King of Martial Arts

Chapter 124 Unpleasant Reunion

Jiang Hanye's bedroom is arranged in the west first room on the second floor. There is also a large terrace outside. There is a table and several chairs on the terrace, and a pot of flowers in the center of the table. Since Jin Danzi and Xiaobai want to live with him, Jiang Hanye's room is basically the most spacious room here. In addition to his own bedroom, there is also a small ear room for Jin Danzi to sleep with him. As for Xiaobai, he lives with him.

"It's better for a beast than for me!" Jin Danzi muttered while making the bed. He was very dissatisfied with Jiang Hanye. The reason was that Jiang Hanye's eyes were extremely soft when he looked at Xiaobai, but when he looked at him, he was different. He was cold and indifferent, as if he could never get close to him.

Jiang Hanye was sitting on the terrace, drinking tea while looking at the outside world. Everything here is different from the place where he lived since he was a child. People have different languages, different clothes, different food and drinks, and different houses.

The houses in Xiangshui Town of Baimianguo seem to be a dome house except for this inn. They are independent of each other and not adjacent to the wall. Even if this cloud inn is mostly the architectural style of the Central Plains, it is still more or less affected by the local architectural style of Baimianguo. For example, this terrace, for example, there are many decorations in the room. Set up.

It's time for the sunset. A ray of sunshine shines from the opposite side and just reflects on Jiang Hanye, which is very warm and comfortable. Due to the influence of the wilderness mountains, the vegetation of the white-faced country is not very lush. Most of them are bushes, and there are few green things. However, the roofs of each house are painted in various colors. Looking down from above, it is colorful, and the mood becomes cheerful.

Xiaobai lies beside Jiang Hanye. Since it was released from the blood demon tripod, it seems to grow on Jiang Hanye, as if he is afraid of being careless and forced to separate from Jiang Hanye again.

"Xiao Bai, isn't it beautiful here?" Jiang Hanye knew that Xiaobai could not speak, but he liked to say two words to it from time to time, "Although there is brown soil everywhere, although there are no dense forests and no farmland, I don't know why I feel very comfortable here. Look at the people on the street. How comfortable they walk. Everyone has a smile on their faces. Everyone can't speak loudly. The streets are clean and tidy. I have never seen them spit casually on the ground..."

"Wow!" Xiaobai basked in the sun lazily, and his tail kept swinging. After hearing Jiang Hanye's words, he looked up at him and sobbed a few times, as if he was answering him.

It's strange that Xiaobai has never grown up, and his body always seems to be as long as an arm. Even Luo Xingyun can't tell what it is after seeing Xiaobai. At first, Jiang Hanye was also worried about whether Xiaobai's small body was because of any symptoms. Later, after finding that it could eat and sleep, he felt at ease: "Whether it's not big, it's always so white and small, but it's cute."

"They said they wanted to catch the yellow. I heard that the yellow is a spirit beast. Since it exists in this world, it must have its meaning, don't you think? Why do human beings always interfere with it? Jiang Hanye frowned and said, "One day, people will suffer a lot because of their conceit."

"Yes, yes!" Suddenly, a voice came from behind Jiang Hanye, which scared him to think that it was Xiaobai who suddenly opened his mouth to speak, but soon he came to his senses. This was obviously the sour voice of Jin Danzi.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Hanye looked at him and said.

"Humph, I told you to go down for dinner!" Jin Danzi curled his lips. He was dissatisfied with Jiang Hanye and the dead beast under his feet. Don't think that he is cute and can run rampant. The master is not his own!

"Oh, have you had dinner yet? I'm not hungry. Go down and help Xiaobai get some meat. Jiang Hanye was indeed not hungry. For some reason, as soon as he set foot on this land full of exotic feelings, he felt a lot in his heart.

"I know, master!" Jin Danzi especially emphasized the word 'master', which means to say to Jiang Hanye, "Don't forget that Xiaobai is just a beast. It's Jin Danzi who can help you do things and talk with you to relieve boredom!"

How could Jiang Hanye not know Jin Danzi's idea? He just didn't bother to talk to him. Since Jin Danzi's black gold mine cake was taken away by the pink lady, he has to grind Jiang Hanye to ask for it almost every night. After a few days, Jiang Hanye was extremely annoyed and became more indifferent to him. This is good. Jin Danzi has self-knowledge and dares not create it again. In fact, the main reason for his restraining is still: Xiaobai doesn't like him, every The next time he saw Jin Danzi coming to annoy Jiang Hanye, he would roar at him and demonstrate, and almost bit his staff. Therefore, Jin Danzi's feelings for Xiaobai are complicated. Everyone is not only a colleague, serving Jiang Hanye together, but also an enemy. Anyway, he feels pain when he looks at Xiaobai.

Jin Danzi muttered and went downstairs. Because this is the territory of the Blood Demon Sect, there is basically no one else to live in the shop except Luo Xingyun and others. Occasionally, a few diners will come to the house during the day and close early in the evening. At this time, only the non-e elders and the other two guardians are drinking and chatting in the huge store.

"Yo, isn't this the king? What's the matter with you coming down?" Every time the elder sees Jin Danzi, he must make fun of him, because the hat on Jin Danzi's head is indeed a crown, but such a king has now become someone else's servant, so these people will make fun of him.

"The master told me to get some meat!" Jin Danzi is still a little elegant, otherwise he would not have become a king, but even if he is elegant, the so-called beating people in the face, scolding without exposing shortcomings, as if he is not an elder, he still hates very much.

In the laughter of the non-e elders and others, Jin Danzi went straight to their table and took the two largest plates of meat: a plate of roast suckling pig and a plate of roast duck, and walked upstairs, leaving the non-element and others stunned behind and speechless.

"Master, the meat is coming..." Jin Danzi stuffed the roast duck into his mouth and pushed the door with his feet. However, after he entered the door, he found that there was no trace of Jiang Hanye and Xiaobai in the whole suite. He quickly put the plates on the table and ran to every corner to look for it. He couldn't find them. Finally, he came to the terrace.

"Oh, it's strange. Where are they?" Jin Danzi's hands and mouth are full of oil, which greatly affects his sense of smell. After wiping his hands and mouth, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. There was a faint coquettish smell in the air, as well as the smell of Jiang Hanye. In addition to the two of them, there was also a strange smell, which Jin Danzi had never smelled, which was very strange.

"They went to the west of the town..." To the west of the town, facing this terrace, Jin Danzi held a staff and hurriedly chased out. For a moment, he forgot to call someone.

Leaving Jiang Hanye, Jin Danzi actually has some skills. For example, his sense of smell is very sensitive and his knowledge is very rich. For example, he is actually a true person, and ordinary scattered martial artists are not yet in his eyes.

At this time, Jin Danzi's short figure fell into the twilight and arrived at the western suburbs of the town.

The whole town faces south, from east to west. Because Xiangshui Town is the entrance to the east of Baimian Country, it is out of the western suburbs of the town, even if it goes deep into Baimian. The eastern suburbs of the town are desolate, but the western suburbs of the town are not much better. A three-five-foot-wide sheep intestine path bends and extends on this brown land, and I don't know where it leads. On the left side of the path is a row of well-planned cemetery. There is also a cabin in the cemetery, which is probably where the gravekeeper lives. On the right side is some messy things. I don't know who piled up a pile of sacks on the roadside. To the right, there are pieces of farmland. The farmland here is full of castor, and there are no grains and other agricultural products. Things.

"Strange, why are they in the cemetery?" Jin Danzi smelled along the smell and found that Xiaobai's smell extended to the cabin, and Jiang Hanye seemed to be in it. He couldn't help but be a little curious.

Outside the cemetery is a long row of wooden fences. It seems that all the deceased people in Xiangshui Town are buried here. Therefore, the cemetery looks old and huge. A jujube tree grows crookedly in the center of the cemetery, with several ravens crouching on the intertwined branches. From time to time, they flap their wings and quack.

In the sunset, the crows shouted, and in addition to this ancient cemetery, the whole atmosphere was extremely strange, and even Jin Danzi felt a little scared.

"Here..." Jin Danzi walked all the way forward along the fence, but found that there was a seven or eight mu square in the cemetery, surrounded by fences. There was a fence door not far ahead. He pushed the door and entered and found that there was an almost invisible path leading from under the door, all the way to Deep in the cemetery.

Only when I entered the cemetery did I find that there were weeds everywhere, and even the grass was yellow-brown grass, which was different from other places.

"It's really desolate here." Jin Danzi muttered, "No, I have to find Xiaobai and his master quickly. Otherwise, if something happens to them, I can't afford to be guilty. If someone with a gloomy chicken belly like Luo Xingyun, if something happens to his son, he won't tear me to pieces."

Thinking of this, Jin Danzi walked all the way, wrapped his hand around his mouth all the way, and shouted loudly, "Master, are you here?"

As soon as he shouted twice, he saw a figure flying out of the wooden house and covering his mouth. At the same time, a voice whispered hoarsely, "Sh down!"

"Wow, master, it's you, it scared me to death!" Jin Danzi patted his chest and gasped.

Jiang Hanye frowned and sacrificed the Brahma ruler in his hand. The Brahma ruler was full of black smoke. The black smoke seemed to be black flames, burning vigorously, and it seemed to be a long black snake, spitting its core and tearing somewhere.

At this time, another white figure rushed out from their side. It turned out to be Xiaobai.

"Xiao Bai, have you found that man?" Jiang Hanye asked in a low voice.

Xiaobai shook his head and roared twice.

"Master, what's going on? I brought the food back, and I didn't see your figure, so I hurried to find it all the way..." Jin Danzi whispered. He was scared by Jiang Hanye and the strange atmosphere of this cemetery, and he didn't dare to breathe.

Jiang Hanye frowned and didn't say anything. His eyes kept looking around and said, "What a strong true spirit. This man is not simple."

"I also smell a person, but his smell is dead and doesn't look like a living person at all." Jin Danzi said hurriedly.

"Oh? I didn't expect you to have such skills!" Jiang Hanye looked down at Jin Danzi and said lightly.

"That's right. Jin Danzi is very good at it. Don't think I will lead a way or something..." Jin Danzi was praised by Jiang Hanye. In fact, he didn't praise him much. Anyway, he was proud.

At this moment, suddenly there was a sad scream from the north of the cemetery: "Ah!"

This voice should be a child, so innocent, but so sad, as if he had seen a ghost. When Jiang Hanye heard this sound, his eyes were cold, and he lowered his head and said to Xiaobai, "Xiaobai, go!"

Xiaobai nodded and jumped into the air. Under the new moonlight, it suddenly became bigger and longer. His pure white hair fluttered in the wind. There was a ball of orange hair on each of the four hooves, as if a mass of flame was holding its body. It became bigger and more handsome than before. .

"Wow, is this Xiaobai?" Jin Danzi was the first time he saw Xiaobai's transformation, and he grew his mouth in surprise.

Xiaobai stepped in the air and flew to the place where the sound came, while Jiang Hanye showed his figure and suddenly rushed straight ahead. Jin Danzi stammered behind and said, "Oh, wait for me!" He doesn't really want to help. He is afraid to stay alone in this place.

Jiang Hanye ran and paid close attention to the movements around him. Just as he ordered Jin Danzi to go down to get meat, he suddenly saw a black shadow jumping out on the west edge of the town. At the same time, he saw a small body with a colorful body under the black shadow's armpit. Jiang Hanye knew that this person was not pure, so He hurriedly took Xiaobai out to see what was going on.

This Xiangshui Town is really a strange place. Not long after the sun set in the west, the moon also rose from the other side, and it seemed that the rise of the moon was a signal: for a moment, all the people on the street disappeared, the shops were closed, and everyone went home.

Jiang Hanye followed the shadow all the way to this place. When Jin Danzi came to find them, he was searching in the cabin, but he didn't find it.

After Xiaobai rushed over, Jiang Hanye heard a fierce fight from afar, and there was also a child's cry, which was heart-wagoning. Jiang Hanye was about to turn around and rush there. Sure enough, he saw a dark shadow flying out of Xiaobai and rushed straight to the cabin.

"Sure enough!" Jiang Hanye flew to the roof of the cabin and intercepted the man.

The man's figure looked very familiar and seemed to have seen it somewhere. There was a smell of death everywhere on his body, and there was a rotten smell. I didn't know whether it was from this person or from the cemetery. Jiang Hanye wanted to vomit.

"Who are you and why did you hurt an innocent little girl?" Jiang Hanye waved the Brahma ruler, and the Brahma ruler flew out of Jiang Hanye's hand with a black smoke and rushed straight to the man's face. His momentum was fierce and fierce, as if he wanted to kill his opponent in one fell swoop.

After the man saw Jiang Hanye, he was obviously stunned and immediately became fierce. He pulled off the black mask on his face, revealing his true glory. He stared at Jiang Hanye and said fiercely, "Huh, little beast, do you still recognize me?"

When Jiang Hanye heard this sound, although it was a little gloomy and a little hoarse and empty, the tone was clearly the former master - Ji Shangxuan's. He looked at the face again. Except for two black gas and wrinkles on his forehead, it was indeed Ji Shangxuan.

"It turned out to be you. I just wanted to find you, but I sent it to you!" Jiang Hanye said coldly, "Let's die. I'm going to avenge the dead Xiaoyu and the fourth brother!"

"So you know..." Ji Shangxuan said yin, "You killed Xiaoyu, and I did kill that unknown Ji Feng!" But in any case, I have to kill you today. I want to avenge my daughter and son!"

Jiang Hanye didn't say a word. He manipulated the Brahma ruler and called Ji Shangxuan's face. However, although Jiang Hanye's cultivation was refined, Ji Shangxuan seemed to be much more powerful than before. He reached out and gently grabbed it from the air, and a black gas burst out of his hand. The black gas rushed straight to the Brahma ruler and banged. The two collided with each other. The Brahma ruler trembled, and Ji Shangxuan's black gas could not advance at all.

"During this period, it turns out that you have made great progress, and you are indeed my good apprentice!" Ji Shangxuan smiled and said, "It's a pity that you are despised by your peers now. You have already been notorious in the world. Unlike me, you are still my landlord during the day, and you can be yourself at night!"

Jiang Hanye was shocked when he heard this. He really didn't know what had happened to Ji Shangxuan, which made him what he is now.

"Well, you are a big boy. Originally, he was in Wanjian Villa. If you continue to drink that soup, you will soon be crazy. At that time, I can also pretend to heal you and absorb your true anger, but I didn't expect that there was a master behind you!" Ji Shangxuan said, "Okay, since you escaped at that time, it means that it's not the right time. Fortunately, you are really full of energy now, and it's two times more than before. Now if you suck your essence, it's a good thing!"

Jiang Hanye gave Ji Shangxuan a cold look and suddenly felt that the man in front of him was a ghost in human skin, and his heart was more ugly than anything else. Jiang Hanye couldn't help thinking painfully, "Fortunately, Xiaoyu doesn't have to know anything now, otherwise, if she sees her father become like this, I don't know how painful it will be?"