can he take out the money to buy shares?

But when he really signed the contract with them, Cheng Andong found that he was wrong. When he entered the stock market, he was very enthusiastic. Cheng Andong was very puzzled, so he asked them. The answer he got made him ironic. It was not because they believed in him, Cheng Andong, or because they had confidence in his reform plan, but because they believed in Zhu Daidong.

Zhu Daidong's acquisition of Shenzhen Tengsheng Company, that is, the current Chuchang Technology Company, has become a legend. Now he personally promotes the reform of Kanghui Food Factory. Who knows if Kanghui Company will be the second Chuchang Technology Company?

After Zhu Daidong learned this result, he was also surprised that the new Kanghui Company will no longer allow state-owned holdings, at least in terms of shares, state-owned assets cannot account for more than 50%. He was still considering whether to use social funds to participate in the stock again. Unexpectedly, a considerable part of the employees of Kanghui Company not only put all their resettlement fees into the shares, but also put their original savings, and some even borrowed money to buy shares.

Whether it is confidence in yourself or the future of the enterprise, as long as the funds are in place, Kanghui Company can officially operate. Because Cheng Andong proposed that he would no longer serve as the general manager of the new company, Zhu Daidong put forward two suggestions to them on the candidate of the general manager, either hiring a professional manager with a high salary or selecting within the company. Regardless of black cats and white cats, it is a good cat that can bring Kanghui out of trouble and go to glory.