Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 2: The Gate of Truth

Chapter 2: The Gate of Truth

The task released by the Great Will is to "preserving the fire of human civilization", but to what extent does it need to be done to preserve the fire of human civilization?

Is it necessary to ensure the survival of hundreds of healthy men and women with fertility, and at the same time retain the data stored with human civilization, and finally give it to them, even if it retains the fire of human civilization??

Or, like in mythical stories, as long as there is a man and a woman, let them keep having sex to create a nation?


This profound philosophical question, no one dares to say that their answer is correct.

However, at least, most people present think that what today's Earth coalition government is doing is unkind.

From the memory of more than a dozen Manhattan people, people learned that at the G8 summit two years ago, the government adopted a plan called "Ark" to secretly build ten giant arks to survive the doomsday disaster.

Where are these ten arks? What does it look like? How many people can a ship carry? ......

According to the spokesman of the coalition government, each ark can accommodate 5 million people. At the same time, the government guarantees that most of the people who can board the ship are citizens who have been scientifically tested with healthy and excellent genes... Therefore, the government hopes that everyone will not be excited, remain calm, and show human dignity in the face of natural disasters. , let the world see the positive energy cloud of human beings~~

Who did you lie to?!

If you have a little common sense, you won't believe that a broken ship can hold five million people! You think it's stuffed with corpses!


However, many people believe it!

Or self-deception and self-anesthesia.

The bloody suppression of force, the fear of chaos, the nostalgia for life... and so on, these complex emotions are intertwined. Nowadays, many people have "restored" their "normal" "life"...

Especially in the Qing Dynasty, which has thousands of years of excellent Shunmin tradition (we don't even need the word Tian Dynasty, who can harmonize me, hehe), ordinary towns have long returned to calm. Even big cities have temporarily become smooth under the strict patrol of military and police...

However, in the United States, where people are used to demonstrations, these unruly people are naturally not so easy to talk about, and confrontation with the government has been carved into the bones of these guys. Almost every second, violent clashes between citizens and military police are occurring in American cities.

For this reason, not long ago, the coalition government made an absurd decision -

Quarantine belt!

Yes, just like the Berlin Wall between East and Germany, the government used tall blocks to encircle the living areas, and there are army patrolling outside, prohibiting residents from entering and leaving at will!

At the same time, in order to appease the emotions of the police, soldiers and other armed personnel so that they can "work" attentively (which is more like provoking opposition in the eyes of Zhang Shen and others), their families and relatives are taken out and live in a specially circled area, so that they have no "worry".

If such a terrible thing is before the doomsday news spreads, it will certainly trigger a lot of messy things such as "strong condemnation" from people around the world and "severe protest" and "urge" from governments. But now, everyone is in a lot of debt and can't handle their own affairs. Who is in the mood to mind your business?

It is precisely because of the establishment of the isolation belt that Zhang Shen and others saw this extremely desolate and dead scene in Manhattan.

However, the more severe the suppression of the upper class, the stronger the resistance at the bottom. More than a dozen people captured by the guards slipped out of the quarantine area. Some of them are to find supplies, but most of them are to come out to attack the soldiers and policemen on patrol, and there are even two areas where the families of officers and soldiers live and throw homemade bombs into them...

After freeing these dozen people who became stupid because they hurt their brains, everyone found a wide place to discuss the follow-up.

The huge venue was a little noisy because it was stuffed with more than 200 people.

Maybe with extraordinary power, everyone instinctively releases their breath and speaks according to their strength.

All 220 people, there are no super strong people in the "law" realm, among which there are 23 strong people in the "spirit" realm, 65 people in the "extraordinary" realm, 21 people who do not enter the stream, and the remaining 113 people are in the "fan" realm.

By the way, Ouyang Tianqi has broken through the "fan" world and become a member of the "extraordinary" world.

Even if it is the same "spiritual" realm, there is a difference between strength and weakness.

After a brief breath contact, the strongest seven people were acquiesced to be the commanders of this emergency mission.

Coincidentally, there is exactly one for each of the seven continents. They are Longtao in Yanhuang, Jin Sanshan in South Asia, Musk Nuya in Africa, Bideric in South America, Sam in North America, Scanov in Europe, and Muhammer in Central Asia.

Most of the people who come to this world are in team mode, and there are very few scattered people. Therefore, Long Tao and others discussed a few words and asked each team to send one person, while the scattered people selected three, and then these people tentatively agreed on the next move together.

Zhang Shen's four-person team sent Ouyang Tianqi.

In the boundary, Long Tao and others discussed the follow-up action plan enthusiastically and seriously, and the other side was equally enthusiastic and noisy.

I don't even know who took the lead in starting on-site trading, and then it simply became a temporary trading place.

Everyone knows that this task must be full of crises. In order to get more survival chips, everyone will take out things that are temporarily un important in exchange, hoping to exchange them for props that are beneficial to them.

Zhang Shen and Bu Lichen and Li Jing walked around the stalls and saw them very enthusiastically. Unfortunately, this is a material exchange, and the common points of several people are all used to exchange power inheritance and related things. Even other props are low-level goods in the "Newcomer's gift bag" and no one wants them at all.

In fact, it's not just Zhang Shen. Since most of the people who come to this world are newcomers, everyone has little money to buy props that are temporarily unusable, and they can only wander around like Zhang Shen and enjoy their eyes.

In the process of "shopping", Zhang Shen found a very crazy guy.

It was a young man in a suit and leather shoes, combing his hair, and waxing on his head. There is only one thing in front of him, which is a very common silver metal password box. However, there are five big words floating on the metal box -

Nuclear bomb controller!!

Damn it, do you know your family like this??!

Five words blinded everyone's dog's eyes, and he was immediately worshipped by the surrounding. From the excited talk of others, Zhang Shen knew his name - Tang Tian! Pay tribute to the arms maniacs of pure technology flow. Friends who like infinite flow should have seen it)

At first, some people didn't believe it, but when the guards "seniors" came this way and greeted Tang Tian with a smile, everyone's eyes suddenly changed.

Tang Tian is a big celebrity in the Guardian Space. He is a scattered person, insisting on taking the science and technology side route, and has experienced more than a dozen mission worlds, and no one knows his real strength. Although he himself is only a "world", it is said that if he is full of firepower, it is enough to completely destroy the real earth in just one hour.

"Damn it, Tang Tian, what are you doing with a nuclear warhead? Are you really going to exchange it?"

"Don, you're not just trying to show up, are you?"

"Don, are you interested in joining our sect?"

"Tang, you'd better put away such a dangerous item."

"A local tycoon, let's make friends."

"We are still good friends if you don't mess up so much."

"I will warm the bed and ask for care."

In the face of everyone's ridicule, conversation and ridicule, Tang Tian sat on his pony and smiled slightly proudly.

"Don't forget that the traitor has left a backhand in this world. You are so conspicuous, be careful to be the first to be found..." From the conversation of the dragon sets, Zhang Shen knew that this guy liked to be in the limelight, but he still did not expect that he was still like this at this time, and he suddenly thought without malice.

In addition to Tang Tian, a guy who took the opportunity to show off, Zhang Shen saw something that moved him very much in the process of his addiction.

The door of truth!

For anyone who wants to become a powerful alchemist, the "Gate of Truth" is an indispensable prop.

The operation of alchemy is based on the application and analysis of the laws of the world. However, in different worlds, the laws are similar or even very different. In this world, the magic that can operate perfectly to another world may not be started at all or even become very strange and dangerous.

If there is no gate of truth, the alchemist must first spend a lot of time familiarizing himself with the basic rules of the world and modify the original formula, which is very troublesome.

And what if there is a fierce battle as soon as you enter that world?

A thunder and lightning came over. Originally, it was intended to create an ice wall to block it, but it turned into water... The consequences can be imagined.

But with the door of truth, it will be different.

"Gate of Truth", just like its name, contains a lot of "truth" - that is, the rules of the world.

Summons the Gate of Truth, which can distort the rules of the world on a small scale, ignore the rules of the world, and directly follow the rules you are familiar with... Because of this ability, it is also known as the Gate of Pseudo-Field.

In addition, it also has the functions of "increase" and "analysis".

The "increase" is easy to understand. As for "analysis", it plays a function such as a microscope, which enlarges the operating rules hidden in the world's performance and shows them to the alchemists clearly, so as to adjust their own style in the shortest time and adapt to the rules of the world to avoid using alchemy. Now there is a big oolong.

The man who took out the door of truth in exchange was a middle-aged man with a beard on his face, with naturally curly gray hair, and looked like Pavarotti, a famous musician in Zhang Shen's memory.

What is even more valuable is that his door of truth is still "blank" and has not yet imprinted any truth.

Zhang Shen has seen a blank door of truth on the exchange list of the great will, which requires the world to contribute 1,000 general points and 60,000, which is frighteningly expensive. Even the pure refining method of the Gate of Truth requires the world to contribute 400 common points and 10,000, detering Zhang. (" The knowledge of the gate of truth in the alchemy collection is the cognition of it in the steel world. Naturally, there is no such "high-end" thing as refining methods.

"This friend, I think you are also an alchemist. Why, are you very interested in my Gate of Truth?" Zhang Shen, who stared at the door of truth, smiled and said, "As long as you can take out the items containing enough vitality, it will belong to you, how about it?"