King of Martial Arts

Chapter 240 Demon God

"Let's go, grandma, it's disgusting!" Ji Yuan put his wand in his arms and spat, "I don't know what it grew up to eat. It's so stinky!"

"Wait a minute, what is that?" Cen Ruoqiu suddenly opened her mouth and said, holding a hundred-flower sword in one hand and pointing curiously to the center of the water stains on the ground, "Flash."

"What?" Jiang Hanye also looked over. At this time, they found that in the middle of the water stain, there seemed to be something that was not much larger than the rice grains, but because of the water waves, it was ignored.

The thing is very small and oval. Jiang Hanye took a long time to pick it up on the ground. When he held it in his hand, he had a warm feeling, which made him feel indescribably comfortable.

"This may be something similar to the core of the spirit demon." Jiang Hanye said after observing carefully for a long time.

"Well, I think so too." Kan Cangyue nodded.

"What should I do with this thing?" Ji Yuandao.

"Whoever finds it belongs to? Since Miss Cen finds it, it will naturally belong to her." Jiang Hanye stuffed the rice-sized thing into Cen Ruoqiu's hand.

"I don't want it." Cen Ruoqiu said, "Besides, I don't need it. I haven't finished reading what the Peach Fairy gave me."

"Just take it, just as the little brother said, whoever finds out first will belong to him." Ji Yuan is quite generous on this point and never competes with others.

After killing the monster, everyone continued to walk forward. When they arrived here, they found that the mountain was not as bare as they looked at the bottom of the mountain. There were also many trees and flowers here, but those trees and plants were all dead, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

Not long after they walked forward, they were overwhelmed by the road tiger in front of them.

This roadblock is not a monster. On the contrary, since they killed the monster, they have been about a cup of tea. They have been calm all the way, and even Xiaobai, who has a sensitive sense of smell, has not found any abnormality. But after walking here, they were stunned. How should they go to such a place full of thorns and sharp rocks?

This mountain is not big. Strictly speaking, it is thin and tall, so after the thorns stopped them, they basically have no other way forward, either turning back or breaking through the thorns.

"What are you afraid of? split them and go!" Ji Yuan was impatient. He waved his sword and was about to rush forward, but was pulled by Jiang Hanye.

"Wait a minute!" Jiang Hanye said.

Cutting through the thorns, this is a very exciting word. Whether it is Jiang Hanye, Ji Yuan, and even Cen Ruoqiu and Kan Cangyue, who are girls, in their education from childhood to age, the elders will tell them without exception: "It's not terrible to encounter difficulties, cut through the thorns, As long as you stick to it, you can succeed, which is a failure and a lifetime. Maybe the words are slightly different, but the general idea is the same.

After seeing these thorns, everyone really realized the weight of that sentence.

This thorn is not an ordinary thorn. It is a gray-green bush of thorns, and those needle-like thorns can still shine cold under the faint light, which shows its sharpness. Jiang Hanye tried to throw a stone to the thorn bush, and heard a crisp crackle. The stone was actually stabbed by the thorn bush, which was basically in a state of broken bones.

"Good boy, is this vegetation or iron stone?" Ji Yuan couldn't help exclaiming when he saw the end of the stone.

"So when we walk here, we must pay attention everywhere." Jiang Hanye Road.

"Well, now I know, if I touch this thing, maybe something will happen..." Ji Yuan said. When he said these words now, he was still afraid that his hair stood up behind his back. Although he is a warrior, he has come to the demon world, and this is the most strange place in the demon world. You have to be careful.

"What should I do?" Cen Ruoqiu frowned and said, "Do you want to fly? I dare say that as long as we fly, we will be immediately seen by many monsters on the ground. At that time, I'm afraid that we will be the target of others.

"There's no way. Now I can only use the flying one. It's still the same. I'll do it first. It depends on the situation." After saying that, Jiang Hanye sacrificed a Brahma ruler and jumped up. Xiaobai followed him, and the two soared more than ten feet and observed from the air.

It didn't take long for Jiang Hanye to land. He said excitedly, "It seems that the situation is not as bad as we thought. Let's go."

"What's going on?" Kan Cangyue asked.

"This seems to be the back, and most of the objects we should pay attention to are on the front. Now I understand why Elder Niu said that we were going in the wrong direction." Jiang Hanye said, "Actually, we went in the wrong direction, didn't we? Instead, there is a lot less trouble.

When everyone heard this, they were overjoyed and sacrificed their magic weapons to the air. When Kan Cangyue was preparing to sacrifice the magic weapon, Jiang Hanye stopped her: "Just sit on Xiaobai's back, Xiaobai, come here!"

Xiaobai landed in the air at the call of Jiang Hanye and fell at his feet meekly.

"You treat me like a waste, don't you?" Kan Cangyue frowned, "You don't even let me operate the flying of control objects, so how can I help you in the future?"

"Don't be too careful. I just want you to preserve your true qi and physical strength." Jiang Hanye said with a muffled head, "Xiao Bai, pick her up."

Jiang Hanye couldn't help but hold Kan Cangyue. Xiaobai took advantage of the situation to get below and became Kan Cangyue's mount.

A group of four people flew back and forth like this, and the distance was not very large. They rushed slowly, not to enjoy the damn scenery along the way, but to avoid the things hidden in the scenery.

"Haha, is this not bad? I haven't blow the wind so freely for a long time. I really miss the days in the world. I hope I can solve things perfectly this time, and then go home quickly..." Ji Yuan said with a laugh on the magic weapon.

They are in the air and the wind is strong, so it doesn't matter how loud they speak, but Jiang Hanye still feels that it is not appropriate. The fierce beasts he has encountered so far are basically moving on land, but there are also those who can fly, such as the one in the Colosseum, which is the nest of fierce beasts and can fly. I'm afraid there are many.

Just as Jiang Hanye was about to remind Ji Yuan, a voice suddenly came. The sound was sharp and harsh, which made people feel like scratching their ears and cheeks. At least Jiang Hanye was like this. Not only was he like this, but he quickly found his left and right. The neighbors were the same. They had the same uncomfortable expression on their faces. At this time, he realized that something was wrong. Maybe he estimated the situation too optimistically.

That sound, how to put it, is like an invisible cone drilled into the ear, which makes people's eardrums tingle. Soon the tingling becomes a headache, and then the headache turns into a pain all over the body. No matter what the sound is, it must be a friend.

"Fuck his ancestors, what the hell?" Ji Yuan was almost driven crazy by this sound. He grabbed his hair, took off his mask, and couldn't help roaring and scolding, without any previous gentle image.

"Open your mouth!" At this time, Xiaobai flew to everyone one by one with Kan Cangyue and told them one by one.

Although I don't know why, the three of them still followed Kan Cangyue's instructions. Sure enough, after opening their mouths, they immediately felt that the pressure in their ears suddenly decreased, and the symptoms of headaches were relieved a lot.

"What the hell is this?" Jiang Hanye looked at Kan Cangyue flying next door and asked.

"Although I don't know what this is, it should be something similar to a bat." Kan Cangyue replied.

Before she finished her words, everyone suddenly felt dark in front of them, so they looked up and looked at it. There seemed to be nothing in the sky. At this time, Cen Ruoqiu inadvertently looked down. It was not too close. She found that there was a black and unknown thing in the thorn bushes under them. He flew up with his wings and was coming to them.

"Be careful!" Cen Ruoqiu didn't have time to say anything, so she could only remind everyone to be careful.

The things that rose under the black pressure soon became clear. As Kan Cangyue guessed, those were some bat monsters with sharp teeth. These bat monsters are different from bats on earth and bat monsters in the demon world. Their teeth are sharper, their wings are larger, and there is a long tail behind them. These bats are opening their mouths and chirping at this moment, and the sound keeps spreading through the air to everyone's ears, making them extremely uncomfortable.

"Kill his mother!" Ji Yuan was tortured enough. Among the four people, he had the lowest cultivation and the worst patience. At this time, blood had begun to penetrate into his left eye. If the situation was allowed to develop, I'm afraid that his eye would not be preserved.

That's why Ji Yuan desperately turned around and rushed down to the group of monsters with a magic wand.

Jiang Hanye had no time to stop Ji Yuan. He could only follow, and the two brothers rushed to kill in this group of monsters. Fortunately, these monsters only have terrible sounds, and the others are flat. Therefore, after several rushes, the density of the monsters has obviously decreased and the sound has weakened a lot.

At this time, Kan Cangyue and Cen Ruoqiu also joined the battle, and the four people fought with a group of monsters that seemed to be bats in mid-air, each with damage. In this battle, the back of Jiang Hanye's left hand was scratched through a deep blood ditch, and a small piece of meat was also taken away from Ji Yuan's face, and blood was constantly coming out.

I don't know how long it took. When everyone was exhausted, the bat monsters finally dispersed. At this time, no one had the strength. They could only be forced to land on a rock in a slightly gentle thorn bush, because the rock was very small, so They have to stand very close, so as not to squeeze someone down.

"Grandma, I thought we could reach the top of the mountain so close, but I didn't expect so many things to happen halfway." After coming down, Ji Yuan said angrily while dealing with his wounds.

"What else is hidden here?" Jiang Hanye frowned. He looked at the body of a monster hanging on a tree beside him and frowned.

"No matter what is hidden, we must be careful." Kan Cangyue said, "I still say the same thing. If you have to, don't let me become a burden to everyone." After saying that, she closed her mouth and didn't even give Jiang Hanye a chance to speak.

In such an atmosphere, after listening to Kan Cangyue's words, everyone suddenly felt a sad feeling of a strong man with broken wrists. They felt as if they were walking a road that would not return.

After a short break, Jiang Hanye proposed to go again. No one objected. Everyone silently prepared and soared again. This time, the situation seemed to be much better. They flew for a long time and did not see the trace of bats until they saw the top of the mountain, and the hanging heart finally let go.

However, what reassures them was that the bats did not chase them out. Jiang Hanye also knew that there were still many difficulties in front of them, such as the handful of green smoke on the top of the mountain. What was it?

The top of the mountain is like a hat. A tall and abrupt rock is facing them. Under the protection of the rock, there is not too much air. At this time, a handful of green smoke is slowly rising from the center of the open space. Jiang Hanye and others in the clouds even heard a sound of drumming.

"Drums? So there are people here?" Jiang Hanye frowned and thought to himself.

Whether there is someone below or not, it must be a very smart species, which may be a monster or an advanced species among fierce beasts. Because Jiang Hanye has faintly seen some dancing figures through the fog, just in the open space.

"Oh, what should I do now?" Ji Yuan didn't know when he came to Jiang Hanye's side. He looked at the figures with him and said, "It's hard not to be found, and there are many enemies."

"I'll check it first. Second brother, you are responsible for taking care of here." Jiang Hanye took a look at Ji Yuan and fell down.

Jiang Hanye quietly landed on the abrupt rock and quietly lay down there watching. Below seems to be a group of monsters, but it doesn't seem to be. They are all wearing red robes. The upper half of the robes is taken off and tied together with the lower half. At this time, they are wearing this special skirt and dancing excitedly around this pile of bonfires. These dancers are all males. I have to say that their dance is really ugly. Jiang Hanye had an impulse to gob out at that moment.

"Oh!" Those guys danced and made this excited sound from their mouths, which drifted far away with the wind.

"%#¥......%¥&...%&" Among the dancing guys, one of them was particularly outstanding because he still had a feather on his head. This guy held a spear and danced with those puzzling syllables from his mouth.

At the same time, when the harmonious guys were dancing crazily, Jiang Hanye also saw a transparent thing that seemed to be wrapped in a film came out from under the rock under him, which further confirmed Jiang Hanye's speculation that this cave should be the cave said by the bull demon. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but be a little excited and intuitively told him that there seemed to be something in this cave that could save all living beings in the world.

Under Jiang Hanye's gaze, a monster came out of it every once in a while. Every monster that had just came out was forcibly thrown into the fire, and suddenly there was an indescribable burning smell floating above the top of the mountain.

When the last monster came out, Jiang Hanye was still looking forward to the scene, but the guy who came out next surprised him. This is a tall man (or monster) wearing a gorgeous suit and a cloak on his back. He walked out of the cave in all directions and walked straight to the fire. When the man got to a fixed position, all the other monsters immediately stopped moving. They knelt down to the man in the cloak, and the guy who took the lead with feathers on his head shouted, "Hold the king of the demon world! Long live the demon god!"

"Demon God?" This result really surprised Jiang Hanye. In any case, he didn't expect that this came out to be a demon god. Thinking of the fact that Lei Tian went to see the demon god and returned without success, Jiang Hanye seemed to understand.

"It turns out that the demon god is hiding here. No wonder Brother Lei can't see him in the high world with a token in his hand..." Jiang Hanye said secretly, "As the highest leader of the demon god in the demon world, he actually hangs with a group of monsters here. What's the situation?"

Jiang Hanye had a heartbeat, but he knew that calmness was more important than anything at this time. He took a deep breath and easily cleared his mind, so he stared at what happened in the small yard on the top of the mountain while thinking about countermeasures: What if he was found?

At this time, the demon god went to the position facing Jiang Hanye and the bonfire. He had a hat pocket on his cloak. At this time, his face was hidden in the shadow of the hat, making Jiang Hanye unable to see his true face. However, Jiang Hanye also knew that in his current situation, he could only wait.

The demon god (whether he is a demon god or not, let's call him that) coughed and stood in the center and shouted, "The day we have been waiting for for a long time is finally coming!"

This is very vague. It is estimated that only these monsters on the ground can understand it, but when these monsters heard the words of the demon god, they seemed to be excited. They jumped their feet and shouted, making bursts of rhythmic shouts.

"No matter what others have done to us, we will double it today!" The demon god said, "Let the seeds of the plague spread all over this land!"