King of Martial Arts

Chapter 108 Departure

"You still know the name of this immortal!" That thing seemed to be very happy to hear Jiang Hanye call out his name neatly.

Jiang Hanye frowned. He didn't want to waste time here with a four-like monster, so he went straight in and asked, "How can you convince me and be my servant?"

Although there is no hair on the face and the skin is smooth, there are many folds, especially in the eyebrows, which are similar to the wrinkles of the birthday star in the picture.

"Convinced? This immortal is the leader of our clan. How can he be convinced by others and be your servant? The tone of that thing was full of disdain, "Otherwise, they can't lock me up here for hundreds of years, but they still have nothing to do with me."

"hundreds of years?" Jiang Hanye frowned and said to himself, "It turns out that Luo Xingyun threw me a bad burden!"

"If you have nothing to do, I will leave!" While talking to himself, the thing walked slowly to the slope with a stick. Looking at his light footsteps, he should have been practicing for many years. No matter what he was, Jiang Hanye suddenly felt that it should not be a bad thing to have him as his servant and guide.

"Where are you going?" Jiang Hanye followed closely, but as soon as he moved, the platform shook left and right, floating up and down, making Jiang Hanye unable to stand firmly on it at all. On the contrary, its/his footsteps seem to stick to the platform, and the whole body swings with the platform, but it does not shake and float, giving people the feeling that he has integrated with nature here.

"Go home, go home..." The thing said slowly, "After being locked here for hundreds of years, I don't know what will happen in the ethnic group. I'm very worried about it!" It/he actually called himself an old man, which made Jiang Hanye feel a little funny.

"What about the matter between us?" Although Jiang Hanye was unstable, he still tried to follow up. He followed the thing and jumped up the ramp and asked.

"Don't think about it, I won't let you succeed." The thing sneered, "I am a king, how can I bend my knees and bow to others?"

"So, I take the liberty to ask you, whose king are you and what is your group?" Jiang Hanye stopped and looked up at the thing. At this time, he found that the robe on the back of the thing was slightly raised, and there must be a tail inside.

"Me? Jin Danzi!" The thing answered as it walked.

Jiang Hanye knew that he could not get out of here anyway, so he didn't care about it/his departure. Sure enough, after the thing turned the corner, not long after, Jiang Hanye heard the anxious cry of the thing from the other end of the channel.

"Ah! Damn it, Luo Xingyun! Don't let me go out. If you let me go out, I will definitely make you look good!" That thing was actually jumping and scolding. Jiang Hanye secretly felt funny when he heard this. I don't know what Luo Xingyun would feel after listening to this?

"You'd better come down. If you don't follow me, I don't think you will go out of here in your life." After a while, Jiang Hanye opened his mouth to persuade.

"Hmm, you underestimate me!" As the thing spoke, Jiang Hanye heard a spell-like sound in his mouth. A moment later, Jiang Hanye heard a loud noise, which seemed to expand instantly after the flame that was about to be extinguishing touched the fresh wind, and then he saw the other end of the channel across the curve. There was a burst of fire. However, after the loud noise and firelight, the end of the passage became quiet, and there was neither manic cursing nor cursing, and even gasps could be heard.

"Hey, how are you?" Jiang Hanye asked tentatively, "Are you all right?"

"Cough, cough!" Shortly after Jiang Hanye's voice settled, there was a violent cough at the other end of the channel, which was clearly a cough choked by fireworks.

Jiang Hanye raised his foot and walked forward. As soon as he passed the corner, he couldn't help laughing at the scene in front of him. It turned out that the East and West tried to force the wall to open with a fire attack, but unexpectedly, the hardness of the wall and the magic power attached to it were not within his ability. Instead, they were blown back by the flame and burned themselves. Fortunately, his clothes and hats seemed to be a magic weapon. Although he experienced anger, he was still safe. yang, but the part is not covered by the cap, and the skin is black, only revealing the small eyes blinking, with a very aggrieved look, so people can't help but feel happy.

In Jiang Hanye's laughter, the thing slipped against the wall and said sadly, "I knew it would be like this!"

Looking at it/his expression, it seemed to be very wronged. Even Jiang Hanye couldn't bear to see it. He took two steps, came to that thing and sat face to face with it/he. Until now, Jiang Hanye still doesn't know how to call it/he. Is it still him or him?

"What the hell are you? Human beings are still..." Jiang Hanye asked.

"Humph, how can I be a human? Your hearts are treacherous and complicated. Both good and evil people claim to be good people. Unlike our golden elixir, we are born evil, but we dare to admit it!" The thing stared at Jiang Hanye, stretched out the palm of his hand with only four fingers and wiped his face. The face suddenly turned black and gray, which was very funny.

"Isn't Jin Danzi your name?" Jiang Hanye was surprised to hear it/his words. Originally, he heard Luo Xingyun's introduction, as if the name of the thing was Jin Danzi, but now he heard it/himself say that this Jindanzi seems to be the name of its/their clan.

"Idiot, you are really a fool!" Jin Danzi knocked hard on the ground with his stick and made a crisp sound. He looked at Jiang Hanye with a sarcastic face and said, "It seems that you are not only evil and hypocritical, but also stupid! Jin Danzi is the name of our group, but it is also the title of king. I am Jin Danzi!"

"Well, Jin Danzi, I'll discuss one thing with you. If you are willing to take me to the gate of hell, I can discuss with Luo Xingyun and let you go back, okay?" Jiang Hanye looked at Jin Danzi and said seriously.

Jin Danzi pondered, and his wrinkled eyebrows piled up even higher, as if he was thinking about whether the deal would be cost-effective for him/it. Jiang Hanye said, "Although you are very powerful, I know that Luo Xingyun is more powerful than you, otherwise you would not have been imprisoned for more than 100 years so easily, would you? Do you want to be my servant? You can think about it yourself. Maybe I'd better go out first.

After saying that, Jiang Hanye pretended to stand up and walked to the entrance of the passage. Although he said this to Jin Danzi, he really had nothing to let him get out of here. Look at the stone wall in front of him. It's a complete white jade. Is there a door?

"Wait a minute!" Before Jiang Hanye could think about how to step down for himself, the golden Danzi couldn't sit still. After he stood up, he said to Jiang Hanye, "Date! Let's do it!"

"Really?" Jiang Hanye suppressed his inner surprise and pretended to ask plainly.

"I, Jin Danzi, am a king, and my words are naturally counted, but you should also remember what you said. After I take you to the gate of hell, you will let me go!" Jin Danzi said with a deep face.

"Definite!" Jiang Hanye also nodded vigorously.

"That's good!" Jin Danzi said.

Jiang Hanye looked back at him and found that Jin Danzi had regained his noble posture, with one hand behind him and holding a stick in the other. Although his face was full of flowers, he/he still looked calm. Jiang Hanye knew that Jin Danzi was waiting for him to open the door, but the key was that he didn't know how to open the door, so the two fell into an awkward silence for a moment. Fortunately, before Jin Danzi opened his mouth to speak, Jiang Hanye suddenly felt a flash in front of him, and another white oval door appeared on the wall, and the sound of Luo Xingyun came from outside. Sound.

"Is it done? Not bad!" Luo Xingyun said lightly.

Jiang Hanye and Jin Danzi walked out of the door one after another. After another cloud and fog, Jiang Hanye found that he had stood in the corridor at the door of the Blood Demon Hall, followed by Jin Danzi.

"Ah!" As soon as Jin Danzi stood in the corridor, he raised his arms and raised his head to the top of the sky, which seemed to be the sky, and took a deep breath, "My Jin Danzi is finally going to see the sun again!"

Looking at it/his appearance, it seems that he can't wait to kiss the land under his feet on the ground to show his excitement. Jiang Hanye felt very bad about this four-like thing at first, and he was not even sure how to call it/he, but when he saw Jin Danzi's look, he decided to treat him as his own kind in the future.

"Okay, Jin Danzi, you will be my son's servant in the future. Remember, don't think that if you leave the Blood Demon Palace and leave my sight, you can act arbitrarily!" Luo Xingyun was standing in the yard with his back to them, as if he were enjoying the flowers.

"Hmm!" Jin Danzi was obviously afraid of Luo Xingyun, but he was not convinced, so he whispered coldly.

" lead the way and protect him well, otherwise, don't blame me for flattening your people in the future!" Luo Xingyun said such threatening words calmly, and even Jiang Hanye felt a little cold when he heard it.

The pink lady later knew that Jiang Hanye was going to leave, although it was only a brief departure. She did not spare. As expected by Jiang Hanye, she ran to Luo Xingyun and made a scene, and then ran to Jiang Hanye to stop him.

"No, you absolutely can't go to that kind of place!" The pink lady opened her hands and stood on the threshold of Jiang Hanye, blocking the student with her body.

"Pink girl, if I don't go, maybe my life will be over like this!" Jiang Hanye held the book in his hand and carried a burden on his shoulder. Next to him stood Jin Danzi, who also carried a huge burden on his short figure, which almost crushed his whole body.

"Absolutely not!" The pink lady said, "Do you know what the name of the gate of hell is?"

"I don't know!" Jiang Hanye shook his head gently.

"It's called Death Valley!" The pink lady said, "Even if you have the ability to enter the valley of death, you will have nothing to return!" How can I let myself... let myself watch you enter Death Valley?" Her originally peach-red face is now a little more red, but it's not for viewing, it's because she's angry.

"Pink girl, fragments of broken soul beads may be in the valley of death." Jiang Hanye looked at the pink lady and said calmly. He also noticed that when he said the three words 'broken soul beads', Jin Danzi beside him seemed to have a 'huh' in his throat, and when he looked down, he found that Jin Danzi was just as if nothing had happened. Maybe Jin Danzi has something to do with this broken soul beads, and maybe Jin Danzi also covets broken soul beads, but in any case, Jiang Hanye is already on guard.

The pink lady's body was shocked, and she looked at Jiang Hanye in a stunned way. It seemed that she was unable to refute after hearing this sentence.

"So I have to go!" Jiang Hanye said again, "I will come back!" The latter sentence was like a promise to the pink lady. After saying that, he walked straight out of the door, and when she passed by the pink lady, she couldn't help but dodge and give way to Jiang Hanye.

Jiang Hanye went out and heard the whisper of the pink lady behind him.

"I warn you! Monster, take good care of the young master. If he loses a hair, I will kill you without a place to die!" Jiang Hanye looked back and found that the pink lady was pinching Jin Danzi's neck and lifting him away, threatening him with a vicious voice.

Anyway, Jiang Hanye can finally go to the gate of hell, and when passing through the Blood Demon Hall, Luo Xingyun specially gave him a long and narrow package. There is no need to open it to see. Jiang Hanye just touches it and knows what is inside - Brahma ruler.

After leaving the Blood Demon Palace, Jiang Hanye found that the whole Blood Demon Palace was built at the tip of the mountain peak. According to his estimation, it should be the corridor that has been hovering down.

The north wind blew, blowing large snowflakes from the ground and hitting Jiang Hanye and Jin Danzi. Every step of the two of them made a creaking sound, and when they passed, the footprints behind them were immediately filled and buried by snowflakes.

Come out of the door of the Blood Demon Palace, facing a slope, which is full of snow, and the direction and path cannot be distinguished.

"Where are you going?" Jiang Hanye stood on the snowy slope and said to Jin Danzi beside him. His tone was a little cold, because he found that Jin Danzi had a bad habit. As Jin Danzi himself said, their race was evil and had a bad habit of being good at fraud, which was particularly strong in Jin Danzi. Because of this, Jiang Hanye decided to put on the airs of Jin Danzi to avoid bullying himself in the future.

"Master, wait a minute!" Jin Danzi carried a huge burden on his shoulders and a stick in his hand. He trotted all the way to a distance about ten feet away from Jiang Hanye. He stood on a small protruding snow bag, inserted the stick into the ground, then put his hands together, closed his eyes, and said something in his mouth.

Not long after, Jiang Hanye saw the twist stick rotating rapidly and emitting a gray-brown light. After turning, the stick stopped, but the two heads at its tip were still rotating. Before long, he saw a green light from the eyes of the long bearded head.

"There is!" Jin Danzi was surprised and said, "Master, please come with me!"

It turns out that the right direction of the head is the direction they want to walk. Jiang Hanye then didn't say a word and followed Jin Danzi, with two tall and short masters and servants marching hard on the vast snowy mountain.

"If you want to go to the gate of hell, you can't fly, you can only walk on your feet." Jin Danzi said as he walked, "It is not only known as the gate of hell, but also the place where the disaster came. I don't know how many masters have been buried there."

Jin Danzi has a lot to say, which Jiang Hanye has discovered. Along the way, Jin Danzi has been chattering about his skills and knowledge. Fortunately, Jiang Hanye could bear it. His face had always had that indifferent expression. After a long time, Jin Danzi also felt tasteless. Shut up.

Blood Devil's Palace.

"Do you have the heart to let him go with an untrustworthy person like this?" Moreover, the magic doctor stood behind Luo Xingyun and asked slowly.

In front of them is a basin-sized bronze mirror. At this moment, a picture is reflected on the bronze mirror. The people on the picture are Jiang Hanye and Jin Danzi, who are struggling to move forward in the wind and snow.

What if you can't bear it? He will always grow up, and I can't observe him for too long. When he comes out of the scope of the Blood Demon Palace, he has to do everything according to his own skills. Luo Xingyun said, "What's more, the magic doctor, I don't know how his true qi has recovered?"

"Lord Hui, the young master's true spirit has recovered by about 50%, otherwise he would have been frozen to death by the wind and snow as soon as he walked out of the door of the shrine." What's more, the divine doctor.

"It's really difficult for you. I've been trying my best to help him make up for it during this period." Luo Xingyun Road.

"What a need to say!" Besides, the magic doctor smiled.

Jiang Hanye did not know what happened in the Blood Demon Palace. At this time, he was wrapping his fox skin robe and following Jin Danzi with a deep and shallow foot of the Zhantian sword.

Almost every time he walked a or two, Jin Danzi had to stop to identify the direction with his staff. Jiang Hanye didn't know whether the direction was right or wrong, but since he was introduced by Luo Xingyun, he must be nowhere near.

"Young master, I don't know why you have to go to the gate of hell? Aren't you afraid of death?" After holding back for a while and not talking, Jin Danzi finally couldn't help talking again.