Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 38 The Collision of Takiso Town 2

Chapter 38 The Collision of Takixiang Town (II)

The abyss cannibalism is in the front, and about five meters back, three pea machine gunners stand side by side. Zhang Shen, Ouyang Tianqi and Li Jing controlled the attack of the pea machine gunner while holding a knife shield. As for Bu Lichen, she shot with beautiful eyes at the end, put everything in her eyes, always grasped all the trends, and made the most appropriate choice at the best moment.

A pea machine gunner is missing, and the bullet screen is thinner. However, in the face of fierce cannibalism, there is no loss to break through. After having legs, the abyss has become a truly indestructible fortress!

Ordinary zombies can't stop the attack of the two jagged hands. In the face of cannibalism, the lost body is like hitting the tofu on the edge, which is not too easy.

The lost offensive was quite fierce. Before long, second-class zombies came into everyone's sight.

"Be careful, everyone!" Zhang Shen's pupils shrank and made a bold decision, "The machine gunners all aimed at ordinary zombies, put the second-level zombies in, and let the cannibals solve it!"

What rushed over was an ordinary second-degree zombie. Unlike the third-level giant zombie, which is obviously beyond the normal category, it is just taller and stronger, looking like a man with a big waist of more than two meters.


This second-level zombie "smoothly" through layers of bullet screens and rushed into the attack range of man-eating flowers. Its target is Zhang Shen beside the pea machine gunner, but how cannibals not let it be presumptuous?

Feeling that the enemy was much stronger than the previous miscellaneous fish, the cannibal flower made an excited "kaka" strange cry, dancing two leaf hands, like two machetes cutting at the second-level zombie head.

The movements of the second-level zombie are very flexible, and its body suddenly moves sideways to avoid the attack of cannibalism.

However, the head of cannibal flowers is not a decoration!

The main stem of the cannibal flower fell forward, and the head the size of the water tank fell like a boulder, appearing in front of the zombie with a cold wind. Then, the big mouth opened half a meter wide and suddenly bit it down!

The second-level zombies have never encountered this kind of attack. They were caught off guard and were immediately bitten by the cannibal flower, and their whole head and shoulders entered the big black mouth of the cannibal flower!

Surprising things happened!

The two leaves of the cannibal flowers were raised and patted hard. The struggling second-level zombies suddenly "slid" into the mouth of the cannibal flowers and disappeared completely! A second-class zombie was swallowed by cannibalism after a few breaths!

All four of them are a little dumbfounded. Zhang Shen is even more entangled. Although he has seen cannibals attacking from his mouth before, it is the first time he has seen such a ferocious way...

actually swallowed the whole enemy! In particular, Zhang Shen also felt that after swallowing the zombie, there was a very "pleasure" mood and a stronger desire to devour the man-eating flower.

"Where on earth did it stuff the zombie? Did it really digest it in an instant?" Bu Lichen's face was a little ugly, but Li Jing looked very interested and curiously stared at the unchanged body shape of the cannibal flower.

At this time, something more magical happened.

After completely "digesting" the zombies, the dark red patterns on its big head began to flash, and the dark red light overflowed, which decorated the cannibal flowers to show some strange "beauty".

Through the mysterious connection, Zhang Shen had a clear understanding in his heart.

The devouring of powerful enemies by cannibalism cannibalism can not only improve combat effectiveness, but also is an important means of further evolution!

Zhang Shen's eyes suddenly became hot. Cannibal flowers that can continue to evolve must be a great help to themselves.

With the encouragement of the owner, the cannibals screamed a few times and became more and more crazy. They waved their hands so much that no zombies could get close to it within half a meter.

Especially when a half of the alienated iron zombie was cut into two pieces by cannibals in a dozen knives in a row. After stuffing it into his mouth and digested it, Zhang Shen completely put his heart back into his chest.

Although Bu Lichen couldn't stand such a ferocious and horrible eating scene, he gradually smiled when he saw the ferocity of cannibal flowers.

In dozens of such "wu", Zhang Shen, a small team, may be able to rank first in terms of comprehensive combat effectiveness. Many "wu" perform their respective duties and form a tight and huge defense system to kill a wave of zombies and block them outside.

However, although in terms of the number of enemies killed, ordinary planters naturally play a pivotal role. However, the real and most important battle took place between the five masters of Luoxia City and the third-level zombies in Takixiang Town.

There are ten third-level zombies that have appeared so far. However, even if it is twice the absolute number advantage, in the face of the five masters who cooperate with each other, they can only barely compete, and even gradually fall into the wind over time.

Finally, the five masters took the opportunity and seized a flaw. The two blocked the attack of other zombies, and the three attacked the strongest iron zombies together.

At the third level, the name "iron zombie" is no longer accurate. More precisely, it is a "steel zombie"!

The second-level iron zombies are just steeling their skin, but the third-level zombies even turn their bones into steel-like substances, and even their flesh and blood have become extremely tough, and their defense is no worse than that of the fourth-level giant zombies!

However, in the face of the full siege of three masters, the violent attack engulfed it in an instant, and except for a skeleton, the rest of it was all ashes and smoke.

The MT death of the steel zombie completely fell into the wind and was overstretched, and the scars on their bodies became more and heavier.

In normal times, they would have run away long ago. But at this moment, Death's order is still in my ear, and no corpse dares to disobey it, and he doesn't even dare to have the idea of escape.

Finally, after fighting hard for nearly an hour, ten third-level zombies were annihilated!

Although the five people who were freed up were physically and mentally exhausted, they did not dare to rest and began to attack ordinary zombies and second-class zombies all over the mountains.

Once a master of a level like Ren Wuxing launches an attack on low-level zombies, the power is simply shocking.

The most direct manifestation is the power of plants, which is the difference between clouds and mud.

Take the "long tou flower" as an example. Zhang Shen's dragon head flower can't spew out four or five meters of flames, and the temperature is only the level of ordinary firewood, but after their carefully cultivated dragon head flowers, the flame spewed out is 20 meters, and there is no pressure on melting gold and iron!

The power of derivative plants is directly related to the ontology. These people have been cultivated beyond the normal range for a long time.

In the face of the "crazy" attack of the five masters, there are fewer and fewer zombies in Zhang Shen's sight.

Finally, after more than half an hour, the zombies near Takixiang Town were swept away.


When the message of "rest" was officially transmitted, hundreds of long breaths were clearly visible. Some people are so tired that they even have the impulse to sit down and have a good rest on the spot.

However, after glancing at the layers of broken bodies on the ground, he gave up this move no matter how strong the nerves were.

The burning smell, bloody smell, smell, etc. in the air are too strong. Even if Zhang Shen and others have already blocked their mouth and nose, the smell still penetrated in unremittingly. Bu Lichen, Li Jing and dozens of other plant control therapists have vomited several times, and their stomachs are empty, and they can no longer spit anything.

Zhang Shen's face is also ugly, but Ouyang Tianqi, a strange guy, still has a poker face, as if he didn't see it.

Under the command of the "Ten Chiefs", Zhang Shen took Bu Lichen and Li Jing to the town to find a place to rest temporarily.

The two women have been weak for a long time, and even walking has become a problem. Most of their bodies are leaning in Zhang Shen's arms, looking like he holds the two women in his arms.

Warm and soft jade is in his arms, but in such an environment, Zhang Shen not only smiled bitterly but also smiled bitterly.

The place where everyone rested is a construction site, which is only built two floors, and the place is very open.

Zhang Shen cleaned up a clean place, took out the Zen heart lotus leaf, put down the two dizzy and confused women, and leaned against each other and sat on the Zen heart lotus leaf.

The effect of Zen heart lotus leaf is still the same. Even if the effect is scattered by the two, after a few minutes, the two women's faces look much better and their spirits are awake again.

Coupled with the moonlight sunflower summoned by Ouyang Tianqi, the energy consumed by Bu Lichen and Li Jing recovered little by little.

"Come on, drink some water and slow down." Seeing that the two women looked much better, Zhang Shen breathed a sigh of relief and took out a kettle from his backpack and sent it to them.

Bu Lichen took a gentle sip and looked apologetically: "Sorry, I, I'm dragging my feet again." Li Jing's expression was also a little ugly, and he was very ashamed of his performance.

Zhang Shen tapped on the foreheads of the two women and said, "Don't say this again. I'm already proud of you for being able to hold on until the end. You know, even some five-three-thick men are not as good as you, and it won't be long before they can hold on.

Bu Lichen and Li Jing were stunned by Zhang Shen's intimate behavior, and a red glow suddenly flew on their faces. Against the background of slightly pale skin, they were delicate and soft, and all kinds of amorous feelings were displayed for a moment.

Zhang Shen himself was stunned, and then he sweated coldly: "It's over. I didn't pay attention for a moment. I regarded them as that naughty little sister!"

Zhang Shen has a little sister who has just entered junior high school. She is very clingy to him, but her personality is jumpy and weird. She often does something that makes Zhang Shen cry and laugh.

Because he fell into the memory of his little sister, Zhang Shen missed a good opportunity to appreciate the touching side of the two women. Naturally, he did not notice Bu Lichen's charming eyes and Li Jing's unhappy face.

Ouyang Tianqi stood quietly aside and put everything in his eyes. His deep right eye seemed to be thrown into a calm lake of a stone, quietly rippled.

After living alone for more than ten years, he was not used to being too close to others, so he didn't help the two daughters Bu Lichen and gave this benefit to Zhang Shen.

However, looking at the extremely harmonious picture of the three people, his frozen heart suddenly became confused.