King of Martial Arts

Chapter 369 The Power of Turtle

During the dream practice, Jiang Hanye summed up a rule: unless it comes to the critical moment of life and death, he can't use Zhenqi most of the time, and his cultivation will be half discounted here, which makes his cultivation particularly difficult.

Today against the turtle king Huayang, Jiang Hanye is the same. He only has a pair of bare hands, and the turtle is almost full of armor and his limbs are full of weapons. Such a moment can best test his ability and endurance, and also best reflect the intention of this cultivation - endlessly makes him grow up. This is Jiang Hanye's dream Summary of repair.

Meng Xiu's effect on Jiang Hanye is a little similar to the effect of Tao Bo's strict requirements on him in those years, which is long flowing water and moistening things silently. When he was young and frivolous, Jiang Hanye once thought that Tao Bo was was wasting time, but when he realized it, he suddenly realized how great the effect was - Tao Bo made Jiang Hanye's physique far better than his disciples in the same period at the beginning, while Meng Xiu greatly improved his endurance and ability to fight, if If he had played against this turtle ten years ago, he would have fallen in less than three rounds, and now he has supported more than 300 rounds.

The turtle is best at defense, and the most powerful thing is endurance. Therefore, although its fight with Jiang Hanye has turned the whole river upside down, and its opponent is already out of breath and sweating like rain, it is still unaware of fatigue and attacking aggressively.

"That's the time!" Jiang Hanye has actually been trying to find an opportunity, and he finally found an opportunity - when Wang Huayang raised his head and was ready to use its horn again, Jiang Hanye rushed up like a gust of wind. He lowered his whole body and lowered it, almost crawled close to the surface of the water and hit its jaw from under the turtle.

As Jiang Hanye expected, the turtle moved very slowly. Although it realized what its opponent was going to do and did its best to respond, it was still half a beat slower than Jiang Hanye, and the time needed by Jiang Hanye was exactly this half beat. He grabbed the turtle by the neck before he withdrew its head to the shell and no longer gave it a chance to escape.

Jiang Hanye finally pulled his opponent's throat, and then freed a hand to hold the raised part of its shell and turned it into the water. With a bang, Jiang Hanye and the turtle fell into the water and pressed the turtle back down in the river.

The turtle's limbs are short, so no matter how it flutters, it can't be pushed down in the cold night, let alone turn its body over. Although its neck is very long, it can't move at all because it is choked. Jiang Hanye held down the turtle, clenched his fist fiercely, and was ready to punch down. If the turtle ate his punch, he would lose his life.

But Jiang Hanye didn't hit his fist in the end, because he saw the turtle's eyes. Those eyes were full of crystal tears, and there seemed to be endless grievances and sadness in those eyes, which made Jiang Hanye unable to fight at all.

"The eyes are still so kind, but it..." Jiang Hanye's heart was contradictory. Over the years since his debut, Jiang Hanye has also killed many enemies, but no one has died unjustly in his hands. Today is the first time he has been so contradictory.

At such a contradictory time as Jiang Hanye, the turtle grabbed this time and suddenly stood up and kicked him down.

Although the river is not deep, it is cold and bone-piercing, and the stones at the bottom of the river are uneven, with many peak-like stones. After falling into the water on the cold night of the river, his back was stabbed by the stones at the bottom of the river, and a burst of pain made him suddenly wake up.

"Yes, no matter how kind it is, it does not use its kindness on me, but kills me everywhere. Such kindness is vicious to me. Why should I pity it again?" Perhaps it was the pain and cold stimulation that made his head sober, or for some other reason. Anyway, at that moment, Jiang Hanye woke up. He turned over and stared at the turtle and said, "Brother Wang, I'm sorry!" After saying that, he rushed up and restrained the turtle again before it turned over.

I don't know how long it took before the turtle finally sapped its head and remained motionless, and Jiang Hanye was also exhausted at this time, and his hands were stiff and could not even let go.

"Congratulations, you have finally broken through this barrier." The voice sounded again at this time, and there was no tone in the words.

"Breakthrough?" Jiang Hanye got up from the water in confusion. After climbing to the shore, he laughed at himself and said, "In the face of kind eyes, he destroyed his humanity and killed it. Is this also a breakthrough?"

"human nature? Boy, human nature is the most worthless thing, but people with many human nature usually lack other things. The voice said coldly.

Jiang Hanye was silent. He really couldn't accept such remarks. Although there was a period of time when he looked cold-blooded and selfish when he grew up, he was still thick and pure in the final analysis.

"The cultivation of the dark doctor focuses on the shadow, and you have been practicing for more than ten years. Don't tell me you still don't know what shadow is, do you?" The voice said coldly.

Shadow? I don't know what the shadow of your demon world is. I only know that in the world, there was a senior who described the shadow like this: the darkest side of spiritual power. Jiang Hanye said, "I don't know if he is wrong to say that?"

"That's right, that's right!" The voice said, "A person's most desire, love and hatelessness is when he is the most powerful and powerful time. You have now broken through the entry level. In the future training process, you will gradually know what is called shadow and what a dark doctor is."

"Okay." Jiang Hanye glanced at the turtle's body and was not going to argue with the voice again, "What am I going to do next?"

"If I am you, I will peel off the skin and shell of the turtle, because it will be a complete set of protective robes. Although you can't bring it out of your dreams, this robe can accompany your whole dream career, that is to say, you don't have to worry about being naked and unprotected in the future." The voice said.

Jiang Hanye looked at the turtle. Although it was not very big, it was not light in weight, so it was very difficult to turn it over. Finally, the turtle shell was completely peeled off, and a magical scene happened in Jiang Hanye's hand - the turtle shell gradually turned into a gray-green leather robe in his hand. Jiang Hanye looked at this scene in surprise.

"Put it on." The voice urged impatiently, "To be honest, you are lucky and strong, because you are the first person to get this robe for so long."

"You mean that people who have never practiced dark medicine have reached this level?" Jiang Hanye asked.

"Ha ha, reach this level? I think you may think of yourself too well. The voice sneered, "There are many people who have reached and surpassed you, but most of them have ended in this dream hole. I mean, although someone may kill or bypass Wang Huayang in other ways, no one can get this robe, which has a bad name, called Turtle Royal Power. As the name implies, I think you know the role of this robe.

"The power of the turtle..." Jiang Hanye medited.

"Well, I've told you a lot, and now you're going to the next level." The voice said, "That's also the last level of the whole dream hole, tree man."

"Well, where should I go?" Jiang Hanye looked up at this cave with complex terrain. Even if he is now in the underground river, the river is still full of changes.

"As for where to go, I'm not in charge of it." The voice said, "You just need to go in the direction you determine. To be honest, I don't like you more and more. You are too smart and people who are too smart often don't live long."