Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 21: Los Angeles Rebellion 1

Chapter 21: Los Angeles Rebellion (1)

With the help of Zhang Tianxin (Philis Tolik), Zhang Shen's team got four tickets.

The plane will take off at 7:30 a.m. on the 14th. The surface destination is Shanghai, but in fact it will fly to Zhuomingu Airport in Western Tibet. The aircraft model is Boeing 777, which originally had 380 seats, but it was specially treated during special periods. In order to save fuel and improve efficiency, the passenger capacity was forcibly increased to 600. ( I have never taken a plane on October 1st. It's all online data. Don't spray)

As the director of the FBI, Zhang Tianxin's personnel in the military department (all the airports and other important places in the United States are controlled by the U.S. military) did not want to conflict with him. He sold his face and let Zhang Shen's four people jump the queue, and it was also business class - it is either the senior officials in the U.S. military, political and legal system or others who are eligible to enter the first class. National dignitaries.

Although Zhang Tianxin behaves quite "friendly", it may be because of the negative power in his body, which always gives people a feeling of discomfort. If ordinary people like James, they may be afraid and aweed, but they are instinctively disgusted by Zhang Shen's four defenders. If they are in the same room, they are always a little uncomfortable and unwilling to get close to them.

Therefore, after reaching an "agreement", Zhang Shen and the four couldn't wait to leave the Morris Reservoir.

In fact, it is a "agreement" that has no effect at all!

After all, both sides only reached an oral agreement - Zhang Tianxin provided Zhang Shen with help within his ability, and the latter also promised to "try his best" to complete the task and preserve the fire of human civilization as much as possible...

During this period, Bu Lichen, Li Jing and Ouyang Tianqi did not feel any contractual forces such as "word spirit" and "true words". Moreover, if a formal contract is signed between the guards, the great will will come out to have a sense of existence and be notarized.

However, as Li Jing said, Zhang Tianxin is not a member of the "guardian" at present, which needs to be proved later. In fact, not only her, but also Zhang Shen has some doubts about whether Zhang Tianxin has turned to the "betrayer" side...


Although they were full of chaos and their strength was not good, Zhang Shen and the four had to bow their heads as if they knew nothing and accepted Zhang Tianxin's "good intentions" and other things, and then talk about it later.

Los Angeles.

It is roughly divided by the San Gabriel River Highway, and Los Angeles is divided into two parts, each with a quarantine area.

East Los Angeles is a huge quarantine area centered on Disneyland, where civilians are "inhabited"; correspondingly, the quarantine area centered on the City Hall is naturally the site of high-level military, political and legal officials, millionaires and asylum seekers in other countries.

In the "buffer belt" between the two, a large number of buildings were forcibly and brutally flattened! - It is said that this is a lesson that has been "absorbed" from other cities to prevent the mob from hiding and then launching an attack on the government.

Two "defense lines" have also been established in the "buffer belt" that has been pushed into white. In the eye, deep trenches, simple bunkers poured with cement, fences wrapped around * wire, machine guns, chariots...

On the blocks and bunkers, you can clearly see a pool of dry or undried blood stains!

This scene, Zhang Shen and others looked at it with a chill!

Zhang Shen and his entourage are going to West Los Angeles College, which has been transformed into a completely unreality, and the tickets for four people need to be picked up there. It doesn't bother the two masters, so James continues to play his role.

James did not have the courage to resist Zhang Tianxin's order, but he was not so good-looking in the face of Zhang Shen and others. Especially when they learned that they got the ticket to Zhuoming Valley, the change in their expressions was wonderful.

"What is this, civil war?" Zhang Shen really couldn't see it, and his tone was full of irony.

As a saying goes, my alma mater (motherland/hometown) is a place where I scold ten times a day, but I don't allow others to say half a bad word. Although James himself was dissatisfied, when Zhang Shen and several "yellow monkeys" said sarcastic words, he immediately turned his face: "This is just a necessary means to ensure order. Speaking of which, aren't your Qing bureaucrats the best at this?! Not to mention this special period, even at ordinary times, you 'Great Qing' still do little of this kind of thing?!"

Zhang Shen thinks he is a patriotic person, but patriotism and love for the party and government are completely different concepts. Moreover, what James said is not pure fabrication. In addition, this is not his own world, so he just ignores it with a "hehe".

Because Los Angeles International Airport has been tightly surrounded and controlled by a fully armed army, West Los Angeles College has temporarily been responsible for ticketing, ticket collection and other related businesses at several airports in Los Angeles, and people have come and gone, forming a deformed prosperity.

At the beginning, Zhang Shen and others casually forged an identity, but now they show their true faces, so... they are all black households without ID cards...

It was not until the staff asked several people for ID cards that the four people found this problem...

The four looked at each other in contemptably, looked at each other speechlessly, then went out for a walk and came back, and took out a freshly released ID card from the strange eyes of the staff and James...

When he got the ticket, Zhang Shen was finally relieved.

Finally, this country is not harmonious at all. Zhang Shen also knows some of the situation in Qing Dynasty. Although he is speechless, in short, false peace is better than ** naked blood conflict... Probably.

Los Angeles, Beverly Hills.

This was originally a place where Hollywood stars lived, but now it is completely occupied by political elites from various countries who came to take refuge in the United States. After all, "stars" only work during the peace period.

A three-story building in the villa.

The original owner of this residence has been rudely killed and replaced by six guards and has become a temporary stronghold for these six people. And the man was unlucky to be selected purely because he booked a plane ticket to Zhuoming Valley tomorrow.

At this time, you can still save a small life from being killed by the unscrupulous attack of "death", either by good luck or extraordinary means or both.

Most of the six people here are not the second - because their six are all scum in the "fan" world. As for whether it is lucky or between the first and third, it is not clear.

Six people, one from Central Asia, one yellow, two from Africa, and two from North America. Among them, Muti Shayov from Central Asia replaced the original owner of this place, a Saudi millionaire.

At this time, there are five people in the house adjusting their own breathing and practicing.

Dong! Dong Dong! Dong Dong Dong!

The door was knocked in an agreed manner, and an alloy plate on it was removed, revealing a "recognizer" with palm print recognition, pupil recognition and a password input board.

The person who knocked on the door skillfully entered a 20-digit password and verified the palm print and iris. The buzzing electronic mechanical sound and the "sneer" jet sound covered the slight sound of opening the boundary that enveloped the whole building, and the door opened.

" Buddy, did you find anything this afternoon?" There were no people, but there was a sound echoing in the lobby on the first floor.

The black man called Buddy took off his coat and threw it accurately on the hook and replied, "A new man came in. I saw him at West Los Angeles College before. There are four people, two men and two women, in Yanhuang District. You should also have some impressions.

"Oh, or a celebrity?" The owner of the voice had a little interest, pondered for a moment, and said uncertainly, "Is it the four yellow people who clashed with Stephen on the boat?"

"That little girl is quite annoying." Another voice sounded, which was a little bad.

"What, Loden, do you want to do something to them?" Buddy raised his eyebrows and was a little curious.

"No, no, no, although I hate her very much, I don't want to conflict with them at this time. What's more, Stephen's idiot and Qatar's psychopath, if he knew the news, he would definitely... Humph" Lowen sneered.

"Do you want to kill people with a knife? That's a good idea." Another person joined in and agreed.

Grace also agreed. So, Musha (Mutishayov's nickname), Yan, Taipu, Badi, what's your opinion?

Taipu is the first person to speak; Yan, the full name is Yan Beiwang, Yan Huangren.

"How are you going to let Stephen and Qatar know this news?" Taipu asked. They don't say anything about Loden's proposal. As long as they don't involve themselves, it doesn't matter whether Zhang Shen and several people live or die.

The infighting between defenders will be punished by great will, but as long as they are not involved, it doesn't matter.

What's more, there is no big boss in the world that can't handle without uniting. What does the life or death of outsiders have to do with itself?

"It's very simple, just tell them." Loden's answer stunned the other five people for a moment.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Yanbei looked at the black line, "What if Stephen and Qatar didn't deal with the four people, but were even killed and confessed to us?"

"The conflict between them is only verbal. Stephen is not an idiot, but a lesson to those four people at most." Taipu also felt speechless, "And the cartel's psychopath will mostly say that we told him the news. I don't want to make enemies for no reason."

Mutishajov, who usually speaks relatively little, also said, "The man with hair covering one eye among the four people makes me feel that it is not easy to deal with. It's a troublesome role." In reality, he is a Catholic, and the choice of power inheritance is also a priest who serves Allah. He can not only fight with machetes, but also heal and add various "states" (Buffs) for team members. At the same time, he also has the strange "true knowledge" ability like a saint. In his words, it is Allah's piety and gives him the power to distinguish everything in the world.

"Loden, if you can't think of any good way to hide yourself, you'd better give up." Grace, who had previously agreed, began to waver after listening to Mutishawev's words.

"Well...let me think about it, let me think about it."

[PS: There are finally thousands of collections... Tears...]

[PS2: The recommendation given by the editor should be almost done... Without recommendation, the collection will basically not increase much...]

[PS3: Rolling and selling cute for collection!! Everyone who reads the book, please collect it. The bookshelf is so big that a book can still be put down...]