Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1368 Dioxin Pollution

Hearing Fu Yingquan's question, Zhu Daidong did not hide it. This matter will soon be notified to the people of the city through the media. How could he deliberately conceal Fu Yingquan, the deputy governor of the Standing Committee? Zhu Daidong immediately informed Fu Yingquan of the situation and introduced the toxicity of dioxins in detail.

Listening to Zhu Daidong's concise introduction of dioxins, Fu Yingquan's expression immediately became solemn. Does God have trouble with people who drink milk powder this year? First, Zishan milk powder came out of E. coli Sakazaki, and then the mercury of Erli, Gao Niu and Hongming exceeded the standard. Now even imported milk powder has What other milk powder can I eat?

"You inform Comrade Baoning that the locomotive factory will not go for the time being, and go directly to the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce to see the situation." Fu Yingquan said in a low voice that although the current problem only appears in Hong Kong, it may not be the same problem in the mainland. For food safety, the mainland attaches less importance to Hong Kong and Europe and the United States. China's current basic national policy is one center and two basic points, with economic construction as the center, and all work is closely centered around the center.

"Yes." Zhu Daidong immediately called Zhou Baoning. He first reported to Zhou Baoning that the milk powder imported from four countries of the European Union might be contaminated with dioxins, and then informed him that Fu Yingquan decided not to go to the locomotive factory, but to the Industry and Commerce Bureau first.

Zhou Baoning has nothing to do about Fu Yingquan's decision. Now Muchuan is paying close attention to food safety. Now the domestic milk powder is basically not reassuring, but he didn't expect that there was something wrong with the imported milk powder.

After Fu Yingquan's motorcade arrived at the Industry and Commerce Bureau, Zhou Baoning also arrived a long time ago. While waiting for Fu Yingquan, he had already learned some basic information from Di Nanjun. Although only imported milk powder sold to Hong Kong has been detected as dioxin pollution, no one can guarantee that the milk powder imported to the mainland will not be contaminated.

"Comrade Baoning, how's the situation?" Fu Yingquan asked with concern that since this matter happened when he came to Muchuan as a deputy governor of the Standing Committee, since he already knew it, he was bound to intervene. Otherwise, people will gossip in the future. People think that Shitian, as a deputy governor, does not even pay attention to the issues that the people are most concerned about, so what other problems are worthy of his attention? Although the attitude of the common people cannot affect his future career, when he is moved out by his opponent at the right time, it is definitely a big killer.

"Let Comrade Di Nanjun introduce it." Zhou Baoning said that he only had a preliminary understanding of the situation now. His memory can't be compared with that of Zhu Daidong. If he can't remember clearly when introducing the situation, it's better not to introduce it.

"Report to Governor Fu that not long ago, there was a sudden abnormal growth of broilers and less laying eggs in Belgium. Some chicken farmers demand compensation from insurance companies. The insurance company also felt strange, so it invited a research institution to test chicken samples. It was found that the dioxins in chicken fat exceeded the maximum allowable amount by 140 times, and the dioxin content in eggs had seriously exceeded the standard. Moreover, this 'poisonous chicken incident also involved hundreds of foods such as pork, beef and milk. For a time, a food safety crisis was all over Belgium, and now it has even been staged all over the world. The source of this incident is that the chicken's feed is seriously contaminated with dioxins. Di Nanjun said that after he learned that Hong Kong had banned the sale of milk powder from the four EU countries, he immediately asked people to collect relevant information, and now the information he can collect shows that the first origin of this dioxin incident is likely to be Belgium.

"How did this dioxin come from?" Fu Yingquan asked.

"According to the data we have obtained, dioxins, often exist in the atmosphere, soil and water with tiny particles. The main pollution sources are the chemical metallurgical industry, waste incineration, papermaking and the production of pesticides. The plastic bags used in daily life, such as PVC, such as PVC soft rubber, contain chlorine. When burning these items, dioxins will be released and suspended in the air.

90% of dioxins in the atmospheric environment come from urban and industrial waste incineration. Leaded gasoline, coal, anticorrosive wood, petroleum products, various wastes, especially medical wastes, are prone to dioxins when the combustion temperature is less than 300 to 400 seats. PVC plastics, paper, chlorine and the production of some pesticides, iron and steel smelting, catalyst high-temperature chlorine activation and other processes can release dioxins into the environment. Dioxins are also found as impurities in some pesticide products such as pentachlorophenol, 24, 5T, etc. In addition, if the TV is not cleaned up in time, bromide dioxins are usually detected in the dust accumulated in the TV. And the content is high. On average, 41 micrograms of bromide dioxin can be detected in every gram of dust. Di Nanjun took out a piece of material and reported while reading that he had just got these materials. He was not Zhu Daidong. He only needed to read it once and he could remember them immediately.

"It seems that this is a global problem." Fu Yingquan frowned. Nowadays, most of the garbage disposal in cities is incinerated before landfilled. It seems that such a simple disposal of garbage is a very dangerous thing.

"Waste incineration treatment is in the ascendant in China, and the development momentum is rapid, which should be paid enough attention to." Zhu Daidong said next to him.

After listening to the report from the Industry and Commerce Bureau, Fu Yingquan presided over another meeting on how to deal with the possible problems of current food safety. For Fu Yingquan, he came to the Industry and Commerce Bureau and held a special meeting at the same time, which has already shown the importance he attaches to this matter.

After the meeting, he went to the Kikawa Locomotive Factory. Inspection of the locomotive factory, this is Muchuan's reserved program. As long as the superior leader comes down to inspect or inspect the work, Muchuan will arrange to go to the locomotive factory. The locomotive factory is the pride of Kikawa, and also records all the honors and achievements of Kikawa along the way. Now the locomotive factory has begun to enter the international market, which has inspired all the staff of the locomotive factory. As a cadre coming out of the locomotive factory, Zhou Baoning is also very excited every time he introduces the locomotive factory to the leader.

After Zhu Daidong arrived at the locomotive factory, he remained extremely silent. Although he knew more about the situation here than Zhou Baoning, he always shut up at this time and let Zhou Baoning play to his heart's content.

PS: Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival. On this day of family reunion, I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day in advance. Remember a short story to share with you: One day, Buddha: I can let you make a wish. I said to the Buddha: Let all my book friends be healthy forever! Buddha said: It can only be four days! I said: OK, spring, summer, autumn, winter. Buddha said: No, three days. I said: OK, yesterday, today, tomorrow. Buddha said: No, two days. I said: OK, day, dark day. Buddha said: No, just one day! I said: OK! The Buddha asked blankly: What day? I said: Every day!! Buddha cried... said: All book friends will be healthy every day in the future