King of Martial Arts

Chapter 59 Tragic

The sad forest fog at night was even more diffused, and the strong darkness and boundless poisonous miasma made it difficult for everyone to walk. The little monk who was relieved couldn't stop vomiting, and his eyes were a little green.

"Come on, pee!" As he walked, Ji Yuan suddenly stopped and said to everyone.

"Pure?" Everyone was stunned, and Jiang Hanye asked curiously, "Do you still want to pee together?"

"Ha ha, you don't know that the fog barrier in this sad forest is poisonous gas, which will make people confused over time. You have also seen the little master just now. If you don't want to do that, just pee." Ji Yuan saw the two little girls in Baihua Valley blushing and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter. Girls can avoid it. Let's share some of you."

"But won't we fight against the fog?" He was relieved and said with a little disdain, "Why use these three dirty methods?"

According to Ji Yuan's temperament, he couldn't wait to tear up the arrogant little monk's mouth, but now that he is the leader, naturally he can't do things rashly, so he reluctantly smiled: "Shiran little master, you don't know that the fog will get thicker and thicker. Moreover, after being sucked into the body, it will gradually go around with the operation of our blood, and the disease will produce some toxic waste in the blood, which will hinder our true qi. For the time being, it may not be a big deal, but when we leave here to start practicing after that day, if we want to expel these residues and poisonous fog in our bodies, I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort, and it will be inevitable to vomit and diarrhea.

"That doesn't need... pee, right?" A girl from Hundred Flowers Valley muttered.

"Although this urine is dirty, it is indeed the best way to detoxify. The urine is wet on the veil and surrounded between the mouth and nose, which can filter out the poisonous fog." Ji Yuan smiled and said, "And even if you can run the real gas to resist the poisonous fog now, I'm afraid it won't be a long-term solution. Over time, the real gas will be severely depleted. In case of a strong enemy suddenly appears, it will make us tired of dealing with it."

Jiang Hanye and others listened to Ji Yuan's words and stopped struggling. Several teenagers stood with their backs to the girls, holding several handkerchiefs in their hands, wet their urine on the veils, and then distributed them to everyone to cover their mouths and noses.

Two girls in Baihua Valley looked disgusted and held a handkerchief with two fingers, but refused to cover their faces.

"Ha, put it on. Children's urine is the most poisonous to avoid evil. We are all fake boys!" Ji Yuan said with a smile.

The second brother Ji Yuan is a person who is used to joke and joke, and is also the most strange and eclectic person. Naturally, Jiang Hanye has known about this for a long time, but others are not very clear about it. Jiang Hanye laughed and said, "It's okay. The second brother will never harm us." After saying that, he first wrapped the smelly veil around his mouth and nose and took a deep breath. It was okay to get used to the smell. Moreover, the practitioners did not eat human fireworks and did not eat grains. The waste in his body was naturally different from ordinary people, and his urine was not so smelly.

Other people, including the two girls from Baihua Valley, hesitated to wear them one by one when they saw Jiang Hanye wearing it first. Then Ji Yuan said, "Okay, let's move on."

It's strange that after everyone put on this urine veil and walked in this sad forest, they found that this was another world. It turned out that after the poisonous fog was purified by urine, everyone inhaled some fresh air, and what they saw was naturally different.

But the forest is full of dead wood, with strange shapes, the ground is full of dead branches and leaves, and the land is gray-black, lifeless, and you can see a few bones far away, some are human, some are beasts, and some can't even be recognized by Ji Yuan.

"So this fog can also make people hallucinate?" Jiang Hanye frowned as he walked. He also covered a veil for Xiaobai. At first, the guy was very resistant. After being reprimanded by him, he put it on obediently. At this time, he actually liked the smell and walked happily all the way.

"Yes, so I said that if we don't remove this poisonous fog from your body, even if you can resist this poison, you can't escape this ecstasy. We have to bypass a lot of wronged roads." Ji Yuan said.

I was relieved, but I already agreed with Ji Yuan's words.

A group of six were walking carefully. Suddenly, they saw a pool of blood stains on the ground in front of him. Ji Yuan stretched out his arms solemnly and stopped everyone's footsteps. He squatted down and carefully observed the blood stains.

"What's going on?" Jiang Hanye asked with fear. He was not purely afraid. In fact, in addition to being nervous, he thought of the screams he heard when he just rested, and then looked at the blood stains in front of him, he had a hidden worry in his heart for fear that others would be poisoned.

relieved took one of his brothers to recite the scriptures in a low voice, praying for the dead and blessing for the living.

Ji Yuan stared for a moment and said in a low voice, "This blood stain is still fresh and undry. It can be seen that there has just been a battle at this moment." After saying that, he squatted on the ground and looked around.

Jiang Hanye also looked at it together. At the same time, he held the sword of war tightly, and couldn't help but stimulate the true spirit.

"Little brother, don't worry, don't waste your true energy, and keep your strength to fight the devil." Ji Yuan said.

Jiang Hanye nodded. He saw that there was nothing different from before. Dead trees, old crows, rotten leaves, everything was the same as before, but there was only a pool of blood. In addition, he could not see any sign of a fight here. You should know that the battle between the warriors was often earth-shaking and destroyed. Mountains and forests.

"There is a very high-cultivated person here. We must quickly unite with Shizhen and Cen Shimei to compete with this person." Ji Yuan said in a low voice.

"Then let's look for them. I hope this blood is not left by our people." Jiang Hanye said.

"But the night is vast and the forest is long. Where on earth are you going to look for them?" He frowned and said, "If I had known this, I shouldn't have acted separately."

"It doesn't matter, isn't it still there?" Ji Yuan stood up, walked to Jiang Hanye, rubbed his feet against Xiaobai and said.

"Yes!" Jiang Hanye's eyes lit up, "Although Xiaobai doesn't know whether it's a wolf or a dog, his sense of smell is very sensitive. We can use its nose!"

"That's what I mean!" Ji Yuan said with a smile. Jiang Hanye had never seen the word fear on his face. Occasionally, a trace of worry appeared, and it was soon replaced by a smile. Following the second brother, Jiang Hanye was very secure.

Jiang Hanye squatted down and gave Xiaobai a little blood with leaves. After seeing it sniffed, he whined in one direction. He knew that Xiaobai knew it.

"Let's go!" Jiang Hanye whispered.

After hearing this, Xiaobai ran forward happily and turned around to greet everyone.

Ji Yuan, Jiang Hanye and the two disciples of Baihua Valley followed without hesitation, and the relief paused for a moment. He was very distrustful of Xiaobai in his heart. It was not until his brother urged him that he pulled his feet.

Jiang Hanye walked at the front of the team and followed Xiaobai closely. On the one hand, he was worried that Xiaobai would encounter accidents if he ran too far, and on the other hand, he hoped that Xiaobai could take everyone to find his fellow brothers as soon as possible. This kind of contradiction made him careless and looked at Xiaobai's back with all his mind.

As he walked, Xiaobai suddenly stopped and roared at a thick dead tree trunk. It seemed that he had found something. Jiang Hanye also stopped and called out, "Xiaobai, come here!"

Xiaobai seemed to be a little reluctant to give up, but he couldn't but listen to Jiang Hanye's orders, so he turned back to Jiang Hanye step by step. At this time, Ji Yuan and others also rushed up and looked at the big tree surrounded by several people and wondered, "Is there anything behind that tree?"

Jiang Hanye nodded and said, "Xiao Bai won't lie about the military situation."

"Let's go and have a look, but be careful!" Ji Yuan, as the oldest person, strode forward first, and Jiang Hanye and others quickly followed.

When the big guys came to the tree, what was hidden behind the trunk made them take a breath of cold air.

The ground behind the tree is clean, and there are no dead leaves and branches, as if someone had deliberately cleaned it. But on the tall tree trunk, there is an already stiff body hanging. The body was completely different and could not be seen. The chest and abdomen were all dug out, and the internal organs were gone. The hair was loose, and the hair was nailed by a sword and fixed on a horizontal branch.

A smell of blood came to his nose, but there was not a drop of blood dripping down on the body, as if it had been sucked away by something. Jiang Hanye couldn't help thinking of the body of the fourth brother, but the body was different from this. Although the fourth brother was also sucked away by the blood in his body, the skin and bones still exist, and almost the man's flesh and blood have been hollowed out. I don't know whether it was eaten by people or cultivated monsters.

"Damn!" Ji Yuan looked at the body and scolded hatefully, "It's our disciple of Wanjian Villa. Isn't this Ji Kun?" He pointed to a waist card that had been stained with blood and said that when he said this, his eyes were red and his voice was low, which showed the sadness in his heart. After all, he was a brother of the same clan.

Ji Yuan is already a congenital two-layer realm. The warriors in this realm have a strong visual ability, which is beyond Jiang Hanye and other disciples who are still spinning in the realm of the day after tomorrow. Jiang Hanye felt a pain in his heart. He remembered that Ji Kun, who was also a senior brother in his thirties, had practiced for more than 20 years, but still turned around the third floor the day after tomorrow. According to reason, his qualifications were very good and he could reach the third floor the day after tomorrow in 20 years, but the second brother said that Ji Kun was afraid that he could only stay at this stage in this life. Ji Kun is a good person, honest and honest, and has no bad intentions.

Looking at Ji Kun's miserable body, everyone felt a burst of grief.

"Ji Kun was in the same team with Shizhen, but now it has become like this. It can be seen that Shizhen, they have encountered enemies." Jiang Hanye's memory is very good, he said to Ji Yuan.

"Let's spread out and look to see if there are any... others nearby!" He gritted his teeth and said, "He originally wanted to say if there were any other bodies, but he thought it was inappropriate, so he changed his mouth abruptly.

"No!" Ji Yuan said, "Now that we can't be separated. Once we are wrong, don't make a second time, the six of us must be inseparable, and none of us will die in the same place, even if we die."

"Brother Shiran, I think the second brother is right. Separation can only make us be broken by each other. What do you think?" Jiang Hanye said in a low voice.

Everyone nodded one after another to agree. He was relieved, so he took a deep breath and endured it. In fact, he was also worried about the safety of his brothers and wanted to find them early. At this moment, he saw that everyone was opposed to separation. When he thought about it carefully, he felt that there was nothing wrong. Instead, he was eager for quick success and interests and was too anxious, so He also nodded and was silent.

"Xiao Bai!" Jiang Hanye lowered his head and touched Xiaobai's hair, "Keep looking!" He ordered. Although Xiaobai can't speak, Jiang Hanye has always known that Xiaobai can understand his orders.

Sure enough, Xiaobai nodded and whined and ran in the other direction. Everyone quickly followed. Not long, they found a pile of clothes under another tree. As soon as they saw the clothes, the two female disciples of Baihua Valley suddenly cried.

"Isn't this my sister's clothes?" A female disciple was shocked. At the same time, she held the hands of the sisters beside her tightly. The two suddenly cried bitterly. One of them bent down to pick up the clothes while crying. The dress is already tattered, as if it had been forcibly torn by someone.

"Who on earth has this ability? You should know that the clothes we wear have been supported by Master's magic, and ordinary warriors can't come close to us..." The female disciple said.

Xiaobai found only a pile of clothes, but he did not see the body. Ji Yuan frowned and said nothing. He just gave Jiang Hanye a wine, signaling him to let Xiaobai continue to search, and he quickly searched around here and found no suspicious clues, so he strode to follow the people.

"What the hell is going on?" Shi Ran frowned and said, "What on earth did Brother Shizhen meet?"

"Your brother's cultivation has reached the three levels of innate. Although he is only one level higher than me, he can't beat the two of them tied together, so don't worry, even if everything happens to us, he will be fine." Ji Yuan comforted.

"But..." Jiang Hanye frowned. Now we can at least be sure that a disciple of Wanjian Villa and a disciple of Baihua Valley have had an accident, which means that the Shizhen team has been dispersed. What happened? He didn't dare to imagine, but prayed that others would be fine.

However, after all, things in this world will always backfire. Before long, Xiaobai found a body in another place. This time, he was still a disciple of Wanjian Villa. Like the previous man, his internal organs and six organs were gone. His chest was wide open and he sat on the ground with his back against a big tree.

When everyone saw this, their expression became more and more solemn and their mood became more dull.

"Xiao Bai, keep looking, you must find a living one!" Jiang Hanye gritted his teeth and whispered, and Xiaobai whined and ran to another place.

This time, Xiaobai ran for a long time before running to the place, four or five miles away. It could smell so far, which showed that his sense of smell was sensitive.

It is still under a big tree. This big tree is not too thick, but because it grows on the edge of a rock more than one person high, the scene behind the tree is covered. Everyone stands five or six feet apart and only sees a pair of white legs on the ground, which are a pair of women's legs.

Jiang Hanye stood in the front. He frowned and did not dare to go forward. He was afraid that he would see something he should not see, while Shi Ran and another Xumishan disciple closed their eyes and kept chanting scriptures in his mouth. The loud and low voice echoed around here, which made people more nervous. Ji Yuan hesitated. He looked back at the two girls in Baihua Valley whose faces were completely white and did not look like living people. He said in a low voice, "Two sisters, do you want to..."

The two girls shook their heads, and one of them was crying, because she recognized the shoes, which belonged to their sister.

"Brother Ji, please..." Another slightly better girl choked.

Ji Yuan then sighed and said, "Don't look at it if you are rude! But now the situation is special and I'm offended!" After saying that, he strode forward, looked behind the tree, and immediately retreated.

"How about it?" Jiang Hanye asked urgently.

"It's dead." Ji Yuan sighed. He looked at the two disciples of Baihua Valley and said, "You guys... go and deal with it."

Hearing Ji Yuan's words, everyone understood what it meant. The one behind the tree must have suffered inhuman treatment and died extremely tragically. So the two girls in Baihua Valley slowly stepped forward and resisted their grief to cover the deceased's whole body.

Everyone gathered together again. Ji Yuan was not in a hurry to let Jiang Hanye find the whereabouts of others, but said in a low voice: "Now, there are already three. I think everyone knows it in their hearts. Remember my words, one by one can't be separated. The two senior sisters have to walk in the middle, and the big guys want to watch each other. Help, even if you die, you will die in front of them. Even if you die, six of us will be a companion on Huangquan Road!"

Listening to Ji Yuan's words, everyone is very sad, but at this moment, they have no time to cry and remember the dead. Now all they can do is cheer up and maybe they can save one or two.

This time, Xiaobai also walked very slowly. It walked in the front, slowly leading the way for everyone, sniffing desperately on the ground as he walked. Jiang Hanye and Ji Yuan walked at the front, and the two female disciples of Baihua Valley walked in the middle. Shi Ran and another little monk walked at the end, and the six people were closely together.

"Second brother, what on earth happened?" Jiang Hanye asked.