Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 27: Confrontation

Chapter 27: Confrontation

Bicum Long is the commander of the Cobra Force.

In fact, at the beginning, he was ordered to go out to catch Zhang Shen four, but he was unwilling. Because he thought that he couldn't say that you asked me to catch it, so I would catch it. I must first know who was arrested. Otherwise, if this order goes away, my subordinates will definitely scold me: it's not worth taking action in person~~

It was not until he saw the magic method of making a dirt wall in the picture that he was convinced.

Now, he not only leads the team himself, but also convinces his subordinates to be careful, because he knows that the power shown by Zhang Shen and the four people on the monitoring screen is like that, and in reality, it will still be like that...



In order to ensure that it is foolproof, Bicham Long not only sent out the entire Cobra army, but also carried a lot of powerful weapons, many of which were used for the battle between the two armies, which was enough to destroy a building.

Judging from the images displayed by the life detector (more accurate temperature detection equipment, which can show the approximate outline), the supermarket was surrounded by water, and the four of them were still in it, but they also found the approach of the large army and walked around anxiously.

"The four inside, you have been surrounded. Please give up resistance to avoid accidental injury!" The loudspeaker amplified the sound of Bicum Long and resounded hundreds of meters, making it particularly clear in this heavy and rainy night.

Waited for a few minutes without any response.

A soldier specializing in life detectors has been staring at the small screen. Suddenly, his pupils shrank and he ran to Beakham Long and whispered, "Shir, no, we are afraid of being fooled!"

"They probably have run away. Those four portraits are fake!"


Buckham Long remembered what his boss said before departure and almost bit his teeth. He was shocked and angry. He made a gesture. The front dozen soldiers covered each other and pushed the door open and entered the supermarket.

However, in less than a minute, they rushed out as if they were being chased by evil spirits and shouted, "Get back! Back!"

"There are bombs in it!! Lots of bombs!!

The soldiers did not say what it was, but the others who heard this flew back without hesitation out of trust in their companions.

In fact, the number of bombs in it is more than "many" to describe?

As mentioned above, Tang Tian gave Zhang Shen and others a batch of arms, a batch of arms enough to fight a small war.

All the things that could explode in that batch of munitions were thrown into the supermarket by someone...

Fortunately, Zhang has not been so mad that he is angry. This batch of bombs that are enough to make the Cobra troops die over and over again were scattered and thrown to nine floors by him. Although it is inevitable that he will accidentally hurt or even kill so many people, Zhang feels that he is kind enough.

It took a minute from hearing the warning to the explosion of the bomb.


Hear-shocking, violent waves, firelight rushing.

In an instant, the whole building was blown to pieces in the shocked eyes of everyone!

Like a huge fireworks, it suddenly rushed into the sky, scattered the rain curtain, covered the thunder, shredded dark clouds, and lit up the whole Los Angeles!

All the soldiers of the Cobra troops lay skillfully on the wet and dirty ground and witnessed this magical scene through their fingers. They couldn't help opening their mouths, choked by the mud washed away by the waves, and coughing repeatedly.

This scene was like a rocket launch, shining all over Los Angeles and dispelling the last trace of madness in the eyes of hundreds of thousands of people.

The Qingming was restored in his eyes, and the previous scenes of "crazy" also began to be shown in my mind - impact, fighting, trampling...

The light of "fireworks" shines on faceless faces.

Suddenly, countless people fell to the ground and vomited desperately.

For a while, most of Los Angeles was filled with the sound of dry vomiting...

Cal State University, Domingo Hills.

The fireworks set off by Zhang Shen are so big that there is no need for images from surveillance cameras, and the high-level officials can see all this very, very clearly.

They and their friends were stunned!

"Who can tell me what the hell happened?!!" The first military boss to reacted slapped the table fiercely, his eyes were red and his lips trembling.

"Is this...*~~?" The highest officer of the Los Angeles government swallowed his dry throat and felt that the scene in front of him was quite similar to the movement caused by the test shot.

At the thought that someone actually detonated a * in Los Angeles (the * they wanted to use for "disability" was a small equivalent), everyone suddenly felt dizzy, their whole body was weak, and their feet were a little unsteady.

"No, it's not*." The military turned pale and explained a few words, "*The scene of the explosion is not like this."

Large* requires a special launch vehicle or launch well to launch, and the movement generated by the explosion is also different from this.

Hearing the explanation of professionals, government officials were relieved and more entangled.

Although I am sure that there is no problem with my weapon system, someone has done such a terrible thing under their own eyes, which must not be tolerated!

" Check, check now! At any cost, I have to find out which bitch did it!!"

Although the direction of the explosion was similar to that of Zhang Shen and others, no one thought of them. Perhaps, in their hearts, "superheroes" naturally have to fight with "superpowers". Moreover, Zhang Shen and others also behaved relatively "justice" and would not do what such a big villain did.

Even, things have priorities. Such a thing happened, and they put aside Zhang Shen's four little people for a while.

Los Angeles International Airport.

Tep is eloquous and successfully persuaded Stephen and Qatar.

They controlled three pilots, dealt with the few soldiers guarding Los Angeles International Airport (large troops have been sent out to calm the chaos), and took down many open or very hidden surveillance cameras. They are working together to set up a huge one that can completely cover up the take-off movement of the plane. Large boundary.

Not long after the foundation of the large boundary was set up, Zhang Shen's fireworks detonated.

The huge movement shocked everyone.

It has been two days since they came to Los Angeles. They know the current situation of the city, and the scene in front of them makes them a little confused.

Is it the military of the Los Angeles government? When did they have this courage? What's more, haven't those people stopped the people?!

It seems that it's the handwriting of those few people!

At this moment, even Stephen, Qatar and Lowden, who were very uncomfortable with Zhang Shen and wanted to teach them a lesson, couldn't help but have some "admiration" for them.

"If you don't die, you won't die. Don't these people understand?" Yan Bei looked at the fiery red "sun" hanging in the sky and muttered. But it's okay, they attract all the firepower, and it's much more convenient for us.

Yan Beiwang thought of it, and so did others.

Everyone discussed a few words and decisively gave up their intention to continue to arrange the boundary!

Board the plane directly! This good opportunity is hopeless if you give up like this.

It was agreed that 18 people around Los Angeles International Airport rushed to the Boeing plane in the center of the airport, but--

Damn it, what's going on?!

What came into the eyes of everyone was Zhang Shen!!

They lined up and stood in front of the entrance of the plane, quietly watching the 18 people who came.

The four pilots captured by Taipu and others fell on the ladder, and each of them was in a state of coma, but between them, a ferocious cannibal flowers stood proudly, and two shiny jagged machetes shined in the night.

No one doubts that if it goes down with a knife, the four people will become four dead bodies!

"Friend, what do you mean?" While asking Loden not to be impulsive in the team members' communication, Taipu took a step forward and asked in a low voice.

On the other hand, Stephen, Qatar and other people who were very uncomfortable with Zhang Shen were also warned by their teammates not to be impulsive in the team communication.

After only one face-to-face and quick eye contact, 18 people quietly moved their feet and surrounded Zhang Shen and the four people in a semicircle.

Everyone faintly released momentum.

More than a dozen different momentums, either solemn or gloomy or distant or heavy, will cover the four people and the whole large plane, just like the top of Mount Tai, but it exists, emitting a terrible pressure.

Ouyang Tianqi, as a member of the "extraordinary" world, is also three men, and his expression has not changed; Bu Lichen and Li Jing have energy to protect their bodies, although their faces are a little pale, they can also support them; although Zhang Shen also has a "seed of life" in his body, which can weaken a part of pressure, after all, they do not have their own energy, and are pounded by this pound Under the hood, his face suddenly turned white, and his body trembled slightly. A faint trace of sweetness rushed into his throat and was forcibly swallowed by him.

This action made Zhang Shen's face more ugly.

Sensing the situation of the host, the abyss cannibals angrily "crip" a few strangely, and the color of the pattern on his head instantly became extremely deep, red and black, and a fierce and fierce air burst out!

A little evil spirit was transmitted to Zhang Shen's body along the spiritual connection. The latter's eyes were suddenly blood red, and a black hair stood upside down!!

One point...two points...

In the blink of an eye, three or four minutes of the confrontation of breath passed.


A slight painful moan sounded, which was obviously from the four pilots.

Although it was only affected, and the abyss cannibal flowers "covered them from the wind and rain", a little leaked momentum still made them unbearable, and the corners of their mouths overflowed bright red.


With a few reluctant cold hums, the 18 people on Taipu's side coincidentally withdrew their momentum.

In the bottom of his heart, he thanked the cannibal flowers. Zhang Shen stabilized his body, swallowed the last trace of sweet breath in his mouth, and smiled: "Well, aren't you going to continue?"

Carton, who was called a "neuropathic" by Lowden, stared and was about to attack, but was stopped by two people beside him.

"Qatar, calm down! Calm down! The pilot is in his hands, and the longer it takes, the more unfavorable it is for us. It is not appropriate to conflict with them now!"

"For the time being, put up with it, wait until the Qing Dynasty, and then settle the general account with them!"

Several people finally appeased Qatar.

"What on earth do you mean?"

"What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting, it's just--

"This plane also has our share."

[PS: 11th on the potential list, spitting blood...]