Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 48: Real Trivia

Chapter 48: Real Trivia

Bu Lichen opened the material, which clearly recorded the relevant information of the three Chinese buses, such as the date of departure, the operating company, and the time of operation...

Everything is clear.

However, a little discovery is creepy!

According to the arrangement of the operating company, that day is the rest time for three cars, and there is no need to work at all!

The corresponding drivers are resting at home. No one knows how they suddenly disappeared from the territory of the operating company, and then openly drove on the road and carried passengers!

What's more strange is that the operation process of these three cars cannot be captured in all the video materials, and even the passengers who get on and off the bus will not appear on the camera!

Therefore, how many people were in the car at the time of the accident... No one knows until now!

In addition, at the end of the information, it was mentioned that on that day, there were at least 13 similar incidents across the country! Buses, ships, taxis, private cars... and even warships belonging to the army! Helicopter!


Bu Lichen's words fell, and the room was still silent.

Zhang Shen and Li Jing were shocked by this information, and they fell into meditation, and their thoughts surged.

For a long time, Zhang Shen exhaled and said, "I propose to put down the investigation of this matter for the time being."

"With our current strength, we can't find anything at all. Instead, we accidentally exposed our identity and were found by those 'things' for fear of being more or less good luck."

"Moreover, according to the intelligence known so far, the survivors who have passed the trials are all over the country and even all over the world, and many of them have extraordinary power in reality. Let them do this pioneer."

"We are weak, and it's better not to move for the time being."

"Fortunately, the identity of all our 'observers' is still in a safe and hidden state and cannot be checked by state organs, otherwise it will be troublesome."

The two women did not have much objection to Zhang Shen's proposal to temporarily stop the investigation, but Li Jing suddenly raised an issue that made the other two people sweat their foreheads.

"Even if we can hide in the dark, what if the same group of observers as us are exposed and then give us to us?! You know, they know our names and general appearance!"

"For example, Xie Dingguo! If he confesses us, with the outrageous action of the Xia government in the wrong direction, we will have nothing to escape. After all, we are not alone, and we have relatives and friends. Speaking of Xie Dingguo, Li Jing's face was full of anger. Li Jing especially hated the guy who betrayed him, and even was still above Liu Guodong.

Zhang Shen and Bu Lichen can't think of a good solution to Li Jing's problem.

The three discussed for a while, and finally they could only come up with a "compromise" method.

Become stronger as soon as possible!

As long as you are strong enough to compete with a country's military power, it doesn't matter what happens!

God blocks and kills gods, demons and demons kill demons, this is the legendary "X Proud Sky" mode.

Originally, Zhang Shen wanted to take advantage of the period of returning to reality to go to Li Jing's house to deepen the relationship between the two, but in the face of such strong pressure, no one had the desire to think about these things.

For "observers", the great will is still relatively harsh.

The rest and practice time before the two worlds must not exceed seven days!

This "seven days" is not only the time in the guardian's space, but also the time in the real world. Perhaps for convenience, the guardian space is synchronized with the time of the real world.

This is probably a way to urge "newcomers" and "rookie" to become stronger quickly.

Because the promotion to become a "watchman" was extended to 15 days.

The Guardian is a month.

As for "defenders" and "guards", there is no time limit at all!

You can rest as long as you like!

Of course, if you encounter an urgent task, you will definitely not be run away. It's just that this kind of task, according to the Sky Blue team, there are only more than a dozen records. And this "recorded" time unit is - [thousand years]...

After exchanging information, at Bu Lichen's suggestion, the three removed all the decorations in the room and had a serious meal together as if they were out for dinner.

During the banquet, after Bu Lichen, the "master", deliberately pulled the topic, Zhang Shen and Li Jing temporarily let go of their doubts and worries, talking and laughing, just like an ordinary party between friends.


I ate a meal for more than two hours.

Naturally, there is also drinking during the banquet, but with the current physical fitness of Zhang Shen and others, even if they drink a few bottles of high liquor in one sip, they are too drunk. As long as they are willing, they can stay awake.

This is a shallow and intuitive embodiment of the development function of the "Second Zone".

Before breaking up, the three agreed to go to the Guardian Space from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. on the 17th to discuss the path and direction of their respective power inheritance.

In the flow of people, Zhang Shen turned a few corners and made a few more circles. After that, a new character "Li Si" appeared!

The identity of "Li Si" has been completed.

After that, Zhang Shen arrived at the housing agency by car and rented a two-story house in the old city of Z City.

This is an old house, built in the 1920s. It is a single family. Although the appearance is old, the interior decoration is really good. Obviously, the owner of the house has spent a lot of thought.

Zhang Shen looked around and was quite quiet, satisfied, and had no intention of bargaining. He directly paid the rent for two years, got the key from the landlord, and moved in immediately.

So far, Zhang Shen, a young unemployed loser, also has a nest, which is a quarter of the city people...


Before going to bed, Zhang Shen suddenly moved his mind and sent the information the three people to Ouyang Tianqi in an obscure way!

For Ouyang Tianqi, Zhang Shen is very eager for him to become his own teammate.

In the current three-person team, he is the main attacker, assisted by Bu Lichen, and Li Jing is between the two. In addition, neither he nor Li Jing are good at planning. Although Bu Lichen is meticulous, he is limited to small aspects and does not grasp the general direction well enough. Although I didn't have much contact with Ouyang Tianqi, the latter gave me a feeling that I could "see through" everything.

At the same time, Ouyang Tianqi has a strong talent. Although it is not clear what ability his left eye is for the time being, there is no doubt that this power that can be revealed from birth is absolutely insoluble!

In addition, from the perspective of the previous world, he has completed all the tasks alone, and his combat effectiveness is naturally good. This kind of power is very useful when you have not mastered the powerful power inheritance or inheritance "level" in the early stage.

Unfortunately, although Ouyang Tianqi finally left his contact information, Zhang Shen felt that the latter did not intend to join the team and was more inclined to work alone.

A few minutes after the text message was sent, Zhang Shen received a reply.

Clicked on it and almost died of anger.


Damn it, idiots don't mind (?), and they even use three exclamation points in a row. What a naked contempt!

Just as Zhang Shen gritted his teeth and wanted to send a text message back, another message came.

Click on it, and Zhang Shen's face suddenly turned green!

It's all English letters! And he doesn't have a broken sentence!!

Damn it, what's going on? Is your English so good?!

"No, this bastard is so arrogant that he must scold him back!" Zhang Shen bit his teeth crunchily and scratched his stomach to organize a few "bright" words.

At this time, the text message came again.

Zhang Shen felt that he had been shadowed by this bastard. He squinted for a while and opened it.

"I have nothing to say if I don't even know Pinyin"


Zhang Shen almost sprayed a mouthful of old blood on the wall. Damn, that thing is actually - Pinyin?!

I clicked on a text message again with a entangled face and read it back and forth several times...

Damn it, there is no tone and no interval, it can't be read at all!

Finally, Zhang Shen was forced to copy it on paper, and then...

"Text messages are not safe. As long as the authorities have enough authority, they can check them at will..." Ouyang Tianqi said a lot, which generally means not to send such important messages by text messages, because it is not safe.

"Bang, it's not that I don't know. Didn't I use homophones, appears or proximous characters to cover it?" Zhang Shen curled his lips and decided that adults should not remember the villain and not care about a poker-faced man.

Just as Zhang Shen was about to go to bed, suddenly, another text message came.

What else is wrong with that guy?

This is a new card that is anonymous. Only three people know the number. Zhang Shen doesn't think that Li Jing or Bu Lichen will send text messages at this time, because as far as he knows, the two women will call more directly.

Click on it, as expected, it is Ouyang Tianqi's facial paralysis.

"How does it feel to deceive yourself"

Zhang Shen:............

Ouyang Apocalypse, you and I are endless!!!

The next day, after Zhang Shen simply washed up, he didn't even eat breakfast and directly entered the guard space.

More than two hours in advance because he wanted to see everything about another "home". That house took him more than two hours to choose and modify, and almost every place was built according to his wishes.

But until now, he hasn't looked at it carefully.

Zhang Shen has been "bind" to his residence. Once he enters, he will automatically appear in the transmission array in the courtyard.

The light disappeared, and the next moment, Zhang Shen appeared on the transmission array piled with bluestone.

In an instant, Zhang Shen felt as if he had unloaded a thousand pounds of heavy burden, and a feeling of incomparable relaxation arose spontaneously, as if he had climbed to the top of Xiongshan Mountain and looked down at the world. A ball of smooth air in his chest flowed, which made him have an impulse to take a deep breath and shout.

Then, he did it.

Cough! Cough!!

Inhaling in one breath, Zhang Shen suddenly coughed violently.