Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 35: Candlelight

Chapter 35: Candlelight

It has been a while since Jin Sanxuan came to Zhuoming Valley, just after Adrian.

Although Jin Sanyu was able to escape from the original "divine surrender" incident, he also paid a huge price.

Except for a few extremely precious props, just say that he himself has changed from a middle-aged fat uncle to today's handsome young man. His original extremely strong body has become almost the same as Zhang Shen - basically a mortal.

At the same time, the energy in Jin Sanxuan's body has also plummeted from the original tens of thousands of cards (spirit). Although he has been practicing hard during this period, there are still only about 4,000 cards (spirits) left.

Although his fighting style is not too dependent on energy intensity, such a heavy loss still greatly reduced his strength.

Because of the sharp decline in strength, Jin Sanyu is more concerned about this task.

After a preliminary rest, he came to the world with five followers who saved a small life*.

It is said that people are always more likely to become sentimental when they are sick/serred, and so is Jin Sanxuan.

So, he found the president and a brain. After that, he became the youngest "general" in the country's history.

In order to get more tickets, Jin Sanxuan has done a lot of things.

He has a young man named Luoyang profesity, who takes the scientific and technological route. A large amount of high-tech materials are stored in the biochip, some of which play a significant role in the construction of Noah's Ark in the current coalition government.

Jin Sanyu used this information to exchange a lot of tickets.

Other countries naturally have doubts about the source of these materials, but when the disaster is coming, the earth is about to hang up, and they are not interested in investigating, and even complete the transaction quite decisively.

As for the original owners whose tickets were cut off, who cares?

The standard number of the first batch of ten arks is 300,000 (it should be about this number in the movie, but the number after overloading). If you don't count the second batch, only about 3 million people can survive.

In order to exchange the precious information in the hands of Jin Sanxuan, the coalition government has generously expanded the number of about 30,000 tickets to 230,000!

* The upper level was so happy that they were almost crazy, and even held a large-scale cocktail party to celebrate, with tens of thousands of participants, which was amazing.

* can be said to be the joy of the whole country - ordinary people have also received the benefits of receiving a tea egg that can only be eaten during the Spring Festival in previous years, but Jin Sanxuan himself is not satisfied with this.

He wants to get more tickets, preferably to control one or two arks independently!

He knows that it is almost impossible to get a boat ticket through "official means" - especially on a large scale, because in this transaction, the coalition government has almost "convinced" all the people who can "persuasion". If it does so, I'm afraid it will cause turmoil at the high-level level of the coalition government.

Therefore, Jin Sanxuan put his mind elsewhere.

For example——

Edrien Helmris!!

Before coming to Zhuoming Valley, Jin Sanyu still had some impression of this person. That day, he and 23 other "spiritual" strong men broke into the White House conference room, and Adrian was in the conference room, which seemed to be a high-ranking scientist.

It was not until he met Adrian again that Jin Sanqi didn't notice the clue.

Adrian is undoubtedly a "human-shaped treasure" - the son of destiny!

Moreover, unlike the American soldier named "Staking" who met at the Capitol that day, this Adrian Helmris is obviously the kind of powerful "protagonist"!!

Jin Sanying knows that it is very difficult for the protagonist of the era like Adrian to control it with dark tricks - even if he wants to do this in his heyday, it is a little troublesome. A careless failure is still good, and it is the real trouble to make him angry with the plane's plane will. Therefore, if you want to use Adrian's luck to achieve your goal, it is the only way to make friends and talk about feelings - for the current General Kim.

Therefore, Jin Sanyu has been secretly paying attention to Adrian's movements, who has little privacy in front of him and is a transparent person. When he learned that the construction of the current ark had encountered a "bottleneck" and Adrian's dilemma, Jin Sanyu appeared.

He believes that sending charcoal in the snow will definitely make Adrian grateful to himself!

Let's take our eyes off General Jin and Adrian and put them on Zhang Shen and his entourage.

After carefully cooking the "lightning grilled octopus" - which had joined the luxury lunch of Kenba Chicken - that day, the "Death" seemed to have exhausted its strength and did not pursue it again. Zhang Shen and his party were able to successfully arrive at the Qing Dynasty and landed in Shanghai.

As mentioned above, under the iron-blooded suppression of the Qing government and the obedience formed by the Qing people over thousands of years, the whole Qing Dynasty is in a good situation...

As far as Shanghai is concerned, although it is no longer prosperous a few months ago - this is nonsense, it is barely "harmonious"... At least, although life is much more difficult, people still have a relatively "normal" daily life.

After seeing the United States, which is like hell on earth, even if fully armed patrol police/soldiers can be seen everywhere on the street, Zhang Shen couldn't help but give 32 praises to the Qing government.

Due to the special period, traffic is tightly blocked, and traffic between cities is not allowed unless there is proof.

This brought some light and heavy trouble to the four people.

However, fortunately, the Qing Dynasty is a so-called "human relationship country". Relationships and favors are higher than the legal system. After forging many documents and transforming many faces along the way, the four of them came to Western Tibet smoothly.

Although the Qing government has used tough means to control the Internet, newspapers, television and other media, Zhuo Minggu's movement is so big that it still can't be wrapped in paper, and more than half of the Qing people know it.

At this time, the advantages of "human society" are truly reflected.

If you have a relationship, find a relationship. It doesn't matter to stuff the money. If it doesn't matter and doesn't have money, you can only scold your mother. After scolding tiredness, go back to ** lie down... Then continue to scold...

In this way, Western Tibet Province has become a large populous province of the Qing Dynasty. Even small villages and towns in the past (the names of ethnic minorities are different, which have been changed to villages and towns for the convenience of writing and reading) are now crowded and lively.

In fact, many people know very well that even if they try their best to come to Western Tibet Province, it is impossible to get a boat ticket... However, people's psychology is so strange... It doesn't matter if they are stubborn, they don't give up, they are stupid... Probably, this is a silent protest...< /P>

The four people came to a place called Murat.

This is originally just a backward village, but the terrain is flat and the altitude is not high, and it is relatively suitable for living. After many rich people from the coast and the middle came, their appearance has changed greatly, and they have become a few prosperous towns in second-tier cities.

When Zhang Shen came here, it was said that the resident population had reached 70,000!

To be fair, being able to come here with "ability" and "qualification" can also be regarded as a social elite. Before that, they were all envied and hated by neighbors, friends and colleagues...

However, after almost exhausting everything and coming here, most of them became their former neighbors, friends and colleagues, and became the subject of envy and hatred.

Dedo, unwilling, angry, afraid, desperate...

I don't know when the whole Muratu began to feel a gray atmosphere...

Fortunately, as the original elite, the shackles called "rules" transformed when he was young and the deterrence brought by patrol soldiers wearing weapons for several minutes temporarily suppressed all this.

However, a seed full of negative emotions has quietly been planted in the depths of the heart, and I don't know when it will be detonated in one fell swoop and turned into a terrorist force that destroys everything.

The four of Zhang Shen were unaware of all this.

The reason why he does not continue to move forward and go to Zhuo Ming Valley is not that he has no ability, but that Zhang Shen has his own considerations.

Zhang Shen thought that even if he blended into Zhuoming Valley now, the four of them could actually help...

In addition, he is also a little unwilling and wants to try his own method to see if he can save some lives.

After learning Zhang Shen's idea, Bu Lichen and Li Jing thought for a few minutes and chose to agree.

"I'm not interested in being a puppet." This is Ouyang Tianqi's reply.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Shen was confused. Go, don't pretend to be profound~~"

"Oh, the captain's IQ is too low. Ouyang means that he agrees. Li Jing took a white look, and a little charming appeared in his behavior.

She has been very excited and enthusiastic these days, and her appearance is full of vitality, which makes Zhang Shen look sideways.

Moreover, the three also noticed that Li Jing sometimes fell into an inexplicable state of daze, raised the corners of his mouth and secretly giggled...

Zhang Shen guessed that Shi You* had nothing to do with her strange "heart-connection".

With a positive reply from Ouyang Tianqi, Zhang Shen and the four began to take action.

In fact, Zhang Shen's idea is very simple, which is to build a closed fortress building similar to an air-raid shelter to see if the people who enter it can escape and survive.

This is a big project.

Even if Zhang participates in alchemy, he can draw the kind of refining a large array containing a whole city (for example, the stone of the sage in animation into a formation, that is, the scale at the city level), which is still a great project.

First of all, choose the location.

Elevation is not a problem, surface shape is not a problem, and soil quality is also not a problem - alchemy can easily refine sand into extremely strong masonry.

With the intention of reducing the construction volume, Zhang Shen hopes to find a place where there is a landform similar to Kashgar (there are natural caves under the ground).