Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 28: On the importance of grabbing people's heads

Chapter 28: On the importance of grabbing people's heads

Andal is surrounded by Frannie, Ryan and Xu Ping.

Casha was going to meet the "senior" in person for a while, but at the request of Frannie, she thought about it and agreed. However, it is unknown whether she did this because she wanted to use Andalil's hand to hit or even kill someone.

Frannie, dressed as a woman, emits a holy white light, but the holiness vaguely reveals a faint and depraved atmosphere.

"blasphemy nuns"! This is the power inheritance she chose.

Ren's mind moved, a large number of parts came out of the storage equipment, and then flew towards Rennes as if they had touched the steel of a magnet, landed on him, and assembled into a crude steel armor. Then, his heart was full of light, and a little spiritual light gushed out of it. In an instant, the simple steel armor seemed to have a soul, emitting a strong and unique breath.

Xu Ping was just an "alectary". Frannie didn't want him to participate in the war, but only let him stand aside to prevent Andariel from escaping. He didn't say anything, but silently operated the internal forces in his body and was always on guard.

Rain kicked his feet and raised his steel fist as big as the casserole and bombarded it towards Andariel.

Andalil's body remained motionless, and two tentacles on his back suddenly stabbed out, blocking Ryan's fist. At the same time, another touch came out with the roar, stabbing into the cracks in the steel armor.

When! There was an invisible shield on the surface of the armor, which collided with the tentacles and made a strange metal sound.

Frannie took action.

She shook her body, and dozens of lifelike Frannies rushed to Andalil in a holy aura.

Andal, who had not moved, put his hands to his chest, and a dark green poisonous fog spewed out, like a turbulent torrent sweeping away many Frannies, drowning them all.

This poisonous fog is surprisingly toxic, some scattered on the ground, and the solid ground suddenly silently eroded a piece.

The white light suddenly rose, and a human figure rushed out, and a light wheel was released from her hand, covering Andalil. The latter's last touch suddenly popped out, but ignored the light wheel and human figure and pricked somewhere in the poisonous fog.

The holy sound suddenly rose, the white light was shining, and the poisonous fog dissipated in an instant, revealing Frannie's posture. Behind her, the holy light gathered into a halo, which was endless. A gentle smile appeared on her face, and her eyes were full of pity, as if the saint had felt the suffering of the world and came to the mortal world.

In the face of Andariel's attack, she stretched out her hand and met him. The bright and bright fleshy palm actually grabbed the tentacles, and then gently folded, with a "crip" sound, and the horny thorn at the top of the foot immediately broke.

Andalil's eyes turned, and the three touches that attacked Ryan suddenly exerted force, forcing the latter back a few steps. Then, she opened her mouth and showed her sharp teeth. Inhale and breathe out, a colorful poisonous fog dragon rushed to Frannie. At the same time, a green map suddenly appeared under her, covering the three people including Xu Ping.

The three suddenly became green people, and the violent toxins spread crazily, eroding their protective holy light/internal force/spiritual light, and the speed was amazing. This move is Andarial's specialty - a highly toxic new star.

Xu Ping immediately changed color and tried his best to mobilize his internal strength to thicken the body defense shield. At the same time, several kinds of elixirs, potions, treasures, etc. for detoxification appeared in his hand. Ryan also thought about it. The helmet with his original face flowed and put down a mask.

Only Frannie was not surprised and smiled, and two arms grew under her armpits!

No, it's a touch! Mini tentacles exactly like Andalil!

The pair of tentacles grew out, and Frannie's temperament suddenly changed. The original holiness disappeared, and the aura behind her was like mud, emitting a depravity, decay and evil smell all over her body, and her eyebrows showed the meaning of **, * into the bone.

As soon as the arm's long tentacles appeared, a "poisonous new star" array also appeared at Frannie's feet.

In an instant, the colorful poisonous dragon and green poisonous released by Andalil threw themselves into Frannie's arms without hesitation, and the latter's cheeks were flushed, moaning red and extremely satisfied.

The tentacles under her armpits were shrouded in green and black light, and then turned into a pair of female arms tattooed with spider patterns.

"Ge, Andalil, thank you very much, otherwise how could I become [archbishop] so soon?"

"In order to express my gratitude, how about you accept this gift called 'death'?"

Rennes, who has been with her partner for a long time, knew the next movement when her tentacles turned into arms. The steel armor on her body squirmed strangely, and dozens of jets emerged from her shoulders, chest, arms and head, in which the inspiration flashed.

Puff! Puff!

In the strange spray, hundreds of peanut-sized spiritual bullets shot out of the mouth, like rainstorm and hail from the sky, covering Andalil's whole body.

Andalil's eyes turned strangely around his eyes, and his body suddenly appeared with a layer of crystal venom, and then suddenly went out, turning into a crystal light green defense mask.

Rennes's spiritual bullet fell on it, as if it were water droplets falling on the lake, rippled in circles, but could not be broken.

In the blink of an eye, Rennes's steel armor released tens of thousands of spiritual bullets, but it was useless except to make the ripples on the defense shield more denser and messy.

Rain didn't care, and the rainstorm composed of spirit bombs was still the same, suppressing Andarier so that he could not move,

Frannie [Archbishop]'s advancement is completed, and the meaning of ** between her eyebrows and eyes is stronger, and every smile has the ability of seductive depravity.

She held her fists and put them on her chest to pray. Then, she appeared both holiness and depravity, dark and white breaths and two kinds of light. Under her control, the black and white light was tightly wrapped and turned into a spiral gun.

The long gun came in an instant and stuck on the defensive shield of Andariel.

A small hole appeared, getting bigger and bigger. In the end, the defense shield offset each other with this spiral gun and died together.

The bullet came to my face.

Andalil was forced to break his two tentacles, and his face showed pain.

The tentacle broke and turned into two illusory big spiders, facing Frannie and Ryan respectively.

He faced Ryan's big spider mouthpiece and made an inhaling action. Suddenly, all the spiritual bullets were swallowed up by it. Even Ryan himself was sucked by the strong suction, and the spiritual light on his body began to tremble violently, as if there was a tendency to leave the body.

Ren's look changed dramatically, and when he bit his teeth, he used his own damaging moves to extract the original spirit of [Rule] and strengthen the defense. As soon as the original spirit came out, it was as strong as a rock. However, the price was that [Fu Ling] fell straight down from 67% of the growth period to 8%, and almost fell back to childhood!

This discovery made Ryan's heart almost die, and his eyes looking at Andalil also began to be stained with fierceness and hatred.

As soon as the murderous intention came out, a strange launcher came out of his chest.

"Dinductive light wave, launch!"

shouted the slogan of the (shame) martial arts (shame), and a spiral ripples came out with the sound of "beep". After smashing the illusory spider, the remaining power was not exhausted, leaving a blood hole on the left rib of Andalil.

On the other side, it is much easier for Frannie to solve the illusory spider, with charming eyes, red lips opening and closing, making strange sound waves. After hearing this, the illusory spider turned into a strange look of longing, and then turned into a clay doll with a "puff" and was put into Frannie's hand.

However, this move was probably not easy. After subduing the illusory spider, she did not launch an attack immediately. Instead, she poured a few bottles of medicine into her mouth. Then she breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Andalil's eyes, which began to show the pity of the winner.

After Rennes injured Andalil with a "moving light wave", two spiritual light ropes spewed out from the launcher, tying the two remaining tentacles behind it with both hands.

Andalil was completely exhausted and spewed poison fog again. There is no doubt that it can only be given to Flanie as a tonic. And Frannie received its "gift" and gave it back rudely.

With a muffled hum of pain, Andalil's last two tentacles were torn and absorbed by Frannie, with a satisfied face.

After Rennes again launched several spiritual light ropes to firmly bind Andariel, he also painfully checked his [Rule].

The sudden change!

Xu Ping suddenly moved!

He condensed most of the internal force in his body on the acupuncture points of his legs, urged "floating steps", suddenly launched a charge, and appeared in front of Andalil, who lost his ability to resist in the blink of an eye.

Frannie and Ryan had not yet reacted. Xu Ping turned his palm into a knife, regardless of the original loss, and urged Dantian's internal strength to cut down with one palm!


Blood is like a fountain, splashing everywhere.

Andalil is separated!

There was a trace of confusion in Xu Ping's eyes, and then he was shrouded in fierceness and violence, and the blood spread and flashed away.

The two were stunned. No one expected that Xu Ping would run out to "grab people's heads" at this juncture and lose his voice for a moment.

Immediately, Frannie reacted and was furious. Her charming eyes were covered with murderousness and punched Xu Ping.

This punch is a blow of Franny's anger. With Xu Ping's unfighting yin and yang acacia internal force and half-hearted "illusional steps", he can't resist it at all. Even if he doesn't die by chance, he will be seriously injured and completely become a useless person!

Wreen's "moving light wave" shot out again, but the target was Frannie's fist, and because he did not shout the slogan of "shame" martial arts (shame), the power was very weak.

The weakened version of the "moving light wave" offset most of the power. Xu Ping was hit with one palm and spewed out a mouthful of blood. The visceral fragments were faintly visible, and he was immediately seriously injured.

However, with the help of this punch, he flew back dozens of meters, and then did not hesitate to burn Dantian's internal strength. While spitting blood, he rushed in the direction of the city gate, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Frannie, who was about to roar at Ryan, was dumbfounded.

Ryan, who was ready to bear Frannie's roar, was also dumbfounded.

What's wrong with him??!

[PS: When you saw this chapter, Eleven was on the train]