King of Martial Arts

Chapter 212 Token

"What a bear's paw. If this bear's paw is stewed, it must be very delicious and nutritious." Jiang Hanye looked at Yuan Chong's right palm and said with a smile.

Yuan Chong's eyes narrowed. He didn't expect Jiang Hanye to dare to laugh with his palm. He couldn't help but assassinate in his heart, but on the surface, he still said, "Ha ha, I didn't expect you to be not only a talented, but also very funny... After talking for a long time, I don't know where your fairy is?"

What Yuan Chong and Jiang Hanye said are all terms of the demon world. Where is this fairy family? That is, to ask Jiang Hanye what kind of monster he is, whether it is a tiger or a leopard. Jiang Hanye is not a monster at all. Naturally, he can't understand it, but this does not prevent him from thinking.

"Me? Guess what?" Jiang Hanye did not guess the meaning of that sentence randomly, but cleverly avoided the problem in a different way.

"Hmm! Don't give you shameless and shameless things!" Yuan Chong finally couldn't help it. His nails on the bear's paw were like hooks, more than a foot long, and the cold light glowed in the sun. He stretched out his tongue and licked the nails and said to Jiang Hanye, "Come and taste my strength! "Cold claws!"

Yuan Chong's attack was not fancy at all. He said it would start, and he didn't even give the enemy time to prepare. Before Jiang Hanye came to his senses, Na Yuan Chong's whole body had turned into a brown light and hit him. At the same time, he only felt that a sharp wind in front of him was blowing, and a feeling of cool silk was approaching his face. He knew that something was not good, so he slid back and heard a buzzing sharp weapon breaking through the air. The Yuan Chong's bear claws He swept the door of Jiang Hanye.

Naturally, Xiaobai can't see others hurt Jiang Hanye. He can't wait to fight with others. At this moment, when Xiaobai saw the bear spirit bullying him, he burst out and bit the bear spirit's left waist.

Because Xiong Jing couldn't see Xiaobai, he always thought that the smell emitted by Xiaobai was Jiang Hanye's. At this time, Xiaobai and Jiang Hanye separated, and he noticed something strange. When Xiaobai bit his waist muscles, he exhaled in pain, twisted his body and encouraged his strength, and his whole body muscles immediately became As stiff as the stone, he abruptly snatched his body out of Xiaobai's mouth.

"I said you are a demon, so you are a person!" Xiong Jing stared at Jiang Hanye and said coldly, "Since you are a human, you don't belong to our demon world. Aren't you looking for death here?" After saying that, Yuan Chong shrank his body, jumped up more than ten feet, and shouted from the air and rushed down to Jiang Hanye.

Naturally, Jiang Hanye would not sit and wait for death. He took advantage of Xiaobai's attack on Yuan Chong's mouth and sacrificed the Brahma ruler, which suddenly hit Yuan Chong with black smoke. Yuan Chong saw Jiang Hanye's Brahma ruler, his eyes changed, and he said, "It turned out to be you..."

"What?" Jiang Hanye said, "Have you heard of me from someone?"

"Hey!" Yuan Chong flashed his body, barely dodged the fierce attack of the Fantian ruler, and then pulled his claws into the air. With a bang, he bumped into the Brahma ruler that flew down and wiped out a fierce spark. Jiang Hanye and Yuan Chong shook their bodies, took two steps back, and secretly said in their hearts, "It's so awesome!"

"I have not only heard of you, but also been ordered to block you in the demon world!" Yuan Chong said, "If you are unlucky, you will meet me when you come to the demon world..." Speaking of this, he frowned again and muttered, "That guy Lei Tian actually mixed with you? Hey hey!"

When Jiang Hanye heard Yuan Chong's words, he couldn't help sinking and said secretly, "It's bad. If he doesn't kill this guy today, he will definitely go back and tell the destruction of this. It's just that we failed, and we were even involved in Lei Tian... Anyway, I'm going to take this Yuan Chong today!"

Since Jiang Hanye made up his mind to take Yuan Chong, there was no doubt that the murderous atmosphere on his body condensed around Jiang Hanye, forming a transparent but slightly visible gas, surging outside his body, and suddenly the temperature in the forest began to drop sharply.

Yuan Chong was very surprised by the change of Jiang Hanye. He looked at Jiang Hanye and said in his heart, "How can this guy have such a cultivation? It seems that I underestimated him... No, I, Yuan Chong, must not miss it, otherwise my reputation will not be guaranteed. How can Lord Meng reuse me in the future?" Thinking of this, this Yuan Chong also began to exude murderous intent.

Jiang Hanye and Yuan Chong stood face to face like this, and their bodies were murderous. After biting Yuan Chong, he was thrown away by him. At this moment, he also quietly jumped behind Yuan Chong, waiting for Jiang Hanye's news and waiting for the opportunity to catch Yuan Chong off guard.

The two confronted for a moment, and suddenly seemed to have agreed. At the same time, they rose into the air. Driven by Jiang Hanye Road, the Brahmachi also suddenly flew up, making a whining sound of breaking the sky, which emitted a forceful energy in the foot, which made Yuan Chong feel that his body seemed to want to split involuntarily. At the same time, Jiang Hanye also had an illusion that the skin on his face was torn by the bear's claws. The silky pain made him unable to frown.

Bothe Jiang Hanye and Yuan Chong were shocked by the other party's momentum and said secretly in their hearts, "He is not simple!"

Jiang Hanye's Brahma ruler is like a long black sword, cutting through the sky, whining, wiping Yuan Chong's body and cutting at his vital point. Yuan Chong's body also seemed to expand, and his brown robe seemed to be blown with a lot of gas, reflecting his not huge body and the huge bear paw, which looked so strange.

With a bang, Jiang Hanye's fist collided with Yuan Chong's body. At the same time, Yuan Chong's right claw also suddenly cut down from the air and cut Jiang Hanye's head and neck, but this claw was stopped by the Brahma ruler and Xiao Bai in mid-air.

Jiang Hanye's fist firmly hit Yuan Chong's chest, and his determination to win made Jiang Hanye's body burst into unprecedented power. This force supported him and made him shrouded in black smoke. This black smoke wrapped Jiang Hanye and used that huge impulse to make Yuan Chong fiercely. Push back.

"Good boy, are you okay!" Yuan Chong ate this fist and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth. While his body was pushed back by Jiang Hanye, he showed a strange smile. His body, to be precise, his robe was still swollen, but the place hit by Jiang Hanye was sunken.

Jiang Hanye frowned. He wanted to withdraw his fist, but he found that his fist was like an iron falling on a huge magnet. He couldn't help pulling it out of Yuan Chong's body.

"Ha ha, do you regret it? Everyone who attacked me like this finally regretted it!" Yuan Chong's body smiled miserably in the air.

At this time, Jiang Hanye realized that Yuan Chong was just tempting the enemy to go deeper.

"I don't regret it, because it will be you who will regret it in the end." Jiang Hanye also smiled faintly. He did not show his anxiety and worry, so that Yuan Chong would not see the clues, but contributed to the enemy's arrogance.

Yuan Chongguo was really suppressed by Jiang Hanye's smile and words, but he still said firmly, "I want to see how you will make me regret it!" Ah!"

This 'ah' was Yuan Chong's scream, because Xiaobai bit Yuan Chong's left leg during the confrontation between the two of them and did not let go. Xiaobai's teeth are poisonous, and most people bitten by it will die under the venom.

However, Yuan Chong's body is too hard, which is worthy of being a bear essence. It is said that the skin is rough and thick is not accurate enough. To be precise, Xiao Bai's teeth are like bitten a hard granite through Yuan Chong's clothes. Good guy, he almost didn't cut off his teeth.

Despite this, Xiaobai still did not let go. In its concept, if Jiang Hanye was not out of danger, it would not make Jiang Hanye's enemies better.

In this way, Jiang Hanye pushed Yuan Chong to break one big tree after another. Both of them wanted to kill each other. Both of them made up their minds to be broken than for the tiles.

Yuan Chong's body is getting more and more swollen. He no longer looks like a person, but gradually changes back to its original shape, like a brown bear with only a huge right claw.

"Good!" Yuan Chong said, "Very good, I rarely meet an agreeable opponent in my life! Even if I die with my opponent, I can close my eyes.

Yuan Chong's words did not move Jiang Hanye. The so-called differences do not conspire with each other. Even if Yuan Chong has a little heroism, he and Jiang Hanye have always been hostile, and no one can change their minds.

Since he couldn't leave Yuan Chong's body, Jiang Hanye simply increased his strength on his fist. With a roar, the true spirit on his fist immediately doubled, and the whole fist also burst. The huge fist, the flying Brahma ruler, and the little white who could not let go in the void made Yuan Chong more and more. The more I feel unbearable.

The hatred roared, raised his head, shook left and right a few times, and his whole body completely turned into a bear. He opened his huge bear's mouth and was about to bite Jiang Hanye's head.

Jiang Hanye was unavoidable. At this time, Xiaobai jumped up to block between Jiang Hanye's body and Yuan Chong's mouth. However, its speed was fast and could never compare with Yuan Chong, because Yuan Chong and Jiang Hanye almost stood face to face, and he could almost bite Jiang Hanye in a flash. Head.

At this time, he heard a buzz, and Yuan Chong's movements suddenly stopped. His mouth was wide open, his eyes were staring, and there was a sound in his throat, and his whole body collapsed like a ventilated ball.

Jiang Hanye felt that his fists seemed to be relaxed in an instant, and he was much more relaxed. After loosening his hand, he saw Yuan Chong's body falling to the ground like fallen leaves, and his body also shrank a lot, no different from an ordinary brown bear.

With a bang, Yuan Chong's body fell to the ground, stretched out his legs and struggled for a few times, and then lost his breath.

Jiang Hanye landed, and his eyes crossed Yuan Chong's body and looked behind the woods. There, Kan Cangyue was standing quietly, holding the moon god bow in his hand.

"Is that you?" Jiang Hanye was slightly stunned, and his heart was full of gratitude.

"It's me." Kan Cangyue said, "I know you can't handle it alone."

"How do you know that Yuan Chong is here?" Jiang Hanye asked.

"I don't know, maybe it's a coincidence." Kan Cangyue said, "Killing him doesn't mean everything is fine. Search him to see what will happen."

"Hmm!" Jiang Hanye nodded. He reached out and touched Yuan Chong's body and touched a token from the body. This sign was made of some kind of metal that Jiang Hanye had never seen before. It looked very delicate and engraved with a big word of death. In addition to this token, Jiang Hanye also found another thing from Yuan Chong. The font on the book is vague, but the title of the book is Wordless Heavenly Book.

"Only these two." Jiang Hanye did not hide what he found. He threw the book and token to Kan Cangyue.

Kan Cangyue reached out and firmly grabbed the book and token, looked at it, frowned and said, "I don't recognize this token, but I'm very familiar with this book."

"Oh?" Jiang Hanye was stunned, "What on earth is this wordless heavenly book?"

"In the past, there was also one in my house, which was the first volume, and this one was obviously the middle volume." Kan Cangyue said, "If you read this book alone, you can't understand its content at all, because the wordless book itself has no font to speak of, but it is said that this is an ancient secret book. People who have learned it can dominate the world."

"Oh." Jiang Hanye said faintly and stopped talking.

"What? Don't you want this?" Kan Cangyue asked unexpectedly, "You know, this may be what many people dream of. Even if they can't pry out the mystery in their lives, they like to take this wordless book into the tomb."

"Ha ha, what's the use of learning so much?" Jiang Hanye shook his head, "It's good that I can study the river map well."

"You'd better take it." Kan Cangyue returned the heavenly book and token of the house to Jiang Hanye, "Since you got it, it is destined to belong to you."

"Oh." Jiang Hanye collected the book and the token. "I'll take this book first. The token will go back and show it to Lei Tian. Maybe it will be of great use."

Jiang Hanye and Kan Cangyue reached an agreement on this point. The two of them returned to the portal and found that the others were already waiting there.

"What's going on?" Seeing Jiang Hanye and Kan Cangyue, Cen Ruoqiu immediately greeted them. She didn't expect that Kan Cangyue and Cen Ruoqiu would come back together, so she couldn't help but be a little surprised. Unexpectedly, she was still a little disappointed, and a jealousy soaked her heart.

"I met Yuan Chong, and it was Miss Cangyue who saved me." Jiang Hanye explained it clearly in a simple sentence and gave all the credit to Kan Cangyue.

Kan Cangyue didn't say anything. When she saw that Ji Yuan and Cen Ruoqiu were also there, she turned around and walked back.

"Let's go back." Jiang Hanye said, "Go back to Lei Tian for discussion, and we will go to the Central World tomorrow."

"Hmm!" Cen Ruoqiu nodded.


"What? Did you kill Yuan Chong? Lei Tian looked at the sign in his hand and said in surprise, "How is this possible? How is this possible???

"He is indeed dead. You'd better check this brand first." Jiang Hanye said while drinking tea.

"Good!" Lei Tian hurriedly took the sign under the lamp and looked at it carefully.

"This little brother, I don't know where Yuan Chong's body is?" At this time, the old turtle looked at Jiang Hanye and said, "Have you dealt with it?"

Jiang Hanye remembered this very important thing at this time. He did not wrinkle and looked at the old turtle and replied, "Oh, I actually forgot about it."

"It doesn't matter. Let the old slave go. Just tell me the approximate location." When the old turtle heard that Jiang Hanye had killed Yuan Chong, he admired him more.

"Okay, thank you!" Jiang Hanye then told the old turtle the approximate location of Yuan Chong's body. The old turtle hurried away and ran to Yuan Chong's body. If he did not dispose of the body quickly, he was likely to be found by others. Once the matter was found out, their troubles would follow, and they might fail.

"This is the token of the demon god. With this brand, whoever can directly see the demon god." At this time, Lei Tian also studied the token properly. He looked at Jiang Hanye and said, "Yuan Chong is the person around the god of destruction. It's not surprising to have this brand."

"Oh? No matter who it is, can you go directly to see the demon god? Jiang Hanye couldn't help but feel moved when he heard this.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Lei Tian looked at Jiang Hanye curiously. He now admires Jiang Hanye, because his head is not big, but there seem to be many good ideas in it.

"I'm thinking, if you hold the sign, can you see the demon god?" Jiang Hanye Road.

"Me?" Lei Tian was stunned.

"It is said that the demon god is still upright. If you see the demon god, will you have a chance to help us explain this matter to the demon god?" Jiang Hanye said, "Although they are brothers, the demon god should not see his brother walk into the evil road, will he?"

"This..." Lei Tian felt that Jiang Hanye's idea was really too risky, which made him dare not think about seeing the demon god? What did you say when you saw the demon god?

"Do you mean that we are divided into two ways?" Kan Cangyue understood the meaning of Jiang Hanye at this time.

"Yes, let's go to find the annihilation, and Lei Tian to find the annihilation god, which seems safer." Jiang Hanye Road.