Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 8: The Cold Plain 2

Chapter 8: The Cold Plain (2) [Please collect!!]

The first thing that gave the three people a blow was not the fallen Roge, but the hard-haired mouse!

This small monster, which is polluted and mutated by the smell of hell, is widely distributed. Like cockroaches on real earth, it can survive anywhere and live well.

Its back is like a hedgehog full of sharp hard thorns, and the top is condensed with a slow paralytic toxin. The attack method of hard-haired mice is to shoot the poison sting on their back. Although it is difficult to hit the enemy because of the accuracy, when they form a scale, people understand why this kind of thing can mix well in hell.

Zhang Shen and the other three moved forward carefully, trying not to touch the bushes all around, and only slightly delaying the attack.

At first, only three or two hard-haired mice attacked and were easily dodged by Zhang Shen and the others. However, soon, Zhang Shen realized that something was wrong!

There are more and more hard-haired mice, and there is a trend of increasing!

The spikes shot at the three people are getting denser and denser, and soon reach the extent that they can't be dodged and can only resist!

The ground is wet and full of weeds, which is a big trouble for a rookie alchemist like Zhang Shen.

Li Jing also learned defensive spells in the binding path, but she has not yet learned to "destroy the destruction of singing" (no spell casting spells). In the face of the collective crazy attacks of hard-haired mice, she can't effectively defend at all!

In desperation, Zhang Shen and the other three had to use the primary [guardian jade charm]!

The jade was broken and turned into a golden light to cover Zhang Shen. The sharp thorns of the hard-haired mouse stuck on it and made a "puff" sound, which could not cause any damage to the golden light.

The attack power of the hard-haired mouse is very weak. Generally, it takes three or four times to attack the cloth. Its main attack method is the toxin above. Otherwise, the number of hard-haired mice (long-nail demons, thorned beasts, razor ridge monsters, jungle hedgehogs) is large enough to be comparable to sinking demons, and they have long become the hegemon of hell.

However, it is not a way to be beaten all the time.

"Luckily, I was ready for a long time!"

In the face of this embarrassing situation, Zhang Shen calmly put down the big bag he had been carrying, took out a piece of paper rolled together from it, spread it out, put it on the wet ground, and took out the special pen used to draw the refining array.

This leather paper is just an ordinary tanned leather, which was bought by Zhang Shen in the trading market, just to deal with this situation.

It is very strange to refine this kind of thing. It uses the basic material rules of a world, and most of the world have similar basic rules, so it is quite inclusive.

Of course, this is only the most basic thing. After all, there is definitely a subtle difference between the "iron" in the world of flood and the "iron" in the world of science and technology. However, Zhang Shen can only play with the basic techniques now.

Because refining the array uses "rules" and is the most extensive and basic thing that exists in the world, it does not have much demand for "carrier". It can be painted on the ground or on the wall. There is no problem on the body.

Zhang Shen took into account today's embarrassment when practicing in his "Yishiju", so he was well prepared.

At the beginning, it represents a circle in the cycle of everything.

Secondly, it represents six supreme and mysterious equilateral hexagons in the world.

Then, the ellipse representing the power of water.

Finally, choose the appropriate addition from thousands of techniques in your mind.

lian into an array and start!!

Zhang Shen only chose one technique - "condensation"!

Water + condensation = ice!


The surrounding temperature suddenly decreased, randomly, and the accumulated rain on the ground froze in an instant, emitting a trace of chill, with the center of refining into a formation, spreading rapidly around!

A few blinks, ten meters in radius, all frozen!

Squeak~~~ The cry of the hard-haired mouse is full of panic.

"Eleven of the broken road, thunder and lightning!!"

The cooperation between Li Jing and Zhang Shen became closer and closer. Her index finger touched the frozen ground, and a three-finger thunderbolt burst out from her fingertips and shot out along the ice, pointing directly to a bush in front of the three people.

The wet mouse became the best conductor. The next moment, Zhang Shen's ears suddenly sounded the mouse's scream, and at the same time, the pungent smell came to his face.

Taking advantage of the brief chaos of the hard-haired mouse due to sudden thunder and lightning, Zhang Shen completed a formation again.

lian into an array, start!

With the promotion and guidance of Zhang Shen's spiritual power, the surrounding complete ice layer was broken, as if controlled by several invisible big hands, rushing towards the three bushes with the most hard-haired mice.

The crushed ice is like sand, piled up on the edge of the bush and connected together.


A brain releases nearly one-tenth of the spiritual power. In an instant, the pile of broken ice condenses into one, and the surface is as smooth as a mirror!

The edge of the three bushes seemed to have an additional 20 or 30 centimeters of ice and snow wall in an instant, blocking all the hard-haired mice inside!

After the hard-haired mouse has the ability to spray stinger, it loses the flexibility of ordinary mice and can only crawl on the ground. It is not afraid of the slightly steep slope, let alone the smooth ice surface.

"Quickly, take the opportunity to leave!" Zhang Shen gasped quickly and greeted the two women to leave quickly.

All three currently lack the ability to kill in a range, and there is nothing they can do about these mice.

Wh! Wheops! Wheops!

The three of them took a few steps, and suddenly heard the sound of sharp arrows breaking through the air.

is the fallen Roge!

When Zhang Shen and the three of them were entangled by hard-haired mice, they had completed their encirclement of the three people!

Zhang Shen couldn't think and instinctively took a step forward and protected the two women behind him.

Most of the flying arrows and javelin fell on Zhang Shen, shaking the golden defense of his body surface, almost broken!

Although the golden light formed by [Guardian Jade Rune] can resist the attack, it cannot remove the impact. After the weakening of the golden light, the force brought by the flying arrows and javelin still gave Zhang Shen a huge impact, which rushed him back several steps in a row, hit Bu Lichen, and almost knocked her to the ground.

"Heart-to-heart!" Suddenly suffered a major blow, Li Jing threw all the "exerance" behind her, and the green onion appeared above her head, and more than a dozen crystal beams shot from the tip of the green onion leaves and shot in all directions.

The next moment, the screams of the fallen Rogge sounded at the same time, and the siege was directly broken.

This is the first ability of connecting hearts - taste deception!

The ultimate sour, spicy, numb, bitter and sweet, normal creatures with taste can't stand it! From the projection of the sunken demon, it can be inferred that the fallen Roge will also have a sense of taste)

Seeing that Li Jing summoned Lianxin onion, Zhang Shen sighed in his heart and summoned the abyss cannibal flower. Since the experience of "relying only on one's own ability" has been interrupted, it is meaningless to persist.

As soon as the abyss cannibal appeared on the stage, two knives fell, and a fallen long gunman and the shrub beside her were simply cut off. However, looking at her pinching her throat hard and tears and snotting her face, it was probably a relief to die like this.

Bu Lichen's fog alfalfa appeared again, and the blurred white fog could not be eliminated even by the rain that never stopped, rendering the nearby space particularly sad.

Three plants cooperated with each other, including man-eating flowers, heart green onion and fog alfalfa. In less than ten minutes, more than a dozen fallen rogues gathered were all destroyed, and the hard-haired mice had fled for a long time.

Zhang Shen and the other three completely entered the watching mode and didn't have to do it at all...

"Wow~~ Fortunately, you have added the guardian jade charm on your body, otherwise just now..." Li Jing carefully checked Zhang Shen and saw that there were no wounds. Then he was relieved. His eyes were worried and blamed, and it turned slightly red.

Bu Lichen also showed fear, and was also scared by Zhang Shen being shot by more than a dozen arrows at the same time. At this moment, he was still scared. Captain, I think you are too anxious. If it hadn't been for the guardian charm just now, I, I..." Bu Lichen suddenly felt a dullness in his chest. He couldn't say anything, and his charming big eyes also glowed with water.

"Okay, my fault, it's all my fault..." Zhang Shen was stunned by the exaggerated performance of the two women. Although I think about it now, I also have a trace of fear in my heart. However, seeing this scene, someone can't help but feel a trace of joy in his heart. Of course, he also feels quite big.

Someone is completely inexperienced in dealing with crying women or something.

"Well, in this case, let's give up the experience in the cold field for the time being."

"Well, you see, it's not safe here. We'd better leave as soon as possible." Zhang Shen once again used a half-key distraction*.

Wow~ I finally escaped!

This idea came to Zhang Shen's mind and was immediately overthrown by reality.

On the way to the buried place, Zhang Shen was ruthlessly criticized for half an hour by the two women who tacitly united...

The light suddenly lit up.

The moment they stepped out of the cold field, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, the annoying cold drizzle and eye-catching water mist disappeared!

Even if every inch of the air in the buried place is full of a faint smell of corpses, and broken bones can be seen everywhere, Zhang Shen still feels that this world is simply beautiful!

A place to bury bones!

This area is not large.

At first, this was just a huge cemetery, a place for the dead to sleep.

However, with the invasion of hell, the dead could not rest. They were infected by the breath of hell and became ugly and disgusting monsters.

The hungry dead! Skull!

These are the two main monsters in the place where the bones are buried.

Of course, there are blood birds.

A stranger entered the place where bones were buried and was stimulated by the breath of strangers. Less than five meters away from the three people, the soft ground suddenly broke a big hole, and a rotten arm poked out of it!

"Ah!!" Li Jing, who watched too many ghost films, was stunned by the "familiar" scene in front of him, let out a scream of horror, hid behind Zhang Shen, grabbed his clothes tightly, and trembled.

Clearly, many zombies, zombies, skeletons and other undead monsters have been killed, but Li Jing still has no resistance to this scene...

I clearly felt the fear of the girl behind me. Zhang San frowned, and a wisp of fine light emerged from the depths of his eyes.

"It's time to try a more difficult formation!"

[PS: I'm thinking that this book has been on the list of two new books for so long, and it is still this immortal appearance. Is it related to the title of the book?]

[PS2: Maybe it would be better to change to "The Strongest Invincible Alchemy in the History of Time Travel and Rebirth"......]

[PS3: Sell cute and ask for collection!!]