King of Martial Arts

Chapter 353 Xuanyuan Sword

A gust of wind blew through the hole and brought several fallen leaves to Jiang Hanye. He woke up in a cold war.

"Ah, it's already four days..." Jiang Hanye stretched out and woke up from his sleep. He rarely hugged his shoulder and said, "It's so cold?"

Suddenly thinking of the dream, Jiang Hanye hurriedly looked at his side. There was a linen package under his buttocks, exactly the same as in the dream, and on his right thumb, the dark green ring with dark gold spots was lying there, lying motionless on his fingers.

"It's true, what's the name of this?" Jiang Hanye tried his best to recall the scene in his dream, "Deep...Deep and ethereal Ring! Yes, the deep ethereal ring!"

He took a deep breath. It is said that the only deep ethereal ring in the seven worlds can enhance people's spirit, and the spirit is also the easiest thing for all practitioners in the seven worlds to improve.

Strengthe the spirit? But why don't I feel anything now?" Jiang Hanye looked at the ring and was secretly suspicious. Suddenly, he felt a pain in his left eye, and in his left eye was inlaid with broken soul beads.

The broken soul beads have been compatible with Jiang Hanye's body for more than ten years. Over the years, they seem to have been perfectly integrated. Nothing unpleasant has happened, but today, I don't know why the broken soul beads seem to be protesting.

Jiang Hanye only felt that his left eyeball was beating desperately, as if something was about to come out and eager to escape from his body. He reached out to cover his eyes and frowned darkly, "What's going on? Is it that the broken soul beads can't coexist with this ring? In this case, I still have nothing to do with this ring..."

Jiang Hanye was thinking about this, and suddenly felt that his right thumb tightened, and then he was completely relaxed, but his left eye was swollen and painful, as if something had drilled in. He was shocked and found that he covered his left eye with his right hand.

"No wonder let these two enemies be together..." Jiang Hanye smiled bitterly and took down his right hand. Fortunately, his right hand was clean and there were no wounds, and his left eye seemed to be clean at this time. Jiang Hanye was relieved and exhaled, but only half of this breath, he was stunned like a wooden chicken in an instant. Wait, there was nothing in his right hand? Clean? He hurriedly checked his right hand again. Really, where is the shadow of the ring on his right thumb?

Jiang Hanye suddenly became depressed. He touched his left eye, and there was still a feeling of swelling in the orbit of the left eye. At the edge of the eye, Jiang Hanye obviously touched a circle of hard things. What could the size and ring be if it was not a ring?

Jiang Hanye was very puzzled about the disappearance of the ring from his fingers and appearing in his eyes. At this moment, it was already dawn. The morning light fell on the mouth of the cave and shone on Jiang Hanye. Finally, he felt a little warmth.

"Forget it, since it has happened, I still don't want to force anything. Maybe all this is destined?" Jiang Hanye shook his head and picked up the Xuanyuan sword and walked to a mountain stream in front of him. He bathed and washed in the mountain stream every day, and his body was always clean and refreshing.

Jiang Hanye is not completely sure whether the ring enters his eyes, but now he feels that his head is heavy and feet are light when he walks, as if he was cold when he was a child.

"I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but I can't be afraid since it happened, can I?" Jiang Hanye held the Xuanyuan sword tightly and stumbled to the mountain stream.

The distance from the cave where Jiang Hanye is hidden to the mountain stream is actually not very large, but Jiang Hanye has walked for nearly half an hour. During this distance, he felt that his body was getting hotter and hotter, so he took off his clothes all the way. By the time he walked near the mountain stream, he was almost naked.

Jiang Hanye jumped to the water's edge, stretched out his trembling hand and poured water on his face, and drank it into his stomach, but even the cold mountain stream still could not make him feel cold. Through the clear mountain stream, Jiang Hanye saw that his face was like a red soldering iron, red, and his left eye was blood red, but there was a little dark green in the blood red. Obviously, it was the color of the ring.

"Ah!" A sudden attack came. Jiang Hanye shouted and tore his skin. His nails cut the skin and the blood penetrated out of the wound. But strangely, the blood had not penetrated, but the wound was gradually healing. Unfortunately, Jiang Hanye is now suffering from severe pain and burning fire, and he has no time to take care of anything else.

In this way, Jiang Hanye rolled from the shore to the mountain stream, and even his Xuanyuan sword fell into the water. However, as soon as the Xuanyuan sword fell in, it popped out of the water again, as if an invisible hand had picked it up.

The Xuanyuan Sword, which just came out of the water, looks so dazzling in the egg-yellow sunshine in the morning, completely without the old appearance of the past. The morning light is reflected on the scabbard, which makes the whole sword body shrouded in colorful glow, truly like a peerless treasure.

A wisp of glow was reflected from Xuanyuan Sword, and the glow fell on the surrounding trees, soil and water like a straight line...

Jiang Hanye finally couldn't stand it. He raised his head, finally took a look at Xuanyuan Sword, and was surprised to find that there was a portrait on his body, and there were some vague handwriting next to the portrait. However, he fainted in the mountain stream before he could see what the word was. At the same time, Xuanyuan Sword also silenced the light and fell into the water with a new sound.


Cen Ruoqiu carried a basket containing delicious pastries, all of which she made herself. During this period, she made delicious food and sent it to the designated place every day. When she came to pick it up later, she would see that the basket was empty, and Jiang Hanye would also leave a note and write: "Thank you, I have used it."

Although I can't listen to him say this with my own ears, as long as Jiang Hanye eats in his stomach, Cen Ruoqiu will be happy.

Today, the snack she made is osmanthus cake, which is the freshest osmanthus nectar and uses the best accessories. As soon as the snack was ready, many greedy insects came to taste, but she refused one by one. Only one person can eat this snack, and that person is Jiang Hanye.

But somehow, Cen Ruoqiu's heart beat fast today, and she seemed to think something would happen. When she came to the hidden cave, she put down the basket and left. After walking far away, she was worried, so she went back to check that the basket and the pastries in the basket were intact, and then she was relieved. This situation lasted for a long time, and it was not until after the sixth inspection that Cen Ruoqiu decided to return to Baihua Valley.

Usually she comes in a hurry and is reluctant to leave, and this time is no exception.

Cen Ruoqiu didn't take a shortcut, so she decided to take a long detour and might meet Jiang Hanye. Around, she heard the sound of flowing water, so she said strangely, "Huh? When did there be a stream here?

This is the newly formed mountains after the earthquake. These mountains are very short. They were originally gravel, but now in a few months, the mountains are full of plants, which look green and very eye-catching. Cen Ruoqiu followed the sound of running water and saw a mountain stream. The water in the mountain stream was extremely clear and lovely.

"It's better to wash your feet here." After walking for a long time, Cen Ruoqiu also felt tired, so she took off her shoes and socks and sat by the stream to wash and soak. Not long after she sat down, she inadvertently found that something seemed to be floating in the stream upstream. Looking carefully, she turned out to be a bare person with her back to the sky.

"Ah, who is it?" Cen Ruoqiu blushed. She knew that there was a difference between men and women. The bare person must not be a woman, but when she saw the man facing the water, he seemed to have drowned. In such a situation, it was really against humanity to die for some secular etiquette. Therefore, Cen Ruoqiu finally stood up and walked forward, no matter what it was. Let's save it first.