Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 3 Female Man Li Jing

Chapter 3 Female Man Li Jing

"My ability is to manipulate steel, change its shape arbitrarily, and be able to attack and defend. Even at ordinary times, it is a very excellent auxiliary ability. It is a real all-faceted hand, with almost no defects and very powerful."

The man Xie Ding was very proud of his ability and showed everyone the ability to turn steel into knives, swords, spears, shields, pots, bowls, ladles, basins and other forms. As he said, it is a golden oil. Although his words are exaggerated, it is really enviable.

At least, Zhang Shen is envious to death!

Although in this world suspected of biochemical doomsday, you have a place for yourself with "eating skills", as a college monk and literary (two) art (forced) young man, the hot-blooded battle is what you want!

In a strange world full of dangerous situations, even if someone has his own little Jiujiu in his heart, he will not be so stupid that he will be angry at this moment and compete for any "leadership" to create internal strife. Therefore, the capable and courageous Xie Ding man became the leader of Zhang Shen's 33-person temporary team.

Next, at the call of Xie Ding Man, everyone made a simple self-introduction and showed their ability.

What made Zhang Shenren laugh was that Xie Ding's man's name was actually Xie Dingguo, which was quite happy.

However, after everyone's abilities were demonstrated, Zhang Shen found that only one of the 21 men present (excluding the little boy) was an auxiliary ability! And it is still an auxiliary ability that has no effect on the battle!

Even the 72-year-old man has a [flame rune] that can add high-temperature flames to steel items!

How can this make Zhang Shen feel embarrassed!!

Everyone's abilities are various, among which the most aggressive is a young man named Huang Hao's [ice cone] and a middle-aged man named Bi Luhai's [wind blade]. In addition, it is worth mentioning that among the eleven women, a young woman named Ma Xiaolu and a woman named Liu Jifen have the most effective [Holy Healing] in primary spells!

It was about his own life. In an instant, the two became the object of everyone's abas.

Xie Dingguo, Huang Hao, Bi Luhai and other people discussed for a while and divided the people into three teams, each leading a team, roughly in a triangular formation and taking care of each other.

However, the three quarreled over the distribution of Ma Xiaolu and Liu Jifen. Finally, to be fair, the two women and a woman named Bu Lichen drew lots to decide their respective belongings.

Finally, Ma Xiaolu went to Huang Hao's team, Liu Jifen went to Bi Luhai's team, and Xie Dingguo could only curse his luck, showing the most sincere smile to welcome Bu Lichen's joining, and at the same time arranged her in the back of the team for layers of protection.

And Zhang Shen, who is half a "protected object", is also in the middle rear, on the left.

After the personnel distribution was completed, everyone held their breath, removed the door of the factory with only one-third left, and walked outside.

Along the road between the factories, everyone was careful and watched for a few minutes at almost every step, for fear of alarming the monsters hiding nearby.

However, somehow (actually because of the five people of Zihao's action), until they walked out of the door of the glass enterprise, they did not meet even a imaginary monster.

Everyone's nerves were quietly relaxed for nearly half an hour, and a sense of fatigue quietly emerged.

The gate of the glass factory is facing a road, heading north and south. Through a road sign not far away, everyone learned that going south is the county seat of Dushan County, and going north is Yuyang City.

To the south or to the north, a huge problem is in front of everyone.

People who insist on going south believe that there are fewer people in the county than in the city, and correspondingly, zombies will be much less and safer. However, those who insist on going to Yuyang City feel that survivors will definitely go to the more prosperous city in order to find supplies to survive. For the more than 30 people present, the most important thing is to know the information of the world, and it is extremely dangerous to go blindfolded!

Xie Dingguo's first two people simply announced their dissolution on the spot and rest for a while.

"Nearby is the new industrial zone of Dushan County. They are all factories. The place is also relatively remote and relatively safe. Everyone is just tired. Just take this opportunity to have a good rest." The reasons given by Xie Dingguo are impeccable.

He is right. Everyone is very tired, mainly mental fatigue.

As half of the "protected object", Zhang Shen's patrol task was assigned to the second round, so he found a chair originally placed in the small garden for employees to rest and lay down.

The physical and mental fatigue made Zhang Shen want to take a nap. However, in the strange world, he could not sleep at all. He could only pillow his arms and look at the blue sky in a daze.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" A figure blocked Zhang Shen's sight.

"Are you?" Zhang Shen sat up and made room. The person in front of her was not familiar, but her voice reminded Zhang Shen and suddenly realized, "You are her sister!"

Yes, the woman who looks like a white-collar woman in front of her is actually much younger than Zhang Shen's sister, who is called "Sister Jing" by her.

"My name is Li Jing." Li Jing stretched out his hand.

Zhang Shen, who was confused, shook hands with her and asked, "My name is Zhang Shen. Well, what can I do for you?"

"I saw what happened in the car." Li Jing did not answer and looked at Zhang Shen with deep eyes.

Well... Zhang Shen didn't know what to say, was a little overwhelmed, and even gave birth to a strange embarrassment of "meseeing parents".

"Thank you!" Suddenly, Li Jing got up and bowed deeply to him, "Thank you for giving her warmth at the last moment of A Ji's life at her most desperate moment!"

"This...actually...I..." Zhang Shen quickly got up and picked up Li Jing. His face turned red and said incoherently, "I just... instinctively caught it... I didn't mean to save her... You... You don't have to do this..."

After listening to Zhang Shen's confused words, Li Jing's eyes were deeper: "A person's nature is often revealed at critical moments. At that time, you can make that choice, which has proved that you are kind. You are a good man!"

Is this... a good person card?! Zhang Shen, who was blushed by Li Jing's words, was speechless.

"So--" Li Jing's tone suddenly changed. She patted Zhang Shen's shoulder with a sincere face, "I will protect you!!"


Zhang Shen was completely dumbfounded. What a divine unfolding this is!

"Well...hey...hey... Well, I still have the ability to protect myself, and I understand your kindness..." After a smile, Zhang Shen expressed his attitude very firmly. Just kidding, how can a big man protect a woman?!

"Don't worry, I'm very strong!" Li Jing completely ignored Zhang Shen. She was about the same height as Zhang Shen. She hugged Zhang Shen's shoulder very domineeringly and patted his chest with her right hand, which had nothing to do with the curvature, with a proud face. My ability is to [control the water flow]. When I get to the water's edge, I will let you see my strength!"

I... The fragrance from my side and the warmth and delicacy of the skin made Zhang Shen entangled for a while. Should I follow it or simply follow it...


Suddenly, a sad scream sounded.

"Help! Come and save me!"

Over there! Li Jing, a woman, listened and pointed to the northeast. The two immediately ran to the source of the scream.

Crossing a corner and through a sparse forest, a creepy scene came into their eyes.

This is an artificial lake that is not much bigger than a pond, and the surface of the lake is stained with blood.

In the center of the blood, a giant python with a thick head seems to be covered with crocodiles's skin is raging, rolling and tearing. In its big mouth, a man was crying and struggling. Most of his body had been swallowed up by a python, and blood ran along its rough skin.

"Damn it, where did such a big snake come from?" The man's cry shocked many people, but it was five or six meters apart, and it was water. The whip was out of reach, and most people's attack methods were directly invalid.

Wind blade! Bi Luhai shouted angrily, raised his hand, and a half-meter-long light blue wind blade tore the air and cut at the python.

Fireball! Nail spray! Stone throwing!

Several attacks followed the wind blade and fell on the python.

But it doesn't work!

The crocodile-like skin of the python is extremely tough, and many attacks can only leave white marks, and even the high-temperature fireball can't be burned for a while.

The high temperature burning pain made the python make a sad roar, but it was extremely cunning. When it sank into the lake, the lake suddenly became its best defense, and no one could do anything about it.

Everyone was dumbfounded. No one expected this beast to be so smart!

Nima! Huang Hao, who came here, scolded hatefully, and an ice cone pierced the lake in vain and plunged into the water.

The blood on the lake is getting wider and wider, and everyone only feels that their hearts are burning and their eyes are red.

Suddenly, the lake rolled violently!

"Get out of here!" With an angry shout, the python broke through the lake and exposed its four or five meters long body. At its seven inches, there is a rope condensed by water waves.

At the other end of the rope, it is the woman Li Jing!

"Drag it to the shore!" Zhang Shen clenched his fist and shouted excitedly.

"No, it's too strong!" Li Jing's face turned red and competed with the python.

"What are you still doing? Attack quickly!" Zhang Shen glanced at the stunned people around him and roared.

Attack! Attack!! Damn it!!

Huang Hao and others reacted from the domineering spirit of the tough woman. The wind blade, ice cone, fire and rock thorns desperately greeted the python. The thick skin of the python was suddenly torn open and blood flowed.


The python screamed repeatedly, but couldn't resist the crazy attack of the crowd. The blood flowed more and more, and gradually lost the strength to compete with the water wave rope. It was dragged over by Li Jing little by little and was surrounded and beaten to death by angry people.

"Wow~~Finally dead." Li Jing swayed and almost fell down. He was held by Zhang Shen in time and gasped, "Ha... I'm exhausted"

Looking at the woman who was panting in her arms and looked extremely weak because of blushing, Zhang Shen's mood was complicated.

"How about it? Do you know how good I am, hum!" Li Jing gave him a white eye, and his charm was quietly revealed, which stunned Zhang Shen in an instant.

Cough~~ In my ears, the cough sounded. At a glance, the people around them all had a meaningful face.

Only then did the two realize that their posture was wrong, blushed and quickly separated.