Wutian Demon Soul

Chapter 328 The Energy of Xingying

This is today's first update, and the second update will be delivered later.


How happy and exciting it was for father and daughter to meet. However, at this time, Yingri looked at the little girl in front of him, and Yingri's heart felt extremely heavy.

The last time I met my daughter seems to have been a few years ago...

Looking at the strange face, Yan Xingying, who had just been brought by Qinglong from Binbin, also lowered her head slightly. It was a faint blush floating on her little pink face, which was similar to her mother and extremely beautiful.

The father and daughter stood opposite each other like that. For a moment, they couldn't find anything to say to each other. In the end, they still said, "Xingying, don't you often talk in front of the third uncle when your father will come back? Why do you meet now and have nothing to say to your father?"

At this time, the four holy beasts kept silent, and Zhu Ling, who was still in the Senluo Canyon just now, had also left this place and returned to his original place of residence.

"Father...Father, you are back..." Although he is his biological father, there is little time for the two to get together, and Xing Ying's voice seems a little trembling.

"I'm back, my father is back..." with a kind smile. At this time, Ying Ri's face was full of kindness as a father. However, when he stretched out his hand and stroked Xing Ying's little head, he suddenly showed a very shocked expression.

"This..., this is... Wu Zun!"

At this moment. It was only in response that I noticed that the strength of Xing Ying's cultivation had reached the level of martial arts! At this time, the shadow on the side looked at the expression of the day and smiled without saying a word.

Only a few seconds later, Yingri reacted at the first time, and then turned his head and looked at the shadow beside him with a very grateful look.

It is definitely not a coincidence that Xing Ying can have such cultivation. She must have a lot of painstaking efforts on the edge of the shadow. Otherwise, no matter how talented such a little girl is, she will never reach such a terrible level.

Closing his eyes and shaking his head, the shadow signaled that Ying Ri didn't need to care too much about it. In addition to being moved, he also realized why the painstaking efforts of the shadow immediately straightened, temporarily put aside the excitement in his heart when his father and daughter met, and whispered to the baby daughter in front of him: "Xing Ying, Let's talk to you again. Now, can you do me a favor first?"

Xing Ying raised her little face that could be described as stunning and nodded slightly.

"There is some information in the minds of these three people who are quite important to the demon clan. Can you help your father reorganize and read these information one by one?" Ying Ri said softly, "Yes, they have self-exploded their consciousness, so you have to do what you can. If you are too reluctant, forget it."

What Ying Ri didn't know is that even a dead person can extract memory fragments from their spiritual knowledge, not to mention living people, so Xing Ying is full of confidence in the requirements put forward by Ying Ri.

"Father, don't worry, Xing Ying will definitely live up to your expectations." After saying that, Xing Ying put her little hand on the forehead of the three people and injected a little of her own martial power into their minds.

Then, Xing Ying slowly closed her eyes, and a faint blue light lit up on her body. At the same time, Nirvana's three bodies also seemed to echo, with a faint blue light covering their whole body, and finally concentrated on the eyebrows, forming a flame-like light spot, swaying and swaying endlessly.

Jing, the people present did not make too much noise, quietly waiting for Xingying's final extraction result.

After a quarter of an hour, Xing Ying slowly opened her closed eyes, but her pair of willow eyebrows rose slightly.

"How about it?" Ying Ri couldn't wait to ask.

"Father, what do you want to know?" Looking up at Ying Ri, Xing Ying replied in a sound that sounded comfortable.

Xing Ying's words made the four holy beasts present happy. The former would say so, which means that she has successfully found some information in the minds of the three people.

"Tianfu Hall, as long as the information about Tianfu Hall, it must be found out without omission." Ying Ri said with great certainty.

"Ye, there is indeed a lot of information about the Tianfu Hall, and it should be very important for my father and the third uncle. I'm afraid it's not clear for a while. Father, you'd better receive the information you got from the child." Nodding her head, Xing Ying immediately raised her jade hand, put her hands together with her forefinger and middle finger, and then a silver-white light appeared at the tip of the two fingers.

The sun and the shadow naturally knew Xingying's next move, so they all withdrew all their soul defense forces in an instant.

Slightly on tiptoe, Xing Ying then pointed two silver-white lights on the forehead and eyebrows of Ying Ri and the edge of the shadow, and sent them into the minds of their consciousness.

"This, this is..." Almost within the same time, the two demon kings, Yingri and the shadows, showed shock on their faces.

From the information sent into their minds by Xing Ying, they have sensed all the memories of the Three Emperors, and among them, they also knew something that was enough to make the whole demon clan** uneasy.

The evil, the former demon emperor of the demon clan, will be refined and absorbed by Yuntian, the emperor of Tianfu Hall. What makes the two even more uneasy is that Di Yuntian's current cultivation has reached the ninth-level peak of the Wuhuang, so the intention to absorb and refine evil has become very obvious.

Yes, Di Yuntian is likely to try to hit the legendary level of martial arts!

A high-level nine-level of the Emperor Wuhuang is really not terrible to say. If it relies on the cooperation of the array, coupled with the blessing of many powerful people of the Emperor Wu from the side, it may not be able to stop it. What's more, there is also a heresy in the demon clan that has also reached the high-level nine-level level of the Emperor Wu, that is, the second prince of the demon clan is on the verge of Yin, and at present The life of Yin is in the hands of Yingri at any time.

But if it is a god of war, it is not a problem at the same level at all. In this world, which array can trap a god of war? God of War, that is a god-like existence, can completely regard all sentient beings in the world as ants.

Even if there are ten, or even a hundred, a thousand high-level strong men of the martial arts emperor are absolutely unbearable in front of a martial god. The god of war is such a person's admiring existence.

Let alone say that the evil is the former demon emperor of the demon clan, which is very important for the sun and the shadow. The just that Emperor Yuntian wants to attack the legendary level of the god of war is enough to make the demon clan face a real crisis of extermination.