Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 15: Latis Andalil

Chapter 15: Latis Andalil

Before entering the blood wasteland, Zhang Shen and the three of them put [invisible charm] on their bodies, sprayed the medicine to remove the breath, and even carefully took the "temperature assimilation" pill (that is, it could not be found by infrared equipment), and then set off.

The blood wasteland monsters are more than ten times dense than before, and you can see all kinds of monsters wandering around in a few steps. There are not only "local" zombies, hard-haired mice, skeletons and other monsters, but also nearby fallen rogues, hungry dead and so on.

The things in the "novice gift bag" are still quite reliable. Before the rune loses its effectiveness, the three have reached the other end of the cold plain and are about to enter the stone wilderness.

"Captain, do you feel something wrong?" When the three changed the runes and added all kinds of disappearing items to their bodies again, Bu Lichen suddenly said, "Have you noticed that in the area near the buried bone, the monster level is obviously much higher, and there are many elite monsters gathered there."

Elite monsters are similar to ordinary monsters, and there is no handwriting on their forehead, but from their momentum and breath, it can be felt that they are more powerful than ordinary monsters.

"When you said that, I remembered it. It's really a little weird." Li Jing recalled for a moment and definitely nodded.

"Moreover," Bu Lichen frowned slightly and felt a little uneasy. "Look at their quiet appearance, it's like waiting to see someone..." In my memory, when his colleagues were waiting for the boss to meet, it was also that look.

Zhang Shen was stunned and said with a smile, "You think too much. The place where the bones are buried is not just a blood bird. Well, there seems to be a skeleton leader called "Bonebreaker" under the tomb... The most powerful one here is Andalil, who lives in the cathedral. If it had come here, it would have been found by the league.

The alliance can survive waves of attacks in hell, and there is still a growing trend in recent years, so it is naturally not vegetarian. For projected monsters at the level of Andalil, naturally someone monitors their movements.

Seeing what else Bu Lichen had to say, Zhang Shen interrupted her: "Okay, leave him alone. We are not here to detect the movement of monsters. It's important to save people. All right, at most, tell Kasha about this situation when you go back to the camp. In the face of Bu Lichen's aggrieved expression, Zhang Shen had no choice but to surrender.

After the replacement, the three continued to move forward quietly.

A place to bury bones.

The body is angry (zombie), Bishu (sinking demon wizard), blood bird (fallen Roge archer), bonebreaker (a skeleton holding a shield in one hand with a chain hammer in one hand), cold crow (human-shaped shooter), Lakanishu (blue-skin blade demon), tree-headed wooden fist (beast gorilla), countess (human-shaped monster), cave The reborn evil dog (bullhead monster appearance), ashes (skeleton mage), all the leader monsters in the first act gathered here!

Moreover, it can be clearly seen from the eyes and look of these monsters that they are more than just projection!

What's strange is that the alliance didn't notice it at all. Obviously, this is a long-brewed conspiracy. Andalil did not know what it would cost to avoid the sight of heaven and the alliance, allowing himself and his men to come to the first world in this special way.

Although their "level" (energy intensity) is only between projection and the split, and there is a long distance from the split, with their IQ and tens of thousands of years of experience, their combat effectiveness has increased more than tenfold!

At this moment, these monsters are all looking at somewhere quietly.

The atmosphere is full of weirdness - solemnity.

What they can see is--


She lay on the ground, sleeping or unconscious, and her face was full of pain.

Her long linen hair, from the root to the ends, is gradually dyed with a bright fiery red, like a burning hellfire. Although her facial features have not changed, they gradually give people a sense of fierceness, majesty and cruelty.

Strange lines appear on her limbs and wheat-colored skin, combining them into a mysterious pattern, emitting a breath of degeneration and destruction.

When the whole pattern was completely formed, the painful color on her face disappeared, the powerful breath spewed out, her body slowly floated slowly, and her blood-red long hair was windless and spontaneous, flying wildly, full of evil beauty.

The pattern disappeared, and Ladis opened her eyes, and her big blue eyes were full of indifference and brutality.

Now it's time to call her Andalil!

Andalil moved his limbs and felt the fresh body, and a trace of strangeness appeared in his heart. I have forgotten this feeling of youth and vitality. Once upon a time, I was not the same, and I even had a beautiful beauty...

Ha, the past... Looking at the pictures in his memory flashing by quickly, Andalil's eyes were indifferent and unmoved. From the moment she decided to throw herself into the darkness, everything had nothing to do with her.

"This body is not bad. With a degree of fusion of more than 50, it can barely exert one thousandth of its strength."

"Hateful, that damn bird man! If I hadn't been afraid of being found, how could I have merged so hurriedly! If you cultivate it in advance, you will definitely exert more than this power!" Thinking of the angel who suddenly appeared in the first world, Andalil's heart rushed up angrily, and the surging murderous intention burst out of his eyes.

"Oh, it's not good! Unexpectedly, he became so easily excited under the influence of this body..." Finding that his control of emotions had become very poor, Andariel turned his mind and understood the reason.

"That's all. Anyway, if you use it, just throw it away. You don't have to care."

With a wave, thousands of monsters on the cold field fell to the ground, and the bodies dissipated. Only one skull broke through the air and flew to the place where the bones were buried.

Thousands of skulls fell from the sky like hail, converging into a ferocious and horrible skull throne. At the moment when the throne was formed, the two eye holes in all the skulls suddenly ignited two dark red flames, which was very fening.

Andariel, who was holding Latis's body, ascended to the throne, and the blood bird and others knelt down like a jade pillar: "See you, Your Majesty Andariel!"

Andalil's eyes exploded: "Command all demons to attack the Rogge camp!"


Crossing the stone wilderness, finding the cave, entering the underground passage, and through the winding corridor, Zhang Shen and the three finally entered the destination of the trip, the dark forest where Ouyang Apocalypse was located.

Along the way, Zhang Shen also felt something wrong.

Shortly after the three people completed the replacement and continued to move forward, the monsters were like chicken blood. The speed of convergence in the direction of the blood wasteland increased significantly, and all kinds of roars were endless, and the murderous spirit was shocking.

"It seems that something strange has indeed happened in the place where the bones are buried!" However, despite this, all Zhang Shen can do is to speed up his pace and rush to the dark forest faster.

Avoiding the converging monster group, Zhang Shen came to a rock wall.

The dark forest is surrounded by towering rocky mountains on three sides and connected to the black wasteland.

"Let's look for it separately, which is faster." Li Jing felt a lot of pressure from the turbulent monsters, hoping to return to Rogge Camp as soon as possible and inform Akara and others of the abnormal situation of the buried land.

The three looked at each other and nodded: "Be careful, everyone. Everything is safe!"

Zhang Shen went deep into the forest and let Li Chen and Li Jing look under the rock walls on both sides.

The ground of the dark forest is covered with thick deciduous and dead branches, emitting a rotten smell. Tall trees block most of the light. Even if Zhang Shen has excellent eyesight, he can only barely see a ten-meter radius.

In the dense forest, there are thorns, shrubs and old vines full of spikes, and the branches are tangled, which is very annoying.

Perhaps, the only thing to be fortunate is that there are not many small insects like spiders, mosquitoes, centipedes, caterpillars and so on in this forest. You know, someone is the most disgusting thing.

Avoid the monsters that come out from time to time and appear in sight, Zhang Shen moves forward carefully, looking around, and does not let go of every place that may be hidden.

Forty and fifty minutes later, Zhang Shen, who still got nothing, received a summons from Li Jing.

Ouyang Apocalypse, found it!

Zhang Shen was overjoyed and replied with a piece of information that made Li Jing pay attention to the hidden, and quickly walked towards the mountain rock.

When he arrived, Bu Lichen had arrived for several minutes. The three of them hid under a rock wall, and the dense old vines fell down, covering them tightly and could not be seen from the outside.

Ouyang Tianqi has woke up, poured a large number of medicine and elixir, sitting on the ground, with five hearts facing the sky, running the Zhenyuan scattered in his body, and recovering himself.

Seeing Zhang Shen's arrival, Ouyang Tianqi's poker face pulled a strange smile: "Thank you!"

The corners of Zhang Shen's mouth twitched: "Forget it, you'd better not laugh. It's really panicked."

The corners of Ouyang Tianqi's eyes jumped, his head was full of black lines, but his heart was warm, and his ten-thousand-year-old ice-like heart quietly thawed a lot. His eyes swept over the faces of Zhang Shen, Li Jing and Bu Lichen, as if to put the appearance of the three people deep into his mind.

This feeling of trust has not been felt for a long time since the old man died.

When Ouyang Tianqi operated Zhenyuan to heal his wounds, Zhang Shen told him what he had seen on the road and asked him to refer to it.

Ouyang Tianqi pondered for a moment and did not answer, but told his experience.

"After Andalil was knocked down, he was resurrected in an instant?"

"And have wisdom?"

The three suddenly exclaimed and looked at each other in connouries, and they didn't know what to say for a moment.

"This attack of the hell demon is not simple... The Rogge camp is difficult~~" For a long time, Bu Lichen sighed and looked worried.

It has only been a few days since everyone arrived in this world. Naturally, it is hard to say how deep they have feelings for Rogge Camp, but everyone knows that if Rogge Camp is broken, their guards will not be much better.

Even if the possible punishment of the plane heaven and great will is put aside, hell demons such as Andalil will never let go of themselves as defenders! You know, the guards beat them in the nest of hell and didn't dare to rise up. Now there is a chance not to revenge. Is it possible?

Even if you don't have time to take action in person, you will launch a demon attack under your command.

Without the logistics base, Zhang Shen and others can survive for a few days?

Li Jing, the thickest nerve, couldn't help sighing and complaining about his shit luck.

Ouyang Tianqi gathered most of the scattered Zhenyuan into Dantian, ended the operation, and said in a low voice, "Don't worry too much. The human race in this world can survive under the power of angels and demons for so long. There will be no shortage of cards. We just need to do what we can do best."

Looking at the surrounding environment, a blue portal opened.

Opposite is the wall of Rogge Camp.

[PS: Just kidding, the flower girl can never be a stingy man!!]