Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 44: Attack and Kill, Road

Chapter 44: Attack and Kill, Road

Luoyang profession is very satisfied with the strength shown by Ouyang Tianqi.

He didn't know what Gong Yu asked him to come here for, but now he is full of hope to recruit Ouyang Tianqi to his own General Jin and become a new combat force on his side.

"I don't know if you know the current situation of the defenders of Zhuoming Valley. I hope you can join us." The three-dimensional projection released by the robot is quite realistic, and even the slightest expressions can be simulated synchronously. Ouyang Tianqi can clearly detect the emotion called "pride" in Luoyang's solation heart.

With pride, there is a faint sense of coercion and a little murderous intent that is well hidden.

"What if I don't agree?" Ouyang Tianqi raised his eyes and landed on the prism-shaped head of the robot - the robot has no face and has nothing similar to traditional combat armor except human form.

Luoyang's proficular eyes flashed, and his tone unconsciously lowered a little: "Your Excellency, please don't mistake yourself."

A smile suddenly appeared on Ouyang Tianqi's indifferent face: "I'm kidding."

If this scene is seen by Zhang Shenbu Lichen Lijing, he will definitely suspect that there is something wrong with his eyes after being shocked, and then shouting that the way to open it is not right to escape far away...

Luoyang's profesation was also stunned for a moment. It's not a surprise, but a kind of "amazing" mood!

Ouyang Tianqi was originally handsome, with a cold face, drooping bangs, slightly squeezed lips, just the right nose bridge, and the unique cold temperament. If it hadn't been for him, it wouldn't be difficult to open the harem.

A person who had always been cold and indifferent suddenly showed a soft smile, and Luo Yang's profesity and his friends were immediately stunned!


A flash of sword!!

Ouyang Tianqi stepped out with his right foot, used a square-inch sword step, his body shook, and the next moment he appeared behind the robot.

Two figures, one drew a sword and the other closed the sword, and the front and back of the robot are lifelike.

Time, that moment seemed to pause and space was misplaced.

Everything turns into a blazing white sword!

The sword marks have not dissipated for a long time, as if they have solidified in the air and penetrated through the front chest of the robot.

This sword mark connects the time of solidification and the space of dislocation.

Suddenly, the wind rose, and Ouyang Tianqi, who drew his sword, was broken and dissipated with the wind, and the sword marks slowly dispersed, leaving only the sharp sword full of space, quietly singing.

At this time, if ordinary people approach, they will inevitably be stabbed into a sieve by countless thin swords.

Ouyang Tianqi withdrew his long sword, turned around, and looked at the robot up and down.

His eyes seemed to hide the fragments of the void. Wherever he could see, the robot's outer armor appeared hair-like cracks, dense and staggered, like cobwebs one after another, overlapping, wrapping the robot and Luoyang inside in an impenetrable atmosphere.

At this time, the three-dimensional projection continued to operate, interpreting Luoyang's blank expression vividly.

Ouyang Tianqi's eyes finally fell on the place where the robot's back was close to his neck, where there was a two-finger wide-nail thick wound, which was the result of his sudden sword attack.


With a soft sound that seemed to be full of plastic bags, Luoyang's professed robot and himself, like the thin snow that was suddenly thrown into the scorching sun, quickly melted and dissipated. In just a few minutes, it completely disappeared, as if it had never came to this world!

During the whole process, Ouyang Tianqi has been watching quietly without letting go of any change.

A wisp of breeze swept past, swinging a few bunches of black hair on his forehead, revealing the strange left eye that was covered.

In his pure black left eye, there seemed to be a whirlpool, which sucked in all the light around him, so deep that it was invisible.

"Sure enough..." Staring at the place where Luoyang's confessor disappeared for a few minutes, a dreamy whisper spit out from Ouyang's lips and drifted away in the wind.

He withdrew his gaze and was about to leave as soon as his body moved.


The short muffled hum squeezed out of Ouyang Tianqi's throat, and he couldn't swallow it forcibly.

At the end of the black bangs, a wisp of bright blood stains, swirling down, through the whole face, converging at the chin, condensing and dripping. However, the falling red was completely destroyed by a wisp of sharper sword before it was stained with dust.

The wind suddenly rose and rolled up the sand and dust.

The wind and dust fell, and the figure of Ouyang Tianqi disappeared.

Deman's nine people came in a hurry and left in the same hurry.

Even this time, they are all in the same car, and at first glance, there is no change.

However, the number of passengers in the car has doubled.

At the same time, the atmosphere in the car has also condensed a lot.

It seems that every inch of air is full of something depressing and annoying. Even if the window of the vehicle is completely opened, the incoming cold wind can't dispel it.

The five mentally broken officials were tightly tied by rope + mouthball, and they couldn't even make a humming sound, and their faces turned red. If it hadn't been for the guards who had added spells on them, I'm afraid that they would have suffocated to death without returning to Zhuoming Valley.

As for Zamu Duoci, he still sits honestly in his seat like a puppet, with dull eyes, but his face shows a ferocious expression from time to time, as if he is fighting with someone, which is quite strange.

The car was shrouded in this strange atmosphere, but everyone tried to break it, but they used a spiritual link-like way to talk, making the atmosphere in the car more silent.

"Captain, no matter how I think about it, I think that Qatar's words are a complete lie. I really don't understand why you and Sister Lichen believe in him so much, and even fight against Jin Sanzhen's side and even almost all the defenders!" Li Jing's expression remains unchanged, but the tone in the spiritual link gives people a feeling of bulging and extremely depressed.

She hates, no, she hates Qatar!

Not only because the latter is a drug addict, but also because the latter regarded this matter as a kind of "show off" capital and was not ashamed but proud. When Li Jing and a white man in a duck-cap man on the deck of the painting, he stood up as a "senior old man" and "host justice" to Zhang Shen. He said bad words and even showed the momentum of force. If several "spiritual" in the attic had not come out to drink, the two sides would have fought directly.

For this reason, she is full of evil feelings and instinctively hates everything related to him.

If Li Jing could convince herself to cooperate with Qatar and others to save her life when she was hit by lightning and was hunted down by the big octopus and many marine creatures, now she can't figure it out!

Zhang Shen didn't know how to answer, so he could only wink at Bu Lichen and let the latter persuade Li Jing.

Bu Lichen threw a sanitary ball to Zhang Shen, thought for a moment, and said a word.

"Even if it's fake, we can't afford it, can we?"


Li Jing suddenly fell silent, looking a little depressed, and a little confusion appeared in his eyes.

Bu Lichen himself fell into it and fell into a low mood.

"Well, in fact, don't worry too much." Zhang saw the depressed appearance of the two women and said, "What's more, there are tall people holding down when the sky falls. We just need to do our own things well."

"Have you forgotten the stronghold in Z City?"

"Only a small newly built stronghold has such a scale and protective force. The hidden deep power of the Xia government must be beyond our imagination. If anything really happens, they will also be at the forefront."

"What's more, even if Qatar's words are true, they may only be affected by that scope and have no impact on us living in Xia."


Zhang Shen racked his brains, tried to avoid the key points, picked up good words, and finally made a point for himself.

In fact, the three of them knew very well, but the two women felt the good "attitude" of Zhang Shen and decided to give him this face, stop discussing this topic, and put it in the bottom of their hearts for the time being. At the same time, I am also praying silently in my heart. I hope that I will never encounter those things in my life and let it be buried in a corner of my heart forever.

"The guy Ouyang Tianqi must be in Zhuoming Valley now. You have to talk to him at that time!" Zhang Shen changed the topic awkwardly.

Speaking of Ouyang Tianqi, who suddenly "run away", Zhang Shen's mood is complicated.

At first, he was very angry, but now, what has happened, and no matter how angry it is, Zhang Shen gradually calmed down and began to think about Ouyang Tianqi's intention to do these things.

Zhang Shen thinks he still has a certain understanding of that awkward guy. He believes that Ouyang Tianqi will not be nervous for no reason. There must be some root cause, and the starting point must be good, but that guy's personality is more awkward.

In this kind of thing, Ouyang Tianqi is more inclined to be straightforward. If he encounters a situation that cannot be expressed directly, and the nerves are knotted, he will do something that makes people laugh and cry.

"However, it seems that we can't beat Ouyang..." Li Jing poured down a basin of cold water, opened the corners of his mouth, and the enthusiasm of the previous moment was half extinguished.

"He probably doesn't want to see us." Bu Lichen's words also extinguished Zhang Shen's enthusiasm.

Bu Lichen and Li Jing also have a certain understanding of Ouyang Tianqi's personality and way of doing things. Since the latter has made his own choice, he will inevitably prove the correctness of his choice with his own actions.

After a moment of silence, Zhang Shen smiled.

"Forget it, let him go."

"However, since he chose to prove it in his own way, we can't fall behind!"

"Let's go on in our way to prove the correctness of this road!"

"When the dust settles, it is when he returns."