King of Martial Arts

Chapter 307 Battle Demon City 4

Under the guidance of the maid, Jiang Hanye passed through the deep demon palace and came to a seemingly inconspicuous courtyard.

This yard is like an ordinary well-off home in the city on earth. The lintens are not high, and the painted door is closed. It is quiet and there is no movement at all.

"Ying...hero, that's it..." The maid looked very scared. Jiang Hanye held her arm and felt the rapid flow of blood in her body, which showed that she was scared and nervous.

"Here?" Jiang Hanye's face was calm, "Don't lie to me, or the consequences..."

"Hero, how dare I lie to you? Besides, in fact, many of us think that we can get out of the sea of suffering as soon as possible and leave here to live a real life. This is hell!" The maid said.

Jiang Hanye stared into her eyes. There was nothing but panic and tears in his eyes. He didn't see a lie, so he let go of his hand and said to the maid, "Go away. Get out of here. There are still a lot of living monsters outside..."

"Thank you!" The maid also took a deep look at Jiang Hanye, and then bowed to say good luck. When she looked up, there was a bright smile on her face. This smile was originally very beautiful, but now it is so abnormal in such a situation.

Jiang Hanye frowned, and suddenly remembered the skill of destroying the gods - mind reading, and remembered what happened to him when he was in the demon cave before. Since Xiaoyu can 'live' back, what about the maid in front of him?

"Hero, you have finally become smart, but it seems that it's too late?" The maid said softly, and her voice suddenly changed. The first half was the voice of a gentle girl, but the second half became the voice of a strong man, "Jiang Hanye, welcome to the demon capital!"

"Destroy God!" Jiang Hanye stood at the door. He coldly watched the originally petite and exquisite maid gradually turn into an illusory man. At first, the man's appearance was not clear enough, but it gradually became an entity, which was godless.

"Ha ha, long time no see. Where have you been these days?" The god looked at Jiang Hanye and looked at the yard behind him. "Do you really think I would put my beloved woman in such a simple yard? Or do you think I will sit back and wait to death?

"Give me back the master's wife and let the world return to peace. There is no need to fight between you and me, otherwise, I will definitely fight with you!" Jiang Hanye stared at him and said coldly.

"Tut!" The god shook his head, "Young man, how long have you lived? Don't speak so loudly, okay? Do you really think that the god of the demon world will be afraid of you?

"Of course I know that you are powerful. Your illusion can really deceive many people." Jiang Hanye said, "But you should also understand that there is only more powerful in the world, not the most powerful. I think the reason why you have today's achievements is mostly inseparable from your mentor, right?"

"Oh? Speaking of my mentor, it seems that I haven't heard from him for a long time. Brother Jiang, I don't know if you know his whereabouts? The god of destruction narrowed his eyes and looked at Jiang Hanye, and his eyes were difficult to distinguish and think about.

"You mean the Snake King?" A sneer appeared on the corners of Jiang Hanye's mouth, "You will soon know where he is." After saying that, he was not wordy. He suddenly rose up and silently recited the spell in his mouth. Just before the god could react, Jiang Hanye's body suddenly disappeared and appeared behind him in an instant.

"I'll send you to see your master. After you two masters and apprentice meet, think about it well and ask what will end today!" Jiang Hanye grabbed the back of the god's neck and whispered in his ear.

The look on his face suddenly changed, and he was shocked: "What on earth happened to this man? Why is his cultivation so refined in just one month? Isn't that what secret method did my damn master teach him in private? Surprised, he won't just sit back and wait for death.

The god's eyes narrowed: "Ha ha, isn't it? Come on!" Before he finished speaking, his whole body had disappeared, and Jiang Hanye's hand was naturally empty.

Although he escaped from the god of destruction, Jiang Hanye was not surprised at all, because he naturally knew the details of the god of destruction. If the god of destruction was caught by him so easily, it was really suspicious.

Jiang Hanye paused and flew over to catch up. One gray and one black light staggered over the demon palace. The brilliance of its brilliance could be seen even by the whole demon.

At this time, Kan Cangyue had solved the son of the god. She set fire to the body. When she looked up, she saw two abnormal flames. She knew that it must be Jiang Hanye and the god.

"Am I going to help him or to find his master?" Kan Cangyue hesitated. At this moment, suddenly there was a rapid sound of footsteps behind her. The footsteps were so loud that she knew that she was not alone.

"Quick, it's her! Kill him!" A woman's voice came from outside the hall, and Kan Cangyue knew that it was one of the eight King Kongs under the destroyer - the snake demon Miaoman girl.

Miaoman is the third girl, but her strength is the second among the eight King Kongs. As a cobra demon, she is very difficult to deal with.

Kan Cangyue took a deep breath, clenched the moon god bow in her hand, slowly turned around, and stared at Miss Miaoman and her minions coldly.

"I've already said that women other than me can't be trusted, but they don't listen to me. Now they know it!" As soon as Miss Miaoman entered the door, she said loudly. Her voice was very sharp and very loud, and what she said from afar could be heard clearly by the other party.


Jiang Hanye didn't know what to escape from, because according to his calculation, the reaction of the god should be anger at this moment, and then catch or kill him, but the god did not do so, and he chose to escape.

The wind in the clouds was very strong, and Jiang Hanye chased the god-killing in the fierce cold wind, but soon he found that the god-killing god was walking around with him, because they were always circled above the demon capital.

"Come on, hahaha!" The god turned around and smiled in front of him and said, "If you can catch up with me today, it means that you have really grown up. At that time, it doesn't matter if I return your teacher to you."

Hearing the mention of the master's wife in the mouth of the god-killing, Jiang Hanye was furious. He didn't say anything and accelerated to catch up with him with one breath. However, Jiang Hanye was more than just a simple chase. He looked around and saw the gray clouds piled up around him, and his heart suddenly moved.

Flying, the god looked back. Jiang Hanye disappeared. He frowned and thought to himself, "Why, the person is missing?"

"Hi!" Jiang Hanye's voice suddenly came from the top of the god of destruction. He looked up at Jiang Hanye in surprise and said, "There is indeed a lot of progress, which is higher than me!"

It turns out that for warriors and monsters, being able to fly is a ability to control objects, which is related to their cultivation and qualifications and the magic weapons they use, but this does not mean that they can fly infinitely. Many people can only rise to dozens of feet at most, and they have to stop when they encounter tall mountains. The cultivation of destroying the god is profound, so he is almost the highest monster that can fly in the demon world at present. Even the Eagle King is not as high as he. In the chase with Jiang Hanye just now, the god of destruction almost tried his best and reached the highest height. Now Jiang Hanye suddenly appeared from above his head, no wonder he was so surprised.

Jiang Hanye lingered around a circle of gray things, which was not the light generated by his true qi and skills, but a substantial thing. When he looked at it for the second time, the god suddenly realized that it was a cloud. But why is the cloud so strange? They seem to have vitality, clinging close to Jiang Hanye, like long snakes, ready to attack at any time.

Jiang Hanye had a faint smile on his face, and his eyes became less hostile. He stared at the god-killing and said slowly, "God-killing, didn't you expect it?"

"I..." The god was about to speak, but he saw Jiang Hanye's right palm slowly push out, and suddenly changed his gesture in the air. As soon as he grasped the void, the clouds that snuggled beside him instantly changed into an extremely sharp machete. Jiang Hanye waved his palm, and the machete rushed away.

He looked awe-shazen. He had never seen such a trick, so he didn't know whether he should avoid it for a while, because after all, it was a cloud. It should be false, but why could he feel the sharp wind coming?

Finally, the god of destroyer finally decided to avoid it first. Because the knife fell from the top of his head and was very huge, he could only dodge left and right, but before he could decide where to hide, Jiang Hanye's fist followed again.

Bang Bang Bang three punches, Jiang Hanye did not give any chance to exterminate the god. He did his best in almost every move and must destroy the god to death.

Jiang Hanye's fist is like thunder, so fast that people can't see where his fist is. However, at such a fast speed, he still hasn't hit the god. Obviously, the god of extermination just stood here, but when his fist hit, Jiang Hanye found that the god of extermination was gone. When his fist was withdrawn, the god of extermination appeared in place again and smiled gloomyly at Jiang Hanye.

Jiang Hanye's face changed, and he seemed to have become a little impatient. His originally wheat-colored face also became red because of the blood on his head.

"Don't be too proud, Brother Jiang, you are really fast, but compared with me, you are obviously far worse." The figure of the god-destruction quickly turned around Jiang Hanye. Although he was not as high as Jiang Hanye's soaring height, he formed a big bucket surrounded by shadows at his feet, a big bucket that told him to spin. At that moment, Jiang Hanye only felt that he was about to fall down by the suction in the bucket. Although he worked very hard to maintain his balance, he still did not avoid that moment.

Jiang Hanye's body fell rapidly because of the suction generated by the high-speed rotation of the god, and soon became the same height as the god. His body floated in the air like fallen leaves in the wind and completely lost his autonomy.

There was a gloomy smile on his face. He stared at Jiang Hanye and said, "I originally wanted to save your life, but later I thought about it. It's better to beat you half to death than to death. You said that when your true anger was exhausted and you couldn't resist my control, would you obediently throw the Xuanyuan sword for me? What about going into the furnace?"

Jiang Hanye gasped sharply. He tried to break free several times, but he was surprised to find that the whirlpool seemed to have a soul-grabbing power, and his mind gradually disappeared.

The look changed, and the smile on his face faded and was replaced by coldness. He suddenly stopped, and the whirlpool stirred by his high-speed rotation also disappeared, and Jiang Hanye fell to the ground quickly. The god first looked at Jiang Hanye coldly, and then suddenly chased Jiang Hanye with full power. He only heard a few muffled sounds, and his feet kicked Jiang Hanye's back.

"Puff!" Jiang Hanye spewed a few mouthfuls of blood. He struggled to return, recited the spell in his mouth, and sacrificed the frost barrier around him. However, probably because he consumed too much physical strength and true qi, the frost barrier was only a thin and crisp layer. Before the godless foot approached, his foot wind kicked the barrier to pieces.

Jiang Hanye spewed another mouthful of blood. This time, he seemed to have made a desperate plan. He struggled to hold his figure in the air, tried to turn it over, and quickly reached out and grabbed the calf of the god. He was so hard that even his ten fingers were embedded in the flesh of the god, and the blood followed the calf of the god. It ticked on Jiang Hanye's face.

"Smile!" The pain in his heart made it difficult for him to control himself, and he was completely angered by Jiang Hanye. The god pinched a seal and recited some kind of spell in his mouth, but when he saw a gray light all over his body, he patted his palms down and knocked Jiang Hanye down with a bang.

This time, Jiang Hanye fell completely. He smashed a roof, broke the beam, fell into the house, and fell to the ground. After his hands and feet **, he tilted his head and remained motionless.

The god followed and entered the room. The first thing he did after landing was to investigate Jiang Hanye's nose. When his hand did not feel the breath in front of Jiang Hanye's nostrils, he frowned: "Dead? What a pity!" The godless sighed, and now he is thinking about how to deal with the Xuanyuan sword.

"Let's ask someone to dispose of this body first." He said to himself.

What is said in the mouth of the gods is to turn the body into a demon soldier and continue to serve him. He slowly turned around and planned to go out to call his hand down, but he did not find that a shadow behind him quickly approached him and inserted a palm into his back. The shadow was Jiang Hanye with a bloody face.

Jiang Hanye's palm penetrated into the heart of the godless heart, grabbed the powerful heart, and directly poked out his chest.

"Oh..." The god was stunned and then let out a cry of pain, but the sound was too light compared with the damage he was suffering now. He looked down at his chest, holding a beating hot heart in a blood-red palm. He knew it was his heart.

"You..." The god opened his mouth, and blood flowed out along the corners of his mouth.

"Are you surprised that I'm not dead?" Jiang Hanye's voice was also weak, and it was obvious that he was also injured in the fight just now.

"Oh..." Extinction smiled miserably. He wanted to say something, but he could no longer have the strength.

"I'm not dead, it's you who died." Jiang Hanye said coldly, and he suddenly pulled his hand back and brought out the heart of death.

The body of the godless body fell so softly, constantly **, and the blood flowed out of the hole and spread all over the ground.

Seeing the god fall, Jiang Hanye fell to the ground. His back was painful to death, and his internal organs were also injured. Now his blood is in a mess. For the first time in his life, he suffered such a serious injury.

Although he was seriously injured, he still couldn't rest. After sitting for a moment, he slowly got up from the ground, picked up the body of the godless, and walked out step by step.


The outside world is very chaotic, full of fire and shouts, and there are more and more survivors with endless thoughts. It turns out that although the vast majority of the walking corpses have lost their thoughts and wisdom, many of them are suppressed and will be released when they encounter opportunities to release. Once the walking corpse wakes up and finds that their situation is not good, they will try their best to die for liberation. For the demon soldiers in the army, the best way to die is to fight those demon soldiers and monsters to the end.

Inside and outside the city, there were battlefields everywhere. The demon soldiers and the dead attacked each other and each had their own damage. The remaining eight King Kong led their subordinates to quickly go everywhere to suppress the rebellion. However, at this time, in the southeast corner of the demon capital, a black beam of light rose to the sky, and then everyone heard the following words. Words: "The god is dead. You should disarm and surrender quickly. If so, you can still live, otherwise there is only one way to die!"

Naturally, the voice was Jiang Hanye. When she heard this, Kan Cangyue had just solved Miss Miaoman. She raised her head happily and looked at the black spot in the air. Because the distance was too far, she couldn't see it seriously, so she got rid of the enemy and ran quickly to the direction where Jiang Hanye was.

"Are you all right?" The moment I saw Jiang Hanye, Kan Cangyue's heart almost broke. Is that still Jiang Hanye? That's obviously a blood man.

Jiang Hanye grabbed the heart of the god in one hand and the body of the god in the other, and shouted with all his strength. When he saw Kan Cangyue, he finally couldn't stand it. He staggered down and was caught by Kan Cangyue in mid-air.

"How are you?" Kan Cangyue hugged him desperately and asked anxiously, "Don't scare me."

"Ha ha, I'm fine. I can't die, but it hurts a little." Jiang Hanye said, and then he remembered a very important thing, so he smiled and said to Kan Cangyue, "Do you know? I killed him."