Wutian Demon Soul

Chapter 41 Brothers Reunion

"Spiritual fluoride? Is this thing rare and precious? Otherwise, why can't you even find the master?

No wonder he is puzzled. Who is Batianhun? Linghan Country's leading refiner, casually went out to stamp his feet, and the whole Linghan Kingdom would shake a few times, and this Lingyuan fluoride could not even be found in the sky hunting. It can be seen that it is indeed precious and abnormal.

"That's right, but I know where it is, but I can't find it. You can take this scroll. It's easy to study it when you have time. Anyway, I can carry it upside down, and it's useless to put it on my body."

reluctantly removed his eyes from the scroll, and Batiangari handed the scroll up, raised his legs, and enjoyed the rocking chair service of the sun.

As soon as he heard the words of Batianhun, he couldn't wait to ask, "Om? Really? Tell me where it is. The apprentice will find it and let the master have a good time.

After more than a year together, Yingri has been very familiar with the nature of Batian Hunting. As long as it comes to things related to refineries, Batian Hunting must be very exciting. As soon as the words fall, Batian Hunting jumped up from the chair.

"Yes, why didn't I think of it? Maybe I couldn't find it but let you find it. Look at my brain. Qingyuan Desert, according to the reliable information I have received, there must be a spiritual fluorite in the Qingyuan Desert in the north of Linghan, but...

Speaking of this, the bully hunting look stagnated and seemed to be a little hesitant.

"Just what? Since there must be, then the disciple will find it for you. Ying Ri saw the expression of Ba Tianhun and immediately asked doubtfully.

Touching his chin and hesitated for a moment, he finally said cruelly, "With your current strength, I think the wilderness should not be very dangerous for you. The environment of that place is much worse than other deserts, and there are many low-level orcs. Although it is a little dangerous if you go, the degree It won't be very high either. As long as you deal with it carefully, there should be no fatal danger."

"orcs?" Yingri still feels quite strange about this term.

"Yes, orcs, as the name implies, are a group of beasts, but unlike ordinary beasts, this is a group of wisdom, and some orcs are even more intelligent than human beings! There are many orcs on the mainland, and the orcs in Linghan are only the lowest existence of the orcs. But with a strong body, the combat effectiveness is also quite good. So you have to be very careful once you meet them. If there is a battle and you can't win, you can stay away with the speed you have. As far as I know, although the combat effectiveness of the orcs is very good, the speed of most of the orcs that have not yet been transformed is still very poor.

After listening to the words of Batianhun, I turned to a face of expectation. I stayed here for a year and a half, which is not long, but it is not short. Now I can take this opportunity to go out and explore, and I can also ask about my parents's news along the way. Why not?

After making up his mind, he hurried back to his room and began to prepare for the trip.

The next morning, Yingri walked out of the forbidden place with a little excitement and a relaxed face.

"Yewell, the air here is still so fresh. That day, I was captured into Cuizhuju by the master here. I didn't expect it to be so long in a flash."

I took a deep breath, stretched out my waist, and felt a burst of relief in my heart. During this period, I have put my spirit on the study of refining, and I haven't left Cuizhuju for a long time.

Looking down at the magnificent Yuning Palace, recalling that after throwing the captain's position to the Shaoqun that day, I ran to this mountain and was arrested. I couldn't help but be a little curious: "I don't know how my third team is now. Anyway, it's not a day or two. Let's go back to the Yuning Palace first to have a look. ."

Thinking of his irresponsibility at the beginning, Ying Ri also scratched his head helplessly, laughed at himself and laughed twice, and quickly walked in the direction of Yuning Palace.


"Hey, our talented teenager Yan Ying, who came to our Yuning Palace to sweep the floor, isn't it okay?"

A young man hugged him and came to a teenager who was bowing his head and sweeping the floor, wearing palace guards and wearing a blue crown, and said jokingly on his face.

He looked up and stared at the young man fiercely. The young man lowered his head again, swept the floor attentively, and no longer paid attention to the young man's ridicule.

The teenager sweeping the floor is the famous genius of Peitung City - Yan Ying Q; and the young man beside him turned out to be Chen Yuanli, who was taken off his trousers by the day at the draft!

Everyone said that the thin camel is bigger than the horse, which is confirmed by Chen Yuanli.

Originally, with the fall of Chen Xihong, the Chen family should have been depressed from now on. However, Chen Yuanli, who obtained the quota of entering the Yuning Palace through fraud, supported the Chen family again, for nothing else, because Huiyu, one of the five lords of the Yuning Palace today, was Chen Huihong's enlightenment teacher in those years!

Next to the circle, there stood a young man with a faint face on his left and right, looking coldly at everything in front of him without saying a sound.

Moon Wolf; Xiao Xin!

The top two of the three monsters in the last draft are now like bodyguards, standing on the left and right sides behind Yuan.

With a contemptuous face, he stood up and kicked away the broom in his hand, curled his lips and turned away.

"Oh... It's really boring. No matter how I insulted him in the past two or three months, he lost my interest."

He lowered his head and clenched his lips to try to control his emotions. Originally, it was a very exciting thing to pass the draft, but I didn't expect that as soon as I entered the Yuning Palace, I would be completely insulted and suppressed by Yuanli. The humiliation I have suffered in the past six months has made the questionable who has been burdened with the word genius.

Although Yan Qinglong has been promoted to captain, he is managing Chen Xiong's previous brigade, and his superior is Chen Xiong's enlightenment teacher. Under the wall, Yan Qinglong is not much better than to ask questions.

"Do you know that the so-called third team members work hard? There is still so much dust in this martial arts arena. What do you eat? Learn from your waste captain's younger brother. Let's see how hard he sweeps, hahaha..."

Holding the back of his head in his hands, he swaggered across the martial arts arena, still sarcastically to the more than a dozen members of the third team sweeping the ground.

"Yes, yes, hurry up and know, the environment of Yuning Palace still depends on you, haha..."

"Hey..., who let you be the useless team members of Yan Yingri? That's fate."


Except for Moon Wolf and Xiao Xin, the people surrounded them all echoed one after another, full of flattery, and also followed Chen Yuan. Who else could there be besides this kind of person?

However, Moon Wolf and Xiao Xin are extremely reluctant to stand with Chen Yuan. If it hadn't been for the Lord's personal order for the protection of Chen Yuanli's safety and the promise that their families would rise rapidly, they would not have been with such a group of people.

"Bah... If Brother Yingri hadn't been in the palace, how could you be so arrogant? When your brother comes back, I'll see how you die. However, where has Brother Yingri gone? Why have I been in for half a year and still don't see him?

Looking at Chen Yuanli and others who were gradually fading away, he spit on the ground fiercely, and then showed a doubtful look on his face.

After a year and a half of growth, the size is obviously much higher, and it has reached the age of youth, but under the oppression of Yuanli in the past six months, there is a trace of youth and a sense of maturity.

"Ah, I didn't expect that after such a long time, Yuning Palace has not changed at all, huh? Is that person?"

As soon as he stepped into the gate of Yuning Palace, Ying Ri turned his head and looked at the whole martial arts arena and said such a sentence with a little emotion. He hasn't come for a year and a half, and there is always a little memory.

However, when Yingri's eyes turned to a corner of the martial arts arena, his eyes were firmly nailed to a teenager wearing a blue crown.

"Ask, it's a question. I didn't expect him to pass the draft this year."

After being stunned, Ying Ri gradually smiled.

"Well..., answer the question..."

Shouting the name of the question in his mouth, Ying Ri waved his hand and trotted away to the question, his face full of joy and excitement. After a long separation, the reunion of brothers was really a great thing in the world.

"Eh? This sound seems to be...? Brother Yingri!"