Wutian Demon Soul

Chapter 92 Divine Sword Recognize the Lord

In front of the gate of Tianying Peak, as the huge blue-purple light ball in the air gradually shrank, Yingri's body slowly appeared in front of everyone, and his whole body was rendered blue-purple by the energy, and his long red hair also turned dark purple, dancing with the wind. His eyes were closed, his hands were slightly open and drooping down, and a purple Thunderbolt lit up on the surface of his body from time to time, which was very majestic!

"Hahaha, hahahaha..."

Continuous ecstasy laughter came from the mouth of the two old men, like a bell, to their ears. The two stepped on the void and came behind Yingri, which was floating in mid-air, raised their hands left and right, and opened a whirlpool of energy like when they came.

"The people of the Sword Palace obey the order. From today on, any outsiders are prohibited from entering the top of Tianying Peak. If they want to enter, their cultivation must be above the first level of Wushou!" After the energy vortex appeared, the old man in black robe opened his mouth and ordered all the disciples of the Sword Palace in Tianying Peak. The voice spread to every corner of Tianying Peak, once again showing the terrible cultivation.

"Shake the world and recognize the Lord, and the divine sword will be followed. The time for my divine sword palace to regain its prestige is not far away, hahaha..."

The two old men and the figure of Ying Ri disappeared in the energy vortex at the same time. On the sky shadow peak, two proud laughter echoed between the valleys and had not disappeared for a long time...

"Bastard, what do you want to do on the corresponding day? Leave me the corresponding day!"

Watching the energy vortex disappear, Xu Shaojie, not far from the energy ground, brazenly roared, and his figure was ready to jump into the sky. However, Elder Kun, who was not far from the energy ground, flapped his wings and blocked in front of Xu Shaojie.


Xu Shaojie pulled out the second-grade sword given to him by Yingri at his waist, pointed to Elder Kun in front of him with red eyes and shouted, "Get out of the way, or I will directly cut you!"

"Don't get excited. Your name is Xu Shaojie, right? I recognize you as a popular figure in the last mainland youth draft competition. Your friends are not dangerous. Don't worry about this. On the contrary, it can make my sword palace left and right - the heavenly pole; the earth pole both appeared. This young man named Yan Yingri is absolutely not simple, and the divine sword Zhenyu, the treasure of my sword palace, you must have witnessed it with your own eyes. Trust your friends. This time, it will be a great encounter for him!"

What happened today may be a page that changed history in the Sword Palace. The two poles of heaven and earth, which were originally at the core of Jiqi Kingdom, would appear here. Coupled with the strong reaction of shaking the sword, Elder Kun was already in his heart at this time and vaguely felt that this young man named Yan Yingri would be against the Sword Palace and Jiqi in the future. How much impact does the country have?

"Well, I hope everything you say now is true. If there is any accident after my brother, I will definitely ask my master to directly raze your sword palace to the ground!"

In front of him, he stands in the territory of the Sword Palace, and in front of him is a strong man of the King of Wu. Even Xu Shaojie, who has a 'heart glass sword spirit', has to think more if he wants to do it. Moreover, as one of the eight elders of the Sword Palace, Elder Kun really doesn't need to lie and deceive himself. He takes back the sword in his hand. Xu Shaojie directly put down a harsh sentence and turned around and walked down the mountain. I made up my mind that if I encounter anything wrong on the day, I will definitely be at odds with the Sword Palace.

'What a arrogant boy, but with such strength at a young age, it's really worth being proud of. I don't know who this person's master will be.' Looking at Xu Shaojie who turned around and went down the mountain, Elder Kun secretly praised in his heart, and then turned his figure and sped his wings to the top of the mountain.


On the top of Tianying Peak, a wide Temple of Heaven towering into the clouds.

The upper body presents a perfect muscle curve. At this moment, he closes his eyes and sits in the middle of the Temple of Heaven. Under the sunlight, the blue king chain on his chest reflects thousands of colorful rays. Above the king chain, a repeated cyan gas silently penetrates into the pores of his body and continues to quietly strengthen his body. Body.

The two old men, black and white and bipolar, stand quietly on both sides of Yingri at this moment, and their vicissitudes old faces are full of relief.

At this time, the skin and hair on Yingri's body have returned to their original appearance. The difference is that on Yingri's right arm, a blue-purple dragon pattern coils down and goes straight to the back of the hand, which is lifelike and powerful.


Suddenly, the milky white gas above the Temple of Heaven flowed up quickly and condensed into a huge milky white cyclone above the Temple of Heaven, rotating rapidly around the sun and slowly approaching the sun.

"Hehe, it's time to break through."

The heavenly old man in a black sword robe stroked the slender beard and smiled twice. At the same time, he restrained all the breath in his body with the earthly old man. The two were like the stone tree, which did not affect the frequency of the milky white cyclone at all.

Through the two people, the cyclone directly poured into the inside of Yingri's body, passed through the meridians all over the body to the small abdomen Dantian, constantly strengthening the solidity of the original source of martial arts in the Dantian!


A sharp sound sounded, and Yingri's body emitted bursts of dazzling light, which directly bounced away about 30% of the cyclone, and slowly pressed down the Dantian position with both hands, symbolizing the smooth breakthrough of cultivation. After exhaling a mouthful of pale yellow turbidity, Ying Ri did not immediately open his eyes and get up, but continued to close his eyes to control the stability of the origin of martial arts in his body.

"Know how to laid a solid foundation, not impatient, not greedy for cultivation, the understanding and heart of the palace master are extremely good!" The old man saw that Yingri actually resisted the huge energy brought to him by the sword of Shaking Yu. After breaking through the high level of the general, he stopped absorbing the source of the martial arts again, and his face showed great admiration.

On the way to practice, the most important thing is to avoid rushing to make progress. If you directly absorb all the energy brought to him by the Shaking Sword, you can indeed make rapid progress in a short period of time. However, in this way, the foundation will become extremely unstable. If you want to make a higher-level breakthrough in the future, you will encounter many bottlenecks. In the end, The gains outweigh the losses. And this situation often happens in many young people who are lucky enough to get an opportunity. Those who can't help ** are all extremely slow and regretful to advance later.

"Wow... By the way, I don't know why the hidden demon master appeared on Tianying Peak that day. If he started at that time, I'm afraid that the palace master and the shaking sword will both be destroyed and fall. Fortunately, the man did not mean to the palace owner, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

When he saw that the sun held back** and made the best judgment, the old man breathed a sigh of relief and motioned the old man to go to the edge of the Temple of Heaven so as not to disturb the retreat on the day.