King of Martial Arts

Chapter 203 Four Seas

Kan Cangyue watched Jiang Hanye and Cen Ruoqiu catch the child together. She stood far away and put down the moon god bow in her hand. Suddenly, there was a sense of loss in her heart, a feeling that she had never experienced before.

Cen Ruoqiu's hands are cold, and her body has been chilling all year round. At this time, she can receive a child covered with blood, and she is still in shock. Although Cen Ruoqiu has experienced a hundred battles, this is the first time she has faced the life and death of others. Her hand touched Jiang Hanye under the child. If I remember correctly, this was the first time she touched Jiang Hanye's hand. That feeling was very mysterious.

"All right." Jiang Hanye sent the child to Cen Ruoqiu's hand, "I'll leave it to you." He glanced at Cen Ruoqiu and then flew up in Xiaobai, chop the blood crow all the way, and rushed to Ji Mingyu in the air.

Cen Ruoqiu held the child in her arms and stared at the blood crow, but her heart flew away with Jiang Hanye.

"Son, my son!" Seeing that the child was rescued, the mother rushed over crazily, took the child from Cen Ruoqiu's arms, knelt down on her, and said, "Thank you, fairy aunt, thank you, fairy aunt!"

"Take good care of the child and hide in the crowd. Don't have any more accidents. The child is injured. Go to Yang Bo and get a bowl of spirits to clean it for him. It's okay." Cen Ruoqiu told him.

"Yes, thank you, Aunt Xian!" The woman returned to the crowd gratefully holding her child.

The blood crows are not very difficult to deal with, so with the concerted efforts of everyone, the blood crows attacking the ground gradually became less and less. At this time, the blood crows in the sky did not decrease but increased. They worked together to surround Xiaoyu and prevent Jiang Hanye from approaching him.

A blue fog rose from the palm of Jiang Hanye's hand. He aimed at the group of blood crows and pushed them out with a fierce palm. However, at this time, the blood crows scattered as if they were deliberately. They showed Ji Mingyu in front of Jiang Hanye's eyes.

"Cunning!" Jiang Hanye said coldly, "It's the ghost that taught you..."

Now Jiang Hanye gradually finds that ghosts seem to enjoy harming others, and it seems that he will be very satisfied to watch others suffer. Jiang Hanye's palm seemed to be out of hand, and he didn't seem to have the intention to take it back, just allowing the blue fog to hit Ji Mingyu.

Ji Mingyu's eyes were dull, and he stared at Jiang Hanye motionless.

The blood crows flew around Jiang Hanye and Ji Mingyu, fluttering their wings, as if waiting to see Ji Mingyu die under Jiang Hanye's men. However, just as the green fog was about to hit Ji Mingyu, Jiang Hanye's palm suddenly withdrew, and the fog disappeared under the eyes of the blood crows.

Jiang Hanye took advantage of the blood crows to dodge, and Ji Mingyu was stunned, grabbed Ji Mingyu, sealed his blood, clamped him under his armpit, stood on Xiaobai's back and rushed to the ground.

The blood crows caught up again when they saw the situation, and at the same time, Xiao Yu, who had been motionless under Jiang Hanye's arm, suddenly moved. His first reaction was to raise the sword in his hand and scratch it under Jiang Hanye's ribs.

The blood crows are screaming, their voices are sharp and almost about to pierce people's eardrums. The crow's cry was like a magic spell in Jiang Hanye's ear, which upset him, so he did not find Xiaoyu's attempt at the first time. When he found it, it seemed to be too late. The sword in Xiaoyu's hand almost pierced his ribs. Fortunately, it just pierced the skin and did not penetrate into the abdominal cavity.

Jiang Hanye, who couldn't help the pain, subconsciously sprinkled his hand, and Xiao Yu fell from his armpit, and the blood crows immediately came up to catch Xiao Yu like the wind. It seemed that they did not like fighting, but directly carried him away.

Jiang Hanye covered his ribs, stood on Xiao Bai's back, looked at the blood crow in the distance, and said, "Xiao Bai, go down."

Back to the ground, everyone gathered around. When they saw the wound on Jiang Hanye's body, they were surprised and said, "The fairy is injured! Bring Jinchuang medicine quickly!"

These are ordinary but kind people. In these years of lack of food, clothing and medicine, they are more difficult to survive than martial arts. However, at such a moment, they chose to pay, which warmed Jiang Hanye's heart and said with a smile, "No, keep the medicine. I have cultivation on my body, and a little minor injuries are not enough. According to

Although the wound under the ribs was not deep, it pierced the skin on both sides and the blood flowed. Although Jiang Hanye said so, those people still insisted on helping Jiang Hanye with medicine.

When Jiang Hanye was injured, Cen Ruoqiu was busy treating the little boy, so she couldn't come over at the first time. When she learned that Jiang Hanye was injured, she was very surprised. She didn't know why Jiang Hanye actually hurt herself in the hands of the bloody crow and Xiaoyu. When Cen Ruoqiu put down her business and rushed to Jiang Hanye, she saw Kan Cangyue squatting beside Jiang Hanye with a veil in her hand.

"What's going on?" Kan Cangyue said, "Use this to wrap the wound. I suspect that the corpse plague is infected by blood and breathing. Although you are profound, don't be too careless at this time."

"Well, thank you very much!" Jiang Hanye reached out to take the handkerchief. The corner of the handkerchief was embroidered with the word 'Cangyue'. Obviously, this is the handkerchief carried by Kan Cangyue. "Is this okay?" Jiang Hanye looked at her and asked.

"What's wrong? Everything is outside the body." Kan Cangyue said that in fact, the aftergguang at the corner of her eyes had seen Cen Ruoqiu coming, so she took two steps aside and looked back at her and said, "Miss Cen is also coming?"

Cen Ruoqiu clearly read the meaning of provocation from Kan Cangyue's words and eyes, provocation! Why? She smiled politely at Kan Cangyue and replied, "Yes, I'll take a look at Xiaoye."

I don't know when Cen Ruoqiu also began to call Jiang Hanye or Xiaojiang. Every time he was called like this, Cen Ruoqiu felt that the relationship between the two of them was intimate and seemed to be the closest. However, the existence of Kan Cangyue made her feel that there was a gap between them. The gap between past and present life.

"You guys talk, I'll go there." Kan Cangyue smiled and passed by Cen Ruoqiu.

Cen Ruoqiu also smiled and said nothing. After Kan Cangyue left, she walked to Jiang Hanye. At this time, Jiang Hanye was sitting on the ground leaning against Xiaobai. The injury is not very serious, but it is very painful. A movement will involve the wound. In addition, the medicine applied is not the usual medicine of warriors, but the golden medicine used by ordinary people, so the healing effect on the wound is even more minimal, but Jiang Hanye did not intend to change the medicine. It's just a minor injury, which is not good to disappoint those kind people. So he would rather be in pain.

"Does it hurt?" Cen Ruoqiu squatted down and looked at Jiang Hanye and asked.

"It's okay." Jiang Hanye said, "Is it necessary to make such a fuss? It's just a skin injury.

"Come on, change the medicine." Cen Ruoqiu took out the golden medicine used by the practitioners from his body, and the general skin trauma will heal within an hour after applying this medicine.

"No, save this medicine for them. They gave me their precious medicine. Although the effect of the medicine is slow, it is always a good intention, isn't it?" Jiang Hanye said.

Cen Ruoqiu looked at Jiang Hanye and smiled bitterly at the corners of his mouth: "Ha ha, you are always strong and indifferent in front of others. In fact, your heart is still the same as before. The ancient road is warm-hearted and has not changed at all."

Jiang Hanye showed an uncomfortable expression on his face. The corners of his mouth grinned and said nothing. It was very insecure for him to be seen through.

"So Xiaobai, I know you're here. You have to take good care of him." Cen Ruoqiu squatted for a moment. She felt that she actually had a lot to say to Jiang Hanye, but she couldn't say it, so she turned to the void and said to Xiaobai.

"Woo-hoo!" Xiaobai's voice was a little hoarse, which sounded like chagrin and repentance, probably because he didn't protect Jiang Hanye.

After getting Xiaobai's response, Cen Ruoqiu stood up and left at ease.

The whole journey was also smooth. They escorted the survivors to Baihua Valley without danger.

Since its existence, Baihua Valley has had a rule that there are no male guests in the valley, which is one of the reasons why some of their sisters would object last time. Now this problem has been solved very well.

There are two entrances to the whole Baihua Valley. Cen Ruoqiu and other sects live near the mouth of the valley in front, and behind them is a lush jungle and peaceful land. They settle those people there. There are still several disciples of Baihua Valley disciples at the mouth of the valley all year round, and there is also the guardian of the boundary. So it seems that , this place is really suitable for the last peach blossoms of mankind.


"The sky here is always gray." Linger looked at the sky and said.

"Yes, I'm afraid it will be like this in the future." Jin Danzi held the staff and sat behind Linger with his nose and sighed. In front of Linger, he tried his best to put on the posture of an elder and everything. It was a happiness for Jin Danzi to be worshipped by Linger.

"Really?" Hearing this, Linger said with deep disappointment, "If this is the case, then we are too pitiful."

What is it? Isn't it just that there is no sun? I was imprisoned by Luo Xingyun... by his father for more than 100 years!" When it comes to that matter, Jin Danzi is furious.

"Yes, I don't know how Elder Jin Danzi survived at that time. You are really awesome!" In fact, it is not the first time Linger has heard Jin Danzi talk about this, but every time she hears it, she admires him from the bottom of her heart.

"Hey, this is nothing, man. When you are on the verge of survival, any ability will be stimulated. In fact, it would be the same if it were you." Jin Danzi laughed.

While the two were talking, Jiang Hanye called in the room, "Linger, come here for a moment."

"Oh, here we go!" Hearing Jiang Hanye's call, Linger hurriedly stood up and hurried to the room.

"Hey, this little girl is always hot, and she won't die if she goes a step late..." Jin Danzi shook his head and smiled.


" Sit down." Jiang Hanye pointed to the chair beside him and said to Linger.

"Oh." Linger sat down obediently, but it was very cramped. She seemed to feel that something was going to happen and what would happen?

"You know we're going to the demon world, right?" Jiang Hanye asked.

"Hmm." Linger answered.

"How horrible the demon world is. I don't need to tell you. The creatures there are very terrible, and there are many people who are better than me..." Jiang Hanye said.

"Master..." Linger listened nervously to Jiang Hanye's words. Her hands were twisted together, as if she knew what Jiang Hanye was going to say.

"Listen to me first." Jiang Hanye interrupted her, "The only people who can go to the demon world this time are me, Miss Cen, Ji Yuan and Miss Kan. You know, I can't take you with me."

Hearing this, Linger's tears fell down like broken beads, but she tried her best not to cry and didn't dare to let Jiang Hanye see it.

In fact, Jiang Hanye has seen Linger crying for a long time. Based on his understanding of Linger, it would be abnormal for Linger not to cry. Although Jiang Hanye and Linger are worthy of their masters and servants, they are like brothers and sisters. At least Jiang Hanye thinks so. Now he is so worried that he wants to leave Linger, but he can only do this because the two harms are less powerful.

"I ask you, do you like it here?" Jiang Hanye stared at Linger and asked.

Linger nodded silently.

"In fact, I have long thought that you are a very talented child. I hope you can embark on the road of cultivation. At least we can accompany you for a few more years, and Sister Bai Huan also seems to like you very much. Would you like to follow her?" Jiang Hanye asked.

It was decided after Jiang Hanye and Cen Ruoqiu discussed that Linger was introduced to Bai Huan as an apprentice, and it took a lot of trouble in the middle, because Bai Yucicada left a lot of rules, including the rule of not being able to open a mountain and accept apprentices casually.

Linger was silent. She really didn't know how to answer Jiang Hanye.

"If you don't speak, I will take it as your consent, then you will stay here to learn martial arts from Bai Huan in the future, hoping that when I come back from the demon world, you will already be a big girl." Jiang Hanye looked at Linger and said.

In fact, when saying these words, not only the people who listen to it are uncomfortable, but also Jiang Hanye's heart is also uncomfortable. Going to the demon world is not enough to go, but to go back. Everything depends on their ability and the opportunity. If they are lucky, they can solve the problem at one time. If they are unlucky, maybe the whole team will die in the demon world.

"Master, Linger understands what you mean. Linger will definitely not cause trouble to the master. Please rest assured, I will learn art here and pick me up when you come back!" Linger spoke after a long time. As soon as she said this, Jiang Hanye felt very uncomfortable. Five years, they have been like relatives for five years, but now they have to face life and death. Who can feel comfortable?


Cen Ruoqiu sat at the head of the bed, holding a book in his hand. This book is thin, with only a dozen pages of paper, but it feels good to hold it in his hand. Red book skin, dark font, rich ink fragrance, refreshing, this is the book given to her by the Peach Blossom Fairy, called the Book of the Four Seas.

The Book of the Four Seas is an ancient book of geography. Although this book is only a dozen pages, each page is equivalent to a book. The mystery contained in it can only be experienced by reading the scriptures in person.

The full text of the Four Seas Sutra is 18 volumes, which mainly records things in geography, witchcraft, ancient history, medicine and other aspects. The things described in it are mysterious, and even Cen Ruoqiu, who came from cultivation, feel quite incredible. However, when she saw the demon world in the upper volume, she suddenly understood why the peach fairy gave her this book.

"It turns out that the peach fairy is not such an indifferent person, and she still wants to help us..." Cen Ruoqiu said secretly.

"I don't know how this book describes the demon world?" While thinking about it, Cen Ruoqiu turned over the book, found the volume with the demon world, and couldn't help reading it. After condensing, what was originally concentrated on a page suddenly turned into a whole book, allowing Cen Ruoqiu to read it in meditation.

"I found it, here..." Cen Ruoqiu's eyes lit up and saw the huge demon world at the top of the page.

The book describes the demon world: the six worlds between heaven and earth are based on people, demons, immortals, gods, demons and ghosts. The world is chaotic. In Pangu, with its body, chaos can not bear it. It splits into two sections. The clear air rises to the sky, and the turbid air falls to the earth. After Pangu's death, it was refined into Fuxi, its gas into Shennong, and its deification into Nuwa, historically known as the 'three emperors'; the spiritual power in his body was dispersed and melted into water, fire, wind, thunder and earth, which was the 'five spirits'. Pangu's heart hangs between heaven and earth, and the turbidity intersects to form a divine tree, which is the source of life in heaven.

The three emperors created creatures. Among them, Shennong created beasts with earth, stone, grass and trees as the body, but Shennong only paid attention to their number and ability, so the number of beasts was numerous, spread all over the world, but they had no enlightenment. Among the beasts, there are occasionally intelligent people who absorb the aura of heaven and earth, cultivate them, and even stimulate the 'power of Shennong' left in their own bodies, which is called 'demon'. The place where demons live has become the demon world. The place where the demon world is located is close to the heart of Pangu, which is called Shu Mountain.

Cen Ruoqiu read this article in one breath and couldn't help but realize it and said secretly, "It turns out that this demon world is the same as the world, but it's just a different world... But, Li Shushan? What is this place?"

Before today, Cen Ruoqiu never knew that there was such a legend in the demon world, but probably before today, no one in the world knew about it.

Covering the scroll and meditating, Cen Ruoqiu was considering whether to bring this book to Jiang Hanye to have a look. The woman named Youyan actually told Jiang Hanye that the entrance to the demon world was in Xumi Mountain, but the entrance to the demon world mentioned in the Sihaijing was in Lishu Mountain. Isn't it contradictory?

"Wait, no one said that Lishu Mountain and Xumi Mountain are not the same place..." Cen Ruoqiu calmed down and thought secretly, "In case the demon world and the world call the same place differently, wouldn't I mislead him?" Thinking of this, Cen Ruoqiu still decided not to mention this matter for the time being.