Wutian Demon Soul

Chapter 125 Become a Dian

As soon as the voice of the sun fell, Batiangari was a double fist probing. His right foot was bent back and suspended in the void in a strange posture. The purple light on his body became thicker and thicker. Finally, a huge halo was formed on his body. With his right foot kicking forward, the powerful spirit instantly broke away from the surface of Batiangari's body. It condensed into a purple light ball high enough to roar towards the sun.


In just a blink of an eye, the light ball had already collided with the shield of the martial arts in front of him, constantly making a 'Zizi' sound.

The domineering attack, but the martial breath on his body has not diminished at all. His eyes are closely at Ying Ri, and his whole body is on guard. As long as the latter shows a trace of uncomfortable image, he will immediately take action and do his best to minimize the impact, so as to reduce the impact of the day. To ensure the personal safety of the day.

But the following facts in front of us once again stunned everyone at the scene, and even their breathing seemed so unsmooth.

On the shield of martial arts, the sound of 'Zizi' continued to rise and fall. After the two martial arts collided, it did not explode as violently as expected. On the contrary, there was originally a purple light ball the size of a domineering one, but before the shield, it was constantly steamed and disappeared by the dense purple thunder, and the volume was seen with the naked eye. The speed of sight gradually decreased. After the shield, Ying Ri calmly stretched out his right hand and was slightly embedded in the huge shield in front of him. His body was as motionless as a pillar. Obviously, the attack of Batianhun was very easy.


Like the sound of running water, after the purple light ball shrank to a certain extent, I saw the movement of the shield of the martial spirit in front of him, raised his right hand slightly, and then swept forward with the momentum of thunder, directly smashing the light ball, turning it into a little starlight, and then dissipating between heaven and earth.

'This is a martial arts-level attack. Wuwang, how can it be possible? How can Yingri's strength become so horrible? This... This is a big deal...' After Yingri easily blocked the attack of Batian Hunting, Yu Wenke immediately realized in his heart that Linghanguo will be famous for the first time because of the appearance of Yingri. An unnamed continent.

If this battle can survive and use the strength shown now, the mainland youth draft conference that will begin in a few months will definitely become the stage that will shine in the whole unknown continent.

This means that Linghan may be sheltered by the 'Tianfu Hall', the first organization in the mainland, and no longer has to live such a life of oppression by other countries everywhere!

"should...should! This is the descendant of the Yan family, the ancestors of the Yan family. Have you seen it? These are the descendants of our Yan family, hahaha..."

At this time, Yan Qinglong seemed to be crazy, and at this time, he was surrounded by some top figures of Linghan Kingdom. He looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, and his body trembled violently. His heart was obviously extremely excited.

There is such a talented descendant in the family, and who will not be proud of it as an elder? Not only Yan Qinglong, but also Ba Tianhun and Yu Wenke feel extremely proud, so they will not mind Yan Qinglong's gaffe at this time, because it is really worthy of pride.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you..." Ying Ri was a little puzzled by Yan Qinglong's sudden burst of laughter. He looked up at the latter with a little worry on his face.

"Haha, silly boy, uncle is fine, but he is so happy that I can't help it." Feeling the worry of the sun, Yan Qinglong looked at him and smiled slightly. Then the madness just now converged a lot, but the joy on his face still could not be concealed, which was undoubtedly obvious.

He was perfectly hit by Ying Ri. There was no reason to refuse Ying Ri's suggestion. After restraining his martial arts, he strode to Ying Ri, patted Ying Ri on the shoulder and said, "In the future, I will be proud of receiving you as an apprentice. You are really good, Cook Empire. The army is full of crises. You have to be very careful. The three blows have passed, and there is no reason for the division to stop you. If this desperate situation can reopen a bright road because of you, then you will be the greatest meritorious minister in the history of Linghan. Come on, my disciple.

"Master, after listening to your words... Hey, what should I say..." Ying Ri suddenly frowned slightly and said inexplicably.

"Eh? What's wrong? To be honest, let the teacher hear what kind of feelings you have..."

"Well..., in this case, the apprentice told the truth. Master, what you said made the apprentice feel that you are really... disgusting..." After saying this sentence, he ran to Tianshang in the distance without waiting for the reaction of the sky hunting.

Then behind the day, the horse came the angry and angry voice of Ba Tianhun: "You... you ignorant bastard, come back and get out of here. Do you know that this is the first time I have talked to someone like this..."

A running young man in a white robe, an angry and rough man, coupled with happy laughter, the picture at this time looks so cheerful and warm...


Two days later, in the morning, Cook Imperial Barracks

The morning sun shines on the earth, and the barracks are sprinkled with golden sunshine. The Cook Empire barracks, which is in the limelight, are full of fighting spirit and high fighting spirit.

At this time, before a 12-person team, a beautiful young man, wearing a set of leading costumes, was talking to the 12-person team.

"Good brothers, as you can see, I am the candidate sent by my superior to be the captain of your team this time. You can call me captain or Ying Ren. In the future, we will live together for a long time, so please give me more advice."

"Good job, Captain Ren." When the words fell, a neat and powerful salute came out of the team.

"Yes, very good. Here I want to tell you first. Since I am the marshal of the cemetery, I am temporarily assigned to the free country. I don't know much about the many places in the barracks, so in the next period of time, I will have a lot of things to ask my brothers for advice. At that time, I hope my brothers will not hesitate to tell me. ." The young man held his head high, as if he were modest and said like words.

"Military duty, obey orders!" Twelve soldiers, once again, spoke with one voice, showing how disciplined and military discipline this team was in their daily training.

nodded with satisfaction, and the young man slowly raised his bright and beautiful face and spread it on the sunshine. It was the day he had just returned to Linghan two days ago.

Due to time constraints, Ying Ri had no time to explain his plan to Ba Tian Kan and others in detail. After a little preparation, he sneaked into a relatively remote camp of the Cook Empire, secretly erased one of the team captains without a trace, and then as a newly transferred marshal relative. Identity, appearing in this camp, these things are not very difficult for the Japanese.

After the twelve soldiers woke up and found that their captain had been replaced overnight, they were indeed a little confused. After all, they did not receive a similar disc notice before that, but after taking out the token he created overnight, they swept away their inner doubts. Kong, completely believe in the identity of a distant relative of the marshal of Yingri's prison.

That token was described by the overlord hunter who fought against the mausoleum many times, and then created by imagination. Although the simulation is not very high, it is still more than enough to fool these lowest-level soldiers.

"The war is approaching, and my captain urgently needs to grasp all the current internal and external situation. If any of you know more about the current situation, please come forward and report it in detail. If the answer is satisfactory to me, I will be rewarded." After saying that, Ying Ri took out a large handful of gold coins from his arms and threw them gently in his hand.

There is no doubt that each of these soldiers at the bottom of the army can't resist the ** of money, which can be seen from the Qi Erhe of Ji's Tianying Peak, so at the moment when the gold coins were taken out on the right day, it was obvious that the faces of the twelve soldiers were all full of excitement. They are all looking forward to it and eager to try.

'It's worthy of being a distant relative of the marshal, and it's rich to take action.'

In the eyes of these soldiers, the marshal's distant relatives are definitely only here to make a reputation and go back to have a bragging capital. Because this phenomenon also happens from time to time in the army, and it was only when Ying Ri grasped this point that he came up with this plan. The Yan family has been mixed letters for a long time. In the army, of course, Ying Ri will also hear a little about the secrets disclosed in these armies.

"Captain, I'll come, I'll..."

Each of the twelve soldiers scrambled to shout at Yingri. Finally, under the selection of Yingri, they asked a short and thin soldier to come forward first to make a report. Of course, Yingri also had a consideration for choosing him. Generally, this kind of short soldier, who seems to fall in the wind, fought in terms of war. Although not, it must be the most informed, because only in this way can it stand in the army and not be looked down upon by soldiers of the same class. Talented scouts can all appear on such figures.

"You, come here and tell everything you know truthfully. If you satisfy me, these gold coins will be yours." Ying Ri pointed to the thin soldier and said.

"Yes, I thank the captain first." The thin soldier took a few steps forward, made a military salute to Ying Ri, and then said, "Captain, during this period of time, our army has been like a broken bamboo, and the army of Naling Hanguo has been defeated and retreated. The momentum is like a rainbow and unstoppable. At present, the marshal of the mausoleum is gathering all the main forces and will send a final message to the army of Hanguo. One blow."

After listening to these few words, Ying Ri said impatiently, "I know what you said. Don't talk so much nonsense and talk about the key points directly. Haven't I heard a lot of good words? You should know that this is not what I want to hear."

Seeing Ying Ri's discontented look, the thin soldier was stunned, his eyes slipped around, nodded and bowed, revealing a flirtat.

"What the captain said is that what he said is that his subordinates have indeed said too much nonsense. As far as his subordinates know, there seem to be two strong Wu Wang in the army, which is also the reason why our army's attack has been blocked. However, Yu Wenke, the marshal of Ling Hanguo, seems to be taking care of something and has never been Dare to launch an effective counterattack against our army, which is also the main reason why our army can have this morale.

"So, do you know the reason why Marshal Ling Hanguo dares to fight back?" Pushing the boat along the water, Ying Ri asked the most important question in his heart at this time.

"Captain, although his subordinates don't know about this, they also know some ways to find out some information. If the captain can trust his subordinates, he can recommend a person to the captain. This person is the top boss of the next fellow countryman and serves as a captain in the army. He can definitely find out from his mouth. The reason for everything, I believe that with the identity of the captain and this financial resources, the man should be willing to tell him everything he knows, but the captain has to release some goodwill in advance. However, by that time, even if the captain has mastered all the information in the army, he will go back to China and believe that the captain's relatives and friends will all I will feel sincere admiration for the captain's glorious experience in the army.

"Hahaha, okay, very good. I didn't expect that you, a small soldier, can still understand the mind of the captain. That's good. Come on, you take these first. After getting the news, I will still have a lot of rewards." With a burst of cheerful laughter, Ying Ri handed all the gold coins in his hand to the thin soldier, attracting the red eyes of the other eleven soldiers.

"You, take me to meet that person later. By the way, do you have any other additions? If so, explain to me in detail quickly. I have a lot of money, but I'm afraid you can't take it away.

With the precedent of that thin soldier, the other eleven soldiers were all blushing at this time, racking their brains and desperately trying to squeeze out some information from their minds. However, they did not know much about the situation. After thinking for a long time, they all shook their heads and sighed, complaining that they did not have that blessing.