King of Martial Arts

Chapter 149 A Couple Seeking a Son

"Master, what should we do?" After helping Jiang Hanye bury the bodies of the old couple in the coffin, Jin Danzi looked at Jiang Hanye and asked.

Jiang Hanye frowned, and the question Jin Danzi asked was exactly what he wanted to think about now... Yes, what should he do now? Seeing Ji Mingyu go further and further on this wrong road, his heart ached.

"That's it." Jiang Hanye said to himself in his heart, "One step, one step."

The journey to find monks in the Western Regions was not very smooth. After that, Jiang Hanye left here with Jin Danzi and Linger, turned back the original road and went to the Central Plains through Kunlun Mountain. From the plateau to the snowfield, and then from the snowfield to the hinterland of the Central Plains, it was already late autumn, and everywhere was colorful. The fields were full of golden wheat ears, and Ling'er's eyes did not blink. It turned out that she came from the white-faced country. Although she followed Jiang Hanye, she had never been to the Central Plains. This Middle-earth scenery was naturally exotic for her.

On this day, Jiang Hanye came to a town with Jin Danzi and Linger. This town is called Wufang Town, 300 miles away from Luoshui City and belongs to a three-indifferent zone, and the court has set up a separate guard here. Although this Wufang Town is not a pass through the nine provinces, it is also a traffic fortress. Although it is only a town, there are 2,000 troops stationed by the Great Chen Dynasty. In the past, there has been an endless stream of merchants. The population of the town has reached 3,000, most of which are engaged in business. The simple town is very prosperous and lively.

After finding an inn in the town that was neither too good nor too bad, Jiang Hanye went out for a walk alone. Over the years, he has developed such a habit and likes to walk in strange places, because for this strange town, he is also a stranger. For passers-by, he is also a passer-by. Everyone does not interfere with each other and knows anyone. No one knows his name is Jiang Hanye, and no one knows his past. It's good and relaxing.

At this time, it was already the west of the setting sun. Most of the people on the street ended their day's work. At this time, they either went to the restaurant in groups to make dental sacrifices, or they hurried to their homes. However, the most common people are foreigners such as Jiang Hanye, who either pass by here for public or private and live in various families in the town. In large and small inns, there is nothing to do here.

Wufang Town is surrounded by water on all sides, and there are no mountains nearby, not even a mountain bag, which makes Jiang Hanye, a person who has lived in the mountains for a long time, feel a little uncomfortable. Looking at it, there are fields everywhere, very empty. The nearest mountain from here is probably 70 or 80 miles away, and it looks very ordinary. Have any characteristics.

"Quick, hurry up, it's going to be dark soon. When it's dark, Grandpa Mountain God will leave nothing to do!" Opposite Jiang Hanye, two middle-aged people came, a man and a woman, both 30 or 40 years old. The man was tall and thin, with a short mustard. The woman was white, fat and average-looking. Looking at their clothes, they should also be ordinary people.

"If you know, you will know how to urge, like a life-threatening ghost!" The woman responded with dissatisfaction.

This is originally an extremely ordinary pair of passers-by. Maybe they are husband and wife, or maybe they are brothers and sisters, but no matter what their relationship is, it has nothing to do with Jiang Hanye, because he has learned to mind his own business in the past five years. But somehow, when Jiang Hanye passed by the two people, there seemed to be a lightning flash in his heart. He suddenly turned around and looked at the backs of the two people. At this time, the man and woman were arguing fiercely for some reason.

"You woman, you don't care about such an important thing. Do you want my old Zhao family to cut off their children and grandchildren?" The two of them were indeed husband and wife. The man cursed the woman in a low voice angrily, but although he was very angry, he could see that he was also a face-looking person, so his voice was not very loud. However, although such a whisper could avoid other people's ears and eyes, it could not escape Jiang Hanye's hearing.

"Is it me?" The woman's voice was obviously louder than that of a man. When she heard her husband scold her like this, she looked up at him and replied with disappiness, "I don't know which dead ghost it is. When she is good, she spends flowers all day long. When she hollows out her body and comes back, how can she give birth to a son and a half daughter? It's almost sore!"

Although this woman is not beautiful and her personality is not gentle, it can be seen that she is also a dignified and virtuous person, and her words are also very witty. When she blurted out a word of 'sore', Jiang Hanye almost couldn't help laughing.

"This is the most ordinary people." I don't know why, Jiang Hanye suddenly thought, "If I hadn't gone to Shouyang Peak with my fourth brother and practiced martial arts, I don't know what I would have been like today?" A scene flashed in front of him. In the picture, Jiang Hanye was dressed as a farmer, wearing a coarse cloth shirt, carrying a hoe on his shoulder, and holding a child with a sheep's horn braid in his hand. He was walking on the ridge of the field, and in the distance was a village with little cooking smoke.

"Oh, if I hadn't stepped into martial arts, I'm afraid that I'm already the father of several children at this moment, and there won't be so many entanglements on me... But if that's the case, maybe I won't meet Xiaoyu and see Xiaobai..." Jiang Hanye shook his head and smiled bitterly. There is no turning back in life. Between trade-offs, who can predict the future situation?

"Let's go. I really saw it with my own eyes. Grandpa Shans came out of the forest with red light in his eyes. That's not a clay sculpture in the temple..." The man continued to chatter, "We have a good harvest here this year. It must be auspicious from the sky. Unexpectedly, Lao Zhao, saw it. Haha, it's time for me to get rich!" He was angry at the first moment, and the next moment he danced happily.

"Let's go, this is the only chicken in the family." The woman said.

Red light? After listening to this sentence, Jiang Hanye's attention, which had been withdrawn, was attracted again. Thinking of the strange feeling in his heart when he just passed them, Jiang Hanye felt that it was not so simple. He turned back and followed the couple not far away.

Wufang Town is just a town. There are four exits, of which the east and west exits are surrounded by high wooden fences. The tip of the wooden fence is sharpened and obliquely inserted on the ground, forming a simple but useful barrier. Inside and outside the barrier, it is a heavily armed soldier. When Jiang Hanye passed the exit, he was still wondering, "Why do you need so many soldiers to garrison in such a small town?" However, he probably didn't understand the matter in the court, so he didn't care too much about it.

Jiang Hanye followed the middle-aged couple out of the west gate of the town, crossed the river two feet wide in the west, stepped on a dirt road only two people wide, and walked far away. At this time, Jiang Hanye noticed that if they walked along this dirt road, they would go all the way to the mountain that was not tall, low and had no characteristics, but now it was sunset. Are they going to go to the mountain so late?

With this suspicious mentality, Jiang Hanye has been following the couple. They walked through the dirt road, through the villages and fields, and actually walked all the way to the mountain.

"It's so late, okay?" The sky gradually dimmed, and the woman often said to her husband with some trepidation with the appearance of the moon in the sky.

"Well, it was said that the iron should be struck while it was hot. I saw it this morning and rushed home. Well, you went back to your mother's house again, so you were delayed..." As soon as the man opened his mouth, he complained and scolded the woman again, "Let's go. You must go there before you are old today!"

"I hope the immortals can really appear!" Women have also completely compromised at this time.

Jiang Hanye walked on the ground at first, but it's okay to say that such a trailing was in a large number of people. When he arrived at this open place, it was easy to attract the suspicion and attention of others. Therefore, at this time, he was in mid-air, driving the Brahma ruler, not high or not far, and stopped all the words of the couple in his ears. It's Dolly.

"Immortal?" Jiang Hanye looked up at the inconspicuous mountain bag in the distance. There was no aura at all. At this moment, it was shrouded in the twilight, like a cat or dog sleeping there eating too fat, mostly lazy and less domineering.

"How can there be immortals in such a place?" Jiang Hanye said secretly. Looking at the couple on the ground who did not hesitate to travel at night to seek children, a very complicated thought rose in his heart. There was pity and sadness in this mind, and he felt sad for them.

The night is getting darker, and the moon is not very bright. The foggy clouds have to hide it from time to time. In such a night, walking in the wild is a very scary thing. This is the plain area, with many wolves and tigers and leopards. The two couples on the ground are in a hurry. They are single-minded to ask for children and have already forgotten the possible dangers around them.


I don't know where there was a faint howling of wolves. It can be seen that some beasts have noticed the prey of these two activities. They are quietly wrapping the couple in the distance, but they dare not approach. Because these animals have a keen sense of smell and are more spiritual than ordinary people, they have noticed that there seems to be an unfriendly guy in mid-air.


Jiang Hanye kicked away a lone wolf. The wolf was probably hungry and fainted. Unexpectedly, he rushed to the couple regardless of everything and was intercepted by Jiang Hanye halfway.

"I just want to see what they want to do, otherwise they won't be nosy..." Jiang Hanye looked for an excuse for himself in his heart. Now he disdains to help others, and in the eyes of others, he is also a cold and almost ruthless guy.

Jiang Hanye patted the dust on his hand and looked up at the front. At this time, he suddenly found that the mountain seemed to move.

"Mountain, can you move by yourself?" Jiang Hanye's heart was shrouded in a layer of suspicion.

In order to kill the hungry lone wolf, Jiang Hanye deviated from the route the couple walked. Now he was standing in the west of the couple, about a straight distance of about a hundred feet. Looking at the two black figures in the distance, Jiang Hanye's heart sank.

After moving, the mountain soon quieted down again. It seemed that nothing had happened, but a black fog that was invisible to ordinary people spread from the originally inconspicuous mountain, and there was a mildew in the fog. That feeling seemed to be buried deep in the ground. Over the years, the rotten coffin has been excavated.

"It's really weird!" Jiang Hanye frowned and said secretly.

The couple who asked for their son hurried for dozens of miles at night and finally came to the foot of the mountain in the middle of the night.

"Come on, daughter-in-law, come and kowtow to the father-in-law first." The husband stopped in front of a simple temple with a height and shoulder width, let his wife put down the chicken in his hand, and then took out a lot of things from the basket. Jiang Hanye looked at it from a distance, nothing more than some fragrant candles and fruits.

This mountain is neither high nor big. After driving the Brahma ruler around in the air on a cold night, he roughly saw the mountain clearly. The mountain is about seven or eight miles in radius. The trees on the mountain are still lush, and a stone staircase extends from the front of the mountain temple to the top of the mountain. And the mountain temple was also smoked black and white, and the ground was full of burned candles and incense ash. It can be seen that the incense here is also at its peak.

The man respectfully put all the offerings on, then pulled his wife and respectfully kowtowed seven or eight heads on the ground, then put his hands together and muttered, "Grandfather of the land, Grandpa Mountain God, disciple Zhao Dayou is forty-three this year, and his daughter-in-law is nearly 40 years old, but she has been childless under his knees. This defeat The old ladies gave birth to a girl for me as soon as they curled their legs. Now the family is almost enough for the seven fairies... The disciples are a single biography of three generations. I only hope that the father-in-law of the land and the grandfather of the mountain god can show mercy and give us a Lin'er. If so, the disciples will reshape the golden body for you..."

After making a wish, the man squatted aside and watched the woman kneel and kowtowed. The woman spoke softly, basically muttering secretly, so Jiang Hanye did not hear what she was saying.

"Oh, people in the world are still bound by these things, seeking children without children and seeking wealth..." Jiang Hanye lived far away on a tree and smiled bitterly, "If people's greed can be changed sometime, it will be better..."

Before Jiang Hanye finished saying this sentence, he suddenly felt a fishy wind blowing down the stone ladder from the mountain and rushed straight to the couple in front of the mountain temple.

Jiang Hanye frowned and knew that the master was coming, but he didn't know whether the master was a human or a demon, and what his intention was.

"It's so cold!" The woman who was kneeling and reading words in front of the mountain temple suddenly trembled and said strangely, "I said that the head of the family is not yet September. How can there be such a cold wind?"

The man was also blown by the wind. He trembled, and his eyes suddenly became stunned. He turned a deaf ear to the woman's words, as if he didn't hear them.

"The head of the family, the head of the family?" The woman got up from the ground with a lot of effort. When she saw that her man had no reaction, she couldn't help but be a little annoyed and nagging, "You kill a thousand knives. I'm a big man. I'm more than three months pregnant, and I've walked sixty or 70 miles with you. If you don't feel sorry for me, just don't hire me a foot. Well, how can you do this to me... You..."

The woman stopped halfway through her words. She turned her head to look at her husband, but was surprised to find something wrong with the man. First of all, his eyes changed, and he was stunned and cold, which made people look straight in his heart. Secondly, his body looked very stiff. Originally, he squatted on the ground, but now he slowly stood up from the ground, but his posture still maintained the state when he squatted, and the joints all over his body also made a cackle sound, as if he had broken and picked up the joints.

"Ah, the head of the family, are you uncomfortable?" The woman was afraid, but after all, the man in front of her was her man, and she couldn't help but be afraid for a moment, just worried about what would happen to the man.

The man turned a deaf ear to the woman's words. He walked stiffly, bowed his back and tilted his head in the strange posture of the same hands and feet, walking towards the woman, giving people the feeling that a person who did not belong to his body penetrated into his body and was trying to adapt to the skin.

"What's wrong with the head of the family? Don't scare me. I'm heavy now..." The woman said in a trembling voice as she stepped back.

Under the dark moonlight, the man suddenly smiled very strangely at the woman. His two lips almost turned up, revealing his whole teeth and pink gums.

The woman was about to say something, but her body collapsed softly, and Jiang Hanye's figure appeared behind her.

Jiang Hanye restrained the woman's acupuncture point, and then gently picked her up and put her aside. He stood at the man and said coldly, "Your Excellency is so good that you even used it."

"Hey..." The man smiled, and a series of saliva flowed down the corners of his mouth. He didn't wipe it, but said inexplicablely: "Good eyesight, you can see...good eyesight..."

"I advise you to go back to your own flesh quickly. How can this man's body be ruined by you?" Jiang Hanye had no expression on his face. He stared at the man, and his true spirit gathered between his eyes, but when he saw a red light flashing in his eyes and opened it again, he could see the periphery of the man's body, faintly covering something similar to a turtle.

"It turned out to be a monster!" Jiang Hanye said coldly, "You are a beast that has taken shape and can take people away. I think your cultivation is not low. In terms of martial arts, I'm afraid you already have the strength in the later stage of spiritual silence!"

"Roar!" The man looked up and roared, his eyes suddenly fell on Jiang Hanye's face, and said gloomily, "Animal? How dare you call me a beast?