Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 5: Cruelty [Ask for all kinds of support]

Chapter 5: Cruel

A few hours later, the painting bune came near *.

Because it gathers the vast majority of rich people, politicians and other high-level figures in the world, as well as famous scientists, artists, writers and other elite human beings, the defense is unbelievable.

The roof of each high-rise building has been transformed into a landing platform that can park helicopter fighters, and even see air defense devices like turrets on it. In the sky, there are actually several early warning machines that defend a large area around them. If it hadn't been for the fact that the painting boat did not come from the civilization of science and technology, and it was also a very advanced spiritual weapon, I'm afraid it would be scanned by dense radio waves.

In addition to a large number of luxury cruise ships, there are many small destroyers, defense boats and even warships armed with teeth on the Little River, the Potomac River and several waterways. On the Atlantic sea near the naval shipyard, a whole aircraft carrier formation is on standby, and all weapons are ready to go. It can be imagined that once the existence of the painting is exposed, more than 200 people such as Zhang Shen are definitely a stormy blow except for weapons with a wide range of impact such as nuclear bombs.

On the wide street, the flow of people is like weaving water, and in the dense flow of people, in addition to the heavily armed soldiers, there are also a large number of armed casual clothes hidden in it, a pair of sharp eyes, always paying attention to the surrounding movement.

* All the scenes on the surface are displayed in front of the people on the ship through the "viewing mirror" on the boat.

Looking at the strict and terrible gunfire on the light screen, except for 23 strong people in the "spiritual" who have completely transcended the boundaries of "mortals", everyone else's faces have become ugly and their fear quietly emerged.

Upstairs, Long Tao and others also frowned.

"Ordinary places are so strict, not to mention the Pentagon and the White House, it must be more troublesome." As a member of the United States in the real world, Sam knows that these places are not so easy to make progress.

"Hmm, the appearance is bright, but it's just a paper tiger, and it will be broken with a poke." Jin Sanqi sneered a few times, and his fat face trembled. "No matter how powerful their weapons are, they are just mortal. Is it possible that they can turn the world upside down?"

"In the light of the great God, we are omnipotent. *, how can we stop our footsteps? Muhammer raised his thick eyebrows and had a murderous intention in his eyes.

Musk Nuya, a sexy black beauty who weaves her black hair into small braids, smiled and showed her snow-white teeth: "I heard that the president of the United States in this world is a black man. I am very interested in him."

Bedrick glanced at Sam and laughed strangely: "Every time I enter this world, it's fucking cool to play with those so-called high-level officials in the palm of my hand, quack."

In the real world, people in these areas, especially the people at the bottom, have a kind of hostility to the United States that "can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour", and most of the people in society who can live more moistly in the space are also middle and low-level people in society. This mentality is naturally brought to the space by them, so they can chop Sam at this time. Everyone is happy to see it come true.

Sam was robbed one after another, and the corners of his eyes flashed coldly, snorted coldly, and simply stopped talking.

"All right, the rest will act according to the opportunity and land first." Long Tao scratched a smile at the bottom of his eyes and came out to make the scene come true.

"A group of turtles, you will look good at that time." Sam pulled the corners of his mouth with a smile, and the depths of his pupils condensed.

With a large number of spell prohibitions such as "invisible", "heat-sensing detection", "suspension", "converging" and "virtualization" and other functions, the painting slowly landed and landed on the river not far from the Little River to Theodore Roosevelt Island.

Theodore Roosevelt Island is a small island, or a small continent located in the Little River. It changed its name in memory of Roosevelt, with the famous John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and the Theodore Roosevelt Monument. To the east of the island, across the river, is a "world-famous" building - the Watergate Building.

From the perspective of the painting, this island is not as many buildings as in other areas, but at the same time, it also has the characteristics of dense crowds, which is conducive to people's infiltration.

After leaving the painting, Zhang Shen and others, who were blessed with "floating", "feather falling" and "invisible" and other techniques, under the leadership of Long Tao and others, touched the river to Theodore Roosevelt Island.

Theodore Roosevelt Island is not a living area, but more like a leisure area. At this time, the people who appear on it mainly come out to relax. After all, * is so big, and so many people are stuffed in at once, of course, life is inconvenient.

What's more, it is no exaggeration to say that those who are qualified to enter * during this period are usually superiors in their own countries and regions. When they suddenly meet so many people who need to treat each other equally, they naturally feel a little uncomfortable.

Zhang Shen came to the shore from a river beach, where there were many people walking, chatting, resting, fishing, etc. Zhang Shen, who was invisible, tipped to the shore, climbed over several obstacles, looked around for a while, got into a quite beautiful public toilet, changed his dress, and showed his travel trail again.

So, a standard American with deep eyes and a high nose appeared out of thin air.

"Well, my name is Walter." He straightened his clothes in front of the hand-washing mirror and walked out of the public toilet with satisfaction.

He casually found a bench and sat down, crushing a stone without a trace.

Not long after, a man and two women walked here, and it was Bu Lichen, Li Jing, Ouyang Tianqi.

However, they are now called "Mannia", "Dania" and "Wood" respectively.

Bu Lichen and Li Jing, Zhang Shen and Ouyang Tianqi, like strangers they met for the first time, talked clumsily.

"Great weather, isn't it?"

"Well, it's a pleasant weather."

On the surface, two groups of four people were talking about inexplicable gossip, but secretly communicated through a small prop on their bodies.

"Do you feel like being targeted?"

"No, it should not have attracted the attention of those casual clothes." Even in this leisure place, there are still a large number of casual clothes mixed in it, monitoring the surroundings almost all the moment, paying attention to all kinds of suspicious people and things to prevent any accidents.

"Our destination is the Lincoln Memorial." After confirming that the four of them did not attract the attention of plain clothes mixed in the crowd, Zhang Shen said solemnly, "Howell, the third leader of Canada, and the number one leader of two other small countries are there. This is a good opportunity to start."

After consensus, the first step for defenders is to control the leaders of most countries in the world to facilitate various actions after that.

The previous "scan" on the painting, * the hiding place of the leaders of various countries was initially identified, and Zhang Shen's four-person team was arranged to deal with the three bigwigs in the Lincoln Memorial.

The four of Zhang Shen are at the northern end of Theodore Roosevelt Island. If they want to reach the Lincoln Memorial in a normal way, they must first enter George Avenue through a road connected to land, then pass the Theodore Roosevelt Bridge across the Little River, and then go south for a distance. The Lincoln Memorial is located in Constitution Park.

Four strangers met, chatted a few words, and separated from each other.

Zhang Shen, who turned into "Wat", felt a little tired, so he went to the roadside, reached for a car and entered it.

"Send me to the intersection of * Avenue and Roosevelt Bridge."


When the vehicle was on the road, the driver turned on the radio, and a very magnetic female voice came out.

"Today, as of the report, there have been 375 bloodsheds in the United States, most of which occurred between citizens and patrol soldiers and police in the quarantine area, and the casualties cannot be counted for the time being..."

"At 3:20 a.m. today, the Atlanta state government building was blown up by local gangsters. Governor Mr. Riok was unfortunately killed, and a large number of government personnel were injured..."

At 937 a.m., Pope Andrew of the Doomsday Truth Church led the congregation to break through the quarantine area and occupy the TV building in Detroit, claiming that the devil has come to earth. Only by believing in this sect can he survive from the end of the world..."

"At about 11 o'clock last night, a large-scale suicide occurred in the second quarantine area of Houston. According to statistics, the number of suicide citizens was 23,760..."

"At 6:30 this morning, there was a large-scale suicide of citizens in the fifth quarantine area of St. Louis. According to statistics, the number is..."

"At 1226 p.m. today, a large number of Denver citizens broke through the isolation zone and came to Independence Square to commit suicide..."


"São Paulo...suicide..."


This driver is not the kind of driver who likes noise, and the car is very quiet.

The female announcer's voice was very beautiful, echoing in the car, but it made Zhang Shen feel cold, like falling into an ice cave.

His trial world is the world after the end of the world, and the second mission world is also very cruel, but at this moment, he really understands what "cruelty" is!

Break your fingers minute by minute and wait for the end of the world... Suffer armed oppression from the government... Endure the chaotic living environment... Watching relatives and friends go hysterical in their suffering and finally commit suicide...

Pictures were formed in Zhang Shen's mind, which made him tremble all over.

He clenched his fists and pressed them firmly on his thighs. Zhang Shen inhaled, exhaled, inhaled and exhaled deeply. He wanted to suppress this blazing emotion like volcanic magma, but suddenly found that he had already burst into tears!

The driver saw Zhang Shen shaking from the rearview mirror. His pupils suddenly shrank, and then showed an extremely worried expression. He asked urgently, "Sir, sir, are you all right?"

"I'm fine!" Zhang Shen suddenly bit the tip of his tongue, swallowed a mouthful of sweetness, and took out a paper towel to silently wipe his face*.

The driver stretched out his right hand to grope where he put something for a while and took out something that looked like a band-aid.

"Sir, sticking this thing on your temples can make your head more awake."

"This is to prevent motion sickness, but I think it should also be useful to you."

"Thank you." Zhang Shen took it, tore one apart, and pasted it on the right temple.

He was about to tear the second one, and suddenly, a strong sense of dizziness came.

It's not good!!

Zhang Shen stared and knew that he had made a plot. He was about to use means, but suddenly his eyes turned dark and he didn't know anything.

[PS: Obviously, it is a classification recommendation, and the results can't be seen directly...]

[PS2: Sure enough, if you don't ask for it, there is nothing]

[PS3: Please collect and click on the red ticket comment, thank you]