Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 18 Unmonitoring

Chapter 18 Surveillance Release

With the "warm" help of stewer Chen, seven people had a new residence in less than half an hour.

After confirming the residence, the seven people began to go shopping seriously, and for most of the day, they even found a small shop on the street for lunch.

Until the setting sun hung in the sky, and the time turned to nearly five o'clock in the afternoon, the seven people who were a little tired began to return.

This stroll, the general structure and route of Luoxia City have been deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts.

Return to their residence, chatted a few words, and each of them returned to their rooms.

Zhang Shen sat down and rested for more than ten minutes. He changed his face for a while. He opened the door and walked to Li Jing's room.

Dongdong! Zhang Shen knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"


"I fell asleep!"

Zhang Shen:............

"Well, I have something to do with you." Zhang Shen scratched his head and felt that it was really a headache than going out to take risks.

The door opened a crack, revealing one eye. If there is anything, say it quickly and leave immediately after saying it.

"This is a very important thing, so..." Zhang Shen shook his right hand and put it in front of his mouth to make himself look serious.

Before Zhang participated in the good reason, the door was opened enough to allow a person to enter the gap. Come in."

The two sat down face to face and looked at Li Jing's expressionless face. Zhang Shen said that the pear mountain was big.

"What's the matter? Why don't you say anything?"

"I haven't made it up yet... Ah, no, what's that... Well, I'm old, I don't have a good memory, and suddenly forget it again." Zhang Shen struggled for a while and simply shrugged his shoulders. "So, can I take a break here for a while and talk about it when I remember?"


Li Jing laughed, covered his mouth with his hands, and his cheeks turned red.

"Rogue!" She scolded softly and stared at Zhang Shen fiercely. Her eyes flowed, and Zhang Shen was stunned by the rare charm.

"Successfully passed, oh yeah!" Putting the change of Li Jing's expression and eyes into his eyes, Zhang Shen shouted wildly and breathed a sigh of relief.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly relaxed, and the relationship between the two resumed as before.

"Well, I still want to apologize to you for what happened before." Not wanting to bury the source of entanglement between the two, Zhang Shen took the initiative to mention the previous events.

"Okay, needless to say." Li Jing gave him a white look, "Sister Lichen has already told me that it was just an accident."

Seeing that Li Jing didn't want to mention it again, although he was very curious about Bu Lichen's explanation, Zhang Shen no longer asked for trouble and changed the topic.

"Bearby the way, I haven't seen your original plant yet!" Zhang Shen has heard from me or seen the four plants of Xie Dingguo and Bu Lichen's original plants, leaving only Li Jing's plants, which are a little curious.

Li Jing's expression suddenly became a little complicated.

Excitement, sadness, helplessness, confusion...

"What's wrong?!" Perceiving her sadness and confusion, Zhang Shen felt a pain in his heart and grabbed her hand, "Is the chosen plant unsatisfactory? Don't be sad about this little thing. I will protect you anyway!"

"It's not like that... I don't know what to say. You can see for yourself."

With a burst of crystal white light, a plant reflected into Zhang Shen's eyes.

Its main body looks like a garlic ball, with five petals crystal clear and tightly wrapped in a circle without wrapping. Above, a stem and leaf of about 20 cm drilled out of the gap gathered in the subpet and swayed gently. Two-thirds are white, and then suddenly fork, giving birth to two green leaves.

This is... the combination of green onion and garlic??

If this plant is separated, it will be a stunted green onion and a garlic ball that has been stripped off.

But now, it has merged...

However, it's very beautiful and cute...

With a twitch at the corners of his mouth, Zhang Shen threw out a detection technique.

[Heart green onion (young body): This is a very magical plant, which has become more strange and has great potential after absorbing mysterious power. It has three growth stages and is currently a juvenile. The ability of young bodies to connect hearts and green onions is "taste deception", which can deceive the opponent's taste and make the opponent have the illusion of "spicy", "spicy", "sour", "bitter" and "sweet"]

Damn, it's really a green onion!

"This ability is really good and powerful..." The corners of his mouth twitched, and he didn't know what to say.

To be honest, this ability is really powerful. Zhang Shen likes to eat spicy food and deeply understands that any of the above five flavors can make people want to die as long as they reach a certain level.

Think about it, when you fight with others, suddenly, a terrible spicy smell appears, your tears, runny nose and saliva suddenly gushed out, the severe pain in your stomach seems to burn, and the smoke from your throat is almost spewing fire...

Zhang Shen knows that strong-willed people are more resistant to pain than ordinary people, but can they pre-train their resistance to extreme taste??


This world is the end of the world! The biggest enemy of everyone is not human beings, but zombies!

Zhang Shen doesn't think zombies have a sense of taste...

After struggling for a while, Zhang Shen suddenly reacted: No!

Even if this plant is quite tricky, Li Jing will not be "sad" and "confused"!

"What the hell happened!" Zhang Shen turned Li Jing's face away and looked at him. As I said, no matter what happens, I will be by your side! Don't you want to trust me?"

"No, of course I believe you! I have given you wholehearted trust since you chose to take risks with me! It's just... The time has come. I will definitely say it. Don't force me, okay?" Li Jing's eyes turned red and the water shone.

"Of course, I will wait until the day you are willing to tell me." After a moment of silence, Zhang Shen said his determination word by word.

"Hmm." Li Jing wiped the corners of his eyes and cleaned up his emotions.

"You look very tired. Have a good rest. I'll go first." Zhang Shen combed back a few strands of hair hanging on her cheek and said goodbye to leaving.

The door closed again, and Li Jing held Lianxin in the palm of his hand and whispered, "Grow up quickly. I miss you so much. I really want to see you again!" You promised to take care of me for the rest of your life. Have you forgotten such a vow? line...............

For the next eight days, Zhang Shen and seven people stayed in the city.

During the day, wander around Luoxia City or participate in a small exchange meeting held by planters.

At night, practice skills, but stop at the right time to ensure that your consciousness is awake at all times.

Even in order to reduce the attention, Zhang Shen almost stopped practicing basic knife skills to avoid causing trouble for themselves.

Finally, the ninth day is also the 22nd day when Zhang Shen and others entered the world.

"Surveillance has weakened a lot!" Luo Fei's words made six people extremely happy.

Seeing the passing of time, my tasks have not been completed yet!

Rovie's original plant is [cattail], a plant that is very ** to the surrounding movement and can emit powerful hallucinogenic needles. It has many leaves, all lying on the ground, and a furry launcher keeps swaying. Looking from afar, it looks like a lying kitten, constantly shaking its tail.

Zhang Shen and others have personally witnessed the ability of cattail grass, and naturally they do not doubt it.

After that, Zhang Shen and others expressed varying degrees of envy and hatred for the ability of cattail grass.

Even Qin Zhengxian, who has [Wind Three-leaf Clover], and Bi Luhai of [Cold Ice Cabbage], show an expression of envy, not to mention Xie Dingguo who got [Boxing Cabbage]. Of course, Long Wangshu is human nature. Although he is more satisfied with his plants, Zhang Shen and the other three are also quite moved.

"Are you going to go out to work now?" Zhang Shen asked.

Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, they are just talking about some daily topics.

"No, there is still some time anyway. Wait a few days." Xie Dingguo and others expressed concern that the weakening of the surveillance was to paralyze themselves and wait for a few days.

"What, have you decided?" Looking at Zhang Shen's expression, Bi Luhai wondered, "As soon as the surveillance weakened, you ran out. Don't you worry about their suspicion?"

"Did you get any news from them?" A trace of fine light flashed in Qin Zhengxian's eyes.

This "they" refers to newcomers from other bases who have also become planters. Zhang Shen and others have not been in vain these nine days. Naturally, they have met some "similars", but the relationship is general and there is no deep friendship.

Zhang San shook his head: "Don't think nonsense, it's just that I'm more anxious."

Xie Dingguo laughed a few times and said nothing more.

Obviously, they don't believe Zhang Shen's explanation at all.

In fact, although the seven people have been together since entering Luoxia City, in addition to Zhang Shen's three-person group, the relationship between the people is just like that, with a certain trust and friendship, but if it involves fundamental interests or even life and death, then, hehe.

To describe it, it is probably the so-called "wine and meat friend".

However, this time, they will probably be disappointed.

What Zhang Shen said is indeed true.

Many times, he is a little anxious. He would rather be a little tired and troublesome than finish things in advance, so as not to rush his time at the end, which makes him confused and dizzy. After all, Zhang Shen feels that he is not the kind of person with quick wisdom and prefers to leave a way out for himself.

Zhang Shen knows the attitude shown by the four people and is too lazy to explain.

Only this degree of relationship, the more you explain, the more suspicious the other party will be, and even tear your face in the end.

For Zhang Shen, as long as Bu Lichen and Li Jing are willing.

These days, Zhang Shen has been thinking about one thing.

Before your group of people, there is no such thing as "task", even if it is the trial of newcomers.

Why do you have a task for others?

In fact, it is not a real task, but——

Part of "Newcomer Guide"!

And "newcomer guidance" is the so-called "supreme parliament" to improve the survival rate of newcomers!

Before that, the survival rate of newcomers must be very low!

However, according to what Zhang Shen has seen and heard, the survival rate of newcomers is less than 3 to 1 now, which is quite low.

So, how low should it have been before?

5 to one? Seven to one? Ten to one?

or lower!

However, what causes such a low survival rate?

What are the dangers for newcomers and themselves in this world?!