Wutian Demon Soul

Chapter 52 Next

Standing silently, the killer named Shadow stimulated all the martial arts in his body and slowly moved the poisonous blade in his hand. He stared at the murderous Ying Ri without looking back and said, "Two minutes, this is the limit of what I can do so far. How to escape from this guy in these two minutes is up to you."


After listening to the shadow's words, Chen Xihong turned around and fled. How could he not know the meaning of this sentence? If the killer himself was not a dead man and everyone regarded death, I'm afraid he didn't even have two minutes to escape.

"I think the most successful thing about Huiyu should be your dedication. The fearless spirit of death is indeed admirable. In this case, as a respect for you, I will leave your life, but..."

He pulled up the overlord's silver gun, stood up on the right day, and turned his mind to look at the calm shadow and Chen Xihong, who was running for his life in a hurry. The murderer was finally killed. He would no longer be kind to take Chen Xihong's life.

The anger of Fengshen once again shrouded the silver gun, and rose up and went straight to the killer's shadow. After Dacheng, Fengshen was furious and no longer needed the process of accumulating power. He swept and split, all with the power of a big move, forcing the shadow to burst back.

To play fast, the shadow is retreating and giving full play to the killer's greatest advantage. The swallow-tailed dart's left hand is repeatedly, and after a back flip, the figure disappears from the field of view of the sun.

"Oh, hiding in the corner of my vision? Killer is really a terrible profession. With a confident smile, Ying Ri also disappeared in place after sweeping down the swallow-tailed dart in front of him.


I only listened to his voice and didn't see him. In the air, the sound of limb collision came out one after another. With the appearance of a red energy fluctuation, a black figure fell straight down and hit the ground fiercely, causing a loud noise.


The white figure flashed, and Ying Ri appeared in front of the seriously injured shadow. His left hand grabbed the spirit of the shadow and pulled it violently. A milky white martial arts source was suddenly sucked out by Ying Ri Yuying's body.

"I have accepted the origin of the martial spirit of the strong Wu Kui. As for your life, I will keep it for you to deal with by yourself."

The special martial arts skill of devouring, the same body of the holy demon, after absorbing Chen Xihong's original martial arts source last time, Ying Ri felt the benefits brought to him, leaving this person with the highest cultivation for this purpose.


After a painful howl, the shadow collapsed to the ground. From now on, it is destined to live the life of the weak. The previous career of the strong is gone forever.

"Hu..." exhaled a pale white turbid breath. Ying Ri was not in a hurry to refine the source of the absorbed martial arts. He looked up at the distant battle circle. The number of casualties on both sides has gradually increased.

Closing his eyes, Yingri raised his spiritual perception to the extreme, and quickly searched for Chen Xihong's breath. After locking the direction, Yingri's figure disappeared in place, leaving only two faint red small whirlwinds.

How far can Chen Xihong run in two minutes without martial arts? Other members of the Chen family were glued to the fight with the Yan clan, and no one cared about the situation here at all. After more than a dozen breathing hours, Chen Xihong was exhausted and knelt on a roof in front of the two clans.

Yingri picked up the overlord's silver gun and stood behind Chen Xihong. The strong wind blew up the white brocade robe, which was more majestic.

"All stop!"

With a loud shout, the light red martial spirit rose around. Ying Ri looked at the crowd of the Chen family and then throwed the silver gun in their hands. With a 'bang' sound, the Chen family suddenly suffered heavy losses. They all stopped blocking the Yan clan and stared at the roof in front.

"The patriarch!"

"Young patriarch!"

Different exclamation and ** voices came from both sides.

Looking down at the gradually separated people of the two clans, he slowly raised his right hand and put it on top of Chen Xihong's head, injecting a loud voice into this spacious street: "Listen the Chen family, a day later, on the basis of returning my Yan family's property, I will send someone to take charge of 50% of the market of all your family's industries. You should be glad, because at least I still have half of it for you."

After looking around, a strong murder suddenly appeared in Ying Ri's eyes: "If I haven't received any news a day later, then the Chen family will end up like this person."

The light red martial spirit surrounding his body hurried to the palm of his right hand and spread down the top of Chen Xihong's head, rendering the surface of Chen Xihong's body into a strange blood-red color.

Raising his right hand and putting it in front of him, Ying Ri looked at his palm, gritted his teeth, and clenched his palm.


After a muffled sound, Chen Xihong's body burst open. The number one person in Peitung City died here today, leaving only a strong smell of blood in the air, drifting away with the wind...

"Take the injured and dead people and let's go back."

Today, the Chen family originally planned to directly destroy the Yan family. In this case, what's the use of being soft? In this world, there will always be respect for the strong and unnecessary compassion, and the consequences are likely to be to cut off their lives in vain. The benevolence of the original thought not only made them almost lose their lives, but also caused the Yan clan to be almost destroyed.

Moved his feet to jump off the ground, led his clan to take triumphant steps, and marched forward in the direction of Yanfu. His heart was secretly determined: In the future, whoever dares to twist the tiger's beard will let him become a tiger food! The bloody lesson is in front of us. Those dead people, rest in peace. In the future, my Yan clan will never allow others to touch it lightly!


Two days later, Yanfu

The four elders stood quietly outside the rooms of Yingri. The four pairs of old eyes vigilantly inspected the movements around the room over and over again, trying their best not to let external factors affect the cultivation of the people in the room.

In the room, Ying Ri was sitting cross-legged on the bed, sneaking into his body, guiding the source of the martial arts absorbed two days ago to surge in the direction of his Dantian.

After roughly dealing with the affairs of the clan, Yingri began to focus on himself. The change of the martial spirit on that day made Yingri worry about it for the past two days, and after the four elders knew it, they also took the initiative to ask for the protection of Yingri.

Since absorbing the origin of Chen Xiong's martial soul, he has rarely come to his own Dantian. After all, the characteristics of the Holy Demon are that they continuously absorb the aura of heaven and earth into the martial arts in the body. Everything is natural. Generally, they enter the state of cultivation every day, and they just try their best to accelerate the absorption of the spirit of heaven and earth. It's just that he didn't deliberately observe the origin of his martial arts in Dantian.

The mind led the source of the martial arts to the location of Dantian. What I saw on the day was a strange landscape.