Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 8 Team Establishment

Chapter 8 Team Establishment

The next day, when Zhang Shen opened his eyes, it was past nine o'clock in the morning.

"How comfortable to sleep~~" Zhang Shen stretched out and got up leisurely. For the first time, he found that it was such a happy thing to be able to sleep beautifully.

After getting up, it is a routine wash. However, because almost all machines can no longer operate, toothpaste has disappeared in people's lives and replaced by a light blue ** extracted from plant leaves.

After everything is done, Zhang Shen plans to go out and visit Fenghuo Town with Li Jing. So he went to the door, picked a pale gray leaf from a brown vine, and "written" some words with his mind.

"Li Jing, have you got up yet? Do you want to go for a walk together?

After writing, Zhang Shen crushed the leaves and threw them into the pot in the room.

[Rob vine, wind leaf: ordinary mountain tiger absorbs mysterious forces and evolves to transmit information]

After waiting for a few minutes, a wind leaf grew out of the original stubble, and a message came from Li Jing: "You wait for me downstairs for 15 minutes."

Fifteen minutes, okay. Zhang Shen opened the door and walked out of his current room.

This is Room 367 on the third floor of the No. 12 residential building in Fenghuo Town.

This is an old-fashioned building, converted from a primary school teaching building. A corridor runs through the whole floor, and the cement-watering handrails are covered with pots, among which a variety of plants grow.

Go downstairs and pass through a small playground. Zhang Shen came to the gate of the original primary school to wait. Li Jing lived in the 13 residential building of the original family building. At the school gate, you can vaguely see the words "study hard and make progress every day".

Stand at the school gate and look at plants, plants, or plants.

If the human civilization at the end of the world is a scientific and technological civilization, then now, it is--

Plant civilization!

Everything revolves around plants.

Clothing, food, housing and transportation all come from plants; fighting and life are inseparable from plants.

When they entered the beacon town last night, Zhang Shen and others were excited by this unprecedented civilized way. Now when they look at it again, their hearts are still surging and difficult to feel comfortable.

The beacon town should actually be called the beacon base. It is only a part of the original Guangping Town. The reason why it is named the town is probably in some kind of nostalgia.

Beacon Town has a wall, which is a kind of tree called iron wall wood. This kind of tree is generally above 20 meters, can reach half a meter in diameter, and two-thirds of the trunk will not grow branches.

People moved the seedlings of iron-walled wood and used the "power of life" to promote them to grow densely and form a circle, which became the "wall" of the beacon town, so that the human beings in it can live at ease.

To be honest, Zhang Shen likes this civilization very much! He is a person who loves nature. If he can live in this world, it is fascinating to think about it.

It's a pity——

"It's just a passer-by after all... It's still a passerby who can't be stable for a day and dare not slack off at all..." Thinking of the three guiding tasks, Zhang Seng suddenly became entangled.

Kill 100 zombies... Independently kill ten primary zombies, one second-class zombie...

Thinking about his "foodmaking" again, Zhang Shen frowned into a line in an instant.

"Why did you frown early in the morning? It's very unlucky." Li Jing's voice came.

She changed into a sportswear and turned her bun into a ponytail. Compared with the previous temperament between young girls and mature white-collar workers, this dress is eye-catching.

"When is this and where is it early?" Zhang Shen couldn't help giving her a white eye, "I'm having a headache for the task."

When it comes to the task, even the domineering woman can't help frowning. After all, it is really difficult to kill a second-class zombie independently by relying on the ability to manipulate the water flow.

However, after all, a tough woman puts aside her troubles in a blink of an eye. Anyway, there are still more than 20 days left. Just figure it out slowly.

"Let's go and have a good look around this beacon town. I wanted to do this last night!" Li Jing took Zhang Shen's arm and began a tour of Fenghuo Town in a hurry.

The beacon town is roughly rectangular, with a north-south direction. For safety, there are only two gates in the north-south direction and two small emergency doors on the east and west sides, which are usually closed.

A north-south avenue, three east-west roads divide it into eight parts, four of which are residential areas for people to live, entertain and rest. One is a trading area and the other is a research area, which is responsible for studying all kinds of strange new plants. One is a military zone, where the discussion places of major hunting regiments are located, and it is also the production site of various civilian military products in Fenghuo Town. The last piece is located in the center of Fenghuo Town, and the most important thing is the cultivation area.

The so-called "cultivation area" actually has only one building - Zen Garden.

Through some means, the planter has greatly increased the concentration of the "power of life" in the Zen Garden, so that practicing here for an hour is worth a whole day of normal practice! This gives a glimmer of hope to all those who want to become planters!

However, everyone wants to become a planter. Wolves have more and less meat. In order to be fair, they need to contribute to enter the Zen Garden.

100 contribute an hour!

The only way ordinary people can get contribution points is to do tasks and pick up various tasks in the mission hall of the research area.

The beacon town is not big. If it is Zhang Shen alone, two hours will be enough. However, he doesn't understand the hidden meaning of the word "shop" at all...

So, five hours later, the two of them could walk all over the beacon town.

"Hey, what's wrong with your 'never come out with you again'? It's very rude! Isn't it just five hours, really..." Zhang Shen's eyes made Li Jing's voice smaller and smaller.

"It's only 'five' hours, hehe..." Zhang Shen faked a few smiles, which made Li Jing feel guilty for a while.

"Cough, don't care about the details. The people who care about the details are all idiots... The mission hall has arrived. Let's go in and see what we can take over. Familiarize ourselves with the surrounding environment and practice by the way." The end of the tour was the mission hall, because during the tour, they found that the contribution point was not only used for Zen garden cultivation, but also served as the currency of the beacon town.

[Crystal Heartwood: It is said that there is only one crystal heart tree, and the card made by the same crystal heart tree branch can exchange and store information (in fact, it is what everyone likes to see *)]

The mission hall is said to have been converted from a canteen, so it is particularly spacious...

In front of the hall is a row of windows, in which service personnel walk around, which are used to handle relevant procedures and receive task rewards. There are huge wooden cards hanging on both walls of the hall, which are taskbars, and various tasks are written on a piece of paper and pasted on it. Those who want to take over the task take away the corresponding paper and then go to the window to handle it.

People came and went in the mission hall, but it was surprisingly quiet. Basically, there was not much noise except for the occasional sound of the people handling the task, which made Zhang Shen who walked in secretly praise it.

At a glance, Zhang Shen saw a lot of familiar faces, all of whom came together.

No one is a fool, and everyone knows the importance of contributing points.

Li Jing made a gesture to Zhang. The two separated, each found a task bulletin board, and began to find a mission that was suitable for him.

Time passed slowly, and an hour passed unconsciously.

According to the agreement, the two came to the lobby door for foreign exchange.

"You..." "I..." The surprising tacit understanding made both of them a little embarrassed.

"Well, let's talk about it first." Zhang Shen scratched his head, "Have you gained anything?"

"There is no suitable one." Li Jing smiled bitterly, "What about you?"

"It's the same."


The two sighed at the same time and looked speechless.

Although Fenghuo Town has not been established for a long time, it has been more than half a year, and nearly nine months. Everything has been on the right track. Now the tasks released are mainly team-oriented, and there are few tasks suitable for one or two people. Even if there is, it is not something that Zhang Shenlijing's two weak guys can get involved.

In addition, after all, the world is the end of the world, survival is the first, and some trivial things will not be allowed to be on the bulletin board, which completely breaks off the two people's previous idea of "refreshing the hand task and saving experience".

"What should I do?" Li Jing looked at Zhang Shen bitterly.

Zhang Shen grabbed his hair hard and said, "There are only two ways. Either join their team, or our two rookies bravely rush out and try our luck."

Li Jing suddenly became silent.

For a long time, she said, "I think it's better to choose the first one, don't you think?"

"No, I'll choose the second one!!"

Zhang Shen knows very well that the situation is different now than when he just came to this world.

At the beginning, everyone was relatively united and did not abandon anyone, but it was forced by the situation! In addition, when they suddenly came to a strange world, everyone felt insecure and instinctively hugged and depended on each other.

Now, with such a safe and stable rear as Fenghuo Town, everyone's minds must have changed.

Since you are going to do the task, of course, the completion of the task is the first priority. No one wants to bring one to hinder you from doing the task, and may even kill yourself.

Is your ability not good for us to complete the task? Sorry, go back and forth!

And Li Jing's ability is too demanding for external objects and external conditions. Except for some special tasks, it is almost equivalent to waste. It can be imagined that there are very few teams willing to receive her!

As for the local team in Fenghuo Town? Who would be willing to accept a stranger?! What's more, people still have time and task restrictions.

As for Zhang Shen, although the role of cake has been greatly reduced in today's situation, it still has a certain effect, and there will still be teams willing to accept it.

However, when he said he chose the "second", he cut off the road himself!

You... Li Jing looked at him fixedly, and his heart surged.

"Why did you do this..." After a long silence, Li Jing's voice was a little hoarse.

Zhang Shen smiled and said, "Didn't you say you would cover me? Also, I'm your full-time chef.

In an instant, Li Jing only felt a sore nose. She suddenly lowered her head and clenched her lower lip tightly.

Zhang Shen just stood aside quietly and did not take the opportunity to comfort him.

"Is it right or wrong to do this?" He is also confused in his heart.

The reason why he made this choice is that he has no other ideas, but he thinks he should do so.

Just like choosing to protect the girl named "Li Ji" in the car.

For a long time, Li Jing raised his head. Except for his eyes, there was no difference from the previous domineering woman.

"Well, don't stand here stupidly. Go back and discuss what to do." I don't know if it was his own illusion, Zhang Shen suddenly felt that there was a feeling of... coquettishness in the tone of this woman?!

Well, it must be my illusion!

"Two, please wait!"

Just as the two turned around and were about to leave, a strange voice sounded.

"You are..." Looking at the long-haired royal sister with enchanting, concave and appearance in front of him, Zhang Shen was a little puzzled. Although she realized that she was also one of the newcomers because of that familiarity, but... she was completely impressed!

"My name is Bu Lichen." The long-haired royal sister Bu Lichen didn't care about the rudeness of the two, "I know you, Zhang Shen, Li Jing."

When did I become so famous?

While ashamed of his memory, Zhang Shen was even more confused.

"What can I do for you?" Li Jing's tone is a little... unhappy?

"I want to join you."

"What?" What are you talking about?!" After confirming that they heard it correctly, the two looked at each other in con's face.

"I want to join you." Lichen took a step forward and repeated.