Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 4: New Power

Chapter 4: New Power [Happy Lantern Festival and Valentine's Day!!]

[PS: Two festivals stand side by side, and the National Day only updates two chapters at a time. I wish everyone good things come together!!]

Professionals have a very high status in Rogge Camp.

The huge Rogge camp has even opened up a nearly one-fifth area at the north end for professionals and their families to live in.

Along the way, Zhang Shen felt that this place and other places for civilians to live were like two worlds.

Professional rooms are mainly stone buildings, which are spacious and bright; on the other hand, civilian residences are mainly civil buildings, low, compact, dense and very crowded.

The junction of the two areas is a trading area. There are rows of store facades and various stalls. The crowded crowd, filled with the noise of every inch of space, made Zhang Shen feel as if he had returned to his hometown market. A wonderful sense of familiarity came to his face, which made him bend the corners of his mouth and be in a good mood.

The guard's residence is a little better than that of professionals.

Thirteen guards, each of whom has a small gray building, and the small yard is also planted with flowers, trees and grass. There are also some very rare decorations on the outside of the building, doors and windows. It can be seen that it really took a lot of effort.

After everyone chose the room, Rogge, who led the way, wanted to salute and leave, but was stopped by Li Jing. The two walked aside and muttered that they didn't know what they were talking about.

The four of Zhang Shen followed the Sky Blue team to the dark world, just because they were not familiar with it and out of caution. Now that they have arrived at Rogge Camp, Blue Phoenix and they have other things to do. Naturally, the two sides are separated, just leaving a way to contact.

Akara's words disrupted Zhang Shen's plan, and the follow-up action should be revised.

"I'm going to act alone." Ouyang Tianqi's expression was as calm as ever, but the three people who were familiar with him heard the solemnity and seriousness of his words. Obviously, he had made up his mind and would not waver.

The three looked at each other and saw that there was nothing they could do in each other's eyes.

"Well, be careful yourself." Zhang Shen scratched his hair, remembered something randomly, and took out a few pieces of jade painted with strange patterns from the shrinking hand towel. "If you need any help, you're welcome."

Hmm! Ouyang Tianqi nodded, took the jade, looked slightly slower, and turned away.

"Now there are three of us left." Bu Lichen suddenly came up with a charming eye, revealing an inexplicable charm in his words.

Faced with Li Jing's sudden unpleasant eyes, Zhang Shen was a little puzzled.

"Well, what did you say to that Roge just now? Is it about Latis? Someone feels quite proficient in changing the topic.

At a glance, Li Jing straightened his expression and said.

is actually not particularly complicated, or very bloody, or even a strong sense of vision.

Ladis and her good sister Krivey held a professional awakening ceremony together. The former failed to become Roge, and the latter succeeded and became an assassin. From then on, she embarked on the road of fighting monsters and upgrading...

Although the fate of the two has been completely different at the moment of stepping out of the magic array, their relationship is still the same, which makes many people very envious.

Krivi is very talented and tenacious and can endure hardships. He finally rose to level 20 more than a year ago and can challenge Andalil's projection. As long as he goes to the cathedral to kill Andalil, he is qualified to go to the East.


She is dead!

With five teammates, the whole team was killed by Andalil, and there was no one left!

Jiyou died, and Latis was in pain and vowed to avenge her.

However, the talent is limited. Even if you successfully master ice arrows and rockets and become one of the strongest in Roge, it is still far from it.

There is only one way in front of her - to become a mercenary and rely on the power of others.

Mercenaries with strength like her are naturally very popular.

However, somehow, she joined three teams in a row and failed. On the contrary, all three teams were destroyed, leaving her alone to survive!

Although Cassia, Chasi and several other senior league officials have guaranteed her that this has nothing to do with her, professionals still regard her as snakes and scorpions, avoiding them, let alone choosing her as their companions.

She still hasn't given up after being hit by this blow.

She turned her eyes to the guard.

This idea itself is not wrong, but how can Kasha and Akala allow it?! So, the previous scene happened.

After telling the story of Latis, Li Jing looked at the two with hopeful eyes.

Bu Lichen was also moved and joined Li Jing's camp.

Facing the burning eyes of the two women, Zhang Shen frowned, thought for a moment, and firmly shook his head to refuse.

Even if they put aside the mission and Akara's ** and take Latis to the cathedral, they are not Andalil's opponents!

Andariel, as one of the four demon kings of hell, even if it is just a projection, is not something that the three rookies Zhang Shen can deal with.

Although the three have exchanged the initial power inheritance, they have not even completely grasped it, and they can only run to death.

Fortunately, the two women were still rational and did not continue to pester, and then began to discuss the next action.

Although Akala's words are very powerful, it is still very difficult to think about it after such a long time. This kind of thing that relies purely on "flash of inspiration" is really not reliable.

"Let it be. It doesn't matter if you want to get the best." Bu Lichen made a summary.

When the nine people arrived, it was more than 10 a.m. local time, and now it is only 11 o'clock. After discussing for a few minutes, the three decided to go to the market to buy something first, and then go out of the city to fight monsters.

Of course, fighting monsters is secondary, and familiarity with your own power is the first priority.


An hour later, the three set foot on the bloody wasteland again.

Bu Lichen held a special wooden knife in the shape of a Japanese knife, and the fog alfalfa danced on her shoulder. The material of this wooden knife is special, harder than steel, and its toughness is amazing and not easy to damage. However, the sharpness of the blade is slightly worse, and it is very easy to become blunt and should be cared for frequently.

Li Jing is floating beside him, wearing a pair of silver gloves on his hands. This pair of gloves is made of the fur of low-level spirit beasts (Warcraft, monsters, fierce beasts, which are called differently in different worlds and have similar meanings), each of which is inlaid with 3 spiritual beads that can accelerate energy cohesion, reduce loss and improve fluency.

In fact, wooden knives and gloves are low-level goods, and can only be regarded as semi-finished products (there is no additional array prohibition, or special methods of quenching). The price is not high. According to the rules of the dark world, it is about blue equipment and relatively sophisticated blue clothing.

As for Zhang Shen, he holds a big bag in his hand, bulging, and I don't know what it is.

Because he came here to be familiar with the power, Zhang Shen summoned the abyss man-eating flower and let it stay by the three people's side and don't take the initiative to attack. After resonating with Rogge Camp, its "intelligence" has improved a lot. This slightly complicated command is also understandable, and it also very cleverly restrains its breath.

With the current strength of the abyss cannibal flower, it is enough to sweep the blood wasteland - perhaps except for the body getting angry.

Within a few steps, a disgusting smell of decay came, and the two zombies staggered over.

Both zombies are decomposed to a considerable extent. You can see yellow-white bones and gray-green rotten meat, and even maggots drill around.

The two women suddenly changed their colors, their beautiful eyebrows frowned, their white faces were full of disgust, and their eyes flashed with anger.

"Let me do it." The spiritual nature of Li Jing is somewhat similar to that of the Holy Light, which is useful for the production of dead spirits, darkness, evil and other energy.

Li Jing skillfully printed and recited the ghost spell in his mouth.

"The King! Masks of flesh and blood, everything, flying wings, something named after human beings! Scorch and chaos, roll back to the south across the sea, and move forward!"

"31 of breaking the road, red artillery!!"

With the chanting of the spell, the spiritual power in Li Jing's body began to surge and roar, gathering along his arms to the palms, condensing and winding in a wonderful way, turning into a basin-sized red fireball.


Li Jing's mind moved, and the fireball roared away, shot straight at the two zombies, and then exploded.

Li Jing was indeed disgusted by the two zombies. As soon as he took action, he broke the road No. 31. The powerful power and intense high temperature instantly burned the two zombies to ashes, and there was nothing left.

The aftershocks of the explosion and the temperature of diffusion left black marks on the ground, the weeds within a few meters were burned out, and some gravels were roasted to crack.

However, Li Jing himself was not very uncomfortable. There was a thin gasp from his lips, a faint sweat on his forehead, and a trace of fatigue in his eyes.

"Well done!" Zhang Shen took out a hand towel to wipe her sweat and did not hesitate to praise her.

In just four or five days, it is not easy to cultivate spiritual power and practice ghosts. It is really not easy to reach this level.

For the first time to be so intimate in front of others, two balls of Li Jing's cheeks appeared, her eyelids were drooping, and she was infinitely shy for a while.

aside, Bu Lichen looked in his eyes and wanted to make fun of him, but he didn't know why his heart became heavy. He opened his mouth but couldn't spit out a syllable, and his eyes slipped quietly.


The sound of Bu Lichen's cough came from his ear. Li Jing suddenly realized that he pushed Zhang Shen away and blushed.

"Cough, go on, keep moving forward." In the face of Bu Lichen's strange smile, Zhang Shen was also a little embarrassed. He coughed a few times, and then showed the topic of change again*.

"Lichen, I haven't seen your heroic posture of using the inner air of the four seasons to perform basic knife skills. The next monster will be handed over to you."

As we all know, only with internal forces can the moves exert the greatest power.

Bu Lichen's [Four Seasons Qi Tips] is originally a powerful qi practice formula that cooperates with the "Four Seasons Swordsmanship". In addition, her knife skills have also been practiced to a certain level. The combined effect of the two is absolutely unexpected.

Sure enough, Zhang Shen and Li Jing soon saw it.

This time, I met a skeleton, with two faint blue flames rising in his empty eyes, holding a tattered bone sword in his hand.

One knife!

Step by step in the morning, with a vertical figure, waving a knife.

A flash of light.

The skeleton is split in half and the incision is smooth.

"This is--
