Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 15: Death--coming!

Chapter 15: Death... is coming!

At 2:30 p.m. on November 13, Zhang Shen and his party finally arrived at their destination - Los Angeles.

drove a "weirful" "car" into a dense woodland, and the four of them came out.

Although the clothes are neat, it is still easy to see that the four of them are a little embarrassed. Even Bu Lichen and Li Jing, who paid great attention to their appearance, showed haggardness between their eyebrows. Zhang Shen and Ouyang Tianqi hung two dark circles, and they could faintly see strips of blood in their eyes, looking like they had not rested for a long time.

The fact is true.

Less than ten minutes after the escape began, * sent a large number of air forces and armies to drive out in all directions to search for "any" suspicious figures. However, because there is no specific goal, the defenders have their own means, so naturally there is no gain. However, the subsequent journey is really a nightmare.

I took a car casually and got on the road, and a series of tragedies followed.

It took less than half an hour on the road, and the tire exploded with a "bang"!

It didn't take long to change the tire, and it exploded again...

After bursting several tires in a row, no matter how stupid or dull they are, they know that this is not the problem of the tire itself, and there is no need to think about it, it is related to the previous black smoke condensed by negative emotions!

Zhang Shen gritted his teeth with hatred and made more than a dozen tires that could never burst - because these tires were solid!

After a lot of tossing, these completely solid rubber tires can finally be used. Sure enough, there is no flat tire this time, it's just...

With a burst of black smoke, the cylinder is broken!!

All four are a black line, and even the most calm Ouyang Tianqi clenched his teeth and was full of resentment.

"Damn, if those black smoke has an entity..." Ouyang Tianqi's meaning is very clear. If there is an entity, it must have been cut with a knife.

This time, after absorbing the last lesson, the four people did not consider replacing parts or repairing them. After all, they are sure that after repairing or replacing the cylinder, the engine, axle, igniter and other messy things will definitely have a big party and line up to break one by one...

After struggling for a while, Zhang Shen was fierce and got along with an idea that stunned the other three people.

With the power of the Wise Stone, after the "efforts" of the four people, a strange car-shaped "tool" appeared.

This "tool" still has the shape of a car, but all other parts have disappeared except the shell, chassis, seat, steering wheel and tires! Instead, it is an "engine" powered by the stone of the sage...

"Hmm, now I see what else they can do!" Zhang Shen is very proud.

Without sophisticated and fragile parts, even if those "things" want to make trouble, there is no way for the mouse to pull the turtle. Moreover, the Wise Stone is enough as an energy source to support this car (let's call it) around the earth! - If this car can support it for that long.

humming a minor tune, Zhang Shen sat in the driver's seat and activated the stone of the wise man. In just over ten seconds, the speed of the car soared to 200 yards! If there were not many obstacles such as abandoned vehicles on the road, Zhang Shen dared to soar to 300 yards. After all, with the physical fitness of the four people in the car, there is no pressure even if it is 400 yards - at most, they are not used to it at the beginning.

However, not long after the crisis came!

Yes, it's not a tragedy, but a crisis, a crisis that is enough to kill half or even destroy all four people in an instant!

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, blew up several newspapers, accurately covered the window, and blocked the sight of Zhang Shen and the co-pilot Ouyang Apocalypse!

The two were suddenly refreshed and were about to tear it up and clean it up. A long-abandoned car by the roadside suddenly moved strangely and rushed this way slowly!

When the plane is sailing at high altitude, it collides with a bird, and there is a risk of crashing.

Zhang Shen's car soared at a high speed of 200 yards, and the speed of the scrap car was not slow. The consequences of the collision between the two can be imagined!

"Jump the car!!!!" The roar of Ouyang Tianqi sounded in the ears of the three people.

At the moment when he realized that something was wrong, Ouyang Tianqi made a move.

With a roar, the rotten sword roared, and then dozens of sharp knives roared out, tearing the doors on both sides into pieces, and the wind that made people's skin painful poured in, making the three people unable to open their eyes, and the wind filled their ears, sobbing, making people dizzy.

At this time, the scrap car is less than 20 meters away from four people, and the collision may come at any time.

The terrible tacit understanding is clearly displayed.

Without thinking much about it, the four of them jumped out of the thunderous car together!

Bu Lichen and Li Jing are fine. With internal spiritual protection, Zhang Shen will be miserable.

The huge inertia made Zhang Shen seem to have been punched hard by a giant. At the same time, the violent wind turned into an invisible rope to bind his limbs and could not force him at all. He could only watch himself move irregularly in the air through his narrow eyes and fly towards a steel pillar.

Zhang Shen has no doubt that if he bumps into him without energy protection, he will definitely die on the spot!

However, he has no doubt that Ouyang Tianqi and the other three will definitely do everything to save themselves!

Ouyang Tianqi jumped off the car and immediately inserted a sword. The power of the rotten sword flowed and extended, condensed into a huge lightsaber, deeply pierced into the asphalt pavement, and dragged out a trace several meters long. The huge inertia pulled Ouyang Tianqi back. He only held the hilt of the sword, and at the same time, the sword power surged all over his body, turning into a layer of protective sword spirit, and finally stabilized his body.

As soon as the morning sleeves were displayed, two ribbons infused with internal gas were stronger than steel, also piercing the road and deep into the soil.

After stabilizing his body, he didn't care about strangling a ribbon with blue and purple scars and the severe pain that spread all over his body. Bu Lichen's pink lips bit tightly, waved a "flame fist" and cleaned up the road signs and other debris in front of Zhang Shen together with the knife light of Ouyang Apocalypse.

However, at this moment, the wind wrapped in Zhang Shen suddenly changed its direction and pushed him in the other direction, and there were several abandoned cars, like demons with open mouths, sneering.

Li Jing was thrown out by a huge force, and after controlling his spiritual power condensed into several ropes like spider legs to land safely, he noticed the dangerous situation of Zhang Shen - the latter was only ten meters away from several abandoned cars and was about to collide!

The person he likes is facing the disaster of life and death. Li Jing only felt that his brain was blank, his body instinctively moved, his palms flew over, his ten fingers were imprinted, and he spit out a low cry between his lips--

"Thirty-seven of Bound Road, Hanging Star!!"

She actually made a breakthrough in an instant and understood the "destruction of singing"!! ( That is, no spell casting)

In the void, the spiritual power surges, entangled and condenses. In the blink of an eye, a white spider web is woven into a square one! On both sides of the cobweb, several "spice silks" entered the void, as if they were connected to another time and space.

The power of the ghost spell that destroys the chant will be weakened (compared with the complete spell), but the "hanging star" performed by Li Jing at this moment has not weakened, but has also undergone an unknown mutation and become more powerful!

Zhang Shen hit the white spider web heavily. The huge force made the cobweb deform and stretch in an instant, making an unbearable strange sound.

However, it finally persisted and did not break!

At this time, Zhang Shen is only 30 centimeters away from a car!!

Wow~~~ Zhang Shen was glued to the spider web (the white substance has a strong stickiness), bounced back, and then exhaled a long breath. Sweat rolled down from his face, and at the same time, he felt that the clothes on his back were wet with cold sweat.

Even if you have 100% confidence in your companions, you still don't want to have this "exciting" experience again...

However, how can those "things" give up?!


Behind him, the two cars finally collided, and a deafening sound came out.

What is speechless is that the car is inexplicably full of gasoline!


The firelight soared into the sky, and a violent explosion occurred, like a substantial wave roaring and spreading.

Surely, most of the car door shot out of the flames, spinning, tearing the air, emitting a strange scream, and standing still to the lingering Zhang Shen!!

Li Jing, who made an inexplicable breakthrough, is in a blank state in his brain; Bu Lichen suffered a serious injury and was pouring a healing potion into his mouth while operating the internal qi to heal the injury; although Ouyang Tianqi reacted the fastest, he only had time to cut out a knife, which was useless!

For a moment, the three of them could only watch the sharp broken space of the car door and roar at Zhang Shen!

"I really think I'm a soft persimmon that can be pinched by others..."

Zhang Shen's pupils suddenly shrank, his mind sank, and he calmed down to the extreme in an instant. The coping methods flashed through his mind one by one, but they were rejected one by one.

Such a short distance and such a fierce impact, even if the abyss cannibal flowers are released, it is difficult to stop it.

After all, we still have to rely on our old job.

The Stone of the Sage, Activation!!

Zhang Shen sneered in his heart, and another stone of the sage appeared in the palm of his hand, and then he threw it to the ground.

lian into an array and start!!

With the stone of the sage, the process of drawing and refining it into an array is directly omitted. Although this consumes a lot for the stone of the sage, who still cares about this at this time?

Thick blood-colored thunder and lightning danced wildly, like countless resentful souls condensed in the stone of the sage, issuing the last curse.

In the bloody thunder, the ground is like boiling water, surging fiercely.

A dirt wall rushed out, and the next moment, the black earth and gravel turned gorgeously, and an incredible diamond wall appeared between Zhang Shen and the half of the car door.

The high-speed rotating door hit the head, and in an instant, the sparks were shining, and the harsh sound spread, making the four people's eardrums hurt, as if they were about to crack.

After all, diamond is the hardest natural substance in the world. No matter how fast the door rotates and how strong it is, it can only retreat weakly and fall down in front of this theoretically impossible diamond wall.

The deadly crisis dissipated.

However, all four understand that everything has just begun!