King of Martial Arts

Chapter 385 Resolute

"Master!" In the face of such a noisy scene, facing the dilemma of Jiang Hanye being surrounded by everyone but unbearable to fight back, Cen Ruoqiu finally knelt down in front of Bai Yucicada with a 'poof' and pleaded bitterly, "Master, for the sake of saving the world, please open your face and spare him first. Wait for the disciples to catch the real murderer. If you can't catch it, OK, let's deal with it!"

The white jade cicada's face was cold, like dead gray, and even her originally rosy lips began to turn blue. She was angered by Cen Ruoqiu's behavior.

"Qiu'er, is this man's life more important than your sixteenth sister?" After a long silence, Bai Yucicada tried her best to restrain the anger in her heart and stared at Cen Ruoqiu and asked.

"Master, if Sister 16 is really harmed by him, it doesn't matter how you deal with him, but the facts are difficult to distinguish at present. Moreover, the demon clan is about to invade, and we will face another situation in the world..." Cen Ruoqiu said urgently.

"Enough!" Bai Yuchan interrupted her apprentice harshly. She trembled and pointed to Cen Ruoqiu and said, "What do you say about the demon clan all day long? In fact, where is the demon clan? Are there any demons? Either you were cheated by Jiang Hanye, or you tried to lie to me and your sisters!"

"Master!" Cen Ruoqiu said, "When Jiang Hanye caught a demon murderer that day, everyone saw it!"

"That's just a strange- looks!" Bai Yuchan said coldly, "As the saying goes, there will be people like spirits in the world. Naturally, there will be people like the murderer. You have never seen the demon clan, and what evidence can prove that he is a demon clan? Now that I think about it, he is just a scapegoat for Jiang Hanye!"

"Master, it's not like this..." Cen Ruoqiu was actually desperate at this time, but she still couldn't help talking for Jiang Hanye, but the white jade cicada in front of her made her feel very strange. Master seemed to have changed a person unconsciously.

"Don't say any more. If you still regard me as a master, don't say anything, or I won't be an apprentice like you!" Bai Yucicada shook his sleeves and broke free from Cen Ruoqiu's hands.

At this time, there was already chaos in the Church of justice. Dozens of people besieged Ji Yuan, while others were besieging Jiang Hanye. Ji Yuan is better. He won't care about the lives of those people in order to protect himself, but Jiang Hanye is blindly avoiding, because he doesn't want things to get worse in his hands.

"Do it! Still not dead!" The crowd is already very irritable at this time. These martial artists who are very high in the martial arts have been influenced by their emotions at this moment, and they don't even have the most basic view of right and wrong.

"Kill him and take the Xuanyuan Sword!" Someone shouted like this, so the lobby became silent in an instant. The voice seemed to tell the true thoughts of most of the people present. They stopped at this moment. Look at me, I look at you, and see their thoughts from each other's faces and eyes.

At this moment, Jiang Hanye couldn't help smiling bitterly. He slowly shook his head and said to himself, "One day, I sit in the south and want to play chess. Dongbin played chess with him and asked where the ladder was!"

Ji Yuan hurried to Jiang Hanye's stunnedgong fu. He happened to hear these two poems and frowned and said, "Little brother, when is it? You are still here to recite poems against each other, but you have never been good at literature and reason, how can you do it today? Did you write a poem?"

Jiang Hanye did not shy away from others and replied with a smile: "These two poems were told by my master Tao Bo. I remember that I always disliked the slow progress of my practice at that time, so Tao Bo recited these two poems to me. The purpose was to tell me that people's desires are endless, and this endless desire is the last thing. Or the greedy person himself."

Jiang Hanye's words are not just answering Ji Yuan. Of course, he said them to those who have been exposed.

"Hey, Jiang Hanye, what are you talking about!" After hearing Jiang Hanye's words, those people naturally felt unhappy, so someone immediately stood up and pointed at Jiang Hanye angrily holding a sword.

"That is, you were a thief, but the thief shouted to catch the thief. We want this Xuanyuan sword, but we just want to return to Zhao!" Another nun-like woman put her palms together, recited a Buddha's name, and then said righteously, "How can we be greedy for this Xuanyuan sword?"

"Bah!" Ji Yuan spat, "What you are saying now sounds good, but who just shouted: 'Kill him, take the Xuanyuan sword!' Of?

"It's me, what can you do to us?" At this time, four big men squeezed out of the crowd. Looking at the appearance of these four people, whether they were tall, short, fat and thin, or even hair, they were exactly the same, carved out of a mold.

"Four sons of Bozhou!" Ji Yuan immediately recognized these four people. They are one mother compatriots, quadruplets, and a small hopeful disciple in Bozhou. They have practiced since childhood and are also have a low reputation in the world, but they are not a good reputation. They are used to force them to seize. Generally, as long as they like something, even if it takes all the most You will also get it later.

"That's right, it's your four uncles!" One of the four sons of Bozhou stood up and said, "Although Xuanyuan Sword is the treasure of the Ji family, Xuanyuan Emperor is also our ancestor, isn't it? First there is Xuanyuan, and then there is someone! Xuanyuan Sword has been passed down until now, and it's time to change the master!" After saying that, he looked back at everyone and seemed to be asking, "Do any of you have any different opinions?"

Ji Mingyu was silent at this time. He didn't seem to mind these people coveting the ancestral things of his family. In fact, what can he do even if the whole world is coveting Xuanyuan Sword? At that time, he will defeat these people one by one and then take back the Xuanyuan sword. Now Ji Mingyu feels that his cultivation is already very high and needs a peerless magic weapon like Xuanyuan Sword to match him.

"I think they are right. This Xuanyuan sword is a treasure of the people in the world, and those who can get it!" Someone immediately echoed.

Soon, more and more people held this view, or dared to expose their most real thoughts, so people began to surround Jiang Hanye and Ji Yuan.

Bai Yuci saw it from a distance, and she suddenly felt very uncomfortable. How could a public trial that was originally a righteous trial turn into a treasure war?

"Master, you see, things have reached an uncontrollable level now. Are you going to continue?" Cen Ruoqiu took the opportunity to say.

Bai Yuxuan looked coldly at Jiang Hanye in the field. At this time, she had fully listened to Cen Ruoqiu's plea, so she said, "Since you said so, you must be ready to give everything for him, right?"

"Yes!" Cen Ruoqiu nodded resolutely.

"Gy everything? Are you sure?" Bai Yu cicada asked again.

"Yes!" Cen Ruoqiu nodded again.

"Well, I'll give you seven days. If you can find out who the murderer is within seven days, it's best. If you can't find out, Jiang Hanye will still die." Bai Yucicada said, "No matter how powerful he is, I don't think he can stand the attack of the whole martial arts."

"Master, I don't think the murderer will be him!" Cen Ruoqiu is extremely confident about this.

"Hmm! Don't say it too early." Bai Yucicada said, "In addition, even if the murderer is found by you, even if the murderer is not Jiang Hanye, since that day, you have nothing to do with me and Baihua Valley. Would you like to?" In fact, when Bai Yuchao said this, her heart also hurt. After all, Cen Ruoqiu was raised by her as a daughter since she was a child. She didn't expect that the master and apprentice to make such a scene today, or because of a man, how could Bai Yucicada not feel sorry?

"Master..." When Cen Ruoqiu heard this, she couldn't help frowning in pain. She looked at the white jade cicada, and her eyes were full of prayers. Cen Ruoqiu is a strong girl. She never looks at anyone with pleading eyes.

"Answer me!" Bai Yu cicada was ruthless and didn't want to see her.

"I..." Cen Ruoqiu knelt on the ground and bit her lips. At this time, the fight on the scene became more and more fierce, and even she could feel chaotic and aggressive. She looked at Jiang Hanye's dod figure and finally gritted her teeth and said, "I do!" In fact, at this time, Cen Ruoqiu was thinking in his heart, "Once things are done, the truth will come out to the world. I should thank my teacher!"

The sound of her beloved disciple's 'I do' really broke Bai Yuchan's heart. Her body shook and her face suddenly turned yellow. In her opinion, Cen Ruoqiu's words are equivalent to telling her, "Master, I am willing to break off any relationship with you for Jiang Hanye!" What a ruthless sentence!

"Okay, hehe, very good!" Bai Yucicada said two good words, and she also gritted her teeth and said to Cen Ruoqiu, "This is your choice. You should remember that you won't regret it in the future!"

"Yes, Master!" Cen Ruoqiu replied in a low voice.

"If you want to check, you can go now." Bai Yucicada said.

Cen Ruoqiu looked at Bai Yucicada and then at Jiang Hanye in the field. After kowtowing to Bai Yucicada respectfully, she turned around and left.

Jiang Hanye was surrounded by several men, who were extraordinary, especially the bald monk. This monk uses foreign boxing. He runs the true spirit through his fist and arms, and invisibly adds a lot of attack power.

Jiang Hanye just dodged a man's flying sword, and he heard the roar of the 'woo' boxing wind behind him. He looked back and found that it was the monk. The monk took a step forward, covered with a layer of fog outside his right fist, and hit the back of Jiang Hanye's head.

Because Jiang Hanye happened to turn around at this time, the monk also reacted quickly. His left palm immediately followed, put it on his right fist, and pushed it down. He immediately turned his fist into a palm and hit Jiang Hanye's chest.

The distance between them is so close that everyone thinks that Jiang Hanye will definitely suffer this time. Even Ji Yuan is anxious to watch - he is also surrounded by a group of people.

"Little brother, be careful..." Ji Yuan just shouted this, but saw Jiang Hanye's figure shaking in front of the monk and disappearing. When he blinked again and preparing to see clearly, Jiang Hanye stood in place again and had put his hand on the vein door of the monk's wrist. With a bang, the monk fell out heavily.

"Good boy, when did the little brother become so powerful?" Ji Yuan smacked his tongue.