King of Martial Arts

Chapter 322 Hundred Flowers Valley Shadow

When Jiang Hanye saw Song Qingyun's back, he couldn't help taking a breath of cold air. Is that still a person's back? The skin is completely smooth. Not only that, in the middle of Song Qingyun's spine, there is a deep scar extending from the neck to the lumbar spine along the spine. The scar is about two fingers wide and brown in color, which is already an old scar. Stretching from this scar, it is covered with Song Qingyun's back, all of which are similar types of scars. These scars are organized like a spider with teeth and claws cling to his back.

Jiang Hanye frowned and didn't speak for a long time.

"Master, Master?" Song Qingyun waited for a long time without seeing Jiang Hanye speak, so he said, "What's going on behind me?"

"Scars, many scars." Jiang Hanye said slowly, "It seems that you have suffered a lot."

"Yes, those days for me, like in the 18th floor of hell, it was probably nothing more than being cut by an oil knife every day." Song Qingyun said indifferently that his tone seemed to be very plain now, but you can imagine how deep his pain was at the beginning.

Originally, Jiang Hanye came to check Song Qingyun's details, but now he is a little confused about the situation. What is the origin of Song Qingyun in front of him? Is he really the person he has known for so many years?

"I don't understand." Jiang Hanye said, as he spoke slowly, he suddenly pushed out a slap.

Jiang Hanye is both a martial artist and a dark doctor in the demon world. He is now in the middle and late stage of the martial artist Yuanying. This is a very powerful state. Coupled with his triple identity as a dark doctor, his strength can be imagined. And he used 80% of his strength to push it out when Song Qingyun was completely unprepared. Even if Song Qingyun had a good foundation and used to be a novice elite in martial arts, he could never stand this blow. Not to mention him, even Ji Shangxuan and Luo Xingyun may not be able to survive.

However, not to Jiang Hanye's surprise, a faint shadow in front of him flashed by, and Song Qingyun disappeared from his eyes.

"Master..." Song Qingyun's voice came from the back of Jiang Hanye. Unexpectedly, he didn't know when he went behind Jiang Hanye.

"Good skills." Jiang Hanye said slowly, "Let me ask you, is there a desert oasis where you have been staying during this period?"

"Exact." Song Qingyun slowly came out from behind Jiang Hanye. He put on his coat and then frowned at Jiang Hanye, "What, how did the master know?"

"Ha ha, if I say I learned it in my dream, I don't know if you believe it or not?" Jiang Hanye laughed.

Song Qingyun smiled gently and didn't say anything.

"What happened after that? How can they let you back?" Jiang Hanye went to the table and sat down again, looking at Song Qingyun and asking.

"In fact, I also think it's strange to talk about this matter. First of all, what they do to me every day is very strange. They are not only tied up, but also tamping me on my back, and then soak me in the pool. The desert can heat people to death during the day, but it can freeze to death at night. And these people turn me over to do something on my back during the day, and hang me in the water at night to ensure that my nostrils float out of the water so that I don't drown. Song Qingyun said, "After a long time, I was also numb. Later, I found that my cultivation had made great progress, and even I was very surprised. Later, one day they suddenly disappeared. After struggling hard, I broke free from the shackles and ran back.

"You are also blessed by misfortune." Jiang Hanye said, "I think your current fluctuation of true qi has probably reached the late stage of Yuanying. You are probably the first person we know in martial arts now."

"The master is not bad either!" Song Qingyun smiled.

"Each other." Jiang Hanye stood up and said, "Well, now that the matter has been said, I will go back first. You have suffered a lot before. Have a good rest during this period. I'll say goodbye first." After saying that, Jiang Hanye walked to the door.

"Master, take your time." Song Qingyun got up and sent Jiang Hanye outside the door, and saw his figure disappear at the end of the corridor before turning back to the room.


The moonlight is hazy and the moon is in the sky. The white moon hung on the vast white Kunlun Mountain, and a wisp of blue-gray clouds passed by the moon, which was soon blown away by a breeze.

From time to time, there will be a roar of one or two beasts from the deep mountains. In this roar, a dark shadow crossed the night sky, flashed under the moon and disappeared into the depths of the vast snowy mountains.


Jiang Hanye sat in front of the window with a lamp, holding the dark doctor's note in his hand. This is the experience left by the dark doctor's father Meihong, which is extremely valuable to him. For more than a decade, this notebook has also been the most read book by Jiang Hanye.

Usually, Jiang Hanye is extremely focused when he is reading. It can be said that he can't take his eyes off his eyes and his heart is useless. However, tonight he is in a trance. Although he holds a book in his hand, he can't read it for a long time, and then he has to be fascinated by the lights and fire, like this. When the mountains and birds sang, the moonlight receded and the sun rose, he found that he had spent the whole night not even finished reading a page.

"Alas! Sure enough, I still need to concentrate. Jiang Hanye sighed slightly and received the handbook in the Qiankun bag. His identity is still a mystery in the world, and even Linger does not know that he is a secret doctor, so these things naturally cannot be seen by others.

Unconsciously, it has been three or four days since I returned to the Blood Demon God Religion. In these three or four days, Jiang Hanye spent most of his time in the Baicao Garden of the divine doctor, either drinking tea with him or helping him weeding. Now Jiang Hanye and the magic doctor are already half a colleague, so he has gradually become interested in those herbs and other things. For more than ten years, he will run to the grass garden if he has nothing to do.

"This is called a hundred-leaf flower. Although the name is like this, it has only one leaf and no flower." Moreover, the magic doctor introduced the name and origin of the herb to Jiang Hanye.

"Oh, it's really strange. Why doesn't it live up to the name?" Jiang Hanye Road.

"Ha ha, my lord, isn't this unnamed thing in the world just this hundred-leaf flower?" Moreover, the magic doctor said, "Just like me, my friends in the world gave me face and called me a magic doctor, but I can't do anything about many things, such as the corpse plague ten years ago..."

"What's more, the magic doctor's words are serious." Jiang Hanye said righteously, "As far as I know, the magic doctor suddenly disappeared from the religion ten years ago and actually went to help some survivors. Later, half of the survivors we rescued took the medicine you gave, so they had a certain resistance, right?"

"What's the matter?" Moreover, the magic doctor said, "Master, I think you seem to have something on your mind. I don't know what troubles are haunting you?"

"Alas!" Jiang Hanye sighed, put down the small medicine hoe in his hand, and then pulled a low stool and sat down, "What's more, doctor, have you heard of the seven worlds?"

What's more, the magic doctor shook his head blankly: "Besides, he is just a man, not a martial arts person. He knows very little about these things."

"The seven worlds refer to the world, the ghost world, the hell, the demon world, the demon world, the fairyland and the world in the pot." Jiang Hanye said, "These seven worlds were originally a whole. It is rumored that when Pangu Emperor created the world, some parts of his body turned into these seven worlds, so the seven worlds can be said to be isolated from each other, but they can't break all kinds of connections."

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" Moreover, the divine doctor said, "But besides, he only listens this as a story."

"Maybe it's more than a story." Jiang Hanye said, "Previously, something happened in the world. I checked and found the demon world, but now the demon world seems to be involved again."

Moreover, the magic doctor stared at Jiang Hanye, and he suddenly said, "Master, I think you have been a little dark recently. I don't know if you are feeling well?"

"I don't feel uncomfortable. I'm probably worried about it. I'm so sad." Jiang Hanye Road.

"You and I are all mortals. No matter how high you are, we are never immortals." Moreover, the magic doctor said, "Since we are mortals, we don't have to resist heaven on our shoulders, do we?"

"Ha ha, besides, what the magic doctor said is very true. Maybe I worry too much." Jiang Hanye smiled and said, "Come on, please continue to teach me these flowers and plants."

"It's rare that I can receive such a well-qualified apprentice. Even if I give it to him, I won't regret it." Besides, the magic doctor also laughed.


Flower Valley.

The Hundred Flowers Valley at night is immersed in the quiet and fragrance. Since the passing of the walking plague, the world has gradually regained its vitality, and the originally vibrant Hundred Flowers Valley is even more sunny and shaded by trees.

Two female disciples on duty in Baihua Valley walked slowly on the path with long swords. Although they were girls, their eyes were full of perseverance and courage. They vowed to defend their homes with their own blood and lives.

"Oh, sister, have you seen a figure swinging from the front?" As she walked, one of the girls in red stopped and looked at the darkness in front of her and asked suspiciously.

"Where?" Another girl in a long yellow dress asked.

"That's it." The red-shirted woman pointed to the front and said to her.

"No, aren't you dazzled?" The woman in yellow looked carefully, but didn't see anything.

"No, I did see it!" The red-shirted woman became more and more determined. She even walked forward quickly to find a clue to confirm her statement.

"Sister, wait for me!" The woman in the yellow skirt immediately caught up with her.

A dark shadow flashed behind the rockery, followed by the two female disciples of Hundred Flowers Valley. The shadow speed was fast and slow for a while. Seeing that the two female disciples were slow, they stopped and waited. Seeing that they were about to catch up, they accelerated some speed and unconsciously led them to a relatively remote place in the valley.

"Hall!" With a crisp scolding, the two female disciples of Baihua Valley suddenly stood up and stopped the dark shadow's way.

"Sister, I'm here to hold him back. Call someone over quickly." The woman in red shirt said to her senior sister.

"Well, good!" The woman in yellow skirt took out the smoke signal stick of Baihua Valley from her arms, put her hands together, and broke the signal stick open. She saw a burst of smoke coming out and ready to rise into the air. If the smoke rises, it will be seen by the disciples of Baihua Valley within a hundred miles, they will gather here in a moment.

The black clothes on the shadow's body are also hidden in the darkness, so it is impossible to see his appearance for a moment, and even men and women are difficult to identify.

Seeing the yellow skirt woman emitting signal smoke, a fierce light flashed in the eyes of the dark shadow. Before the woman in red and the woman in yellow skirt could react, they felt that a cloudy wind blew in front of them, and the dark shadow actually dispelled the smoke.

The two Baihua Valley female disciples were depressed and couldn't scream. With this move alone, they could see that this person was extraordinary. Maybe even if they were together, they might not be his opponents.

"Ha ha, you...good!" The shadow, with a stiff and strange accent, suddenly said this.
