Wutian Demon Soul

Chapter 237 The Power of Thunder Array

Floating around the thunder array for a week, Ying Ri stared at the shining huge round totem, and his eyes were full of caution.

This appearance seems to be an extremely ordinary thunderstorm, but even the masters in the Baihua Sect are unable to crack it, and many of those masters are much higher in cultivation than the sun. If you are not careful, they are likely to be buried directly here.

"There are laws and breaks, and every array has its own eye for breaking the array. According to intelligence, it is not impossible for me to crack this array!"

After carefully looking at the whole thunder and air array, he did not hesitate any more. He raised his hand and set a space boundary around the array, and then sacrificed the sand in his body. Suddenly, a small piece of red land appeared on the original green grass, and the sand surged violently in the land.

Only the sound of sand kept ringing. At this time, part of the sand on the land flew away from the ground and circled around his body like a snake.

"Since thunder is used as a cushion in the thunder array, I will use soil as a shield and first break through the first flame array of the three arrays and drink!"

With a soft shout, Ying Ri's body swooped down to the bright totem under him.


A subtle sound appeared, and the figure of Ying Ri disappeared on this vast grassland.

The scenery is still the same. At this time, it seems that no one has ever been on the grassland. The breeze is gentle and the grass is spreading.



The figure is galloping, and Ying Ri is shuttling through a special space at this time.

"This should be the first of the three arrays - the array of inflammation." His body was still flying. Yingri turned his head and looked at the burning fire around him, and immediately realized that he had entered the battle.

In the flame array, thunder and lightning are thunder and lightning, and industry fire are burning wildly. The more the day you advance in the direction of the array, the stronger the power of thunder and lightning and industry fire is stronger.


As a burst of lightning split into the body of Yingri, he held his palm and used the quicksand soul to manipulate the sand around him to block it. The lightning immediately hit the quicksand and scattered the quicksand in all directions.

Under the control of Yingri, the flowing sand scattered by lightning instantly rotates back and hovers around Yingri again.

As soon as the lightning struck, the fire hit again, and the hot flames swept over the sun.

Whether it is the power of lightning or the power of this industry fire, it is beyond the ability of ordinary strong people. If you want to resist this great array with the power of your own martial arts, you will obviously find your own way to die.

However, since Yingri dares to break into the array alone, he naturally has his self-confidence.

"The fire is good."

With a good sound, Yingri's body immediately emitted an extremely cold breath, and the strong frozen gas of the three cold ice gases merged into the quicksand around Yingri.


He shook his hand again and mobilized the frozen air-fortified flowing sand all over his body to condense a frozen sand ball within half a foot of his body, and he hid in the sandball.

Against the elements of heaven and earth, even if the thunder in the array is like a winding dragon and the industry fire is raging, it is difficult to hurt half of the day.

This is unmanageable by other strong men. There are several strong men on this unknown continent who can use the power of the two elements of 'ice' and 'earth' at the same time.

Even if the power of the elements that can be mobilized in the day is far from competing with the large array, it is more than enough to use it from protection.

The fire elements that keep penetrating on the fine sand are all eliminated by the three major ice gases stimulated by the sun. The power of thunder and lightning is also isolated by the effect of quicksand to soften and rigid. In this state, he rushed all the way to the depths of the array at the fastest speed he could play.

"Ha, the thunder array, but Er, next, it should be the ice thunder array."

About a quarter of an hour later, Ying Ri felt that the heat on the quicksand beside him had slowly receded. With his laughter, the flames and thunder in front of him changed rapidly in an instant.

Freezing gas, and it is the extreme freezing air far above the three ice gases!

The ice and rain are flying, and the red thunder flashes. I was shocked to find that the power of thunder and lightning here is actually full of strong and hot power!

The lightning in this second array is more than several times stronger than the attack power in the first array of fire and thunder.

"Sure enough, as the intelligence said, the power of this second burst of thunder and lightning is very powerful, and the degree of damage to people by freezing air is also higher than that of the first burst of fire."

The strong men of the Baihua Sect can only go to this second array at most, and no one can hold on, because the environment here can't be countered by strong martial arts alone.

The power of the array is vast and endless. The four immortals in the ice valley once trapped a strong martial emperor of the demon clan only by relying on the power of the martial arts level. It can be seen that some array forces are indeed beyond human manpower. Otherwise, the demon clan with the strongest single combat ability will not be lonely. Under the layout, it ended in a fiasco.

The Emperor Moqin flashed in his hand. At this time, his hand pressed the strings and began to slow down the speed of moving forward. At this time, he had already placed a transparent crystal ball the size of a round fist above his head.

This transparent crystal ball is called 'Wind Source Pearl', which was obtained from the tomb site of Emperor Zheng. Originally, it was asked by the emperor by the Feng Xiaoyao of the four spiritual generals, but now it has become a private property of Yingri. At this time, this 'Wind Source Pearl' was just used by Yingri to crack here. The freezing air.

The characteristics of tornadoes are that the center is in a vacuum state, which is very suitable to restrain the extreme freezing air in the second array.

In the array, the power of the soul will be greatly suppressed, so he can only be identified by his own eyes at this time.

In the second array, the attacks of thunder, lightning and ice were not as frequent and compact as the first array. In the dozens of breathing hours of the day, he had not been attacked.

Under the protection of the sand tyrannosaurus reel, Ying Ri held the emperor's magic piano and slowly continued to move towards the depths of the array.

It is not unreasonable to treat it so cautiously, because in the second array, there are at least ten strong people who have been damaged by Baihuazong, and among these people, there is also a super strong man who has reached the first level of Emperor Wu!


Without warning, a blood-red Thunderbolt came in an instant, knocking through a huge hole in the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Under this blow, a small part of the fine sand strengthened by the sun's quicksand soil was directly hit into nothingness, and the extreme freezing air in the array also came straight towards the sun through this hole.


The continuous clear sound of the piano sounded at the right time, and it was the sun that lit up the light of the fingertips and touched the imperial piano in his hand.

However, the strength on the emperor's piano at this time is not the power of the five mysteries, but the power of the purple thunder on the sword.

The intertwined purple thunder formed a power grid, constantly making noises, and the powerful thermal energy formed by the purple thunder also blocked most of the invasion of the frozen gas at this time.


Three brazen attacks followed, almost at the same time, and then added three cold air to the interior.