Wutian Demon Soul

Chapter 271 Encountered the Moon Wolf

Step by step into the realm of flood and famine, Ying Ri deeply understood why the demons who originally lived here migrated collectively.

After hundreds of years of time, the current floods, even those border deserts, have been seriously polluted by the black gas emerging from the ground.

The reason why I didn't turn the light, but chose to walk slowly into the flood. Yingri wanted to have a more accurate understanding of what happened in the flood, so I chose the method of detailed and gradual investigation.

"This place is full of natural dangers and crises. Mei Xue, you have to be careful." The body is suspended on the ground of the dark and desolate desert. It should be separated by a small space around it. The upper part of the space is exposed in the sky to maintain the flow of pure energy.

"En" turned his head and answered. Han Meixue lowered her eyes and looked at Ying Ri holding her hand. She couldn't help but have some deer bumping around and didn't have the heart to pay attention to the surrounding environment.

Of course, Ying Ri, who has the soul of the heart and glass sword, is very clear, but he still seems to have nothing to do, so he took Han Meixue's hand and floated away on the sand.

The more you move in, the more you feel a dangerous smell on your face, and the black gas emitted on the ground is also getting stronger and stronger. In the air, there is a black poisonous gas that is enough to suffocate ordinary people.

"This is..." Suddenly, a thrill, Yingri's body suddenly became alert.

" boss, there seems to be some living things here, but these smells feel strange." Tianshang's voice came from the Qinglan King Chain at this time.

The sound of 'Shasha' went from afar and kept echoing in Yingri's ears, making Ying Ri and Han Meixue stop their forward steps. After looking at each other, they secretly stimulated the martial arts in their bodies to prevent some unexpected situations from happening.

After all, they know very little about this flood and wasteland, and they still have to be cautious. They are very clear about the principle of being careful to sail for ten thousand years.

With the approach of the 'sha' sound, a very ferocious and terrible beast appeared in front of them.

It is said that it is a foreign beast because of its body's breath, which looks like demonic spirit, but it is fundamentally different to a large extent, and it is not like all the breath of the orcs at all.

The feet are like claws, and the head is like a bullfight. On the huge body, a pair of meat wings are dripping with rich green**, and the whole body is blood red. Without half an inch of skin is intact. Under the rendering of black gas on the ground, it is even more natural to produce a violent disgust from the bottom of the heart from afar.

What surprised Yingri was not the appearance of the strange beast, but the strong breath emanating from the strange beast - the level of this strange beast is at least level four!

This level is equivalent to the strong man of the human race. And the place where they are now is only the periphery of the wilderness.

"Tianshang, you are conceived by heaven and earth. Can you find information about this foreign beast in your inheritance memory?" He stared warily at the strange beast in the roaring and galloping, and asked Tianshang in the chain of the Qinglan king.

"No need to look for it. I feel very strange to this creature. It should be a new ethnic group." Without any hesitation, Tianshang immediately replied.

"Is it the emerging ethnic group..." He muttered in a low voice, and his eyebrows were slightly locked and his face was thoughtful.

The disgusting fishy wind came to my nose. When the strange beast stepped into the 100-step distance of the sun, Han Meixue suddenly emitted a vast martial pressure, which easily shocked the strange beast to death a hundred steps away from her.

He clenched his fist and knocked on his left palm. At this time, Yingri seemed to have decided something and slowly closed his eyes.

Then, Han Meixue felt that the soul power of the sun was constantly stretching out in all directions, as if she was searching for something.

After half a sound, Ying Ri shouted abruptly, "Yes, huh?"

Looking at Ying Ri inexplicably, Han Meixue then asked, "What's wrong with Ying Ri?"

Opening his eyes, Ying Ri's face replied solemnly, "I just searched in detail with soul power and found some similar breaths around us, and these breaths felt very powerful. Deep inside, I even felt that some breaths had reached The more the strength of the sixth level goes inside, the denser this strange and powerful breath will be.

"There are actually a large number of such groups. It seems that the rumored mutant demons are not enough to be believed." Han Meixue was suddenly surprised.

Due to the inexplicable appearance of black gas that is harmful to people in the wilderness, few people in this place have stepped in after the withdrawal of all the demons. Even some curious people choose to leave after a little exploration of the periphery.

Of course, some people have met this kind of strange beast, and most of the people who met this strange beast died under the strange beast. The saying of the mutant demon clan comes from the very few people who escaped from the strange beast. They are all some of the demon atmosphere brought by the strange beast. They arrogantly assert that such strange beasts They are the descendants of some demons who are paranoid and remain in the flood and mutate under the influence of black gas.

However, Yingri shook his head: "No, I think the theory of the mutant demon clan is very credible. After all, when the demon clan used to live in the flood and famine, the number was quite huge. Here, there will definitely be some demons who refuse to give up their homes. After hundreds of years, it can also produce some The fundamental impact.

"In any case, this foreign beast is indeed not inferior to the demons known for their physical combat ability, but the biggest problem is the root cause of this black gas in this flood and famine." Cold plum snow road.

"En" nodded, and then said with some doubts and uncertainty, "Yes, Mei Xue, when I was searching with soul power just now, I felt that two human beings and several foreign beasts were mixed, and one of them made me very familiar with them."

"Oh, I didn't expect that there would be people here besides us. Since there is a familiar atmosphere, shall we go and have a look?" Han Meixue asked.

After meditating for a moment, Ying Ri put his forehead on Han Meixue, and then he took the latter's hand and flew away in the direction of the two human breaths.

With the cultivation of Ying Ri and Han Mei Xue, after a while, they had come not far from the two human atmospheres. However, they did not expose their breath along the way. After all, in such a place, it is better to be cautious about everything.

After reaching out to open a space crack in the void, Yingri and Han Meixue dodged in, hiding themselves in the space crack and moving to the noisy circle not far away.

At this time, a young man of the human race was shirtless and vigorously shuttled between several angry and roaring strange beasts. His body was like being splashed with water. He was already covered with sweat, and his mouth kept gasping for breath. From time to time, he clenched his fists and brazenly hit one of the strange beasts, accompanied by his every time. The fists are all made by a strange beast screaming in pain.

On a raised stone only a few meters away from the battle circle, an old man with a very sloppy-looking red-nosed old man with messy white hair, holding a wine jar in his hand, raising his head as if no one else was drinking water, pouring wine into his mouth one by one.


Suddenly, the young man who was fighting desperately with the alien beast in the battle circle let out a howl, and then he was swept into his chest by the tail of one of the alien beasts, and his body exploded back, but under the roar of another alien beast, he was hit back to the same place like a sphere.

Having his chest and half kneeling on the ground, the young man didn't even have time to catch his breath. The attack of several strange beasts hit like a storm. In desperation, the young man had to force himself to get up and fight with them again, while the red-nosed and white-haired old man beside him was still drinking as if he hadn't seen it. With his wine.

It is also that the young man's body is strong enough. In addition, these strange beasts are not high, only the second to third levels, otherwise the few times just now will be enough for the young man to lie down.

After tossing around for a long time, the young man in the war circle seized the opportunity, turned his head and roared at the red-nosed old man: "You cruel old man and sadist, don't you see that I'm about to be torn by them? Why don't you take action quickly!"

After hearing the roar, the red-nosed and white-haired old man just stopped drinking, glanced at the young man in the battle circle with his eyes, and then gently lifted the wine jar in his hand and drank it again.

In the circle, the young man's desolate roar came again: "Why, why did I meet such a perverted old man so unluckily, God, earth..."

Looking at the young man who dodged left and right in the battle circle and occasionally scolded the red-nosed old man, he was very surprised by the day in the crack in the space.

"Strange, isn't this the boy of the moon wolf? Why did he appear in this place?

Yes, at this time, the young man in the battle circle who was fighting desperately with foreign beasts was the moon wolf who had participated in the Unknown Mainland Youth Draft with Ying Ri and belonged to Linghan Country with the Japanese motherland.

Today's moon wolf looks more magnificent and mature than before, and its cultivation has also broken through to the level of Wukui. This speed of progress is quite good for an ordinary person.

After all, where can you find such a perverted person as Yingri on the unnamed continent?

It's just that the moon wolf doesn't seem to have a big change in his character, which can be completely seen from what he said to the old man just now.

"Yingri...do you know this person?" In the space crack with Ying Ri, Han Meixue's hand was still gently held by Ying Ri at this time. While enjoying the warmth of happiness, she watched the situation outside the space crack with Ying Ri.

"Yes, this person and I are also from Linghan, and we have a good relationship." Ying Ri turned his head back to Han Meixue, and then turned his eyes to the war circle again.

At this time, the moon wolf could hardly feel martial arts on his body. Now he is completely relying on the strength of his body to fight with these fierce beasts.

It seems that this battle has been going on for a long time. It can be seen that the strange beasts are also obviously weak in terms of physical strength, but they are better than the number. As the battle continues, scars are increasing one after another on the bronze skin of the moon wolf.