Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 31: Fierce Big Octopus

Chapter 31: The fierce octopus

In the cabin, when everyone with their own thoughts is thinking about the future, the mutation and regeneration.

The cold and deep sea water suddenly burst, as if a volcano erupted and the sea water spewed out thinly. In the roaring waves, three huge tentacles tore open the sea and pulled away the hundreds of meters of Boeing plane fiercely.

The touch seems to have the ability to control water. With a whip, the rainstorm turned into a long whip and pulled towards the plane.

In the first whip, two layers of defense shields were broken; the second whip, two layers of defense were broken; the third whip, the remaining layer of spiritual shield turned into nothingness.

With only one round of attack, the boundary defense that everyone relied on was broken!

The residual force hit the shell of the plane, making it seem to have tripped and glided forward dozens of meters.

The shell made of high-strength alloy was touched by one of the blue and black feet, which clearly showed a depression, which made people palpitate. Fortunately, Zhang Shen barely "strengthened" it in the process of using alchemy to "compress" it, otherwise this whip would not only leave a mark.

was suddenly attacked, and the people who were thinking about it didn't pay attention to it, and almost fell down and hit others because of the huge inertia.

"Oh, shit! What is that?" Stabilizing his figure, Zhang Shen looked down through the glass and saw that the wavy sea was suddenly separated, and more than a dozen huge blue-black feet poked out of the sea, like electric snakes in the sky, waving wildly.

In the center of the foot, the sea suddenly rose and was discharged, and a giant appeared in Zhang Shen's eyes.

Coarse brown skin, a pair of dark green eyes almost covered by wrinkles, hill-like horrible volume--

This is an exaggerated old octopus!

"How can there be such a thing in this world? This is fucking unscientific!"

Complaining, everyone's faces were even more gloomy when they thought that it was this ugly guy who smashed the defense on the plane with a whip.

In addition to the part under the sea, this large octopus is at least ten meters high - this is just talking about its body, and its biggest threat comes from its thirteen strongest tentacles, which are as thinnest than telegraph poles and thicker thighs.

Its foot is only 20 or 30 meters long, but every time it attacks, the top of its foot will form a long whip condensed by a storm and gale, which increases its attack distance by more than ten times, enough to pose a threat to Boeing at an altitude of hundreds of meters.

"Be careful, everyone! Lichen, pay attention! Once we fall into the sea, take out the jet ship!" Zhang Shen told Bu Lichen in the team communication. The so-called "jet ship" is actually a small airship used by Tang Tian as a head, which can sail on the sea, and the bottom is somewhat similar to a hovercraft.

What else does Zhang Shen have to say? Suddenly, the nerves of the "snake cave" built by dark clouds generally poured down, hundreds of thunder and lightning, dozens of which were split on the Boeing plane!

In the cab, all the electronic instruments were full of sparks, thick smoke, and the sharp alarm sound made Zhang Shen's eardrums hurt. Outside, it was also full of black smoke, and the rainstorm could not extinguish the fire in the black smoke.

The long-awaited passenger plane finally died...

Like a flying eagle with broken wings, falling straight down!

Loden roared, his clothes broke, and instantly turned into a green giant nearly three meters tall. He clasped his ten toes, raised his breath, and punched the bulkhead. The electric arc shot everywhere, and a large hole high for one person appeared, and a cold wind suddenly poured into the cabin from the hole.

After Zhang Shen's rough "enhanced" bulkhead, he couldn't stand Lowen's punch.

He laughed coldly and proudly. Loden kicked his legs, jumped out of the plane, and enlarged the hole a little more.

Look at the direction of his jump, the target is the strong big octopus!

The plane was falling quickly. It was hit by his punch and almost rolled in the air. While everyone scolded Luoden in their hearts, they also showed their magical skills and broke holes in the plane one after another.

However, just as the remaining 21 people will not jump, the mutation is sudden!

A thunderbolt fell from the head and accurately hit Lowden, who incarnated the Hulk!!

Ah~~~~ screams are earth-shaking.

At that moment, Zhang Shen seemed to have an illusion. In the white light, there was a clear appearance of a skeleton...

Thunder came and went quickly. In less than a blink of an eye, the electric light dissipated, and a group of black "things" emitting the smell of barbecue twitched a few times and fell into the sea...

Everyone tacitly withdrew the action they were about to take.

Most of a middle-aged black man had left the plane. Seeing this scene, he was scared to pee. He stretched his hands and grabbed the gap in the bulkhead. His whole body was hung under the plane and swaying.

There is a dead silence in the cabin.

Zhang Shen and others looked strange, while Lowden's five companions were pale.

The plane fell very fast, inadvertently less than 100 meters away from the sea. The strange "face" of the big octopus, which seemed to be smiling, was clearly visible, and even the turbidity and dark red in the dark green eyes was clearly visible.

The sea broke, a tentacle appeared, the top curled up, and a black object was "tied" in the middle.

is Lowden!

The laughter on the "face" of the big octopus became colder and colder. He grabbed Lowden's touch and waved it provocatively and stuffed it into his mouth.

Its mouth is also hidden in several deep folds, without teeth, replaced by countless squirming pink granulations, which looks very disgusting.

"Disgusting thing~" Yanbei frowned, his eyes flashed coldly, and he shouted in a low voice, "Badi, Musha, help me!"

A gold and silver book of the Coran appeared in Muti Shayov's hand. He held the scriptures in his left hand and skillfully turned to a certain page with his right hand. His lips squirmed quickly and recited in a low voice.

Badi, a young black man, took out a bundle of short spears from the storage equipment.

"Yan, stand firm!" Buddy roared, held the spear in his right hand, and the short spear shot out.

At the previous moment, Yan Beiwang had jumped out of the plane. The next moment, the short spear just appeared on the soles of his feet, as if the royal sword flew in the fairy world, carrying him to the big octopus.

At the end of Muti Shayov's prayer, a clear light enveloped Yan Beiwang and flashed away.

The big octopus just entered the attack range of Yanbeiwang.

A chessboard appeared in his hand.

Yanbei looked at the chessboard and looked at the big octopus, "Fight the stars move!"

Loden, who was about to be thrown into his mouth by the big octopus, disappeared. At the same time, Yan Bei looked pale and let out a muffled hum.

The food in his mouth flew away. The big octopus was very angry, with an angry "expression" on his face, and two tentacles pulled over fiercely towards the culprit - Yan Beiwang.

Buddy shot the remaining nine short spears together, eight of which were divided into two groups and attacked the foot, and the other one came first, and the tip of the spear accurately hit the short spear controlled by Yanbei.

The short spear collided with this force and turned a corner strangely, carrying Yan Beiwang and rushing back.

The big octopus was even more angry, and two tentacles swept away the short spear Buddy used to harass, but was intercepted by Tepp and others.

Seeing that Yan Beiwang was about to return to the plane, suddenly, another thunderbolt struck.

Everyone has been on guard for a long time, and Muti Shayov's clear light on Yan Beiwang's body offset the power of thunder.

Yanbei looked at the ground, with little blood on his face and looked very sad.

The chessboard in his hand shined down, and the dark and smoking Lawden appeared in the cabin again. The breath of life was like a candlelight in the wind, very weak, and there was a danger of being completely extinguished at any time.

Yanbeiwang's act of robbing Loden completely angered the big octopus.

The furious octopus launched all 13 tentacles, like a net covering the sky, facing the plane less than ten meters away from the sea. The dense dark black suction cup on the inside of the foot is still squirming, making people's scalp numb.

"Ouyang, you are responsible for cutting open the bulkhead, Lichen, you pay attention to the surroundings, Ajing, you use [manipulating the water flow] to turn the nearby seawater into the shape of a ship or other people who can stand, and I am responsible for freezing it."

"Attention~~It's now!!"

Ouyang Tianqi's remnant sword came out of its sheath, and several swords burst out in an instant, cutting out a hole enough for two adults to pass in parallel on the bulkhead of the shabby plane.

Li Jing's [manipulation of water flow] has been cultivated to the realm of "advanced control", and it is only one step away from completely mastering the "skill seal" into "skill" and the scope of "skills" has grown to hundreds of meters.

Under the control of Li Jing's thoughts, the originally angry sea suddenly became extremely quiet, as if he had seen Bei Ye's lion, tiger and beast, and did not dare to be presumptuous at all, and honestly let Li Jing handle it.

In the blink of an eye, this sea rises up, forming a bathtub-shaped "sea basin".

Zhang Shen and Bu Lichen jumped into the seawater bathtub.

At the feet, it is clearly seawater, but it is as flat as the ground, thick and stable.

Li Jing manipulates the water flow and can throw heavy trucks around. If he does not care about mental energy consumption, he can naturally make the water flow "solidify" and support Zhang Shen and Bu Lichen.

However, it can't last.

Zhang Shen took out a piece of parchment paper with a thickness of no more than three or four ordinary A4 paper, on which only the outermost large circle and hexagon were drawn.

Zhang Shen bit his fingertips and wanted to draw a formation with his own blood donation.

This tip was told by Sariva to Zhang Shen.

This is a "crooked way".

However, at this time, Zhang Shen needs this evil method very much.

Zhang Shen used his mental strength to stimulate the blood in his body, surging out of his fingertips, like a broken faucet, spewing outward.

After refining into an array and drawing, the blood in Zhang Shen's body is nearly one-tenth less.

Bu Lichen saw all this in his eyes and felt pain in his heart, but he didn't say anything. He just secretly urged the internal qi of the four seasons in his body, swam around his body, and was alerted against any possible attacks and harassment from up and down.

absorbed Zhang Shen's blood, and the patterns and words on the parchment flowed with blood-colored crystals, which was very beautiful.

lian into an array and start!!

A layer of blood-colored silver-white electric arc flashed and jumped, and the next moment, the freezing sound of "kaka" was endless.

An enlarged version of the ice "bathtub" appeared on the sea.

At the front end, there is a sharp impact angle; at the bottom, it is similar to the shape of a cruise ship, which can split the sea water; the "cabin" is enough for four people to travel in parallel, more than ten meters long, and there are anti-skid lines on the deck.

The ice that constitutes this "bathboat", Zhang Shen is confident that even if the cannon is bombarded head-on, it will not explode for a moment!

It took less than 30 seconds from taking out the parchment to the formation of the ice boat, which is why Zhang Shen did not hesitate to use the "evil door crooked way".

[PS: I became a working party, and it has been updated in advance these days... Please collect it, everyone!!]

[PS2: Two more tomorrow, ask for all kinds of support!!]