Wutian Demon Soul

Chapter 169 What to do, my sister has the final say

Which woman will forget the face of the person who ruined her body? Under Jin Ping's identification, several people were pulled out.

And all the people who have ruined Jin Ping were stuffed into the small earthen house by Ying Ri. The originally spacious earthen house was loaded with more than 20 people at once, and suddenly became crowded.

"Sister, is there anything else for you to remember in that place?" Looking up at the small earthen house, Ying Ri held Jin Ping's hand and muttered.

Although Jin Ping did not know his intention for Ying Ri's question, the answer was very certain.

Since her husband's death, Jin Ping has been living in hell almost every day, and the small earth house is her cage of hell on earth. The devil continuously enters the cage and destroys her for a long time, making her physically and mentally tortured every day. The only thing that supports her is silk. .

"No, there is nothing in the world that deserves my nostalgia."

"Well, if that's the case, then..."

As soon as he raised his right hand, a cluster of pink martial arts ignited. The palm of the sun slowly clenched and waved forward violently back. The cluster of pink martial arts in his hand suddenly flew out towards the small earthen house.


A violent explosion sounded, and the small earth house collapsed in an instant under the attack of the sun, crushing all the more than 20 people there under the dust and raising a large dust.

Yingri's strength was just right. All the people in the small earthen house were seriously injured at this time, but their lives were not in danger.

Originally, Ying Ri intended to kill all those people in his heart, but considering Jin Ping's future life and his identity have been known, he did not take much. However, if Jin Ping wanted Han Wei's lives, Ying Ri would not care so much.

"From now on, you are you. Everything in the past has been washed away by my response." Still holding Jin Ping's hand, Ying Ri pointed to the small dirt house that had turned into dust and looked up to Hong Lin and the onlookers and said, "Listen, Jin Ping, she is my sister. If anyone dares to disrespect her in the future, the consequences will be the same as this house!"

"Lord Yingri, kill them, kill them..."

"Please ask for justice from Han Wei and others for us, and ask Lord Yingri to be the master for us..."


The warning of the day not only did not arouse the disgust of the townspeople, but also aroused their anger against Han Wei and his party for a long time. In the past, they lived peacefully in this remote small town, living every day leisurely, but since Han Wei and others came, they have been bullying the townspeople and opening gambling. Gambling, rampant everywhere, making the people panic, and the townspeople have no peace all day long.

In the past, Honglin, who was deterred behind Han Wei, dared not say anything. Now with the response day to completely suppress Honglin, the anger in the townspeople' hearts broke out, and their faces were furious, and some garbage kept flying out of the crowd and debris to Honglin and others.

Let the townspeople throw garbage on their bodies. Honglin and his party all bowed their heads at this time and didn't even dare to say a word.

"Sister, you decide what to do. Even if you want their lives, Yingri will make them all not see the sun tomorrow." Yingri did not respond directly to the request of the townspeople, but turned to look at Jin Ping and asked.

"The day..."

At this time, Jinping was reaching out to cover her mouth and looking at the collapsed hut. Her eyes were full of tears. The small hut and Han Wei were both her long-term nightmares, and now they have all been smashed down.

The emotion burst in an instant, and Jin Ping finally couldn't control herself and cried in front of Ying Ri.

"My sister doesn't cry. Ying Ri is here. I'll kill them, and Ying Ri will kill them!" Seeing Jin Ping's appearance, Ying Ri seemed to see his former self, and a murderous intention suddenly appeared in his eyes. He stepped out with a cold face and walked towards Han Yi and others who were howling in constant pain.

Hearing Ying Ri's words, Jin Ping reached out and took the former's hand, wiping her tears and looked a little hesitant.

Although Jin Ping has always lived an extremely miserable life, and although she also hates Han and his party very much in her heart, she is a little difficult for her to feel the life and death of these people.

After hesitating for a long time, the resentment in Jin Ping's heart finally couldn't hide her kindness. She sighed deeply. Jin Ping said, "Oh... Anyway, after all, killing is not a good thing. Let's forget it. Anyway, they have also been punished."

"Sister, you... Hey, okay, whatever your sister says, you can do it on the right day." After letting go of holding Jin Ping's hand, Ying Ri replied and walked to Hong Lin and said harshly to their group of people, "You should thank my sister Jin Ping for her kindness. For this reason, you have saved a life. Now you have listened to me well. Han Wei's property under the name of Qihuai Town, including her residence. My sister will take over all of them. In the future, you will not step into the town, otherwise you will bear the consequences.

"Mrs. Xie Jinping's kindness of not killing, thanking Lord Yingri for not killing..." Ying Ri's decision, Hong Lin's group dared not have any opinion. After a few heads in a hurry, they stood up and were about to leave.

In this place, they don't want to stay any longer for a second. It's uncomfortable to pinch their lives in other people's hands.

"B bastard, shall I let you go?"

It's just that when they got up and wanted to leave, they were almost scared by Ying Ri's loud shout, trembled and knelt back to the original ground one by one, and no longer dared to move casually.


Under the arrangement of Yingri, Han Wei's casino in Xihuai Town was sorted out into a large inn by his group of people called Honglin. There is nothing in business. Ying Ri just wants Jin Ping to feel better in her heart. As for the problem of money, Ying Ri, as a refinery, casually pulled out a hair from her body, which is enough for Jin Ping's mother. A woman's life is more than enough.

After arranging everything, Ying Ri specially left several glazed heavenly soldiers, including Hong Lin. If he wants to go to Jianzong, he has to have some people who know more about the surrounding situation in this area, and Hong Lin and others are the best candidates for Ying Ri at present.

After Jin Ping's incident, Hong Lin and others were also deeply honored to help a second-grade refiner, so they all knew everything, which also made Ying Ri thoroughly understand the current situation of Jianzong.


Update a chapter first, and there will be another update in the evening. Thank you for your support for Gu Yun. The update in the past two days has been changed to the morning, which is a little unstable. First of all, I would like to say sorry here. Seeing that the number of collections has not risen and it has fallen down, Gu Yun is really painful. Brothers who haven't collected it yet, please help register an account for Gu Gu Yun is very grateful for the cloud collection. Each of your collections is very precious to Gu Yun.