Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 24: Spider Rebellion

Chapter 24: Spider Rebellion

"What a heavy evil spirit!" Li Jing suddenly sucked his nose and frowned.

Opening the door, everything outside the door made the four people extremely stunned.

"A lot of spiders!" Both women instinctively showed uncomfortable expressions.

"Orak!" Ouyang Tianqi spit out a few words, and suddenly rushed forward. The rotten sword cut an Olak hidden behind the door and wanted to jump over into two pieces, and the dark green smelly body fluid splashed everywhere.

There are also several domestic cats to dog-sized Orak in the courtyard. Six long black-brown legs move quickly, while the front two pointed white and knife-like legs are constantly waving and piercing several people.

"Let me do it!" Bu Lichen stepped forward a few steps, and a light red flame ignited on the wooden knife.

She has integrated the [basic knife skill (fight)]. The wooden knife split one Orak from it, and then took advantage of the rest of the situation to cut off the other Orak. Finally, her body rotated slightly. The flame on the wooden knife broke through the air, turning into a blade chopping, and suddenly jumped up and rushed over. Aurak fell to the ground, struggled a few times, and died.

"The fifth of the broken road, the storm!" Several Aurac jumped up and rushed to Bu Lichen, who was full of breath, but they just hit the storm formed by Li Jing, which was swept down by the strong wind and hit the wall of the courtyard.

The effect of breaking the fifth road is to form a strong storm to stop the enemy, which is not lethal. These tenacious spiders struggled a few times and drag their scarred bodies to rush over again.

However, another [Flame Chopping] derived from [Flame Fist] greeted them and completely killed them.

"It's a big trouble." Walking out of the courtyard and looking around, Zhang Shen's face was pale.

In the sight, a large number of Orak appeared in Rogge Camp. The small one is the size of the fist, and the big one is tall!

There are three or five groups of Rogge forming a team to fight against the raging Orak, but more of these ugly monsters waving a pair of sharp forelimbs, rushing into the house of professional families and killing them wantonly.

The civilians hiding in the house used various objects to block all the gaps, but in the face of the impact and tearing of the huge Olaks, the thin door panels and windows were quickly pulled to pieces.

Blood, crying, screaming, fear and despair filled the four people's audio-visual.

"Damn spider!" Zhang Shen clenched his teeth, waved his hand, and several pieces of paper fell to the ground.

lian into an array, start!

Dozens of ground thorns drilled out of the ground, right in the middle of Orak's fat abdomen, straight through, stringing them on the ground thorns.

At the same time, a wall of earth rises to block the door of the house, so that ordinary people hiding in the house are not harmed by spiders.

"Go to Akara's tent!" Ouyang Tianqi stayed on one side, and the spiders in the future cut down and said coldly.

Starting several refining arrays again, Zhang Shen rubbed his eyebrows: "There are still hundreds of sheets of paper in my room. Can you still put anything in your shrinking hand towel? I can't finish it."

"How much can be installed."

The four returned to the room and took turns stuffing bundles of leather paper into their shrinking hand towels until they couldn't put them down. However, leather paper is too space-occupied and very heavy (shrinkable hand towels can be reduced and reduce most of the weight, but there are restrictions). Four hand towels are all full, and there are still more than 100 left.

Zhang Shen put another bag and carried it by himself. There is still a leather mountain.


"Have you noticed that these spiders don't seem to have killed many people?" On the way, Bu Lichen pointed out an incredible phenomenon, "Even if you rush into the room, the parts attacked by those spiders are mostly limbs and other parts."

As the four people marched towards Akala's small tent, they killed the spiders in front of them. At the same time, they also killed many spiders that broke into the house and saved the families of many professionals.

Zhang Shen recalled the scene he saw when he rushed into the room and found that it was true. Maybe this kind of monster attack method called Orak is just like this.

"No! Orak also knows how to attack the key points. Ouyang Tianqi, the only one who fought with Orak, denied this claim.

"So, these spiders are only used to create riots and hide people's ears?" Li Jing released a storm again, blowing away several approaching spiders.

"It's a big trouble." Zhang Shen muttered.

These spiders absolutely have nothing to do with the "spider woman" Andalil. Now they spend such a big price just to create disturbances to distract attention. What big conspiracy does she have? line............

When a huge Orak appeared in Rogge camp out of nothing, Kasha and others got the news at the first time.

At this time, the stinky crows in the sky were almost dead, and Akara and his other people breathed a sigh of relief. Hearing the news, especially the scene in the camp through magic mirrors, the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

"This is Andariel's strategy. She wants to use this group of Orak to disperse our troops!"

"When professionals in the camp see their families being attacked, they will definitely weaken their fighting power because of anxiety."

"This is a terrible conspiracy. We must destroy Orak who enters the camp as soon as possible. The longer it takes, the more unfavorable it will be for us!"

"Because of our usual propaganda, most civilians can still keep calm now. Once it is delayed for a long time, they are likely to panic and run around. At that time, the whole camp will fall into chaos and completely collapse."

"But we must ensure that the power to defend the city will not be dispersed, otherwise the gate will be broken and everything will be over."


Akara and several people discussed quickly for a while and issued orders with difficulty.

"Side the mages sitting in the Mage Association, the professionals who have not yet taken formal risks, and the Roge soldiers who are still in training, and let them do their best to destroy the demons who break into the camp!"

"The troops defending the city can't be moved. Kasha, you should rush there immediately. Don't let Andariel have a opportunity!"

A few orders came out, and everyone looked different.

Obviously, the alliance would rather sacrifice some civilians than ensure the safety of the whole camp.

Who can't be wrong about this kind of order? After all, there is no end under the nest. If the camp is broken, everything is over.

"I'm against it!" Chasi squeezed his lips, his face turned white, and looked stubborn and resolute.

"Don't mess around, Chucky." Akara seemed to be ten years old in an instant, and her tone was rarely harsh.

Hey~~ Kane sage, Farah and others sighed secretly and felt guilty.

"I also object!" Kasha's voice sounded, sonorous and powerful.

"I'm not naughty, Grandma Akara!" In the face of Akara's rebuking and surprised eyes, Kasha looked calm and firm, "I think we should send out all the runes and stone cannons, and at the same time dismiss all the Rogge and professionals except the necessary garrison to destroy Orak in the camp!"

Is there a rune cannon? Now? Are you sure you're not kidding?

There was an uproar in the tent, and a series of doubts and questions emerged.

"Fu Stone Cannon", as you know from the name, this is another product of the crooked technology tree, and it is the real card of the alliance. It can't be easily shown to others, and it is only allowed to be used when life and death are at stake.

"The situation is urgent and the time is urgent. I just put forward my own opinions." Kasha didn't mean to explain, but looked at Akara calmly: "How about it? You decide."

Akara looked at each other and smiled with relief.

"We believe in you, Cassia."

Kaxia's tall and straight body trembled slightly and turned away: "I'm going to carry out the order."

On the way to the Akala tent, the four met Yi Chao, who was chasing Orak alone.

He danced a huge sword with both hands. Even Olak, who was tall, could not withstand Yi Chao's heavy beheading. At the same time, he was covered with a light brown air mask, which was a protective air mask naturally formed after his cultivated "rock war spirit" reached a certain level. Monsters of Orak could not be pierced even if they stood and let it pierced.

A sword cut Olak who wanted to escape in half, and Yi Chao came over to greet the four people.

"What about Captain Blue?"

"These broken spiders are very weak, so we separated." Yi Chao put down the huge sword on his shoulder, and the tip of the sword fell to the ground. A small pit suddenly appeared, and several cracks spread around, which shocked Zhang Shen.

"This sword must be very heavy, right?" Li Jing came forward curiously and stretched out her finger to stroke it after obtaining Yi Chao's consent. She only felt a gloomy cold air went straight into the bone marrow through her skin, which made her couldn't help shiver.

"Made of ten thousand years of deep sea sinking iron, weighing 188 catties." The corners of Yi Chao's mouth evoked a proud curvature.

Awesome! The four people stretched out their thumbs one after another and did not hesitate to admire themselves.

Especially thinking that Yi Chao can use such a heavy giant sword to achieve two halves of a sword, the control is really admirable.

"You boy, you are in the present treasure again." A familiar voice sounded.

Ding! Da Da Da!

Then, the sound of the extremely familiar machine gun shooting came, and at the same time came the dying cry of Orak.

Zhuang Bufan came out of an alley and added a shuttle bullet to several Oraks to confirm that the latter was no longer alive before he greeted everyone.

Zhang Shen is a little dumbfounded. Under the rules of the dark world, guns can still be used?!

Shouldn't this thing explode as soon as it is taken out?

The doubts of several people were clearly written on their faces. Zhuang Busan smiled and put the machine gun across his chest. Then Zhang Shen suddenly realized.

That "machine gun" is not what you saw in the movie at all.

Or, except for the same shape and sound.

This is a gun made of special stones, painted with strange symbols, without clips and some fragments, simple, violent and heavy.

In short, this thing is of the same nature as the crossbow car on the city wall, and it is a prop for cultivating civilization. The reason for making this appearance is purely an extraordinary personal hobby.

"Cut, say me, you're not the same." Zhuang Fufan stole his limelight, and Yi Chao punched him with a smile.

"What, where do you think you plan to go?" After a while, Yi Chao asked.

"Go to Akara's tent." After looking around and confirming that there were no "locals", Zhang Shen said his guess, "I'm afraid that there will be big trouble in the Rogge camp. In case, I mean, in case the defense of the camp collapses, it will be safer to follow the senior management of the alliance."

"What about you?"

After listening to it, Yi Chao and Zhuang Butfan may be confident in their own strength. Although they were a little surprised, they didn't pay much attention to it.

"We? We are scoring."

"Kill these big spiders that break into the camp and run around, the plane will of this world will definitely remember our good."


[PS: I'm out today and can't code words]