Wutian Demon Soul

Chapter 180 What's the use of kindness!

Su Jianwu did not feel much pressure on the strength of Yingri himself. What was threatening to him was the cold air caused by the former, as well as the palace artifact of the divine sword palace.

It is also that Ying Ri can't exert all the power of Shen Hai's cold at present, otherwise, under this blow, Su Jianwu will have to be eaten by this cold air. Wu Zun's second-level cultivation is completely powerless for Shen Hai's cold under the complete form.

"Surprised? Ha, this is just the beginning. Come on, let me experience your ability as a martial arts master.

With a contemptuous smile, Ying Ri flashed endlessly with purple thunderbolt. King Wu's wings danced softly, with a very arrogant look on his face, and stretched out his left hand and hooked his fingers to Su Jianwu extremely provocatively.

Unaffected by the action of the sun, Su Jianwu restrained the light enemy at this time, was alert, and began to make a delicate analysis of the current battle situation in his mind.

These hundreds of years have made Su Jianwu know how to sail carefully for ten thousand years. Even if he is a strong man, he must not be careless in the face of such a strange war situation.

How's it going? Don't you want to do it? Well, it's better for me this time!"

As soon as the words fell, Shen Hai's cold and domineering bang broke out. He pointed to the sky with one day, and a little dazzling light condensed on his fingertips. His right hand shook the sword in front of him and swept forward, and a half-moon purple chopping flew out of the air!

Dare not dare to be careless at all. Su Jianwu's Yingyang Baojian suddenly covered with a layer of gray-brown martial spirit, and the other hand secretly stimulated the space whirlpool.


With a loud shout, the half-moon-shaped chopping sent by Yingri was waved by Su Jianwu, directly disappearing into the invisible, but at the moment of chopping, a very fine light broke through the air and hit the latter's eyebrows.

This light is emitted by the dark cold energy condensed by the sun. Its penetrating force can be said to be extremely horrible, and the sun is named for this - the cold meteorite killing!

At the moment when the light reached Su Jianwu, he quickly raised his left hand and blocked his eyebrows. In the palm of his left hand, a gray-brown whirlpool rotated rapidly.

In an instant, the light rushed into the whirlpool, which made the whirlpool stop spinning rapidly, and the unparalleled ice spread down from Su Jianwu's left hand in an instant.

This space whirlpool was originally used by Su Jianwu to attack the sun, but now it has been forced to be used to stop this horrible attack. Moreover, the space whirlpool cannot transfer all the energy of the cold meteorite killing, and a small part of it has spread to his hand through Su Jianwu's own martial arts.

After all, the strong man of Wu Zun is a strong man of Wu Zun. After feeling the extreme cold from his left hand, Su Jianwu dodged away at the first time of blocking the attack, and his left hand also followed his body in an instant.

"What a terrible descendant, his strength is so horrible!"

By removing his body at the moment of blocking the attack, Su Jianwu no longer retained it. Taking advantage of the moment of the sun's harvest, Yingyang's sword stabbed straight out towards the sun. On the body of the sword, a gray-brown lotus flower stretched out, which was the most powerful trick of Lianhua's holy sword - Holy Lotus's anger!

"Ha, is this your full blow? Or, what other calculations do you have?

The contemptuous laughter sounded again. As soon as the light fell, the sword was no longer enough to urge the sword.

However, he saw that the purple thunder on his body cracked wildly and surged straight forward. The left hand of his front finger was a fist, and he bent his hand horizontally. Unexpectedly, he condensed an ice shield with dense purple thunder and half a person high on his left arm.

"Well, ignorant boy, today I will show you the gap between experience and strength!"

As soon as the words fell, a small gray-brown whirlpool appeared at the tip of the Yingyang sword that Su Jianwu had originally stabbed out, but in less than a second, the whirlpool expanded to the size of the basin.

Then, Yingyang's sword body was directly immersed in the gray-brown space vortex. At the same time, a sword body with extremely horrible implementation appeared behind Ying Ri in an instant, and he saw that Ying Ri was about to be stabbed in the back.

"Very good, you let me see the deep scheming that a strong man should have, but these calculations have come into my eyes."

The battle wings of the King of Wu, who had been accumulating for a long time, instantly fanned. At this time, Ying Ri's body rushed forward and cleverly avoided the terrible martial arts behind him.

The figure flashed and flew to Su Jianwu, who was in a forward posture, and the ice shield in his hand slapped down on the latter's head.


A muffled sound sounded, with the ice shield of the purple thunder shaking the divine sword, which hit the back of Su Jianwu's head, and then the screams made by Su Jianwu resounded through the sky.


After being smashed like this, the anger of the holy lotus in Su Jianwu's hand has dissipated, and his body floated flat in mid-air, holding his head in his hands and shaking in pain. The Yingyang sword has fallen from his hand to the ground below.

Is it painful? Ha, ha ha... This screaming sound is really refreshing..."

He clenched his fist with his left hand and maintained his original posture. Ying Ri looked at Su Jianwu, who was hit hard by himself, but there was a faint trace of sadness and desolation in his smile.

"Say, Binbin, where is she now and how have you treated her during this period? Tell me!"

Unexpectedly, under extreme pain, Su Jianwu was able to maintain his reason and tried his best to urge the martial arts in his body to quickly condense a space channel under his body. A fall, and his body went straight to the space whirlpool.

"Aren't you trying to kill me? Do you want to escape now? It's late!"

On Yingri's body, Shen Hai's cold broke out again in an instant. How could the seriously injured Su Jianwu be faster than Ying Ri in speed? His body did not touch the space whirlpool, and the front of the whirlpool was blocked by the ice.

"The palace lord spared his life, the palace lord spared his life..." At this time, Su Jianwu was no longer as majestic as he had at the beginning. He got up, and he attracted the martial arts in his body to temporarily suppress the injury, so he knelt down in the void towards the sun.

"Palace master, all this is that the rebellious son should not have done. He actually wants to take the wife of the palace owner. This is also the family affection of the subordinate. Only when he loves his son is eager to do such a stupid thing. Please see that he has done his best for the divine sword palace for so many years and bypass the life of his subordinate..."

After listening to Su Jianwu's plea, Yingri's original murderous murder was suppressed inexplicably and calmed down in an instant.

Su Jianwu's words are not completely unreasonable. From beginning to end, he just wanted to stand up for his son, and he didn't commit any great evil.

After all, Yingri is Yingri. Although repeated experiences made him gradually lose confidence in the world, the kindness in his heart finally softened his heart for a moment.

The action paused slightly. Behind the day, King Wu's wings flapped and retreated to Su Jianwu's three feet away. He changed from his original murderous and cold face to an angry face. He shouted, "I'm asking you, where's Binbin now?"

The fleeting reaction of the day has been fully taken by Su Jianwu.

The desire to survive was rekindled in his heart. Su Jianwu hurriedly replied, "After returning to the words of the palace master, the palace lord's wife is still in the Jianzong and has not been hurt. During this period, he has not imposed any physical punishment on the palace master's wife."

However, Su Jianwu concealed the most important point, that is, Binbin has been destroyed by their father and son at least dozens of times in just over half a month!

"Well, it's better to do as you said, otherwise, I will never forgive you!"

Throwing this sentence, Ying Ri turned around and was about to fly in the direction of the fenced mountain. It seemed that he had planned to let Su Jianwu go directly.

However, as soon as Ying Ri turned around and began to flap his wings, Su Jianwu's eyes behind him were sharp, and his right sword finger came straight out. Lianhua's holy sword formula was extremely angry and burst out towards the seemingly defenseless Ying Ri.

"Bad boy, go to hell!"

At the moment when the sword finger reached three inches behind the sun, Su Jianwu was surprised to find that his whole body could not move, and there was already a fog of ice in front of him.

"My expectation is really not bad, hey, people's hearts..." I only heard Ying Ri sighing softly, and then I heard his murderous arrogant laughter again.

"Ha, ha..."

Looking at the slowly turned body, what came into Su Jianwu's eyes was like a deadly messenger from hell.

At this time, Su Jianwu didn't even have the conditions to beg for mercy, so he maintained the posture of stretching his sword forward and was trapped in the void by the cold ice of Shen Hai, and his whole body were frozen.

Looking at Ying Ri's palm stretched out towards him, Su Jianwu's pupils gradually enlarged.


After a crisp sound, a person's head appeared in Yingri's hand. On the face that had been separated from the body, there was still the expression of despair and fear before death.

"It's really ironic. Just now, I actually wanted to spare your life. It seems that everything in the past was too naive. I should take full responsibility for the death of Jin Ping's sister..."

Just after Ying Ri twisted Su Jianwu's head down, several swordsect people and horses appeared not far away and began to disperse, surrounding him and Su Jianwu's headless body in the middle.

Obviously, they didn't know that Su Jianwu had died at this time.

"Renclose Yan Yingri and don't let him escape again!" The strong man of the Sword Sect waved his hand to command the rest of the martial arts leaders.

"Oh, haha, are the people of Jianzong? Well, well, anyway, you are just a group of selfish people. It's not a pity to die..."

Under the influence of Su Jiancheng, the current Yingri has killed his eyes and hearts. Even if these people in front of him are his wife's clan, he will slaughter them all!

"Do you need kindness in this world? Ha." If he hadn't paid much attention just now, maybe he would have been attacked by Su Jianwu and killed in his hands. This is the price of kindness!

What a satire, what a satire!

"Kill, I will kill all the people in the world who bully me and those who block me, you all deserve to die!"